{type}({scope}): {subject}
- feat -> feature
- fix -> bug fix
- docs -> documentation
- style -> formatting, lint stuff
- refactor -> code restructure without changing exterrnal behavior
- test -> adding missing tests
- chore -> maintenance
- init -> initial commit
- rearrange -> files moved, added, deleted etc
- update -> update code (versions, library compatibility)
Where the change was (i.e. the file, the component, the package).
It can be anything specifying place of the commit change e.g. the controller, the client, the logger, etc.
This gives details about the commit, including:
- motivation for the change (broken code, new feature, etc)
- contrast with previous behavior Some rules for the body:
Must be in present tense.
- Should be imperative.
- Lines must be less than 80 characters long.
fix(users): fix bug in user repository.