The list below includes 2659 deleted tweets by peterboghossian.
There are also 5 tweets that are indicated as not currently deleted by the Twitter API that have been scraped from pages of deleted tweets (as replies, etc.). These possibly undeleted tweets are included for context and are indicated by a (live) link.
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- 27 September 2021: Legitimacy crisis on full display
- 22 August 2021: Social Justice!
- 11 August 2021: Serious question: what happened to the rock? Was it pulverized?
- 11 August 2021: “A society that’s going down turns on it’s Jews”
- 10 August 2021: Equity
- 10 August 2021 (live): This is a fantastic summary and analysis of our current cultural woes. @spikedonline
- 4 August 2021: @tedwheeler thank you, Ted! You’ve brought Social Justice to @BurgervilleUSA !!
- 2 August 2021: Thank you, @tedwheeler . This would not have been possible without your guidance and leadership! We know you will not rest until Social Justice consumes Portland!
- 2 August 2021 (live): This Instagram account documents instances of Social Justice in Portland. @tedwheeler @DAMikeSchmidt
- 17 July 2021: @nfergus
- 16 July 2021: Preventing^ On the bike at the gym
- 16 July 2021 (live): What three ideological factors prevent people from recognizing global climate change as the threat it is and this triaging it appropriately?
- 11 July 2021: I am conducting an investigation into racism at @Portland_State . If you’re from the Middle East, and you attended Portland State University and feel you were discriminated against, email your testimony to Please be as detailed as possible. Thank you.
- 9 June 2021: To those upset about my endorsement of Shapiro’s recent book detailing authoritarianism on the left: If you’re not willing to step across the isle and stand up for what’s true, you’re doing yourself and those around you a disservice. You are placing ideology in front of truth.
- 22 May 2021: You two irredeemable morons have crossed yet another line. Who are you to criticize unsafe streets, war on meritocracy, anti-housing, etc. Cease thinking white! Then see your future & come to Portland—open sewage in the street ushering in a new era of Social Justice!
- 14 May 2021: It's great to be an early adopter of cutting edge technology but dangerous to be an early adopter of truth. Antiracism is racism.
- 3 May 2021: If you’re a donor to or an alumni of @Portland_State , or just someone who’d like a candid glimpse of madness that’s overtaking a public university, then you’ll find this video interesting, horrifying, and tragic. This is a what a cult looks like.
- 29 March 2021: Correct. Criticism of an academic discipline and its truth claims is also not harassment. #CriticalRaceTheory
- 8 March 2021: Here are some direct links:
- 8 March 2021 (live): Fight back: parents and students, post indoctrination curricula to the various pages on Instagram that showcase this material. Save it all. Take photos. Make it public.
- 4 March 2021: A new intolerant orthodoxy is undermining our common humanity and pitting us against each other. It’s time to do something about it. That’s why we’re launching FAIR. Join Us. @fairforall_org
- 12 February 2021: Where is that?
- 1 February 2021: There's a page where one can post one's experiences of wokeness at Portland State. Students can post Zoom videos of neo-racist professors, share emails, or offer testimonials. Really interesting glimpse into the ideological takeover of a university. I wonder if it will take off
- 15 November 2020: What lessons can you learn from these comments? Here’s my take as a lifelong fan
- 24 October 2020: I use it far more now
- 20 October 2020: Best of luck for a speedy recovery. So, so many people wish you all the best in the world.
- 8 September 2020: This was an astonishingly good series. Exceptionally well acted and written.
- 8 September 2020: Big if true
- 14 July 2020: The instant I read this I click on her bio. Sure enough, pronouns.
- 13 July 2020: Not looking good for my prediction so far, but the week is young
- 13 July 2020: Yup. Friends far smarter than yours truly keep telling me I’m a fool.
- 13 July 2020: I’ve increased my confidence in a DOW drop by the end of this week, 74%.
- 12 July 2020: I’m literally betting on a precipitous fall by Aug 31.
- 12 July 2020: And when’s the day of reckoning?
- 12 July 2020: Interesting. I don’t see the former.
- 12 July 2020: 7/13/2020 - 7/17/2020 I’m anticipating a DOW drop. Anyone care to hazard a quess about this coming week?
- 11 July 2020: Yup.
- 11 July 2020 (live): Unexpectedly, Portland has seen a dramatic increase in the murder rate.
- 9 July 2020: Again, all completely unpredictable.
- 9 July 2020: Literally nobody could have predicted this.
- 7 July 2020: I love how you added a disclaimer to a discussion about corn.
- 29 June 2020: Any predictions for the market this week?
- 27 June 2020: His twitter bio claims he works for them
- 24 June 2020: I shorted the market this morning.
- 9 June 2020: Wow. Flooded with messages that I was hacked. Thanks for everyone’s concern. I’m taking a break from twitter to write.
- 9 June 2020: Stay tuned...
- 9 June 2020: Thanks
- 9 June 2020: Yeah, I don't know where to find that data. If you find it, can you please post it here?
- 9 June 2020: It will be very interesting to keep an eye on this: Weekly Market Activity Report. A RESEARCH TOOL FROM MINNEAPOLIS AREA REALTORS® For Week Ending May 30, 2020 Quick Facts Publish Date: June 8, 2020 • All comparisons are to 2019
- 9 June 2020:
- 9 June 2020: Buy buy buy!!
- 9 June 2020: Thank you!!!
- 9 June 2020: Not even a congratulatory tweet!
- 8 June 2020: Holy shit.
- 8 June 2020: Alternative title: Democratic nominee opposes a deranged idea supported by far left
- 8 June 2020: You can have both satire and work for meaningful reform, though I doubt one can do the latter on this platform.
- 8 June 2020: I tried.
