A repository to apply ECCA method and reproduce the results from the following manuscript:
- Yuan D, Zhang Y, Guo S, Wang W, and Gaynanova I 'Exponential canonical correlation analysis with orthogonal variation'.
To reproduce the results, clone this project locally and open ECCA_code.Rproj in RStudio to ensure all relative paths in scripts work as expected.
Function folder contains function scripts needed for implementation of ECCA.
exponentialCCA.R - ecca_v2 is the main function that performs ECCA, which estimates every joint and individual parameter in ECCA model given the ranks.
AnalyticalUpdate.R - Includes functions that performs closed-form updates for Gaussian cases.
exp_family.R - This file includes the preliminary processing functions for exponential families. Part of this file is a modification of generalizedPCA.
newton_method.R - Contains functions of performing damped Newton's method for updating loading matrices.
optU.R - Contains functions of performing SOC algorithm for updating joint score matrices.
SOC.R - Contains functions of performing SOC algorithm for updating individual score matrices.
To illustrate application of ECCA, we will simulate data based on ECCA model using scripts from data_generator.R (located in Simulation folder)
rm(list = ls())
# Set parameters
n = 10
p1 = 8
p2 = 7
p = c(p1, p2)
family1 = 'gaussian'
family2 = 'binomial'
lambdas = c(1, 0.7) # covariance between joint structures
trials = 100
# Set ranks (joint and individuals)
r0 = 2
r1 = 1
r2 = 2
SNR = 5
# Generate data
sampledata = dataGenerator(r0 = r0, r1 = r1, r2 = r2, n = n, p = p, lambda = lambdas, family1, family2, SNR = SNR, size = trials, main_effect = TRUE)
# Get true signal
theta1_true = sampledata$theta1
theta2_true = sampledata$theta2
Z1_true = sampledata$Z1
Z2_true = sampledata$Z2
U1_true = sampledata$U1
U2_true = sampledata$U2
# Sanity check
print(crossprod(U1_true, U2_true))
We then apply ECCA and measure estimation accuracy.
# Source all necessary functions to apply ECCA
# Apply ECCA
ECCA_result = ecca_v2(x1 = sampledata$X1, x2 = sampledata$X2, r0 = r0, r1 = r1, r2 = r2, family1 = family1, family2 = family2, trials = trials)
# Record ECCA results
U1_ecca = ECCA_result$U1
U2_ecca = ECCA_result$U2
Z1_ecca = ECCA_result$Z1
Z2_ecca = ECCA_result$Z2
# Get estimated natural parameters
one_vec = rep(1, n)
theta1_ecca = tcrossprod(one_vec, ECCA_result$mu1) + tcrossprod(U1_ecca, ECCA_result$V1) + tcrossprod(Z1_ecca, ECCA_result$A1)
theta2_ecca = tcrossprod(one_vec, ECCA_result$mu2) + tcrossprod(U2_ecca, ECCA_result$V2) + tcrossprod(Z2_ecca, ECCA_result$A2)
# Check the relative error between estimated signal of DMMD with true signal
Fnorm(theta1_ecca - theta1_true)^2/Fnorm(theta1_true)^2
Fnorm(theta2_ecca - theta2_true)^2/Fnorm(theta2_true)^2
# Check the chordal distance between estimated joint space
1/sqrt(2)*Fnorm(projection(U1_ecca) - projection(U1_true))
1/sqrt(2)*Fnorm(projection(U2_ecca) - projection(U2_true))
# Check the estimated canonical correlations
angles = angle_cal(U1_ecca, U2_ecca)$angle
Simulation folder contains the necessary files to reproduce the results.
data_generator.R - Generates simulated data, including Gaussian and Binomial proportion data.
GG_Simulation_SNR5, GB_Simulation_SNR5, BB_Simulation_Trials100 folders within Simulation: Each folder represents one setting in the paper. To be specific: GG_Simulation_SNR5 represents Gaussian-Gaussian setting 1; GB_Simulation_SNR5 represents Gaussian-Binomial setting 2; BB_Simulation_Trials represents Binomial-Binomial setting 3.
- data_generation.R within each respective folder generates simulation data for corresponding setting. The data is stored as Data.RData.
- ECCA folder within each respective folder performs ECCA algorithm on the simulated data and stores the result at ECCA_result.RData. Notice for setting 2 and 3, we use parallel computing. Readers might need to adjust their working directory.
- EPCA-DCCA folder within each respective folder performs heuristic DCCA and EPCA-DCCA methods on the simulated data and stores the result at DCCA_result.RData. For EPCA, please refer to generalizedPCA Github repo.
- GAS folder within each respective folder performs GAS algorithm on the simulated data and stores the result at a RData file starting with 'GAS'. For GAS, please refer to Li, G. and Gaynanova, I. (2018). A general framework for association analysis of heterogeneous data. The Annals of Applied Statistics 12, 1700–1726. and GAS Github repo.
- DraftPlot.R within each respective folder plots the results within each simulation setting and save the figures at Figures folder within each respective folder. These figures are not used in the paper.
dcca.py The python file for performing DCCA algorithm. See Shu, Hai, Xiao Wang, and Hongtu Zhu. "D-CCA: A decomposition-based canonical correlation analysis for high-dimensional datasets." Journal of the American Statistical Association 115.529 (2020): 292-306.
DraftPlotAll.R - R file that combines all the results and produce graphs. The figures are saved in Figures folder.
Application folder contains the necessary files to reproduce the results shown in application section.
Mouse folder - code for analyses of data from nutrigenomic study of mice
- Rank folder includes the files for determining the total rank and joint rank based on cross-validation method and principal angles. The main file is RankEst.R.
- Apply_ECCA.R runs ECCA on the nutrimouse data and stores results at ECCA_result.RData.
- PlotCluster.R file uses ECCA joint and individual results and illustrates the low-dimensional representation of 40 mice on the ecca joint/individual basis. The graphs are stored at Figures folder.
- Compare_ECCA_vs_GAS. files provides comparison of two methods with respect to genotype and diet separation
DeMixT_Timer_Open folder - scripts for analyses of data from cellular heterogeneity study.
- RunECCA.R call to ECCA on selected ranks
- DeMixT_Timer_Reproduce_Downstream.pdf rendered Rmd output of downstream analyses. To replicate, the original sequencing data for prostate cancer patients can be obtained from the Genomic Data Commons Data Portal, see Wang et al. 2018 for DeMixT application, and Li et al., 2017 for TIMER application