v0.2.6 Open-Beta
v0.2.5 Open-Beta
v0.2.4 Open-Beta
v0.2.3 Open-Beta
v0.2.2 Open-Beta
v0.2.1 Open-Beta
v0.2.0 Open-Beta
v0.1.0 Open-Beta
v0.0.3 Closed-Beta
v0.0.2 Closed-Beta
v0.0.1 Closed-Beta
- Fixed Issue with Logger Timestamp making New Lines.
- Added Silent Launch Option to Installer. (Credits to trevtv :P)
- Fixed Internal Failure caused by DisableAnalytics for certain users.
- Added Operating System log to startup info.
- Added ValueTupleBridge to Managed Folder.
- Added Unified Attributes for both Plugins and Mods.
- Added Legacy Attribute Support.
- Fixed Logger Issue with new Unified Attributes.
- Deprecated MelonModLogger, use MelonLogger instead.
- Deprecated ModPrefs, use MelonPrefs instead.
- Added HarmonyInstance Method for easier Unpatching of Mods and Plugins.
- Create MelonLoaderComponent after first scene load in Mono Games. (Credits to knah :D)
- Removed Launch Option --melonloader.devpluginsonly.
- Removed Launch Option --melonloader.devmodsonly.
- Added Launch Option --melonloader.loadmodeplugins.
- Added Launch Option --melonloader.loadmodemods.
- Fixed Issue with Debug Mode causing Crashes for Some Games.
- Fixed Issue with Manual Zip overriding Latest Version.
- Fixed Issue where Manual Zip would get set as Default Selection.
- Unity Analytics now redirected to localhost, rather than throwing null and exceptions. (Credits to Emilia :3)
- Plugins are now able to use OnUpdate.
- Plugins are now able to use OnLateUpdate.
- Plugins are now able to use OnGUI.
- Added GetUnityTlsInterface to Imports.
- Implemented Native Sided SSL/TLS/HTTPS Fix.
- Fixed Issue with Support Modules not loading due to Missing Method errors.
- Fixed Issue with attaching dnSpy on Il2Cpp Games.
- Replaced mono-2.0-bdwgc.dll with dnSpy Debug dll.
- Debug Mode will now use LoadFrom instead of Load for breakpoint compatibility.
- Fixed Crash Issue with DisableAnalytics.
- Revised Console Logger Callbacks.
- Fixed Issue with LogMelonError not running Callbacks.
- Deprecated MelonLoader.Main use MelonLoaderBase or MelonHandler instead.
- Revised Base Melon Handling.
- Revised IniFile.
- Fixed Issue with Plugins not getting OnUpdate called.
- Fixed Issue with Plugins not getting OnLateUpdate called.
- Fixed Issue with Plugins not getting OnGUI called.
- Plugins are now able to use VRChat_OnUiManagerInit.
- Fixed Coroutine Queue for Mono Games.
- Added Launch Option --melonloader.consoleontop. (Credits to trevtv :P)
- Fixed Issue with Assembly Generator not stopping when failing to Download.
- Escalated Assembly Generator failures to Internal Failures.
- Fixed Issue where Assembly Generator failures would cause a Crash.
- Fixed Crash Issue with Unity TLS Fix for some Games.
- Fixed Issue with Assembly Generator not working for some Users.
- Fixed Crash Issue with DisableAnalytics for some Games.
- Fixed Issue that prevented deserializing structs with TinyJSON. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Simplified External Tool Versions.
- Updated Il2CppDumper to 6.3.3.
- Added Unity 2019.3.15 Dependencies.
- Fixed Issue with some Games causing DisableAnalytics to have an Internal Failure.
- Fixed File Descriptions.
- Added Icon to AssemblyGenerator.exe.
- Temporarily Removed the ModSettingsMenu.
- Temporarily Removed RenderHelper from Support Modules.
- Fixed Issue with some Games causing DisableAnalytics to have an Internal Failure.
- Fixed Issue with using Application.unityVersion on some Unity versions.
- Fixed Issue with using SetAsLastSibling on some Unity versions.
- Fixed Issue with Release Compilation still saving Debug files to the Output Directory.
- Added UnityEngine.Il2CppAssetBundleManager to Managed folder to help with Asset Bundle Manipulation on Il2Cpp Games.
