[Chris, FYI this is related to the email I recently sent you.]
Anyone: Any examples are appreciated if this is currently possible with at least DL380 Gen10 iLO5 if not DL380 Gen9:
1/Get (and eventually Set) Dedicated iLO NIC configuration settings (all settings including time zone and NTP server).
2/Get iLO log file entries from servers (automate capturing the below iLO log entry NTP communications errors).
3/Optionally, via HPEBIOS and/or HPEILO cmdlets, get data on if a DL server is configured Boot Mode of UEFI.
We have a mixture of DL380p Gen8, DL380 Gen9 and DL380 Gen10. I realize HPE may only support iLO5 (Maybe DL380 Gen9) -- our older models are under extended HPE break/fix support.
We recently discovered iLO (all models) time has fallen quite a long ways out of date/time compared to our network time (we configure OneView IP in the NTP settings of our iLOs). This used to work but appears to have been failing for a few months. We do not use IPv4 or IPv6 DHCP as time source (we are using static iLO IPs and our OneView Appliance IP as NTP time source in iLO.
We see these errors for many if not all of our servers in iLO log entries resulting from a Refresh in OneView however in OneView the Refresh appears to succeed (so it silently fails unless you examine a server's iLO logs):
"...iLO time update failed. Unable to contact NTP server...."
As you would imagine, we have no server configured with an OS that "lives" in our iLO VLAN so we can't do any testing using Wireshark or other cmd line tools ourselves, from an iLO (source) to our OneView appliance (NTP)...
If it matters, our OneView is at v 5.40.00-0423953 -- we are planning on migrating to the latest OneView soon.
Below is some additional info. If there's anything I missed please let me know.
Thank you,
Get-Module -ListAvailable HP* | Select-Object Path, Version
Path Version
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\HPEOneView.540\5.40.2559.2085\HPEOneView.540.psd1 5.40.2559.2085
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\HPOneView.500\5.0.2400.1845\HPOneView.500.psd1 5.0.2400.1845
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\PowerShell\Modules\HPEBIOSCmdlets\HPEBIOSCmdlets.psd1
C:\Program Files (x86)\Hewlett Packard Enterprise\PowerShell\Modules\HPEiLOCmdlets\HPEiLOCmdlets.psd1
[6:08:38 AM] C:/LOCAL_WORKING_DOCS/PS> $PSVersionTable
Name Value
PSVersion 5.1.19041.1320
PSEdition Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion 10.0.19041.1320
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
Log from the below code. Note we do not have our iLO configured in DNS so the exception is expected:
Connect-HPEiLO -IP REDACTED_ILO5_IP -Username $user -DisableCertificateAuthentication
Resulting Log:
2022-03-24 06:08:34,692 INFO - [Connect-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ProcessiLOXmlData]: XML Reply on: Reading iLO xml data
2022-03-24 06:08:34,708 INFO - [Connect-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ProcessiLOXmlData]: iLO FirmwareVersion: iLO5 v2.33
2022-03-24 06:08:34,713 INFO - [Connect-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][GetServerInfoFromProductName]: Product Name: ProLiant DL380 Gen10
2022-03-24 06:08:35,334 INFO - [Connect-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][CreateConnection]: Creating connection for connection type(s): Redfish
2022-03-24 06:08:35,338 INFO - [Connect-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][Redfish][CreateConnection]: Establishing connection.
2022-03-24 06:08:37,245 INFO - [Connect-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][Redfish][CreateUsernamePasswordConnection]: Received response for create connection request.
2022-03-24 06:08:37,802 INFO - [Connect-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][Redfish][CreateUsernamePasswordConnection]: Connection established.
2022-03-24 06:08:37,851 INFO - [Connect-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][CreateConnection]: Connection established for connection type(s): Redfish
2022-03-24 06:08:38,175 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][GetCommunicationModel]: End
2022-03-24 06:08:38,181 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ValidateRecord]: Begin
2022-03-24 06:08:38,188 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ValidateRecord]: Getting iLO information.
2022-03-24 06:08:38,191 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ValidateRecord]: URL:https://REDACTED_ILO5_IP/xmldata?item=All
2022-03-24 06:08:38,469 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ValidateRecord]: Product name: Integrated Lights-Out 5 (iLO 5)
2022-03-24 06:08:38,477 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ValidateRecord]: Target reachable.
2022-03-24 06:08:38,485 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ValidateRecord]: End
2022-03-24 06:08:38,497 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][BuildCommand]: Begin
2022-03-24 06:08:38,504 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][BuildCommand]: Resolving target to respective IP/Hostname.
2022-03-24 06:08:38,527 ERROR - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP]:
ExceptionMessage:No such host is known.
StackTrace: at System.Net.Dns.InternalGetHostByAddress(IPAddress address, Boolean includeIPv6)
at System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(String hostNameOrAddress)
at HPE.iLO.Communication.Generic.Model.FindiLOModel.BuildCommand(CmdletRecord cmdletRecord)
2022-03-24 06:08:38,532 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][BuildCommand]: End
2022-03-24 06:08:38,537 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ProcessResponse]: Begin
2022-03-24 06:08:38,541 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ProcessResponse]: Processing xml response.
2022-03-24 06:08:38,546 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ProcessResponse]: Deserialising xml response to respective output object.
2022-03-24 06:08:38,644 INFO - [Find-HPEiLO][REDACTED_ILO5_IP][ProcessResponse]: End