- Sign-in to Apache JIRA https://issues.apache.org/jira/
- (To contribute code patches) Sing-in to Apache Ignite Continuous Integration server https://ci.ignite.apache.org/
- (To contribute documentation to the wiki) Sing-in to Apache Wiki
- Subscribe to both Apache User List - user@ignite.apache.org and Dev List - dev@ignite.apache.org lists with your personal (non-corporate) email address. Optionally you can subscribe to Notifications List - notifications@ignite.apache.org.
To subscribe to any list in the Apache Software Foundation you can send email to list_name
-subscribe@ignite.apache.org, e.g., to dev-subscribe@ignite.apache.org and follow instructions.
- Send a welcome message to the dev list to introduce yourself to the community and saying that you're going to contribute. Request access to Apache Ignite JIRA in the same email sharing your JIRA ID. Example of message:
Hello Ignite Community!
My name is Aristarkh. I want to contribute to Apache Ignite and want to start with this issue - IGNITE-NNNNN, my JIRA username Aristarkh. Any help on this will be appreciated.
Apache Ignite Community values any type of contributions from CoPDoC. Community member can contibute to any areas from (Co)mmunity, (P)roject, (Do)cumentation, and (C)ode.
Community values code contributions, but project value non-code contributions too, from writers, editors, testers, etc. We value user support on the list, as well as providing a summary of user list threads to Apache Ignite developers.
Detailed guidelines on How To Contribute can be found in Apache Ignite wiki
Apache Ignite follows Apache Code of Conduct. You can also cover Etiquette Guide
Apache Ignite prefer to use consensus to make decisions, but in case something is going wrong please see Escalation Guide
Documentation can be contributed to
- End-User documentation https://apacheignite.readme.io/ . Use Suggest Edits. See also How To Document.
- Developer documentation, design documents, IEPs Apache Wiki. Ask at Dev List to be added as editor.
- Markdown files, visible at GitHub, e.g. README.md; drawings explaining Apache Ignite & product internals.
- Javadocs for packages (package-info.java), classes, methods, etc.
You can also blog about the product. It helps users to understand how to use Apache Ignite and helps spreading ideas.
Feel free to share link to your blog with User & Dev lists. Blogs are reffered from Apache Ignite Blogs.
Create Apache Ignite code fork using GitHub interface. Download sources locally and setup project according to Project Setup wiki
Project code style is specified Apache Ignite Coding Guidelines.
Please install following components for development using IntelliJ IDEA
- Install Abbreviation Plugin.
- Code Inspection Code Inspection Profile. Inspection profile is placed to IDEA Project_Default, and it should be applied automatically.
- Configure IDEA Codestyle.
Usually all Maven builds are to be run with skipped tests:
mvn -DskipTests
See also DEVNOTES.txt