Encode/decode consent information with the IAB GPP Framework
The official iabgpp java library is distributed through maven central. Please search maven central for the current release version.
import com.iab.gpp.encoder.GppModel;
import com.iab.gpp.encoder.section.TcfEuV2;
import com.iab.gpp.encoder.section.UspV1;
GppModel gppModel = new GppModel(gppString);
TcfEuV2 tcfEuV2Section = (TcfEuV2)gppModel.getSection(TcfEuV2.NAME);
Integer tcfEuV2Version = tcfEuV2Section.getVersion();
String tcfEuV2ConsentLanguage = tcfEuV2Section.getConsentLanguage();
UspV1 uspV1Section = (UspV1)gppModel.getSection(UspV1.NAME);
Integer uspV1Version = uspV1Section.getVersion();
Integer uspV1Notice = uspV1Section.getNotice();
import com.iab.gpp.encoder.GppModel;
import com.iab.gpp.encoder.section.TcfEuV2;
import com.iab.gpp.encoder.section.UspV1;
GppModel gppModel = new GppModel();
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.VERSION, 2);
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.CMP_ID, 880);
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.CMP_VERSION, 0);
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.CONSENT_SCREEN, 0);
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.CONSENT_LANGUAGE, "EN");
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.VENDOR_LIST_VERSION, 48);
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.POLICY_VERSION, 2);
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.IS_SERVICE_SPECIFIC, false);
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.USE_NON_STANDARD_STACKS, false);
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.PURPOSE_ONE_TREATMENT, false);
gppModel.setFieldValue(TcfEuV2.NAME, TcfEuV2Field.PUBLISHER_COUNTRY_CODE, "AA");
gppModel.setFieldValue(UspV1.NAME, UspV1Field.NOTICE, 1);
gppModel.setFieldValue(UspV1.NAME, UspV1Field.OPT_OUT_SALE, 2);
gppModel.setFieldValue(UspV1.NAME, UspV1Field.LSPA_COVERED, 3);
String gppString = gppModel.encode();
The iabgpp-extras
and iabgpp-extras-jackson
libraries provides an interface and ability to parse the GVL and CMP
List respectively. The iabgpp-extras-jackson
library uses Jackson 2.10.3 to parse the GVL and CMP List JSON.
Example of parsing the GVL,
import com.iab.gpp.extras.jackson.Loader;
import com.iab.gpp.extras.gvl.Gvl;
String gvlContent = "...";
Loader loader = new Loader();
Gvl gvl = loader.globalVendorList(gvlContent);
Example of parsing the CMP List,
import com.iab.gpp.extras.jackson.Loader;
import com.iab.gpp.extras.cmp.CmpList;
String cmpListContent = "...";
Loader loader = new Loader();
CmpList cmpList = loader.cmpList(cmpListContent);
Section Name | Section ID | Field | Data Type/Value |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | Version | 6 bit int. Value is 2. |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | Created | Datetime. Updated when fields are set |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | LastUpdated | Datetime. Updated when fields are set |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | CmpId | 12 bit int |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | CmpVersion | 12 bit int |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | ConsentScreen | 6 bit int |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | ConsentLanguage | 2 character country code |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | VendorListVersion | 12 bit int |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PolicyVersion | 6 bit int. Value is 2 |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | IsServiceSpecific | Boolean |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | UseNonStandardStacks | Boolean |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | SpecialFeatureOptins | Boolean list of size 12 |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PurposeConsents | Boolean list of size 24 |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PurposeLegitimateInterests | Boolean list of size 24 |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PurposeOneTreatment | Boolean |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PublisherCountryCode | 2 character country code |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | VendorConsents | Integer list of variable size |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | VendorLegitimateInterests | Integer list of variable size |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PublisherRestrictions | Integer list of variable size |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PublisherPurposesSegmentType | 3 bit int. Value is 3 |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PublisherConsents | Boolean list of size 24 |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PublisherLegitimateInterests | Boolean list of size 24 |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | NumCustomPurposes | 6 bit int |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PublisherCustomConsents | Boolean list where size is set by the NumCustomPurposes field |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | PublisherCustomLegitimateInterests | Boolean list where size is set by the NumCustomPurposes field |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | VendorsAllowedSegmentType | 3 bit int. Value is 2 |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | VendorsAllowed | Integer list of variable size |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | VendorsDisclosedSegmentType | 3 bit int. Value is 1 |
tcfeuv2 | 2 | VendorsDisclosed | Integer list of variable size |
tcfcav1 | 5 | Version | 6 bit int. Value is 2. |
tcfcav1 | 5 | Created | Datetime. Updated when any fields are set |
tcfcav1 | 5 | LastUpdated | Datetime. Updated when any fields are set |
tcfcav1 | 5 | CmpId | 12 bit int |
tcfcav1 | 5 | CmpVersion | 12 bit int |
tcfcav1 | 5 | ConsentScreen | 6 bit int |
tcfcav1 | 5 | ConsentLanguage | 2 character country code |
tcfcav1 | 5 | VendorListVersion | 12 bit int |
tcfcav1 | 5 | TcfPolicyVersion | 6 bit int. Value is 2. |
tcfcav1 | 5 | UseNonStandardStacks | Boolean |
tcfcav1 | 5 | SpecialFeatureExpressConsent | Boolean list of size 12 |
tcfcav1 | 5 | PurposesExpressConsent | Boolean list of size 24 |
tcfcav1 | 5 | PurposesImpliedConsent | Boolean list of size 24 |
tcfcav1 | 5 | VendorExpressConsent | Integer list of variable size |
tcfcav1 | 5 | VendorImpliedConsent | Integer list of variable size |
tcfcav1 | 5 | PubPurposesSegmentType | 3 bit int. Value is 3 |
tcfcav1 | 5 | PubPurposesExpressConsent | Boolean list of size 24 |
tcfcav1 | 5 | PubPurposesImpliedConsent | Boolean list of size 24 |
tcfcav1 | 5 | NumCustomPurposes | 6 bit int |
