Sparse matrix-vector multiplication (SpMV) is a computational kernel of the form y = Ax. The matrix A is a sparse matrix, that is a matrix in which most of the elements are zero.
The CSR (Compressed Sparse Row) is an array representation of a matrix which consist on three one-dimensional arrays called as values, index, row ptr. The values array is of size NNZ (Non-zero values) and stores the values of the non-zero elements of the matrix. Then, the index array stores the column index of each element in the values array. Finally, the row ptr array is of size m + 1 and stores the cumulative number of non-zero elements upto the ith row.
- Use row_ptr array to create the segmented values array.
- Use value[n] ∗ X[index[n]] map operation.
- Execute the segmented inclusive scan on each row of the matrix.
- Use row ptr to collect the output of each block into the Y dense vector
Requires CUDA enviroment.
Test datasets can be found on /data/ folder
$ cd cuda-spmv-csr
$ nvcc -o sparse_matrix -lm
$ ./sparse_matrix NNZ ROWS COLS DEBUG
- NNZ: None Zero Values
- ROWS: The number of Rows (max 1024)
- COLS: The number of Columns (max 1024)
- DEBUG: 1 to debug, 0 to no-debug
- Error in Y (if DEBUG is active)
- Time in MS
- Throughput in GFLOPS
- Develop inclusive segmented scan across several blocks