- 8 June 2020: Long overdue.
- 8 June 2020: It’s easy to satirize and ridicule thoughtless, extreme reactions to the current crisis. But it’s also an opportunity to change some longstanding racial injustices. It behooves us all to place the latter ahead of the former.
- 8 June 2020: "Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." Orwell
- 8 June 2020: In six months from now, when the crime rate has increased and the murder rate (esp in cities) has dramatically increased, almost everyone will claim it was a mystery. The first person to be honest about the causes is the person who actually cares about black lives.
- 8 June 2020: Nobody could have predicted this. And nobody could possibly have predicted that crime rates in general, and murder rates in particular, will dramatically increase. If we only knew the cause...
- 8 June 2020:
- 8 June 2020: It’s always struck me as odd that it’s justified in some realms (chemicals) and not in others (extraordinary renditions).
- 8 June 2020: Alternatively, give them the city of Minneapolis and see what happens.
- 8 June 2020:
- 8 June 2020: Too late.
- 8 June 2020: @AndrewLSeidel
- 8 June 2020: No.
- 8 June 2020:
- 8 June 2020: All mayors who defund the police should also defund their protection details.
- 8 June 2020: Horse’s mouth
- 8 June 2020: My bad. It closed at 11.24.
- 8 June 2020: And if “Free people from prisons & jails” takes off and jails actually begin closing, I am investing every penny I have in gun stocks.
- 8 June 2020: I’m doubling down on this.
- 8 June 2020: Let’s see what the market thinks about NYC, Portland, Minneapolis, & the growing movement to abolish the police. Specifically, here’s a chart of the top three gun stocks. AOBC, my personal favorite, closed at 14.14.
- 7 June 2020: No, it does not mean that.
- 7 June 2020: The statements in this article are simply untrue. @KGWNews is either intentionally misrepresenting this position or they are willfully ignorant. Here is it, directly from the leading source:
- 7 June 2020: Truly made me laugh.
- 7 June 2020: Let’s think through just 1 of these items: Free people from prisons & jails What will happen when people with a history of violence are released from prison? Will they spontaneously desist from violence? How will they be subdued if they go on a murder spree? Who will subdue them?
- 7 June 2020: And our educational elite will laud these developments as “progress.”
- 7 June 2020: Witness Social Justice ideology unfold in real time. Predictions: 1) crime, including murders & rapes, will dramatically increase 2) gun stocks will increase in value as fears grow this madness will spread to their communities 3) Minneapolis property values will collapse
- 7 June 2020: You’re in for a very, very big surprise. And it won’t be a pleasant one.
- 7 June 2020: Ah, but the revolution will be televised
- 7 June 2020: Framing people against riots in US cities as conservatives is a very bad strategy. Not only does it make framers appear as if they’re advocating violence, it confirms suspicions of actual conservatives that the left has not only lost their minds, but devolved into barbarism.
- 7 June 2020:
- 7 June 2020: Wait for it: @KGWNews and @KATUNews will describe this as a protest.
- 7 June 2020: This is a disgrace. That @OregonGovBrown and @tedwheeler allow this is not just impeachable but criminal.
- 7 June 2020: Oregon National Guard @OregonGovBrown NOW
- 7 June 2020: And here:
- 7 June 2020:
- 7 June 2020: Enough is enough. Bring in the Oregon National Guard and begin arresting people. @OregonGovBrown
- 7 June 2020: Legitimation crisis
- 6 June 2020: I said/screamed this repeatedly—for years. We are in agreement.
- 6 June 2020: This is UCLA. Let that sink in: UCLA. It’s time to have a serious conversation about defunding universities.
- 6 June 2020: If you thought professors were afraid to tackle difficult issues before, just imagine the new normal. Invariably the office of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion will be involved because the mob is enraged that he does not want to give black people “special treatment”
- 6 June 2020:
- 6 June 2020: The woke are dominating the culture war, “disrupting” & “dismantling” our institutions, and demanding that we adopt their moral conclusions. This is what it feels like to lose your cognitive liberty.
- 6 June 2020: It’s easy to see the moral panics of other ages (e.g., McCarthyism), and hard to see when you’re in the middle of one. We are in the middle of a moral panic.
- 6 June 2020: Handy Reference Guide Protesting 👍🏼 Rioting 👎🏼 Abusing suspects 👎🏼 Abusing police 👎🏼 Abusing anybody 👎🏼 Racism 👎🏼 Due process 👍🏼 Kindness 👍🏼
- 6 June 2020: Legitimation crisis
- 6 June 2020: The one thing I learned is how truly hard one has to work. You also have to be willing to give up much of what you desire in order to hit your goal.
- 6 June 2020: I would also call out the media if they called “protesters” “rioters”
- 6 June 2020: Wasn’t the claim that the police were lying and the gate wasn’t touched? Here’s the claim:
- 6 June 2020: I have a problem with people—especially in the media—using words that trap people in an inaccurate view of reality.
- 6 June 2020: “protesters”
- 6 June 2020: The mayor, @tedwheeler , has ceded the city of Portland to thugs.
- 6 June 2020: Would universities issue a public denunciation of riots if campuses were being destroyed?
- 6 June 2020: Duh
- 6 June 2020: Mandatory reading: The Problem with White Fragility
- 6 June 2020: Meanwhile, faculty and staff at PSU continue to be placed on furloughs. ...the university has issued no condemnation of the riots. ...$193k a year salary for a diversity VP...
- 6 June 2020: Thanks, Dave!
- 5 June 2020: It has the n word in it.
- 5 June 2020: People think the same thing about diversity too.
