- merge sort using dynamic programming and hashmaps
- duplicate elimination from an array
- union, intersection and difference of two arrays
- bucket sort
- radix sort for d digit numbers
- find maximum sum subarray from an array
- find triplet that sums to given value using binary search technique
- make a circular linked list with a sentinel
- double linked list insertion all points and deletion
- hash table implementation used in linked list after hashing is done
- program to add, mult, subtract two numbers stored in two different linked list and store the result in another linked list
- storing addresses of a linked list in hash table
- storing addresses of a linked list in stack and doing operations
- hash table implementation of question12 to be done
- use a stack for question13
- heap to solve question15 (merge k sorted linked lists into one)
- question 15 linked list
- merge sort on linked list
- XOR operation double linked list
- question1 on hashing
- binary search method to be done on hashing for question2
- BBST for question2 hashing
- BBST for question3 hashing and first method to be done
- how to accurately find the size of the hashTable
- BST question5 hashing to be done