Jumble letters is a tool that mixes up every letter in a sentence except the first and last letters of each word
To install Jumble letters you can choose to compile it yourself (not supported yet...) or download one of our precompiled binaries
Head over to the releases section and download the latest binary (only for Linux at the moment). Put it somewhere you can access it later.
Mark the file as executable:
sudo chmod +x main
Now it's done! But you may want to make an alias for it so you don't need to write the full path whenever you want to use it. Append the following line to ~.bashrc:
alias jl=<path_to_jumble_letters>
Now you can access Jumble letters by just typing jl <sentence>
The usage of Jumble letters is very simple just type the path to the program or the alias you made earlier followed by the sentence you want to mess up, as noted here:
jl <sentence>
<path_to_jumble_letters> <sentence>
To make it a little more fun you could for example pipe the output of jl
to cowsay
jl <sentence> | cowsay
Or maybe taking the output from fortune
and piping it to jl
, then piping it to ponysay
fortune | jl | ponysay