- 5 June 2020: If you sincerely want to talk about dismantling racism, why don’t you invite officers from the Portland Police to join you in conversation along side the Vice President for Global Diversity and Inclusion? Echo chambers do not solve problems. @Portland_State
- 5 June 2020: I had absolutely nothing to do with this. If anything, I am the real victim here.
- 5 June 2020: Things seem more valuable when you see that they can end.
- 5 June 2020: Dear White Women: Do Not Commit Suicide because You’re Racists By Helen Wilson
- 5 June 2020: Alternatively, those who don’t want their taxes to fund the police can opt out. Then the police won’t assist you in the event of an emergency. Brian, is it safe to say you’ll be opting out?
- 5 June 2020: Let’s only do this in certain cities so we have a control group. Then we can compare regions. Now who wants to live in areas absent police? Brian can take the lead.
- 4 June 2020: Let’s dismantle the Minneapolis police department and see what happens! Any predictions (other than lower incarceration rates)?
- 4 June 2020: Here’s great news about a great guy doing great things: From extremism to coronavirus: How a nonprofit pivoted to confront Arabic-language misinformation @faisalalmutar
- 4 June 2020: You almost red pilled yourself.
- 4 June 2020: @YmtYolanda thanks!
- 4 June 2020: thank you!
- 4 June 2020: Thank you!
- 4 June 2020: @bleReplicator Thank you!
- 4 June 2020: Thank you
- 4 June 2020: The audiobook for How to Have Impossible Conversations just became a New York Times bestseller. Now is the time to start talking across divides.
- 4 June 2020: ... and a university
- 4 June 2020: This doesn’t come out of nowhere. It’s a direct consequence of universities protecting people from ideas. When one encounters someone with a different perspective, this is all they have.
- 3 June 2020: If you want people to trust you, you must make your organization worthy of trust. You do that by describing and not evaluating, but more specifically, you need to be more precise in the words you use.
- 3 June 2020: . @KATUNews when you use the term “protesting” when people are clearly “rioting,” it contributes to not only undermining your legitimacy as a news organization, but to a lack of credibility for the mainstream media in general. If you don’t know what word to use, try a neutral one
- 3 June 2020: If you want to understand what’s happening in the world now—race, riots, power—here’s the book you need:
- 3 June 2020: Legalize drugs. They’re a health issue and not a criminal issue.
- 3 June 2020: So, @KATUNews , what would the conditions have to be before you termed this “unlawful assembly” and not “protest”?
- 3 June 2020: The timing for this was perfect: Even after the police declare it an unlawful assembly, @KATUNews continues to refer to it as a “protest”.
- 3 June 2020: . @KATUNews are you going to state that this is an “unlawful assembly” in your next tweet, or continue using “protest”?
- 3 June 2020: #BlackLivesMattter #antifa
- 3 June 2020: Are these just two different perspectives or is one more accurate? Bonus: identify the ideologies at play
- 3 June 2020: The local woke news terms it “protest”.
- 3 June 2020: Specific question: what three ideas/techniques do you personally find shitty?
- 3 June 2020: What three specific ideas in the book did you find shitty?
- 3 June 2020: Thanks
- 3 June 2020: We write about exactly that in the book
- 3 June 2020: This is absolutely correct. We need to learn how to be effective when speaking across divides. To learn more:
- 3 June 2020: Excellent. Extremely thoughtful, as always.
- 3 June 2020: Here’s an IQ test that enables you to understand the degree to which ideology influences your thinking. #race #crime #police #BLM
- 2 June 2020:
- 2 June 2020: Integrity
- 2 June 2020: Unbelievable.
- 2 June 2020: Keep Portland Weird
- 2 June 2020: Reread the tweet. “Oregon National Guard”.
- 2 June 2020: You’re in this ideological orbit @tedwheeler , & instead of honestly examining the evidence & questioning how we got here, you’re doubling down. Sad, if the stakes weren’t so high. And you still have not learned: you cannot appease them. #ouroboros
- 2 June 2020: Academia^
- 2 June 2020: Your failure to call in the Oregon National Guard, @OregonGovBrown , makes you complicit in this. To be blunt, not calling in the ONG because it’s what Trump wants is incredibly irresponsible and reeks of unfettered ideology.
- 2 June 2020: And academic has a scholastic infrastructure to support this: Standpoint Theory
- 2 June 2020: Correct, and this is also part of the current sickness.
- 2 June 2020: But now we have a “universal solvent” @ConceptualJames
- 2 June 2020: @SwipeWright @paulg @sullydish Yup
- 2 June 2020: 3) Trump and the factors that led to his rise. There are other factors (like social media), but I see these as the primary differences.
- 2 June 2020: @paulg @sullydish 2) the turn toward narratives and subjectivity & away from reason and evidence, equity as a perceived universal value, degredation of dialogue and discourse as a way to solve problems, the proliferation of fifth columns within the US & their support by mainstream organization...
- 2 June 2020: 1) A near perfect confluence of factors causing a legitimation crisis: the death of expertise, the parasitization of academia by invasive values (& loss of colleges of education to the same values), identity politics on the right & left...
- 2 June 2020: @tedwheeler this goes for you too.
- 2 June 2020: Yup.
- 2 June 2020: It was fun while it lasted.
- 1 June 2020: Regardless of your political affiliation, here’s something you can do to help: try not to take arguments personally. If you’re speaking to someone & they don’t believe as you do, try and figure out why they believe what they do. Listen. Repeat back to make sure you understand.
- 1 June 2020: Has the fact that we’re in a pandemic suddenly been forgotten?
- 1 June 2020: Again, @OregonGovBrown , why isn't the Oregon National Guard being deployed in Portland? The police cannot contain the riots.
