ASP.NET Core exception handling policies middleware. Allows to set a chain of exception handlers per exception type. OOTB handlers: log, retry, set responce headers and body
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddExceptionHandlingPolicies(options =>
options.For<SomeTransientException>().Retry(ro => ro.MaxRetryCount = 2).NextPolicy();
.Response(e => 400)
.Headers((h, e) => h["X-MyCustomHeader"] = e.Message)
.WithBody((req,sw, exception) =>
byte[] array = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(exception.ToString());
return sw.WriteAsync(array, 0, array.Length);
// Ensure that all exception types are handled by adding handler for generic exception at the end.
.Log(lo =>
lo.EventIdFactory = (c, e) => new EventId(123, "UnhandlerException");
lo.Category = (context, exception) => "MyCategory";
.Response(e => 500, ResponseAlreadyStartedBehaviour.GoToNextHandler)
.WithObjectResult((r, e) => new { msg = e.Message, path = r.Path })
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
When exception catched in middleware it try to apply handlers from first registered policy suitable for given exception. Policy contains a chain of handlers. Each handler perform some action and apply transition. To prevent re throw of exception handlers chain MUST ends with "Handled" transition. Following handlers currently supported:
Handler | Action | Transition |
Rethrow | Apply ReThrow transition | ReThrow |
NextPolicy | Try to execute next policy suitable for given exception | NextPolicy |
Handled | Mark exception as handled to prevent it from bein re thrown | Handled |
Retry | Execute aspnetcore pipeline again if retry count not exceed limit | Retry (if retry limit not exceeded) or NextHandler |
Log | Log exception | NextHandler |
DisableFurtherLog | Prevent exception from being logged again in current middleware (for current request only) | NextHandler |
Response | Modify response (set status code, headers and body) depending on further response builder configuration | NextHandler |
Package | Target | Comments |
Community.AspNetCore.ExceptionHandling | netstandard2.0 netcoreapp2.1 | Main functionality |
Community.AspNetCore.ExceptionHandling.Mvc | netcoreapp2.1 | Alllow to use MVC IActionResult (including ObjectResult) in 'Response' handler |
Community.AspNetCore.ExceptionHandling.NewtonsoftJson | netstandard2.0 | Allow to set Json serialized object as a response body in 'Response' handler. Use it only if 'Community.AspNetCore.ExceptionHandling.Mvc' usage not possible |