This Craiglist clone was configured and deployed to Azure as part of my Cloud Developer using Microsoft Azure Nanodegree from Udacity.
It demonstrates my understanding and ability to configure the following :
Azure Functions
Azure Event Hub
Azure Logic Apps
Azure Kubernetes
Azure App Service
Azure Container Registry
Azure Cosmos DB - MongoDB
Build Docker image.
Kubernetes service scaling.
Pushing Docker images to a registry.
Create and deploy a Kubernetes cluster.
Configure and deploy a microservices project into serverless functions (Azure Functions)
Deploy a client side as a web app (Azure App Service)
Flask was used for the client side.
Docker was used for containerization.
Flask-Bootstrap was used for the frontend.
Python was used as the language of choice.
Azure Functions was used for the serverless deployment.
Azure Kubernetes was used for container orchestration.
Azure Container Registry Hub was used as the image registry.
Kubectl was used as the Kubernetes command-line tool of choice.
Two MongoDB collections are available at /SampleData
| | Dockerfile
| | host.json
| | proxies.json
| | requirements.txt
| |
| +---createAdvertisement
| | function.json
| | sample.dat
| |
| |
| +---deleteAdvertisement
| | function.json
| | sample.dat
| |
| |
| +---eventHubTrigger
| | function.json
| |
| |
| +---getAdvertisement
| | function.json
| | host.json
| |
| |
| +---getAdvertisements
| | function.json
| | sample.dat
| |
| |
| +---getPost
| | function.json
| |
| |
| +---getPosts
| | function.json
| | sample.dat
| |
| |
| \---updateAdvertisement
| function.json
| sample.dat
| |
| | requirements.txt
| |
| |
| |
| +---static
| | \---css
| | main.css
| |
| +---templates
| | base.html
| | delete_ad.html
| | edit_ad.html
| | index.html
| | new_ad.html
| | view_ad.html
| |
| \---tests
You will have to configure/use the following services
- Azure Functions
- Azure Event Hub
- Azure Logic Apps
- Azure Kubernetes
- Azure App Service
- Azure Container Registry
- Azure Cosmos DB - MongoDB
Making the following changes to the files located at /NeighborlyAPI :
With your Azure MongoDB connection string
database = client['ENTER DB NAME HERE']
With your Azure MongoDB database name
Install the following
Deploy the functions to Azure functions using the Azure VS extension.
Check the output for the live links which you can test using postman.
Use the following command to deploy your frontend to Azure App Service
az webapp up --sku F1 -n <APP_NAME> --resource-group <RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>
Use the following command to create an Azure Kubernetes Cluster
az aks create --name <CLUSTER-NAME> --resource group <RESOURCE-GROUP-NAME> --node-count <DESIRED-NODE-COUNT> --generate-ssh-keys
Use the following to check for running nodes
kubectl get nodes