- 1 June 2020: Four more years
- 1 June 2020: A lot of people said yes. Some legit concerns, namely that people won't view it as an intellectual exercise and actually take my advice. Still, I'd like to see if my predictions hook to reality. I'll likely set up an anonymous twitter account and post there. thanks
- 1 June 2020: Why is the Oregon National Guard not at the scene? @OregonGovBrown
- 1 June 2020: Thanks. I really appreciate that.
- 1 June 2020: I take it that’s a no
- 1 June 2020: I’m thinking about making market, stock, and currency predictions on twitter. Not sure if there’s interest or not. Anyone interested? Please don’t RT this. Just a yes or no in the comments. Thanks.
- 1 June 2020: I just deleted a tweet that was likely from a fake account. Sorry about the confusion. In spite of my best efforts, I make mistakes.
- 1 June 2020: Worth a close read.
- 1 June 2020: If the US adopted Universal Basic Income, your opinion on the rioters (#not# the protesters) would be
- 31 May 2020: The problem, as I just tweeted in agreement, is that this would be taken over by DIE initiatives
- 31 May 2020: That’s the problem.
- 31 May 2020: We’re long overdue to decrease military spending and put that money toward a comprehensive K-12 civics education.
- 30 May 2020:
- 30 May 2020: A wonderful way to deal with bad actors who intentionally mischaracterize your position.
- 30 May 2020: This should not be difficult. Colleges and universities in Portland, Oregon: @Reed_College_ @Portland_State @lewisandclark @UPortland @LinfieldCollege issue a public denunciation of last night's riots in Portland.
- 30 May 2020: This is disgusting. It’s among the worst of responses to this crisis.
- 30 May 2020: Many universities, such as my own, have rightly condemned the death of George Floyd. Have any universities, particularly those in Portland, publicly condemned the rioting? Please post the links here.
- 30 May 2020: I really should have run for mayor of Portland.
- 30 May 2020: “Protests”? Really @Oregonian ?? “Protests”??
- 30 May 2020: This is astonishing to me. Where is the Oregon National Guard? Where are (other) police officers? This is a national disgrace. @tedwheeler @OregonGovBrown @Oregonian
- 30 May 2020: Thanks. I’m also at a nucleation point, so that may color my views to an extent.
- 30 May 2020: Yes, that could very well be as I’m less familiar with the situation out of the US. I’m getting that information secondhand.
- 30 May 2020: People who don’t like guns—or who find the notion of owning them for self-defense silly—have never fully comprehended the paper thin line between civilization and complete anarchy, where it’s just animals running wild, slicing, terrorizing, and burning. Paper thin line.
- 30 May 2020: Where is Oregon’s National Guard? @OregonGovBrown
- 30 May 2020: Four hours later, this didn’t age well...
- 30 May 2020: Thanks. What are your disagreements with the second half?
- 30 May 2020: You directly contributed to this. NOW OWN IT.
- 29 May 2020: This may help to explain what happened to academic philosophers & their departments:
- 29 May 2020: A solid review of an important book, especially in these times. Giving the Devil His Due offers an engaging and crystal clear explanation of the moral undergirding of principles necessary for democratic society to flourish.
- 29 May 2020: I’m looking forward to their response.
- 29 May 2020: They deserve an opportunity to respond.
- 29 May 2020: Let’s give them an opportunity to respond.
- 29 May 2020: Market close
- 29 May 2020: @sarahforpdx @tedwheeler What are your plans to address this? I’d highly suggest a conversation on @LetterWiki
- 29 May 2020: When someone points out bogus literature in medicine, they’re a hero. When someone points out bogus literature in gender studies, they’re a villian.
- 29 May 2020: It’s a good sell spot.
- 29 May 2020: Absolutely true. That’s yet another reason to make predictions—and make them publicly. Keep your beliefs in check and remain accountable.
- 29 May 2020: I’m going to add to this prediction: a common refrain will be, “Nobody could have predicted this. How could anyone have known?”
- 29 May 2020: Up, up, and up!
- 29 May 2020: Disagree with someone’s political opinions? No problem! Just write derogatory fake reviews about their book! Duh!
- 29 May 2020: Up 2.5%
- 29 May 2020:
- 29 May 2020: Yup
- 29 May 2020: Prediction: .. Increases on 5/29/2020
- 29 May 2020: Academia in a nutshell.
- 29 May 2020: Thread translation: Four more years
- 29 May 2020: The decision by the police to not intervene in certain areas of the city is a disgrace. The weak, unarmed, and vulnerable will now be preyed upon. #Minneapolis
- 28 May 2020: Another important, positive story that’s been lost in the madness of our current moment: the success of anti-poaching efforts. Great conversation.
- 28 May 2020: Nailed it. Now dig deeper.
- 28 May 2020: Wow. To the right of Hitler AND Trump. That’s really quite something.
- 28 May 2020: Did he migrate to the new religion? #intersectionality
- 28 May 2020: If you’re a conservative, please stop using the word “liberal” to describe individuals who are anything but liberal. When you see people on the left behaving like tyrants, if you must call them something, try “authoritarians”. Thank you.
- 28 May 2020: A prediction: - Over the next 6 months there will be a dramatic increase in crime in large cities in the US. The right & the left will blame it on their usual go-tos. Few will admit the actual cause as the social sanction will be too high.
- 27 May 2020: Thank you so much. It’s been my pleasure.
- 27 May 2020: Thank you!
- 27 May 2020: My sincere gratitude to everyone who helped in this journey. Today, How to Have Impossible Conversations became the most downloaded audiobook in the world. Reason and dialogue liberate.
