IoT Modelling Tool is a platform which allows users to have their own models with devices and components modeled in order to represent a physical environment.
Levindo Gabriel Taschetto Neto.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Bernhard Mitschang.
M.Sc. Ana Cristina Franco da Silva.
Access the wiki of the repository for obtaining some information about the platform, such as how to deploy it and how to use it. The wiki can be accessed here.
- App (contains the files assigned to organize the high-level architecture of the project).
- Firebase Hosting (contains the server configurations for the hosting on the firebase platform).
- CSS Files (contains the style files for the front-end, e.g., bootstrap files).
- Fonts (contains all the used fonts of the project's front-end).
- Platform' Images (contains the images used in the project, e.g., devices, sensors and actuators icons).
- Front-End's Images (contains the images used on the front-end of the project, e.g. dashboard and index).
- Javascript Files (contains files responsible for the back-end of the project, e.g., AngularJS files).
- Less Files (contains files responsible for CSS pre-processing).
- Node.js Modules (contains files of the Node.js' set of built-in modules).
- Plugins (contains files responsible for add specifics features to the back-end of the project).
- Resources (contains the diagrams of the project, e.g., astah files).
- Routes (contains the Angular Router for navigation from one view to the next as users perform application tasks).
- SCSS Files (contains the files for the nested metalanguage scss, which is interpreted into CSS on this platform).
- Jade Files (contains the files for the Jade high performance template engine).
The packages diagram can be viewed in the image bellow.
Each submenu has its own controller and view.
In total, there are eleven submenus on the developed IoT Modelling Tool in the admin view:
- My Account.
- Add Default @Context.
- Add Specific @Context.
- Add Default @Graph.
- IoT Lite @Context.
- IoT Lite @Graph.
- IoT Modelling Environment.
- Add Device or Component.
- Devices and Components.
- Add Additional Properties.
- Search.
In total, there are two submenus on the developed IoT Modelling Tool in the normal user view:
- My Account.
- IoT Modelling Environment.
The navigation bar contains synchronized functionalities with the real-time database, as well as importing and exporting models using the file system.
- Save.
- Save As.
- Load.
- Bind.
- Export
- Import
- Clear
The utilized database for synchronized data on this platform is Firebase. Firebase Real Time Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database that lets you store and sync data between your users in real time.
- IoT Lite Contexts.
- Defaults (IoT Lite Context and IoT Lite Graph).
- IoT Lite Graphs.
- Icons (For the components and devices).
- Saved Models' Information (Last saved and last loaded one on the digital twin).
- Devices and Components (with id, ontology, company's prefix, etc).
- Map between specific types and components' ids.
- Saved Models (By the Save and Save As buttons on the navigation bar).
- Users (each one e-mail, password and username).
- HTML v5.
- CSS v3.
- Bootstrap v3.3.7.
- React JS v15.5.4.
- Font Awesome toolkit.
- Firebase on Google's cloud.