It’s a Computer Game made with OpenGL as Graphics API, glut as a windows event handling tools and C++ as programming language.
- 3rd person shooting game. Graphics is a mixture of 2d and 3d.
- Enemies are zombies. Player can shoot zombies 5 times in a row.
- Contains menu, high score option, keyboard/mouse event, reloading weapon, impressive sound system (Background track, reloading voice/sound etc)
- Also contains pause/play, reloading game, random zombie, game logic, full/half screen and many more features.
Language used : C++
Storage system : File System (text file)
Simply run the Zombie Run.exe file to play the game.
Some word of wisdom : This is a very raw project to computer graphics. My intention to upload this so that beginners can learn from it, get some idea for their project.
Enjoy !!