- 27 May 2020: @DavidBCollum
- 27 May 2020: Liberal Humanism vs Critical Social Justice with @ReidN and @HPluckrose
- 26 May 2020: 1. Whether or not he resisted is completely irrelevant 2. Absent proper training, when it goes to court the officers can blame lack of training 3. If they had bad intentions that’s even more reason to give them proper training to remove their excuse in the event of death
- 26 May 2020: The horrific and needless death of George Floyd underscores the need for police to train in jiu jitsu. @AndrewYang put out the call for a minimum of a purple belt—in this instance, even an mid-level white belt should have known better. @John_Kavanagh @joerogan @aliveness_ape
- 26 May 2020: How to Have Impossible Conversations is Audible's Deal of the Day today, so if you've been thinking of getting it on audiobook, today's the day!
- 26 May 2020: Thank you!
- 26 May 2020: My last book is packed with relevant research on just this...
- 26 May 2020: Please do not dogpile Kate. She is the victim of an insidious ideology—her moral mind has overridden her rational mind. “Social Justice” and intersectionality damage one’s ability to accurately perceive reality. You will not help her overcome this delusion by ridicule or cruelty.
- 25 May 2020: Here’s a glowing review of the German edition of How to Have Impossible Conversations, broadcast on Austrian Radio - 25 May 2020: Here’s the Pulitzer Center’s Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. For a crystal clear explanation of exactly what this means—sourced directly from the literature—see @ConceptualJames ’s tweets that follow.
- 25 May 2020: A stunning statement. Someone needs to read @sapinker , @michaelshermer , & @mattwridley ’s work.
- 25 May 2020: You know you’re thinking about this subject too much when you see this and your first thought is “toxic masculinity”.
- 24 May 2020: That was 45 minutes. Thanks for making me think. It’s past 1:00am, need to get some sleep.
- 24 May 2020: Should the fact that he’s POTUS make any difference?
- 24 May 2020: I’m trying to figure out what those questions would be and exactly how to phrase them
- 24 May 2020: Is there a difference due to the nature of the relationship between patient and doctor? Engineer doesn’t seem in the same category. Nor lawyer, but closer. And should that relationship matter?
- 24 May 2020: Yeah. I guess so. Reverse AMA.
- 24 May 2020: So the answer is...?
- 24 May 2020: 1. None? There are already legal restrictions on physicians? Why not just extend those to POTUS?
- 24 May 2020: 2. I buy that. But yet I don’t think it’s enough to facilitate belief revision.
- 24 May 2020: 1. None? Unlimited opioids?
- 24 May 2020: So then it wouldn’t matter that people lick doors in a pandemic. But most people would say it matters (bracketing “smuggling” values in like “it’a good to not die”), yet if one remains unconvinced by this what would persuade them?
- 24 May 2020: Good comment. I delved a bit into that with a paper I published with @ConceptualJames about the Socratic method. We wrote about claims to an undefeated defeater—the Holy Spirit
- 24 May 2020: Yeah. That was one of my thoughts as well. There’s something about the particular issue of belief mattering that is morally difficult for many people to surmount.
- 24 May 2020: Yes=yet ^^
- 24 May 2020: Yeah. This is my line of thinking as well. I wonder if this is codified somewhere.
- 24 May 2020: I’m more hopeful. I view the larger issue like a lock mechanism. Dialectic is the way to form the key bumps. Belief revision is the “click”.
- 24 May 2020: They fall back on relativism
- 24 May 2020: What if it’s just a little harmful?
- 24 May 2020: I’m stuck on something I’m writing. Not sure if I’m going to abandon the piece or not. Why are YOU up so late?
- 24 May 2020: That seems apodicticly true, yes many people remain unpersuaded. Perhaps the better question is why hasn’t this been persuasive?
- 24 May 2020: @SkepticReview89 Yeah, it’s a really, really difficult issue, esp because it is so obvious. There seem to be “blockers” that prevent people from clearly thinking trough this issue.
- 24 May 2020: Do you happen to know if that’s worked on a moral relativist?
- 24 May 2020: Great piece. That line of argument, however, hasn’t worked. The question is why. I’m thinking that it needs to fall more squarely in the domain of reality, but I’m not sure.
- 24 May 2020: 2. I’m trying to think of what that would be, given absolutely overwhelming evidence hasn’t worked. 1. What if it’s a little harmful?
- 24 May 2020: I’m trying to think through the ethics of prescribing POTUS what he wants but doesn’t need. Any drug can be inserted.
- 24 May 2020: Have you seen the videos of people licking doors in Iran? That didn’t convince many people belief matters. I’m not sure your argument will. It needs to be more persuasive than licking doors in a pandemic, no?
- 24 May 2020: 1. Yes. You mean “not bad,” no? 2. That hasn’t worked.
- 24 May 2020: 1. More right? 2. That didn’t do it.
- 24 May 2020: So, nothing?
- 24 May 2020: 1. What about hydroxychloroquine? 2. In my experience that won’t convince people.
- 24 May 2020: Modified AMA. I’ve been thinking through a few issues. Please feel free to jump in if you’d like to comment. 1) what are the limits of what POTUS’ physician should prescribe him upon his request? 2) what’s a great argument to convince someone that what people believe matters?
- 24 May 2020: If the idea is to prove the virus is some kind of hoax, there are far better ways to do this than licking a statue. There are also interesting ethical considerations about whether or not voluntarily infecting yourself with a contagion is morally justifiable.
- 23 May 2020: Another outstanding piece by @peternlimberg . Memetic Mediation: The Hard Problem of the Culture War #profound
- 23 May 2020: Interesting how many of the comments here found it uninteresting. I was surprised by the role women played and that they didn’t accrue more advantages. I also thought it was a candid glimpse into a world few have access to—other than thinking they do through tv
- 23 May 2020: Five Surprising Things I Learned from Partying with Rich People Sociologist Ashley Mears on Extravagant Wealth
- 23 May 2020: True
- 23 May 2020: I’m currently writing to this
- 22 May 2020: Fantastic!