- Installer now properly displays UPDATE instead of INSTALL when updating to a newer version.
- Added Auto-Update System to Installer.
- Installer Version Check now Parses the Project File directly.
- Added Installer Check for Manual Zip (MelonLoader.zip) next to the Installer exe.
- Added UN-INSTALL button to Installer.
- Added Auth Token Hider for VRChat.
- Added Console Cleaner for Normal Console
- Console Cleaner now uses a Harmony Patch instead of unsafe hooking.
- Improved Unhollower Logging Support.
- Added Console Log Callbacks to MelonLoader.Console.
- Installer now runs Update Check on Main Thread.
- Improved Logger System.
- Fixed Issue with Installer where installing from Manual Zip would cause it to download Latest Version.
- Temporarily Removed Console Cleaner.
- Added Error Output Log to Installer. (Credits to trevtv :P)
- Use List.Count / Array.Length property instead of Linq's Count() method. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Added mechanism to catch when game is open to display additional information. (Credits to DubyaDude ^.^)
- Harmony: Remove prefixes after postfixes to fix unpatching patches with __state variables. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Fixed Issue with certain Games not having a File Version attached to the EXE.
- Fixed Small Issue with Thief Simulator.
- Added MetroUI, Fody, and new revised Dark Theme to Installer. (Credits to DubyaDude ^.^)
- UnityCrashHandler now terminates upon running with MelonLoader.
- Added Analytics Disabler.
- Added Oculus and Facebook Tracking URLs to Analytics Disabler.
- Added Fallback System for downloading Unity Dependencies needed for Unstripping.
- Moved LightJson under its own Namespace as MelonLoader.LightJson.
- Installer now correctly displays Download Percentage. (Credits to charlesdeepk :D)
- Installer now correctly displays Percentage of Zip Extraction.
- Added Unity 2019.3.4 Dependencies.
- Temporarily Fixed Issue with TLS Fix on Certain Il2Cpp Unity Games.
- Added Launch Option "--melonloader.agfvunhollower" that Forces the Assembly Generator to use a Specified Version of Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower.
- Added Location property to the MelonMod class.
- Revised Plugin System.
- Fixed Issue causing the Assembly Generator to constantly Regenerate every time a Game Launched.
- Installer now creates the Plugins folder.
- Revised MelonMod class to use a new MelonBase.
- All Commonly used Methods and Properties that both MelonMod and MelonPlugin use have been moved to MelonBase.
- Plugins now use their own Attributes.
- Fixed Issue that let Plugins load as Mods when placed in the Mods folder and vice-versa.
- Added better Legacy Version handling for "--melonloader.agfvunhollower".
- Added Clearer Display Text to State that DLL Status is Game Compatibility.
- Also call Harmony patches if IL2CPP methods get called using reflection / il2cpp_runtime_invoke. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Fixed Issue with Harmony Patches on Virtual Methods. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Improved the Harmony error message if the unhollowed target method is not backed by an IL2CPP method. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Fixed Issue with Harmony AccessTools not being able to resolve the no-args constructor if a static constructor exists. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Added Support for Mono Debuggers.
- Mono JIT Domain on Il2Cpp Games should now parse Command Line arguments properly.
- Forced Installer to reinstall the entire MelonLoader folder.
- Moved all Console and Log Functionality to Native Exports.
- Updated Il2CppDumper to v6.3.0.
- Updated Il2CppDumper Config Fix in the Assembly Generator to support Il2CppDumper v6.3.0.
- Added Temp File Cache to Assembly Generator.
- Re-enabled Launch Option "--melonloader.devpluginsonly".
- Fixed Issue with Certain Mono Games not having OnApplicationStart called.
- Added Unity 2018.4.2 Dependencies.
- Fixed Debug Compilation Issue with Console.
- Added Launch Option "--melonloader.hidewarnings" that will Hide Warnings from Displaying in Normal Console. (Debug Console ignores this Launch Option.)
- Fixed Issue with Support Modules not Unloading their Components properly when OnApplicationQuit is called.
- Fixed Mistake with Error Catching Console Creation.
- Log Spam Shield will now Disable itself when MelonLoader is using Debug Mode/Console.
- Log Spam Shield has now been moved to the Native Logger.
