Structure: This project conatains two application:
- server app (inside of './server' folder)
- client app (inside of './client' folder)
Task related to client app. So, everything what you have to do you will do it inside of './client' folder
- Download and install node here - (if needed)
- Open project using VSC or some other code editor
- Run command in terminal (inside of this folder): npm run setup (it should install all dependencies)
- Run commant in terminal (inside of this folder): npm run start_server (it should start server app)
- Open additional terminal and run command: npm run start_client (it should start client app)
API Client app should use api provided by server app. Here is endpoints description:
MAIN_URL = http://localhost:8080/
GET LIST OF USERS url: MAIN_URL + 'users' method: GET response: { "success": true, "result": array of strings // usernames }
CREATE MESSAGE url: MAIN_URL + 'message' method: POST body: { title: string, // message text username: string, // message creater/sender username !!! should be one of users from GET LIST OF USERS request to: string, // message reciever username !!! should be one of users from GET LIST OF USERS request } response: { "success": true, "result": { "id": number, "title": string, "username": string, "to": string, "likes": array of usernames, "dislikes": array of usernames, "date": timestamp, } }
EDIT MESSAGE url: MAIN_URL + 'message/:id' method: PUT body: { title: string, // message text OPTIONAL dislikes: array of usernames OPTIONAL likes: array of usernames OPTIONAL } response: { "success": true, "result": { "id": number, "title": string, "username": string, "to": string, "likes": array of usernames, "dislikes": array of usernames, "date": timestamp, } } }
GET USER'S MESSAGES (messages beatween two users / chat messages) url: MAIN_URL + 'message/page/:pageNumber/:userName1/:userName2' method GET response: { "success": boolean, "result": [ { "id": number, "title": string, "username": string, "to": string, "likes": array, "dislikes": array, "date": timestamp, "comments": array, }, ... ], "totalPages": number, "total": number, "page": number, }
DELETE MESSAGE url: MAIN_URL + 'message/:id' method DELETE response : { "success": true, "result": { "id": number, "title": string, "username": string, "to": string, "likes": array of usernames, "dislikes": array of usernames, "date": timestamp, } }
GET MESSAGE url: MAIN_URL + 'message/:id' method GET
CREATE COMMENT url: MAIN_URL + 'comment' method: POST body: { "text": string, // commen's text "username": string, // !!! should be one of users from GET LIST OF USERS request "postId": number // message id } response: { "success": boolean, "result": { "id": number, "text": string, "username": string, "postId": number, "likes": array, "dislikes": array, "date": timestamp, } }
EDIT COMMENT url: MAIN_URL + 'comment' method: PUT body: { text: string OPTIONAL dislikes: array of usernames OPTIONAL likes: array of usernames OPTIONAL } response: { "success": boolean, "result": { "id": number, "text": string, "username": string, "postId": number, "likes": array, "dislikes": array, "date": timestamp, } }
DELETE COMMENT url: MAIN_URL + 'comment' method: DELETE response: { "success": boolean, "result": { "id": number, "text": string, "username": string, "postId": number, "likes": array, "dislikes": array, "date": timestamp, } }
GET COMMENT url: MAIN_URL + 'comment/:id' method: GET
SOCKET url: "http://localhost:8081" event: "message" transports: ["websocket", "polling"]