Process Network Abstraction Layer Units (NALU) of video streams encoded using the H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC, or H.266/VVC standard.
This tool is created to manipulate video streams without having to re-encode the stream. Re encoding would otherwise result in loss of quality. Supported manipulations are:
- Cutting videos at specified packets or frames.
- Simulating packet loss by removing certain packets from the video stream.
- Removing layers from scalable video streams.
- Inserting frames from a different video stream, e.g. for the Keyframe Insertion technique .
NALUProcessing only takes Annex B input video streams compressed using the following codecs:
- H.264/AVC
- H.265/HEVC
- H.266/VVC
The container (MP4, MKV, ...) must be removed from the video stream before processing can be performed by the NALUProcessing application.
If the MP4 container contains H.264/AVC video, use the following command.
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -c:v copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb video.h264
If the MP4 container contains H.265/HEVC video, use the following command.
ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -c:v copy -bsf:v hevc_mp4toannexb video.h265
Usage: ./NALUProcessing <Source> <Inject> <output> <NALid Source> [<NALidInject> <NALnum Source> <NALnum Inject> <APSrestore> <Codec>]
<input Source> input .264/.265/.266 Annex B stream
<input Inject> input .264/.265/.266 Annex B stream
<output> output .264/.265/.266 Annex B stream
<NALid Source> NAL start pos to exchange, start count at 0
<NALid Inject = NALid Source> NAL start pos to exchange, start count at 0
<NALnum Source = 1> number of NAL to exchange
<NALnum Inject = 1> number of NAL to exchange
<Codec = 0> 0: H.264/AVC
1: H.265/HEVC
2: H.266/VVC
<APSrestore = 0> 0: disable;
1: restore lost APS from Source after NAL insert (only H.266);
2: restore APS from Inject;
3: restore APS from both
<Count = 0> 0: Count NAL id;
1: Count video slices (Source) and NALid (Inject);
2: Count NALid (Source) and video slices (Inject);
3: Count both video slices
Usage: ./StreamProcessing <Source> <Inject> <Output> <File> [<Codec>]]
<input Source> input .264/.265/.266 Annex B stream
<input Inject> input .264/.265/.266 Annex B stream
<output> output .264/.265/.266 Annex B stream
<File> file with frame numbers on each line
<Codec = 0> 0: H.264/AVC; 1: H.265/HEVC; 2:H.266/VVC
This work was published in:
- MDPI Electronics - Keyframe Insertion Enabling Low-Latency Random Access and Packet Loss Repair, 2021
- Data Compression Conference (DCC) 2022 - Keyframe Insertion in H.264/AVC, H.265/HEVC, and H.266/VVC
- Picture Coding Symposium 2022 - Mixed-Resolution HESP
- IEEE VCIP 2023 - P-Frame Injection
- IEEE ISM 2023 - Temporal Layer Injection
If you use the software, please cite the following paper:
AUTHOR = {Van Wallendael, Glenn and Mareen, Hannes and Vounckx, Johan and Lambert, Peter},
TITLE = {Keyframe Insertion: Enabling Low-Latency Random Access and Packet Loss Repair},
JOURNAL = {Electronics},
VOLUME = {10},
YEAR = {2021},
NUMBER = {6},
URL = {},
ISSN = {2079-9292},