- 22 May 2020: Pedagogically innovative, perhaps, but even more agenda-driven now that they’re not constrained by external metrics. #intersectionality
- 21 May 2020: Want to see a modern day witch-hunt? Offices of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are weaponized against scholars who argue for morally unfashionable opinions. @CHSommers @GadSaad @RubinReport @DouglasKMurray @RealPeerReview @BretWeinstein @clairlemon @jordanbpeterson @sullydish
- 20 May 2020: Young Heretics. A great new podcast from @SpencerKlavan
- 20 May 2020: That’s what I’ll tell her.
- 20 May 2020: I tried to help my daughter with her math homework. The answer I got was 1.04987. The correct answer, according to the answer key, is 525,000,000,000.
- 19 May 2020: How likely do you think it is that you’ll be elected?
- 19 May 2020: Timeless life lessons beautifully articulated by @kittypurrzog @TheAtlantic
- 19 May 2020: I love your bio.
- 19 May 2020: I have added pronouns to my bio.
- 18 May 2020: Thank you for helping me understand. Can you please tell me why you offered names of women?
- 18 May 2020: Why didn’t you immediately end your participation when you found out?
- 17 May 2020: Decriminalize drugs. Expand treatment. Sign the petition to qualify this for Oregon’s ballot. #Oregon #IP44 It’s time for sane drug policy.
- 17 May 2020: . @BillGates You’re a hero. Thank you for everything you’re doing.
- 17 May 2020: @Justin_Willman I enjoyed the pilot of your @netflix show. After the scene with children, I hope you told them it wasn’t words that caused water to retain its shape and plants to grow, but that it was a magic trick.
- 17 May 2020: As Helen Wilson, Ph.D., noted, there a “chronic and perennial rape emergency” at dog parks.
- 17 May 2020:
- 17 May 2020: Delighted that How to Have Impossible Conversations is the Blinkist editor’s pick.
- 17 May 2020: Agree with his arguments or not, @mattwridley is one of the most important thinkers alive. I’m eager to read his latest work.
- 16 May 2020: They must think hiring minority managers will decrease winning or they’d not “compensate” hiring practices with something that increases the odds of winning.
- 16 May 2020: When I point out that a significant number of people are saying things like this, the response is, “no, they’re not.” When I cite them, the response changes to, “they don’t actually mean it. It’s hyperbole.” No, they actually mean it.
- 15 May 2020: For those who may not be familiar with his work
- 15 May 2020: If I were to have a conversation with @6ix9ine , what should we talk about?
- 15 May 2020:
- 15 May 2020: True
- 15 May 2020: I do not believe you.
- 14 May 2020: Yup. Let’s check back then. I sincerely hope I’m wrong.
- 14 May 2020: Argh. I just wrote a longish response and the tweet was deleted.
- 14 May 2020: You’re not alone in thinking that.
- 14 May 2020: Prediction: the Dow will be at or below 18,500 by August 31, 2020.
- 14 May 2020:
- 14 May 2020:
- 14 May 2020:
- 14 May 2020:
- 14 May 2020:
- 14 May 2020:
- 14 May 2020:
- 14 May 2020:
- 14 May 2020:
- 14 May 2020: Here are some pics from my nightly walk in Portland.
- 13 May 2020: This is a worthwhile challenge. I’m on day three.
- 13 May 2020: And the more successful one is, the more vitriolic the criticism.
- 12 May 2020: This is excellent: Charlie Munger talks about how to be successful. What struck me was how many things he notes that run counter to the dominant values of our age.
- 12 May 2020: I actually thought about it.
- 12 May 2020: If this is the new normal when going to the gym, I cannot imagine this industry will survive. People don’t even put their weights back, forget about cleaning them.
- 12 May 2020: As difficult as this is to believe, his main rival is even more of an ideologue. She’s a true believer:
- 12 May 2020: In these troubled times, what does Portland Mayor @tedwheeler value most? Equity and inclusion, of course.
- 12 May 2020: Conversation tip: Compare: “You’re wrong” with “That’s not correct” The first invalidates a person (don’t use), the second targets an idea (use).
- 12 May 2020: This song really made me laugh.
- 11 May 2020: I thoroughly enjoyed this interview. We cover a range of interesting and important issues—from belief, to the psychology of religion, to being a better thinker.
- 11 May 2020: It’s irrelevant to me where it comes from. There’s a danger in tribalism, and I find myself working diligently against falling into these ideological sand traps.
- 11 May 2020: Why post this from an anonymous account? Step up. Don’t be a coward. Match your identity to your words.
- 11 May 2020: The context of this is Resolution 9 of the Southern Baptist Convention. See the video we ( @ConceptualJames ) did in NYC for details.
- 11 May 2020: How people derive their morals is obviously different from the conclusions they arrive at, esp when principles in the system need to be accepted by fiat. So there’s no univocality to Christianity, for example, as evidenced by different sects/factions/interpretations, etc.
- 11 May 2020: That’s why I wrote “my Christian friends” in the initial tweet. It was a tweet aimed at people who already bought into a moral/epistemological/metaphysical system.
- 11 May 2020: Here is another view: It’s worth noting that I don’t subscribe to either one of these as I don’t accept the fundamental premises—the resurrection of Jesus. ...
- 10 May 2020: Okay. I’ll bite. Articulate and derive your reasoning for this.
- 10 May 2020: Social Justice isn’t Justice. An important video for my Christian friends
- 10 May 2020: Some people will manufacture any excuse imaginable before they admit there’s a problem in certain fields.
- 9 May 2020: My unlettered opinion: Stock market valuation is more unreasonable than it's been in the last 50 years. Terribly overvalued.
