- implemented using Java, JavaFX.
- SQL Database Management System and Java Database Connectivity.
- Check The Application Here Link.
- Java Database Connectivity API implementation.
- Graphical User Interface.
- Command Line Interface.
- Timeout For Queries.
- Batching Queries.
- Full Logger Of User Actions.
- CREATE TABLE table_name (column_name1 data_type, column_name2 data_type).
- DROP TABLE table_name.
- DROP DATABASE database_name.
- INSERT INTO table_name (ID,Name) VALUES (1,'youssef').
- INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (1,'youssef', ...).
- SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM table_name WHERE col1 < 8.
- SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE col1 = 5 or not col2 in ('yahia', 'omar') and col3 != 7.
- SELECT * FROM table_name where col1 <= col2.
- SELECT * FROM table_name where col1 between 5 and 7.
- SELECT * FROM table_name order by col1 ASC, col2, col3 DESC.
- DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column=some_value.
- DELETE FROM table_name.
- DELETE * FROM table_name.
- UPDATE table_name SET column1= 'value1',column2='value2' WHERE column3 ='value'.
- UPDATE tableName SET column1 ='someValue', column2 ='someValue'.
This project is public, Feel free to create pull requests.