PyFlow is a general purpose visual scripting framework for python.
Clone or download repository.
Install requirements for your use case.
requirement lists can be found under
To run the program in standalone mode, run
. It can be found in the root folder of repository.
Add own node sets, pins, shelf tools, dock tools, preferences widgets, data exporters/importers
Easy integration
PyFlow is a normal python program. It can run under any python environment
Python3 and 2 support
Logic and UI is separated
Main logic elements (Node and Pin) has non gui representation, so programs can be evaluated without GUI
Collapse parts of graphs into subgraphs
Subgraphs import/export
Share subgraphs with others
Python node
Write whatever code directly into a node
Python node import/export
Share python nodes with others
Fast node generation from functions
Single decorator to expose node from function
Package loading from arbitrary locations
Packages can be loaded from provided list of directories. It can be your development folder or folder in network drive inside your studio
Graph commenting
Custom input system
If you got used to specific keymap of your software of choice, you can easily remap PyFlow input actions
Drop on wire
Automatically сonnect the node by dragging it onto the wire
Photoshop-like history
Easy to use powerful undo system
By a single line call
Property view
Modify node and pins attributes using property panels
Save arbitrary data into a variables
Editable shareable themes
Create and share themes woth others
Data importers/exporters
Editor data can be exported/imported to/from arbitrary format
Convenient wires interaction
Widgets library
Plugin wizards framework
Generate package template to start development. Or create own wizard for your module
Easy configuration files framework
While adding own modules you probably want to have some configuration data. We provide easy to use api for this
And more..
We have documentation
We use a semantic versioning policy.
- Ilgar Lunin - Ilgar Lunin
- Pedro Cabrera - Pedro Cabrera
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Join us to our discord channel and ask anything related to project!