- 9 May 2020: Congratulations!!
- 9 May 2020: Huge if true. @mattwridley
- 9 May 2020: 3:11am and I’m writing to this
- 9 May 2020: URL for those who asked Also, the piece valuation is not balanced, but oddly that doesn’t seem to make much of a difference. The engine is decent, but not as robust as it could be.
- 9 May 2020: After playing a lot of chess with different pieces in semi random positions, I find thinking about going back to standard chess—with all its memorization—boring.
- 8 May 2020: Have you heard the phrase “hate speech” and been baffled by its usage? Well, baffle no more! New Discourses explains and unpacks this phenomena with their typical clarity and precision...
- 8 May 2020: Excellent.
- 8 May 2020: Seems the resistance is almost exclusively ideological—a post hoc rationalization to secure an ideology and a political infrastructure.
- 8 May 2020: This is an outstanding analysis.
- 8 May 2020: @DavidBCollum
- 8 May 2020: This was one of my first thoughts.
- 8 May 2020: That was one of my first thoughts
- 8 May 2020: Not the answer your looking for, but I don’t think there is a dumb, least reasonable design. It all depends on the physics of their location and the technology they possess.
- 8 May 2020: Because of the pandemic.
- 8 May 2020: If I were POTUS, I’d deploy the National Guard around critical water infrastructure.
- 8 May 2020: To educational administrators who’ve been vociferously advocating for economic justice, this is your opportunity! If you earn over 150K, significantly decrease your salary so that lesser paid faculty & staff can be retained.
- 8 May 2020: This is absolutely correct. While it’s nearly impossible to imagine what sort of exculpatory evidence could be presented, accused are still presumed innocent until found guilty in a court of law.
- 8 May 2020: “Me trying to talk with the other kids in my sociology class”
- 7 May 2020: This is a really clear explanation and debunking of the equity as fairness ideology—yes, ideology.
- 7 May 2020: Exactly. That was my first thought. To understand the difference between equity and fairness is to understand one of the most important principles guiding contemporary educational policies.
- 7 May 2020: I’m an advisor to AAI. If there’s evidence and Michael is explicitly asking that it be made public then it’s important to do so.
- 6 May 2020: Kathleen, I have tremendous respect for you for engaging in this conversation with Helen.
- 6 May 2020: @LibertyWayPod you guys are terrific.
- 6 May 2020: Four more years...
- 5 May 2020: Yet another data point ushering in the conclusion that we’re facing a legitimation crisis.
- 5 May 2020: This is an extremely important and profound thread about critical theory. Comprehend this and you have a purple belt understanding of the topic.
- 5 May 2020: Just think of the kind of person who sits around hour after hour and writes fake reviews for a book they haven’t even read.
- 5 May 2020: Yup. Boredom is an internal state.
- 5 May 2020: Outstanding interview. Bold and insightful.
- 5 May 2020: I’ve heard the excuse a dozen times over the years and always thought it was BS. Now it’s happened to me, but it wasn’t my homework, it was my D&D character sheet. Here’s the culprit—resting peacefully—after her handiwork.
- 5 May 2020: 2020, but timeless.
- 5 May 2020: They’re always more brutal to apostates.
- 5 May 2020:
- 5 May 2020: Here’s the amazon ratio
- 5 May 2020:
- 5 May 2020: Check out the 5 to 1 star ratios of @RubinReport ’s book. None of the 1 star reviews are verified purchases. This is how you behave when you don’t have arguments.
- 5 May 2020: I ran out of characters.
- 5 May 2020: The path out of this catastrophe—by improving public attitudes—is to tether our institutions to evidence-based, non-ideological positions. This is easier said than done, because it starts with the assumption individuals can recognize the role ideology plays in belief formation
- 5 May 2020: We’re experiencing a legitimation crisis. There’s a complete lack of trust in our public institutions, like @splcenter , @WHO , @USAGov , our university system, etc. These institutions will soon not be able to discharge their primary responsibilities.
- 5 May 2020: These guys are legend. They’re making the world a little better every single day.
- 4 May 2020: Bingo!
- 4 May 2020: @MrAtheistPants
- 4 May 2020: My First Little Book of Intersectional Activism This will be the most important book on intersectionality ever written. By @TitaniaMcGrath
- 4 May 2020: Similarly, when someone denies the facts of evolution, ask, “Why didn’t monkeys didn’t evolve into humans?” If they don’t know, ask, “Without knowing the answer to that basic question, how could one be familiar enough with evolutionary biology to know what’s wrong with it?”
- 4 May 2020: Counterpart was excellent too.
- 4 May 2020: That’s next on my list. Thanks. Devs is the best sci fi show I’ve seen in years. On @Hulu
- 3 May 2020: If antifa engaged in dialogue, I’d ask how they defend themselves against the charge of racism from a black mayoral candidate. Would they admit they’re anti-black or deny her lived experiences?
- 3 May 2020: Lola, Teddy, or Savannah are happy to make an appearance. Anytime.
- 3 May 2020: Retweets are not endorsements.
- 2 May 2020: Out for my afternoon walk and met this fella, who just started following me around.
- 19 April 2020: Then?
- 19 April 2020: Lola sleeps near her water bowl. She fell asleep like this.
- 19 April 2020: Starting pieces & positions are semi random. Here’s the start of my next game...
- 19 April 2020: Random pieces. Check out the app.
- 19 April 2020: @leonvansteensel There is no rook
- 19 April 2020: White to move
- 19 April 2020: I’ve been playing Really Bad Chess & loving it. Takes all the memorization out of the game puts you in really interesting positions—like this one. Any ideas?
- 18 April 2020: They live for that.
