The list below includes 63 deleted tweets by thelaurenchen.
There are also 10 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.
Datasets generated by SalishCoast 161 and Karma 161 using ✨cancel-culture✨, an open source project by Travis Brown and other tools as part of the deleted-tweets-archive project repo on github.
You can create your own updated version of this document by checking out and configuring the repository and then running the following commands:
$ cargo build --release
$ target/release/twcc deleted-tweets --report thelaurenchen
Please note that all tweets quoted here are sourced from the Wayback Machine and were not directly accessed through the Twitter API or any Twitter client.
- 12 September 2021: Science is politically neutral. Scientists are not. Medicine is politically neutral. Doctors & nurses are not. The past 18 months have shown us how happy "experts" are to exploit are deference in order to push their own ideological agendas. The solution? Question everything
- 12 September 2021: Queue Chad anarchist yes memes
- 12 September 2021 (live): "Oh, you hate this mandate I'm trying to pass? Well, you must hate ALL laws I guess then #CHECKMATE "
- 16 August 2021: Am I the only one who thinks its really fitting that Meghan Rapinoe is the type of Megan that spells her name with that "H"? Idk how to explain it...
- 11 August 2021: Full video: https: //
- 11 August 2021 (live): Clark County, NV is trying a progressive grading system for K-12 students that will no longer penalize late or missing assignments, poor attendance, or participation. Because I guess if some students can't meet school standards, it's better to get rid of standards all together?
- 9 August 2021: Look at Jeremy here threatening us with a good time
- 3 July 2021: I mean, I get it
- 12 June 2021: Had to turn off my phone's autocorrect after being burned too many times.
- 29 May 2021: TONIGHT on No Malarkey! @TheMarieOakes and I discuss: WOKE parents push CRT on their children "Nonbinary" genders EXPLODE among teens Mask Karens struggle to return to normal New potential COVID vaccine side effect? Catch the premiere at 9pm ET:
- 25 April 2021: Property destruction us violence. Words, however, are not violence.
- 23 April 2021: RT @TheLaurenChen: With society more divided than ever, how can we all come together? According to @michaelmalice, we can't. He argues th…
- 5 April 2021: A "reverand" saying that "we can save ourselves by helping others" transcends the resurrection is absolutely worse than some edgy music video
- 5 April 2021 (live): This is literally more blasphemous than the Satan lap-dance video.
- 2 April 2021: What does it say about my usage of the internet that when I read "yellow fever," I'm more inclined to think of Asian fetishes than literal yellow fever
- 27 March 2021: What the hell is this?? Are you saying Mary should have had the choice to abort Jesus?? And abortion has nothing to with conception, it happens AFTER conception! WOMAN HAVE THE CHOICE TO CONCEIVE 🤦🏻♀️
- 25 March 2021: Woke ideology is surprisingly prominent, especially in publishing. We took a walk around a bookstore and found leftist propaganda everywhere. This stuff isn't just on tumblr anymore, so be careful about what books you're buying your kids! Full vid:
- 22 February 2021: RT @TheLaurenChen: Gina Carano recently gave a BOMBSHELL interview to Ben Shapiro. She discussed standing up to the WOKE mob, her politica…
- 15 February 2021: What story would you be I tweeted in seeing for the next video?
- 13 February 2021: I really want to upload my videos on @bitchute , but dang is the site frustrating. The automatic mirroring function for YouTube has never worked for me (it does on @minds though), and when I try to manually upload videos, most of the time they never finish processing. What do?
- 10 February 2021: This is a strange move. I would have assumed someone like AOC would argue that the $2 billion FEMA program be dedicated to treating COVID patients, but her focus here has instead been on funerals.
- 12 January 2021: RT @sourpatchlyds: The answer is secession. That could be as simple as moving away from blue cities, no matter what that entails, and being…
- 7 January 2021: Really interesting how the elite left suddenly care about violent riots when it actually effects them 🤔
- 27 December 2020: What a miserable, vindictive little cockroach this boy is.
- 29 November 2020: My face when two different presenters in the marriage prep class feature @jordanbpeterson quotes
- 23 November 2020: It's probably not a good idea to knowlingly hangout with people who have been diagnosed COVID. Have you not been following?
- 8 November 2020: Hey hey! If any of you are looking for adorable beanies and/or scrunchies, either for yourself or a gift, be sure to check out the shop of my friend @maw717 's daughter! Gotta love supporting small businesses and artisans ❤️
- 18 October 2020: Lol he's just chilling with me
- 18 October 2020: I have made a tiny friend at the dog park. (Ignore my fluffy socks and mom footwear please)
- 11 October 2020: Beautiful them, beautiful now!!
- 28 September 2020: I'm going to need the number of his account.
- 23 September 2020: I don't give a shit about cost I want my dad to get his fucking surgery and they're not moving on it here
- 23 September 2020 (live): Please help. If you're a doctor or health professional and you can offer any assistance, please get in touch at
- 3 August 2020: Hong Kong: Fighting communism Holding the American flag American rioters: Promoting communism Burning the American flag The developmentally challenged: "These are the same."
- 9 July 2020: Best Canadian province? (To the provinces not included in the poll, it is what it is)
- 7 July 2020 (live): Also another thought: Why do Gen Z insist on posting every single stupid thing they do on the internet? Or do they do even more stupid stuff that we just never see? I need answers, young people.