- Added Launch Option "--melonloader.maxwarnings" for Setting the Max Amount of Warnings for the Log Spam Shield. (Debug Console ignores this Launch Option, Default is 100, 0 to Disable.)
- Added Launch Option "--melonloader.maxerrors" for Setting the Max Amount of Errors for the Log Spam Shield. (Debug Console ignores this Launch Option, Default is 100, 0 to Disable.)
- Fixed Memory Leak in Log Spam Shield.
- Fixed Issue with Exports.
- Moved DLL Status to its own Enum.
- Added "Compatibility" property to MelonBase.
- Removed "IsUniversal" property from MelonBase.
- Fixed Issue with Incompatible Plugins and Mods still being used after Logging.
- Added Unity 2018.4.23 Dependencies.
- Fixed Issue with Console.h / Console::IsInitialized().
- Added Tomlyn to ModHandler for TOML Parsing.
- Moved Tomlyn to its own Namespace under MelonLoader.Tomlyn.
- Added Unity 2018.3.14 Dependencies.
- Added Unity 2019.2.16 Dependencies.
- Added Tomlyn to Assembly Generator for TOML Parsing.
- Cleaned up Config Handling in Assembly Generator.
- Fixed Issue with Corrupt Tomlyn Lib.
- Added Dependency Graph System for Plugins and Mods. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Fixed Issue with Plugins still calling OnPreInitialization even when Incompatible. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Added Better Plugin and Mod Cleanup when OnPreInitialization or OnApplicationStart fails. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Switched Assembly Generator Config from JSON to TOML.
- Assembly Generator Config will now be saved to a file named "config.cfg" instead of "config.json".
- Fixed Issue with Tomlyn in the ModHandler.
- Added Unity 2020.1.0 Dependencies.
- Added Temporary Warning for Missing Dependencies. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Added MelonOptionalDependencies Attribute. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Fixed compilation issues on .NET Framework 3.5. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Implemented 'Populate' methods to TinyJSON to de-serialize JSON into an existing object. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Reimplemented TinyJSON in AssemblyGenerator to be up to date with the one in the ModHandler.
- Static Linked Runtime Library to Reduce User Issues with Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Re-distributable. (Credits to knah :D)
- Updated Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower Download to v0.4.8. (Credits to knah :D)
- Fixed Issue with the RenderHelper of ModSettingsMenu causing Error when SupportModule Unloads their Component.
- SupportModules now properly Unloads their Component if no Plugins or Mods are loaded.
- Temporarily Disabled ModSettingsMenu.
- Added Launch Option "--melonloader.chromium" to turn the Console Color Magenta. (Thanks Chromium lol)
- Fixed Issue with Logger methods with Color Parameter being Overridden by RainbowMode or ChromiumMode.
- Added Unity 2019.3.5 Dependencies.
- Added Unity 5.6.7 Dependencies.
- Added Unity 5.6.3 Dependencies.
- Changed Launch Option "--melonloader.chromium" to "--melonloader.magenta".
- Downgraded Installer to .NET Framework 4.7.2. (Credits to knah :D)
- Added Error Messages to Installer. (Credits to knah :D)
- Added Proper Threading to Installer. (Credits to knah :D)
- Installer now creates a Mods folder if none exists.
- Fixed Installer Form Size.
- Fixed Issue with Label in Installer Form not Auto-Centering.
- Fixed Build Information for Installer.
- Moved Plugins to its own separate Plugins folder.
- Installer now creates a Plugins folder if none exists.
- Installer now properly installs the Latest Version instead of a Predetermined Version.
- Fixed and Re-Enabled --melonloader.hideconsole.
- Added Log to Unity Debug to Signify to Developers that a Game has been Modded.
- Fixed SSL/TLS issue with the Assembly Generator. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Fixed Crash Issue with Harmony when Patching Methods Multiple Times or when a Method happens to be null. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Made the Loaded Mods List public.
- Fix ModPrefs.SaveConfig() overriding previous SetString/Bool/etc calls. (Credits to knah :D)
- Fixed SSL/TLS Issue with the Installer.
- Fixed Issue with Games that don't have Assembly-CSharp.
- Added a check and a warning for if the OS is older than Windows 7.
- Updated Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower Download to v0.4.4. (Credits to knah :D)
- Cleaned up version.dll.
