This is a bot written in Python with help of the API.
Important! You should know how to create and set up a Discord bot
Please don't think that this project will reach huge scales, like other bots coded by people much more talented than I am. This project was started for fun and I can't promise frequent updates.
Programs and packages you need to run the bot:
Python 3.7 is recommended [Download]
pipenv for the packages and virtual environment
python3 -m pip install -U pipenv
(Linux / Mac) orpip install -U pipenv
Downloading and configuring the bot:
Clone or Download this repository to any place (I recommend a place you'll remember ;D)
Enter the directory and run
pipenv install
Configure the CONFIG.json
"TOKEN" : "0123456789abcdefg" (example Token) "DEFAULT_PREFIX" : "COMMAND_PREFIX" (default is "+") "OWNER_ID" : 239147465104818176 (your discord user id) "ACTIVITY" : { "GAME": "something" (the bots activity, either: GAME, STREAMING or CUSTOM) }
Execute the
pipenv run python
or use the if you are on Linux
(make sure you are in the same folder and have screen installed) -
That's all, now the bot should be running
Note: You can change the command prefix in the CONFIG.json or with the prefix command (default prefix is: +)
Arguments in these brackets <> mean they are neccessary. Arguments in [ ] are optional
Command | Arguments | Example | Explanation |
help | - | +help |
Sends a message with all commands their arguments and a short explanation. |
clear | <number> | +clear 42 |
Deletes messages from the channel including the command message (max number is 99) |
ping | [string] | +ping |
Sends you a private message saying "Pong!" with your optionally attached arguments. |
say | <string> | +say Hello World! |
The bot sends the text as a message and deletes your message. |
game | <string> | +game Half Life 3? |
Changes the game the bot is playing to the text you enter. |
prefix | <string/list> | +prefix ~ |
Changes the preferred command prefix (max length is 8). GUILD OWNER ONLY |
nick | <string> | +nick A better name |
Changes your nickname on the server. |
color | <add/remove/list/color_name> [@role] | +color add red @redrole +color remove green +color red +color list |
Add roles as colors your members can choose from (Guild Owner Only). Remove a role from the 'color table' (Guild Owner Only). Change your color. List all colors. |
poll | <string> <list> | +poll "Some description for the poll" ["Option 1", "Option 2", "Option3"] |
Create a poll. You can vote by reacting to the message. The creator of the poll can close it by reacting with a ❌. |
autrole | <add/remove> <@role> | +autorole add @Member +autorole remove @cool |
Configure which roles should be automatically assigned to users joining the server. |
info | - | +info |
Shows some information belonging to the bot. |