Setsuna is a general-purpose Discord Bot, and one of the few made in!
- For an up to date list of features, check Setsuna's help command
- Download and extract the source code
- Open in a Python 3.8+ interpreter
- Enter your bot's token into config.json
- .exe coming soon!
- Overhaul the remaining legacy code to use more efficient converters
- Leaderboard for counting game
- Reaction Roles
- Starboard
Thank you so much to everyone who reads this. I've poured over 80 hours into this project, and it's finally nearing a "completed" state. I hope you'll join me for the rest of the ride. ;-;
"Setsuna" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms described in the license. The license can be modified at any time, so check back every now and again.
"Setsuna" is distributed without any warranty, implied or expressed. See the included license for details.
The Setsuna License should come included with Setsuna or any redistribution of her, if for any reason it isn't, see