In this project, I automated the deployment of a websolution on webservers by configuring UAT Web Servers using Ansible imports and roles.
- Go to your Jenkins-Ansible server and create a new directory called ansible-config-artifact – we will store there all artifacts after each build.
- Run
sudo mkdir /home/ubuntu/ansible-config-artifact
- Change permissions to this directory, so Jenkins could save files there.
- Run
sudo chmod -R 0777 /home/ubuntu/ansible-config-artifact
- Go to Jenkins web console and install "Copy Artifacts" pligin-> Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins -> on Available tab search for "Copy Artifact plugin and install this plugin without restarting Jenkins.
- Create a new Freestyle project and name it - save_artifacts.
- Configure the project.
- Create a Build step and choose Copy artifacts from other project, specify ansible as a source project and /home/ubuntu/ansible-config-artifact as a target directory.
- Test the set up by making some changes in README.MD file inside ansible-config-mgt repository. If both Jenkins jobs have completed one after another – you shall see your files inside /home/ubuntu/ansible-config-artifact directory and it will be updated with every commit to your master branch.
- Before starting to refactor the codes, ensure that you have pulled down the latest code from master (main) branch, and created a new branch, name it refactor.
- Within playbooks folder, create a new file and name it site.yml. Create a new folder in root of the repository and name it static-assignments.
- Move common.yml file into the newly created static-assignments folder. Inside site.yml file, import common.yml playbook.
- Create another playbook under static-assignments and name it common-del.yml. In this playbook, configure deletion of wireshark utility.
update site.yml with import_playbook: ../static-assignments/common-del.yml instead of common.yml. By default path to inventory is /etc/ansible/hosts. Change the path in ansible.cfg file and then run it against dev servers:
sudo vi /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
, uncomment and add path to inventory line then save. Confirm host availability withansible all -m ping
. -
cd /home/ubuntu/ansible-config-artifact/
ansible-playbook -i inventory/dev.yml playbooks/site.yml
- check that wireshark is deleted on all the servers.
- Run
which wireshark
orwireshark --version
- Run
- Launch 2 fresh EC2 instances using RHEL 8 image, we will use them as our uat servers, so give them names accordingly – Web1-UAT and Web2-UAT (Only Web Servers and the existing Jenkins-Ansible server up and running).
- To create a roles directory and a folder called webserver, relative to the playbook file in Github rather than locally on Jenkins-Ansible server with necessary folders and files.
- Update your inventory ansible-config-mgt/inventory/uat.yml file with IP addresses of your 2 UAT Web servers (use SSh agent).
- In /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg file uncomment roles_path string and provide a full path to your roles directory roles_path = /home/ubuntu/ansible-config-mgt/roles, so Ansible could know where to find configured roles.
- Also, make sure to add path to private key file added to ssh-agent.
- Configuration tasks to be performed in the tasks/main.yml file to do the following:
- Install and configure Apache (httpd service)
- Clone Tooling website from GitHub
- Ensure the tooling website code is deployed to /var/www/html on each of 2 UAT Web servers.
- Make sure httpd service is started.
- Within the static-assignments folder, create a new assignment for uat-webservers as uat-webservers.yml.
- Refer to uat-webservers.yml role inside site.yml being the entry point to the anible configuration.
- Commit your changes, create a Pull Request and merge them to master branch, make sure webhook triggered two consequent Jenkins jobs, ran successfully and copied all the files to your Jenkins-Ansible server into /home/ubuntu/ansible-config-artifact/ directory.
Now run the playbook against your uat inventory and see what happens:
- Run
sudo ansible-playbook -i /home/ubuntu/ansible-config-artifact/inventory/uat.yml /home/ubuntu/ansible-config-artifact/playbooks/site.yml
- Run
UAT Web servers configured and and solutions accessible via web browsers accordingly.
Make sure to enable http in the inbound rule on tcp port 80 in AWS