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EFPL Admin Client

File Naming

  • Use a flat naming structure where child components carry their parent's name

    • HelloWorld.vue
    • HelloWorldMsg.vue
    • HelloWorldBtn.vue
  • Unit tests placed right beside the component they're testing

    • HelloWorld.vue
    • HelloWorld.unit.js

Configuration Files

  • .prettierc: Prettier linting settings

    • Semi-colon enabled
    • Single-quote disabled
  • .eslintrc: ESlint liniting settings

    • Moved unit test location to 'src'
  • jest.config.js: Jest Unit Tester settings

    • Moved unit test location to 'src'
  • lint-staged.config.js: Lints staged files

Project setup

Add .env file


Install dependencies

npm ci

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Run unit tests

npm run test-unit

Run end-to-end tests

npm run test-e2e

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint