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Microsoft Azure CLI 'support' Extension

Create and manage Azure Support tickets using Azure CLI. Learn more about operations and scenarios we support programmatically.

How to use

Install this extension using the below CLI command. For details on each command, use -h or --help.

az extension add --name support

Included Commands

"Services" commands

  • List Services


    # Gets list of services for which a support ticket can be created.
    az support services list
  • Get Single Service


    # Gets details of Azure service.
    az support services show --service-name "ServiceNameGuid"

"Problem-Classifications" commands

  • List Problem Classifications


    # Gets list of problemClassifications for a service for which a support ticket can be created.
    az support services problem-classifications list --service-name "ServiceNameGuid"
  • Get Single Problem Classification


    # Gets details of problemClassification for Azure service.
    az support services problem-classifications --service-name "ServiceNameGuid" show --problem-classification-name "ProblemClassificationNameGuid"

"Tickets" commands

  • List Tickets


    # List support tickets for a subscription.
    az support tickets list
    # List support tickets in open state for a subscription.
    az support tickets list --filters "Status eq 'Open'"
    # List support tickets created on or after a certain date and in open state for a subscription.
    az support tickets list --filters "CreatedDate ge 2020-01-01 and Status eq 'Open'"
  • Get Single Ticket


    # Get details of a subscription ticket.
    az support tickets show --ticket-name "TestTicketName"
  • Update Ticket


    # Update support ticket severity.
    az support tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" --severity "moderate"
    # Update support ticket status.
    az support tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" --status "closed"
    # Update support ticket customer contact details properties.
    az support tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" \
        --contact-additional-emails "" "" \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "phone" \
        --contact-phone-number "123-456-7890" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time"
    # Update support ticket severity, status and customer contact details properties.
    az support tickets update --ticket-name "TestTicketName" \
        --status "open" \
        --contact-additional-emails "" "" \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "phone" \
        --contact-phone-number "123-456-7890" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --severity "moderate"
  • Create Ticket


    # Create a ticket for Billing related issues.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "BillingTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/BillingServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/BillingProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "BillingTestTicketName" \
        --title "BillingTicketTitle"
    # Create a ticket for Subscription Management related issues.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "SubMgmtTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/SubMgmtServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/SubMgmtProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "SubMgmtTestTicketName" \
        --title "SubMgmtTicketTitle"
    # Create a ticket for Technical issue related to a specific resource.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "TechnicalTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/TechnicalServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/TechnicalProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "TechnicalTestTicketName" \
        --title "TechnicalTicketTitle" \
        --contact-additional-emails "" "" \
        --technical-resource "/subscriptions/SubscriptionGuid/resourceGroups/RgName/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/RName"
    # Create a ticket for Billing related issues in admin on behalf of (AOBO) mode.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "BillingTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/BillingServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/BillingProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "BillingTestTicketName" \
        --title "BillingTicketTitle" \
        --partner-tenant-id "CSPPartnerTenantIdGuid"
    # Create a ticket for Generic Quota increase for any Azure Service.
    az support tickets create \\
            --contact-country "USA" \\
            --contact-email "" \\
            --contact-first-name "Foo" \\
            --contact-language "en-US" \\
            --contact-last-name "Bar" \\
            --contact-method "email" \\
            --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \\
            --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \\
            --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/GenericProblemClassificationNameGuid" \\
            --severity "minimal" \\
            --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \\
            --title "QuotaTicketTitle"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for Compute VM Cores.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/CoresQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"SKU\":\"DSv3 Series\", \"NewLimit\":104}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for Low-priority cores for a Batch account.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/BatchQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"AccountName\":\"test\", \"NewLimit\":200, \"Type\":\"LowPriority\"}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "Account"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for specific VM family cores for a Batch account.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/BatchQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"AccountName\":\"test\", \"VMFamily\":\"standardA0_A7Family\", \"NewLimit\":200, \"Type\":\"Dedicated\"}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "Account"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for Pools for a Batch account.
     az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/BatchQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"AccountName\":\"test\", \"NewLimit\":200, \"Type\":\"Pools\"}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "Account"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for Active Jobs and Job Schedules for a Batch account.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/BatchQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"AccountName\":\"test\", \"NewLimit\":200, \"Type\":\"Jobs\"}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "Account"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for number of Batch accounts for a subscription.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/BatchQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"NewLimit\":200, \"Type\":\"Account\"}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "Subscription"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for DTUs for SQL Database.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/SqlDatabaseQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"ServerName\":\"testserver\", \"NewLimit\":54000}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "DTUs"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for Servers for SQL Database.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/SqlDatabaseQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"NewLimit\":54000}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "Servers"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for DTUs for SQL Data Warehouse.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/SqlDataWarehouseQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"ServerName\":\"testserver\", \"NewLimit\":54000}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "DTUs"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for Servers for SQL Data Warehouse.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/SqlDataWarehouseQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"NewLimit\":200}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "Servers"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for specific VM family cores for Machine Learning service.
    az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/MachineLearningQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"VMFamily\":\"standardA0_A7Family\", \"NewLimit\":200, \"Type\":\"Dedicated\"}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "BatchAml"
    # Create a ticket to request Quota increase for Low-priority cores for Machine Learning service.
     az support tickets create \
        --contact-country "USA" \
        --contact-email "" \
        --contact-first-name "Foo" \
        --contact-language "en-US" \
        --contact-last-name "Bar" \
        --contact-method "email" \
        --contact-timezone "Pacific Standard Time" \
        --description "QuotaTicketDescription" \
        --problem-classification "/providers/Microsoft.Support/services/QuotaServiceNameGuid/problemClassifications/MachineLearningQuotaProblemClassificationNameGuid" \
        --severity "minimal" \
        --ticket-name "QuotaTestTicketName" \
        --title "QuotaTicketTitle" \
        --quota-change-payload "{\"NewLimit\":200, \"Type\":\"LowPriority\"}" \
        --quota-change-regions "EastUS" \
        --quota-change-version "1.0" \
        --quota-change-subtype "BatchAml"

"Communications" commands

  • List Communications


    # List communications for a subscription support ticket.
    az support tickets communications list --name "TestTicketName"
    # List web communications for a subscription support ticket.
    az support tickets communications list \
        --ticket-name "TestTicketName" \
        --filters "communicationType eq 'Web'"
    # List web communication created on or after a specific date for a subscription support ticket.
    az support tickets communications list \
        --ticket-name "TestTicketName" \
        --filters "CreatedDate ge 2020-01-01 and communicationType eq 'Web'"
  • Get Communication


    # Get communication details for a subscription support ticket.
    az support tickets communications show \
        --ticket-name "TestTicketName" \
        --communication-name "TestTicketCommunicationName"
  • Add Communication


    # Add communication to subscription ticket.
    az support tickets communications create \
        --ticket-name "TestTicketName" \
        --communication-name "TestTicketCommunicationName" \
        --communication-body "TicketCommunicationBody" \
        --communication-subject "TicketCommunicationSubject"