- version.dll Proxy will now look for version_original.dll next to the EXE before loading from System32.
- Small change to version.dll to Prevent Crashing when MelonLoader.dll fails to load.
- Revised Loading System to work without needing Signatures.
- Reorganized Installation Folder Structure.
- Fixed Issue with Signature-less System on Pre-2017 Unity Versions.
- Fixed Issue with Support Modules not loading on Unity Versions older than 5.3.
- Fixed Issue Loading Mono Module.
- Fixed Issue with OnApplicationStart getting called even when the Assembly Generator fails.
- Switched Assembly Generator to Process Based Execution.
- Fixed Mistake with Assembly Generator not returning false when Execution fails.
- Fixed Directory Issue with Assembly Generator.
- Updated Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower Download to v0.4.5.
- Added new Launch Option --melonloader.devmodsonly.
- Added Unity 2018.4.16 Dependencies.
- Plugins now only call OnPreInitialization, OnApplicationStart, OnApplicationQuit, and OnModSettingsApplied.
- Revised Installer Design.
- Fixed Issue with Plugin Loading.
- Fixed OnLevelWasLoaded and OnLevelWasInitialized on Unity Versions lower than 5.3.
- Fixed GetActiveSceneIndex for Pre2017.2 Support Module.
- Re-added TinyJSON to ModHandler.
- Moved TinyJSON to its own Namespace.
- Fixed SupportModule Issue with Pre-2017 Unity Games.
- Added Force-Regeneration to Assembly Generator.
- Added Launch Option --melonloader.agregenerate.
- Added Support for Mods to Harmony Patch using Harmony Attributes.
- Fixed Issue with Assembly Generator losing output lines. (Credits to knah :D)
- Fixed Issue with Assembly Generator failing on paths with spaces. (Credits to knah :D)
- Fixed SSL/TLS issues in Mods for Il2Cpp games. (Credits to knah :D)
- Updated Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower Download to v0.4.6. (Credits to knah :D)
- Improved String Support for Harmony in Il2Cpp Games. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Added Harmony Support for null Il2Cpp Argument Values. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Added Harmony Support for ref Types in Il2Cpp Games. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Fixed Crash Issue when Exception is thrown from C# Code. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Updated Method Targeting in Il2Cpp Games. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :3)
- Installer now Downloads and Installs Required VC Redist.
- Fixed Invalid Handle Issue with Console Coloring.
- Added Embedded SharpZipLib to ModHandler.
- Fixed Zipped Mod Support.
- Moved SharpZipLib in ModHandler to its own Namespace.
- Fixed Issue with Zipped Mod Support when using --melonloader.devmodsonly.
- Added Launch Option --melonloader.devpluginsonly.
- Updated Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower Download to v0.4.7. (Credits to knah :D)
- Launch Option --melonloader.quitfix has been changed to --quitfix.
- Temporarily Disabled Plugins.
- Temporarily Disabled Launch Option --melonloader.devpluginsonly.
- Added Unity 2018.1.9 Dependencies.
- Added Unity 2019.2.17 Dependencies.
- Added Unity 2019.2.21 Dependencies.
- Regenerated Unity Dependencies Zips.
- Fixed Issue with --melonloader.devmodsonly.
- Disabled VC Redist Installation in Installer.
- Fixed Issue with Installer not running as Administrator.
- Fixed Installer UAC Issue.
- Overwrite files when copying freshly generated assemblies. (Credits to knah :D)
- Implemented auto-download of required tools for Il2Cpp games. (Credits to knah :D)
- Fixed Config Issue causing Assembly to always need to Regenerate.
- Added an Installer.
- Fixed Console Display Issue.
- Temporarily disabled --melonloader.hideconsole.
- Fixed Issue with the Console still showing as Closed-Beta.
- Fixed Issue with not having MelonLoader.ModHandler.3.5.dll included in the Release zip.
- Fixed support for 2018.4.11f1 and Ori and the Will of the Wisps. (Credits to Hector ^.^)
- Added 2018.4.11f1 Unity Dependencies. (Credits to Hector ^.^)
- Removed Unity Dependencies from Release Build. (No Longer Needed)
- Fixed Issue with MelonCoroutines not allowing a yield of Coroutine within a Coroutine. (Credits to Slaynash :3)
- Revised README.MD.
