This DeepSleep prebuilt application image is executed on the Cortex M0+ core of a dual-core MCU. The image is provided as C array ready to be compiled as part of the Cortex M7_0 application. The Cortex M0+ application code is placed to internal flash by the Cortex M7_0 linker script.
The DeepSleep prebuilt image executes the following steps:
- Starts CM7_0 core at CY_CORTEX_M7_0_APPL_ADDR (this address is set in the cat1c_partition.h in pdl repo)
- Puts the CM0+ core into Deep Sleep.
This image is used by Infineon BSPs that target any CAT1C Dual-Core MCUs.
To use this image in the custom BSP, adjust the BSP target makefile to add the COMPONENT_CM0P_SLEEP directory to the list of components discovered by ModusToolbox build system:
Make sure there is a single CM0P_SLEEP* component included in the COMPONENTS list.
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