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Utility methods & helping classes for Java development


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A set of utils that can help in app development


  • Java 11+


Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License

Geographical utils

  • Mercator(EPSG:3857) to WSG84 convertor
  • WSG84 to Mercator(EPSG:3857) convertor
  • Distance calculation between two WSG84 points

Collector utils

  • Collectors for Java streams

Collections utils

  • Null-safe methods to work with collections

Optional utils

  • Optional providers for different situations

Functional utils

  • Functional utility methods

String Utils

  • Null-safe methods to work with Strings

Object utils

  • Methods that can help work with objects

Boolean utils

  • Methods that can help work with booleans

Date utils

  • Methods that can help work with dates

Math utils

  • Methods that can help with computations

Number utils

  • Methods that can help with numbers

Random utils

  • Methods that can provide some random values or randomize arrays

Functional interfaces

  • TriConsumer
  • TriFunction
  • TriPredicate
  • QuadConsumer
  • QuadFunction
  • QuadPredicate


  • Single
  • Tuple
  • Triple


  • List builder
  • Set builder
  • Map builder
  • Transformer
  • XBuilder


  • Closeable wrapper for temporary files that can be used with try-with-resources

Encoders / decoders

  • Binary-to-text encoding. Based on charset variant of Douglas Crockford, without check
  • Binary-to-text encoding. Character set includes all uppercase and lowercase letters except for "0", "O", "I", and "l" to improve human readability.
  • Binary-to-text encoding. Resulting data is ~25% bigger than source, while base64 is typically ~33%. Description can be found here
  • Binary-to-text encoding inspired by idea and JS library of Kevin Albertson. Resulting data is ~13% bigger than source, while base64 is typically ~33%

How to use it

Just add this to your pom.xml
