Singular design for deploy and operation ContainerOps platform, mostly focus on Kubernetes, Prometheus, others in the Cloud Native technology stack. We are trying to build all stack cross cloud, OpenStack, bare metals.
Singular don't use any other deploy tools like kubeadm, deploy everything in a hard way instead. Singular providers templates for service so could deploy any version. Singular deploys development versions of Kubernetes, CoreDNS, others in CNCF CI demo.
Singular uses a YAML file as deploy template, it describes the architecture of the cluster. It don't only deploy ContainerOps modules, also use to deploy Kubernetes, others in Cloud Native stack and some common software.
When deploy infrastructures, Singular need to SSH to virtual machine or bare metal.
- At least provide SSH private key, Singular will create public key from it. Generate ssh key follow Github document - How to generate SSH Key.
- If no SSH key files in deployment template, Singular will create SSH pair key files in default folder($HOME/.containerops/ssh) and name( and id_rsa).
singular deploy template /tmp/deploy.yml --verbose --timestamp