- 7 July 2020 (live): Two thoughts: 1) This is in such bad taste. If I were a business owner, I'd be mad at my employees acting this way at work THEN ON TOP OF IT POSTING IT TO SOCIAL MEDIA?!? 2) Nooses are a symbol of death and murder, but not necessarily racism. Yes, this is bad... But why racist?
- 24 June 2020: #NewProfilePic
- 21 June 2020: There are definitely times when you to cut toxic family members out of your life. But them voting for a different politician than you isn't one of them 🤗
- 3 June 2020: Who's trolling, who's for real I don't even know anymore
- 3 June 2020 (live): Honestly, I'm increasingly having trouble telling whether far-left activist accounts are legit or parodies a la @TitaniaMcGrath Scrolling through their timelines & reading their bios doesn't help, because yes it's laughable & crazy, but some people actually believe that stuff so
- 6 April 2020: The amount of narcissism in this statement in mind-blowing
- 24 March 2020: No, it is not Trump's fault that someone drank fish tank cleaner. I am disappointed - but not surprised - that we are actually having this conversation. This is low, even for @BuzzFeedNews .
- 28 February 2020: "Monitoring" company laptops usually means they have the right to access your screen, programs, browsing history, etc. I bet never in a million years did these employees think their boss would LITERALLY BE MONITORING THEM THROUGH THE WEBCAM as they were working from home
- 28 February 2020: This employer admits to watching employees working from home through the webcams of their company laptops And he's mad they have the audacity to wear sweatpants in their own homes I hope he does send out this notice so his employees can be appropriately outraged
- 26 February 2020: That was exhausting to read
- 19 February 2020:
- 19 February 2020 (live): Birds of Prey is officially a box office flop & may lose as much as $100 million Critics are blaming "sexist" male fans (again!), but my latest for @Evie_Magazine explains how allegations of "misogyny" have become a scapegoat for bad, divisive movies
- 18 February 2020: Not shown: the Snow Bear refusing to come inside unless she is given a treat 😒
- 18 February 2020: The mighty Canadian Snow Bear in its natural habit
- 16 February 2020: 1) @MikeBloomberg clearly doesn't understand how complex farming is 2) He can say goodbye to any support he might have had Middle America 😂
- 13 February 2020: Quiet, Amanda! The WOMEN RESPECTERS are here to tell you to STFU and that your opinion is wrong and sexist Don't you feel respected??
- 6 February 2020: Stupid "Sanders" declaring "victory" just because he "won" by the "rules" set forth by the "caucus" riiiight
- 2 February 2020: Biden's supporters are like "Meh whatever" lol
- 2 February 2020 (live): Wow - check out Yang's numbers The Yang Gang really is Yang or bust
- 31 January 2020: The author of the pro-migrant, progressive novel American Dirt has now canceled her book tour after receiving death threats. Why? Simply put, she's white. If you want background on the story, check out our video:
- 28 January 2020: Mike Bloomberg lizard person confirmed
- 22 January 2020: Tulsi's lawsuit against Hillary Clinton actually contains an "I AM NOT SUICIDAL" disclaimer If it wasn't already clear, and I mean this with the utmost respect, Representative Gabbard has a giant set of balls
- 18 January 2020: When you're so woke, you accidentally end up in support of anti-abortion heartbeat laws
- 1 January 2020: Only the government could lose money selling drugs 😒
- 11 December 2019: Ethnicity and nationality are not the same. Israeli is a nationality. Jewish is an ethnicity.
- 11 December 2019 (live): Judaism is not a nationality. Not wanting to give money to Israel is not the same as anti-Semitism. Of all the heinous things happening on college campuses, I cannot believe this is what Trump deems worthy of an executive order.
- 26 November 2019: You'd be surprised how often the people who call me racist use racist slurs against me Although lol szechuan sauce is new
- 10 November 2019: New video! "Give your wife a chest pass for Christmas!" That's what one author is suggesting. Why have excuses for infidelity been so prominent in the media lately? And why do so many people FALSELY believe monogamy always leads to unhappiness?
- 30 October 2019: I don't know about the rest of Fuentes' views, but there's nothing antisemitic in this clip. Is it really that outrageous to ask why TPUSA focuses so much on Israel? I think it'd be better for Charlie to just answer the question, instead of banning people from events...
- 2 September 2019: “We need to destigmatize pedophilia.” That’s the new agenda publications like Vox are now pushing. And while they do, pedophile activists seek to normalize their desires on social media. If you’re not shocked, you’re not paying attention.
- 2 September 2019: “We need to destigmatize pedophilia.” That’s the new agenda publications like Vox are now pushing. And while they do, pedophile activists seek to normalize their desires on social media. If you’re not shocked, you’re not paying attention.
- 20 August 2019: The President’s insta is a trip
- 18 July 2019: An armed man pledging allegiance to Antifa attempted to firebomb a government facility. Where is all the press coverage? Where are the pundits lamenting the state of political discourse? Or does the media only care about terrorism when it’s convenient?
- 17 May 2019: RT @JamesOKeefeIII: LEAKED Facebook docs showed plans to trigger "special features... leading up to important elections." They admit they a…
- 24 April 2019: Tonight at 8pm ET! @Lauren_Southern discusses human trafficking into Europe, PLUS @BernieSanders says prisoners should vote, a "Whiteness Studies" professor says treating races equally is DANGEROUS, and is inter-abled dating the new frontier?
- 15 March 2019: RT @LATSeema: I don’t think I have ever seen a statement like this from an elected official after a terrorist attack:…
- 14 March 2019: RT @Lauren_Southern: Our investigation has started making an impact and people are starting to wake up. I’m going to make #Borderless compl…