- Changed the Hook and Unhook Internal Calls in MelonLoader.Imports from internal to public to expose them and allow them to be used by Mods.
- Added Built-In QuitFix under the Launch Option --melonloader.quitfix (For Games like VRChat where the Process Hangs after telling it to Exit)
- Added Stop Methods to MelonCoroutines. (Credits to Slaynash :3)
- Fixed Error Handling in MelonCoroutines. (Credits to Slaynash :3)
- Fixed Issue with MelonCoroutines when using Non-Yielding Coroutines. (Credits to Slaynash :3)
- Added Support for Method Unstripping through Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower to MelonLoader.AssemblyGenerator.
- Replaced the Doorstop winmm.dll with version.dll.
- Fixed Compatibility with Il2Cpp Games for 0Harmony in MelonLoader.ModHandler. (Credits to zeobviouslyfakeacc :D)
- Fixed Issue with 0Harmony not Unpatching Methods when Unloading.
- Fixed Incompatibility Issue between 0Harmony in MelonLoader.ModHandler and Mono Game Support.
- Added Event Fix for knah's Unhollower Logging.
- Fixed Null Reference Exception Error when using MethodInfo of Generated Assembly Methods for 0Harmony.
- Removed NET_SDK.
- Added Custom Component System for the ModHandler.
- Added Preload Support for Mods to Load before the Game Initializes.
- Added OnPreInitialization for Mods that Preload.
- Split support for Mono and Il2Cpp into their own Support Modules. (Credits to knah :D)
- Fixed Issue with OnSceneLoad in Il2Cpp Support Module. (Credits to knah :D)
- Split MelonCoroutines to integrate Support Module support. (Credits to knah :D)
- Fixed Issues with needing the ModHandler compiled under a certain .NET Framework. (Credits to knah :D)
- Fixed Issue with OnGUI.
- Fixed Compatibility Issues with SCP Unity.
- Fixed Issue with version.dll causing UnityCrashHandler to crash.
- Fixed Compatibility Issues with Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades.
- Added Pre 2017 Mono Support Module.
- Made Normal Console Open by Default.
- Removed Launch Option "--melonloader.console".
- Added Launch Option "--melonloader.hideconsole" to Hide the Normal Console.
- Cleaned up Il2Cpp Imports.
- Cleaned up Mono Imports.
- Revised Command Line Parsing.
- Fixed Issue with the Log Cleaner deleting Logs that were not made by MelonLoader.
- Added Launch Option --melonloader.maxlogs. Sets the Max Logs for the Log Cleaner. Set as 0 to Disable the Log Cleaner.
- Added Global Exception Handler to the Mono Domain.
- Added Assembly Generation Integration.
- Fixed Illegal Characters in Path Error.
- Temporarily Disabled Zipped Mod Support.
- Added Log Error Limiter.
- Re-Enabled Download Links in Mod Logs.
- Fixed Issue with TestMod not loading on Mono Games.
- Moved Exports in MelonLoader.ModHandler to Mono Internal Calls.
- Cleaned up Hooking for MelonLoader Internals.
- Added a new cleaner and faster Internal Call Resolver for an Assembly Generator Test.
- Added 2018.4.19f1 Unity Dependencies.
- Added additional check for MelonLoader.ModHandler needing to be built with .NET 3.5.
- Added 2018.4.20f1 Unity Dependencies.
- Changed lists to arrays for caching classes, fields, methods, events, and etc. (Credits to Kronik ^.^)
- Changed foreach to statements to for statements for faster iteration. (Credits to Kronik ^.^)
- Made certain fields "readonly" (Name, Flags, etc) as it won't be reassigned. (Credits to Kronik ^.^)
- Made SDK and Imports class static. (Credits to Kronik ^.^)
- Cleaned up MelonLoader.ModHandler to use less Linq when possible for improved performance. (Credits to Kronik ^.^)
- Added CreateInstance method to Il2Cpp_Class in NET_SDK.Reflection. (Credits to Kronik ^.^)
- Fixed SystemTypeToIl2CppClass in NET_SDK.Il2Cpp.
- Cleaned up TestMod.
- Added VRChat_OnUiManagerInit for VRChat Mods.