tcfcav1 | 5 | CustomPurposesExpressConsent | Boolean list where size is set by the NumCustomPurposes field |
tcfcav1 | 5 | CustomPurposesImpliedConsent | Boolean list where size is set by the NumCustomPurposes field |
uspv1 | 6 | Version | 6 bit int. Value is 1 |
uspv1 | 6 | Notice | 2 bit int |
uspv1 | 6 | OptOutSale | 2 bit int |
uspv1 | 6 | LspaCovered | 2 bit int |
usnatv1 | 7 | Version | 6 bit int. Value is 1 |
usnatv1 | 7 | SharingNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | SaleOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | SharingOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | TargetedAdvertisingOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | SensitiveDataProcessingOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | SensitiveDataLimitUseNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | SaleOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | SharingOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | TargetedAdvertisingOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | SensitiveDataProcessing | 2 bit int list of size 12. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | KnownChildSensitiveDataConsents | 2 bit int list of size 2. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | PersonalDataConsents | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | MspaCoveredTransaction | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | MspaOptOutOptionMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | MspaServiceProviderMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usnatv1 | 7 | GpcSegmentType | 2 bit int. Value is 1 |
usnatv1 | 7 | GpcSegmentIncluded | Boolean. Default value is true |
usnatv1 | 7 | Gpc | Boolean |
uscav1 | 8 | Version | 6 bit int. Value is 1 |
uscav1 | 8 | SaleOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | SharingOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | SensitiveDataLimitUseNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | SaleOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | SharingOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | SensitiveDataProcessing | 2 bit int list of size 9. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | KnownChildSensitiveDataConsents | 2 bit int list of size 2. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | PersonalDataConsents | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | MspaCoveredTransaction | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | MspaOptOutOptionMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | MspaServiceProviderMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscav1 | 8 | GpcSegmentType | 2 bit int. Value is 1 |
uscav1 | 8 | GpcSegmentIncluded | Boolean. Default value is true |
uscav1 | 8 | Gpc | Boolean |
usvav1 | 9 | Version | 6 bit int. Value is 1 |
usvav1 | 9 | SharingNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usvav1 | 9 | SaleOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usvav1 | 9 | TargetedAdvertisingOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usvav1 | 9 | SaleOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usvav1 | 9 | TargetedAdvertisingOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usvav1 | 9 | SensitiveDataProcessing | 2 bit int list of size 8. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usvav1 | 9 | KnownChildSensitiveDataConsents | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usvav1 | 9 | MspaCoveredTransaction | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usvav1 | 9 | MspaOptOutOptionMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usvav1 | 9 | MspaServiceProviderMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | Version | 6 bit int. Value is 1 |
uscov1 | 10 | SharingNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | SaleOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | TargetedAdvertisingOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | SaleOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | TargetedAdvertisingOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | SensitiveDataProcessing | 2 bit int list of size 7. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | KnownChildSensitiveDataConsents | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | MspaCoveredTransaction | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | MspaOptOutOptionMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | MspaServiceProviderMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
uscov1 | 10 | GpcSegmentType | 2 bit int. Value is 1 |
uscov1 | 10 | GpcSegmentIncluded | Boolean. Default value is true |
uscov1 | 10 | Gpc | Boolean |
usutv1 | 11 | Version | 6 bit int. Value is 1 |
usutv1 | 11 | SharingNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usutv1 | 11 | SaleOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usutv1 | 11 | TargetedAdvertisingOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usutv1 | 11 | SensitiveDataProcessingOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usutv1 | 11 | SaleOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usutv1 | 11 | TargetedAdvertisingOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usutv1 | 11 | SensitiveDataProcessing | 2 bit int list of size 8. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usutv1 | 11 | KnownChildSensitiveDataConsents | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usutv1 | 11 | MspaCoveredTransaction | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usutv1 | 11 | MspaOptOutOptionMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usutv1 | 11 | MspaServiceProviderMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | Version | 6 bit int. Value is 1 |
usctv1 | 12 | SharingNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | SaleOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | TargetedAdvertisingOptOutNotice | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | SaleOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | TargetedAdvertisingOptOut | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | SensitiveDataProcessing | 2 bit int list of size 8. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | KnownChildSensitiveDataConsents | 2 bit int list of size 3. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | MspaCoveredTransaction | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | MspaOptOutOptionMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | MspaServiceProviderMode | 2 bit int. 0=Not applicable, 1=Yes, 2=No |
usctv1 | 12 | GpcSegmentType | 2 bit int. Value is 1 |
usctv1 | 12 | GpcSegmentIncluded | Boolean. Default value is true |
usctv1 | 12 | Gpc | Boolean |