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Terbilang is a PHP library for converting numbers into words in any language. It provides a simple and flexible way to convert numeric values into their word representations.


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Terbilang Number To Word

Terbilang is a PHP library for converting numbers into words in any language. It provides a simple and flexible way to convert numeric values into their word representations.


You can install this package via Composer:

composer require hikuroshi/terbilang-number-to-word


use Hikuroshi\Terbilang\Terbilang;

// Convert number to words
echo Terbilang::terbilang(24434);
// Outputs "twenty four thousand four hundred thirty four"

// Convert number to words with digit separation
echo Terbilang::terbilang(24434, true);
// Outputs "two four four three four"


Terbilang::terbilang(int $number, bool $apart = false): Terbilang

Create a new instance of the Terbilang class with the specified number.

  • $number: The number to be converted to words.
  • $apart: Whether to use separated word representation for each digit (true) or full number word representation (false). Default is false.
use Hikuroshi\Terbilang\Terbilang;

// Convert number to words
echo Terbilang::terbilang(24434);
// Outputs "twenty four thousand four hundred thirty four"


Terbilang::simply($simply = true | array): Terbilang

Simplify the word representation based on the specified rules. Examples such as "One Hundred" to "A Hundred"

  • $simply: If true, apply default simplification rules. If array, use the specified simplification rules. Default without use this method is false.
use Hikuroshi\Terbilang\Terbilang;

// Convert number with default simplification
echo Terbilang::terbilang(1111)->simply();
// Outputs "a thousand a hundred eleven"

// Convert number with specified simplification
echo Terbilang::terbilang(1111)->simply(['hundred']);
// Outputs "one thousand a hundred eleven"


Terbilang::separator(string $separator): Terbilang

Set the separator to use between words.

  • $separator: The separator string. Default is " ".
use Hikuroshi\Terbilang\Terbilang;

// Convert number with custom separator
echo Terbilang::terbilang(24434)->separator(' >//< ');
// Outputs "twenty >//< four >//< thousand >//< four >//< hundred >//< thirty >//< four"


Terbilang::caseStyle(string $caseStyle): Terbilang

Set the case style for the output string.

  • $caseStyle: The case style 'camel', 'snake', 'kebab', 'pascal', 'macro', or 'train'. Default is 'lowercase'.
use Hikuroshi\Terbilang\Terbilang;

// Convert number with camel case style
echo Terbilang::terbilang(24434)->caseStyle('camel');
// Outputs "twentyFourThousandFourHundredThirtyFour"


Terbilang::lang(string $language): Terbilang

Set the language for number conversion.

  • $language: The language code (e.g., 'id' for Indonesian, 'en' for English). Default is en.
use Hikuroshi\Terbilang\Terbilang;

// Convert number to words with Indonesian language
echo Terbilang::terbilang(24434)->lang('id');
// Outputs "dua puluh empat ribu empat ratus tiga puluh empat"

Supported Languages

Language Code Simply Rules
English en ["hundred", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion"]
Indonesian id ["ratus", "ribu", "juta", "milyar", "triliun", "kuardriliun", "kuintiliun"]
Japanese jp -


Terbilang::loadLang(array|string $languageData): Terbilang

Load custom language rules for number conversion. This method allows loading custom language rules either from an array or a JSON file. The custom language rules will merge with the default language rules.

  • $languageData: The custom language data. It can be an associative array of language rules, or a path to a JSON file containing the language rules.
use Hikuroshi\Terbilang\Terbilang;

// Load custom language rules from an array
$customLanguageRules = [
    "units" => ["rei", "ichi", "ni", "san", "yon", "go", "roku", "nana", "hachi", "kyuu"]

echo Terbilang::loadLang($customLanguageRules)->terbilang(24434);
// Outputs "twenty yon thousand yon hundred thirty yon"

// Load custom language rules from a JSON file
echo Terbilang::loadLang('/path/to/custom_language_rules.json')->terbilang(24434);

If your custom language rules is use different numbering system like japanese, please add "numberingSystem" to the array to specify the numbering system. For example,

$customLanguageRules = [
    "units" => ["rei", "ichi", "ni", "san", "yon", "go", "roku", "nana", "hachi", "kyuu"],
    "numberingSystem" => "japanese"

Supported Numbering Systems

Numbering System Code
Standart default
Japanese japanese



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This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

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Terbilang is a PHP library for converting numbers into words in any language. It provides a simple and flexible way to convert numeric values into their word representations.