- Made MelonModGameAttribute work as intended and MelonLoader.ModHandler will now only load Mods marked as Compatible or Universal.
- Temporarily removed the Guid attribute from the AssemblyInfo of both TestMod and MelonLoader.ModHandler.
- MelonMod now properly caches their respective MelonModInfoAttribute and MelonModGameAttribute.
- Fixed PointerUtils::FindAllPattern.
- OnLevelWasLoaded, OnLevelWasInitialized, OnUpdate, OnFixedUpdate, OnLateUpdate, and OnGUI have been fixed and now function properly.
- Cleaned up LoadLibraryW Hook.
- Cleaned up and Renamed Exports in MelonLoader.ModHandler.
- Added a HookManager system.
- Cleaned up and Combined all Internal Hooking into HookManager.cpp and HookManager.h improving compile time.
- Cleaned up and removed unused or otherwise unneeded includes improving compile time.
- Used regions to further clean up and organize HookManager.cpp.
- Added Status Log for when detecting if a Mod is Universal, Compatible, or Incompatible.
- Cleaned up the Mod Loading functionality of MelonLoader.ModHandler.
- Fixed Issue with the Compatibility Check when using multiple MelonModGameAttribute.
- Fixed Issue with OnLevelWasLoaded and OnLevelWasInitialized getting the wrong Scene Index and only running once then never again.
- Upgraded MelonLoader.ModHandler and TestMod to .NET v4.7.2. (As requested by Emilia :D)
- Made MelonModController use directly invokable delegates for faster invoking. (Credits to Kronik ^.^)
- Removed Unneeded Caching of MethodInfo in MelonModController.
- Added mono-2.0-boehm.dll to Mono Check.
- Added --melonloader.rainbow and --melonloader.randomrainbow as Launch Options. (As requested by Hordini :3)
- Redesigned the Logging system to be unified between MelonLoader and MelonLoader.ModHandler.
- Colorized Errors in both Consoles.
- Added the ability for Mods to set a Color when Logging.
- Fixed Issue with --melonloader.rainbow and --melonloader.randomrainbow not working when using --melonloader.console.
- Added Unload Functionality. Entirely unloads MelonLoader. (MelonLoader::UNLOAD() or MelonLoader.Imports.UNLOAD_MELONLOADER())
- Fixed Issue with using 1 or 0 for a boolean in ModPrefs.
- Fixed Issue with OnUpdate, OnFixedUpdate, and OnLateUpdate invoking too early.
- Fixed Issue with Unload Functionality not closing either Consoles.
- Added MelonCoroutines to handle Coroutine functionality for Mods on both Il2Cpp and Mono. (Credits to knah :D)
- Fixed Issue with Logger removing Old Logs when it shouldn't.
- Fixed Issue with OnLevelWasLoaded, OnLevelWasInitialized, and VRChat_OnUiManagerInit when using knah's UnHollower.
- Fixed Execution Order of OnApplicationStart to run before any of the other Mod Methods.
- Added Assertion Manager to handle MelonLoader Internals.
- Fixed Issue with MelonCoroutines throwing a Cast Exception for knah's UnHollower.
- Added Support for WaitForFixedUpdate and WaitForEndOfFrame to MelonCoroutines.
- Fixed Issue with MelonCoroutines throwing a Missing Method Exception for knah's UnHollower.
- Added 2019.3.6f1 Unity Dependencies.
- Fixed Internal Failure issues with RotMG Exalt and Unity 2019.3.6f1.
- Fixed Internal Failure issues with Pistol Whip and Unity 2019.2.0f1.
- Fixed Issue with MelonLoader.ModHandler complaining about Mod Libraries.
- Fixed Issue with MelonCoroutines processing a yield of null as the same as WaitForFixedUpdate.
- Made MelonMod use directly invokable virtuals and overrides for faster invoking. (As requested by knah :3)
- Removed MelonModController from MelonLoader.ModHandler.
- Made MelonLoader.ModHandler look for the MelonMod subclass in the Mod's MelonModInfoAttribute instead of searching the entire Assembly. (As requested by knah :3)
- Fixed Issue with Logger Imports in MelonLoader.ModHandler being passed garbage strings.
- General Stability and Optimization Improvements.
- Added Support for Mono based Games.
- Added MUPOT Mode which forces Il2Cpp games to run under Mono. This Mode is still extremely Experimental.
