Safety : [Esther]
Portable programs: (Except WxCaml and Case Studies paragraphs) [Esther]
Speed: (Just the part on the Inria page) [Esther] Imported all that I found interesting in "Choose your platform". [ChriS]
Imported all tutorials from
- The Basics [en, fr, it, de, ja, ko, zh]
- The Structure of OCaml Programs [en, fr, it, ja, zh]
- Data Types and Matching [en, fr, it, ja, zh (part)]
- Null Pointers, Asserts and Warnings [en, fr, it, ja]
- Functional Programming [en, fr, it, ja, zh]
- Modules [en, fr, ja, ko]
- If Statements, Loops and Recursion [en, fr, it, ja, ko (part)]
- Labels [en, ja]
- Objects [en, ja]
- Garbage Collection [en, ja]
- Performance and Profiling [en, ja]
- Introduction to Gtk
- Calling C libraries
- Calling Fortran libraries
- Common error messages [en, fr, ja]
- OCaml and the Web [en, ja]
- Programming style [replaced with "OCaml Programming Guidelines"]
- Standard Library Examples [en, ja, zh]
- Compiling OCaml projects [en, ja]
- Command-line arguments [en, ja, zh]
- File manipulation [en, ja, zh (part)]
- Camlp4 3.10
- Filenames and extensions [en, zh]
- Streams
- Stream Expressions