This is the GitHub Desktop product development documentation.
If you are interested in participating and contributing to the project, you should read these resources to get familiar with how things work:
- How Can I Contribute? - details about how you can participate
- Development Environment Setup - everything you need to know to get Desktop up and running
- Style Guide - notes on the coding style
- Tooling - if you have a preferred IDE, there's some enhancements to make your life easier
- Troubleshooting - some additional known issues if you're having environment issues
Details about how the team is organizing and shipping GitHub Desktop:
- Issue Triage - how we address issues reported by users
- Review Process - how we review contributions
- Releasing updates - how we deploy things
- Roadmap - how we plan for the future
These documents contain more details about the internals of GitHub Desktop and how things work:
- Dialogs - details about the dialog component API
- Windows menu bar - Electron doesn't provide inbuilt support for styling the menu for Windows, so we've created our own custom components to achieve this.