- Logger has been renamed to MelonModLogger to prevent conflict with UnityEngine.Logger.
- Fixed Crash issue when using System.Type in MUPOT Mode.
- MelonModInfo Attribute has been changed to an Assembly Attribute.
- Fixed Issue with MelonModLogger not getting the Mod Name when used outside of the main class.
- FileInfo in the TestMod has been renamed to BuildInfo so it won't conflict with the System.IO.FileInfo class.
- Added 0Harmony Integration and Support.
- Modified MelonLoader.ModHandler to use a Component based system in MUPOT Mode and Mono based games.
- Fixed Issue preventing OnUpdate from being called in MUPOT Mode and Mono based games.
- Fixed Issue preventing OnApplicationQuit from being called in MUPOT Mode and Mono based games.
- Fixed Conflict issue triggering Unity's Single Instance function in MUPOT Mode.
- Added OnLevelWasLoaded, OnLevelWasInitialized, OnUpdate, OnFixedUpdate, OnLateUpdate, and OnGUI for Mods in MUPOT Mode and Mono based games.
- Bug that prevented Debug Compilation is now fixed.
- Fixed Issue that caused Unity Crash Handler to initialize MelonLoader twice.
- Fixed Runtime Initialization issue with Audica that caused crashes.
- Fixed Execution Order of MelonLoader.ModHandler.
- Fixed Issue with Mono Game Support due to Mono DLL naming.
- Fixed Issue with Internal Calls through MUPOT Mode.
- Added better Mod Exception Handling and Logging.
- Added Dependencies for Unity 2019.1.0b1.
- Added Dependencies for Unity 2017.4.28f1.
- Added Dependencies for Unity 2018.4.13f1.
- Added Dependencies for Unity 2018.1.6f1.
- Added Dependencies for Unity 2019.2.0f1.
- Fixed Incompatibility issue with Unity Dependencies between x86 and x64.
- Added Log in MelonLoader.ModHandler for Unity Version.
- General Code Cleanup.
- Fixed OnApplicationQuit not working without MUPOT Mode.
- Fixed Mono Game Support for games that don't use MonoBleedingEdge. (MelonLoader.ModHandler and Mods must be compiled with .NET 3.5 Framework)
- Fixed Execution Order when using MUPOT Mode.
- Added NET_SDK to be built into MelonLoader.ModHandler as the designated Il2Cpp Wrapper.
- Fixed Issue with Mods and Logs folders not being in the correct place next to the game's exe.
- Fixed Issue with the ModPrefs not calling the OnModSettingsApplied method of Mods.
- Replaced old ModPrefs debug log message left in from my VRChat mod.
- Fixed Issue with Audica crashing when trying to use MelonLoader.
- Added Unity 2018.4.6f1 Dependencies.
- Fixed bug with Launch Options.
- Fixed Pathing issue that caused games like Boneworks to crash.
- Fixed Issue where Environment.CurrentDirectory wasn't being set properly.
- Clean-up and Additions made to NET_SDK. (Thanks Sc4ad :D)
- Added SteamVR and OculusVR Dependency DLLs to MelonLoader/Managed.
- Added TestMod to Project Files.
- Added Attribute StackTrace System to Logger. (As requested by Camobiwon :3)
- Replaced Spaces in Names for the Attribute StackTrace System with Underscores.
- Fixed the bug that caused the Logger from MelonLoader.ModHandler to not properly output when using the Debug Console.
- Added SystemTypeToIl2CppClass method to NET_SDK.Il2Cpp.
- Crash Issue with Game.DontDestroyOnLoad has been fixed and it now works.
- Fixed Il2Cpp_Field where SetValue does not function on a instance object. (Thanks DubyaDude ^.^)
- Fixed Compile Version conflict with the 2 Consoles.
MelonLoader [DEBUG] & MelonLoader.ModHandler [RELEASE] = Debug Console
MelonLoader [RELEASE] & MelonLoader.ModHandler [DEBUG] = Normal Console
MelonLoader [DEBUG] & MelonLoader.ModHandler [DEBUG] = Debug Console
MelonLoader [RELEASE] & MelonLoader.ModHandler [RELEASE] = Left up to the Launch Options
- Initial Commit and Rewrite.