- 18 April 2020: This is a great podcast about all things BJJ. It’ll help keep your head in the game, even though we’re not rolling. @aliveness_ape
- 17 April 2020: Exactly.
- 17 April 2020: And I’m happy to have a conversation with you too, @seanmcarroll . Specifically, I’d like to speak with you about your criticisms of our Grievance Studies project.
- 17 April 2020: You either did not send one or I did not receive it. Email your contact info to all 3 for a zoom conversation: Reid @ReidN Anthony @magnabosco Travis (the documentarian) @becomethesignal
- 17 April 2020: Here you go...
- 17 April 2020: I’ll tell you what I’ll do, “James”. I’m doing videos for an Impossible conversation series & I’ll invite you to have a conversation with me. You’re a critic and I’m happy to speak with you. Send an email to pgb @ pdx edu & I’ll check my email and respond with zoom details
- 17 April 2020: @seanmcarroll But Sean, you publicly attacked our motives for exposing shoddy peer-reviewed scholarship in certain disciplines when their conclusions comported with your ideological commitments. You also refused to converse with us despite our reaching out.
- 17 April 2020: I glanced at her tweet and the first thing I thought was, “I bet she has pronouns in her bio.” It’s an announcement that literally everything will be viewed through a particular ideological lens.
- 16 April 2020: It moved to the top of the queue!! Can’t wait!!
- 16 April 2020: You are wonderful people.
- 16 April 2020: Imagine trying to reason with someone and they meet your arguments with a bizarre interpretative dance. Then you say, “that’s not evidence for anything, it’s just you dancing,” and someone else immediately calls you fatphobic. That’s the situation in which we find ourselves.
- 15 April 2020: Agreed. 100%. And they’re in the university system teaching our kids, they’re influencing public policy, and people are dying
- 15 April 2020: This is a fascinating glimpse into a deranged worldview of a leading fat activist. Don’t do any actual intellectual work to become respected, don’t make arguments—just dance around a sculpture you find problematic and demand its removal.
- 15 April 2020: Thread. That team consisted of @ConceptualJames @HPluckrose and yours truly.
- 15 April 2020: Terrific interview with @joerogan
- 15 April 2020:
- 15 April 2020: I’ve been waiting for this book for a long time. Just came out!! Giving the Devil his Due @michaelshermer
- 15 April 2020: That's the title of the article. I should have put it in quotation marks.
- 15 April 2020: I’m a conservative. Right-wing media coverage of the virus has been a disaster. @maxlevydiamond
- 14 April 2020: @GadSaad Thank you!
- 14 April 2020: This is so insane it may actually be peak insanity. Someone wrote a peer reviewed article calling for our hoax paper to be reinstated. That paper claimed there should be a new category in professional bodybuilding, called “fat bodybuilding,” where fat people show off their fat.
- 14 April 2020: Case and point
- 14 April 2020: When you read a peer reviewed paper and see the word obesity in quotation marks, the author is almost definitely a fat activist, biology denialist, applied postmodernist, & fat activist.
- 14 April 2020:
- 14 April 2020: If obesity is just a narrative, @thebeefer , then how would one explain this? NYU scientists: Largest US study of COVID-19 finds obesity the single biggest 'chronic' factor in New York City's hospitalizations HT @RealYeyoZa
- 14 April 2020: If fat is just a narrative, @thebeefer , then how would you explain this? NYU scientists: Largest US study of COVID-19 finds obesity the single biggest 'chronic' factor in New York City's hospitalizations HT @RealYeyoZa
- 14 April 2020: It was my pleasure.
- 14 April 2020: When someone puts pronouns in their bio, it is not to indicate their gender identity. They're signaling a political position and a worldview. It is negative, hostile, and rage-filled—and far more often than not it is an indication that their moral reasoning has been damaged.
- 14 April 2020: 3) If you were infected, would you question your belief that the virus doesn’t infect devout Muslims or would you think you’re not devout enough?
- 14 April 2020: 1) If a devout Muslim, who does not oppress prisoners & brothers, were to be infected, what would cause that? 2) If you personally knew someone who was a sincere Muslim, who was pious, fasted, and prayed, and they became infected, how could this be explained?
- 14 April 2020: ISIS Women at Al-Hawl Refugee Camp: Coronavirus Does Not Infect Muslims; Only Infidels Die of Virus Here are questions to ask this believer (in order):
- 14 April 2020: Ideological conformity is a necessary but not sufficient condition for success in academia. @SwipeWright has integrity.
- 14 April 2020: If you're gleeful because someone's moral mind overrides their rational mind, and they die a ghastly death as a result, I suggest sincere moral introspection. "Prominent Virginia pastor who said, 'God is larger than this dreaded virus' dies of virus"
- 14 April 2020: Very happy that has now been translated into Mandarin, Polish, German, Romanian, Korean, and Czech!
- 14 April 2020: I loved this conversation with two @LibertyU students. They were smart and sincere. Thank you, @LibertyWayPod
- 14 April 2020: A great podcast about all things BJJ and more, with my coach and friend @aliveness_ape
- 11 April 2020: Meet Lola
- 11 April 2020: You beat me to it
- 11 April 2020: She’s a victim
- 10 April 2020:
- 10 April 2020: Our third dog, Savannah, is on a playdate.
- 10 April 2020:
- 10 April 2020:
- 9 April 2020: RT @USAA: USAA to return $520M to members. Members will automatically receive a credit applied to their bill. There is no need to call and…
- 9 April 2020: I just received this email from my insurance company, @USAA . They are absolutely incredible! THANK YOU!! 🇺🇸
- 9 April 2020: As unpalatable as it may seem, we need to put a price on human life. We’d not close down our economy for a disease that killed one in a million people, but we would for one in a hundred. In your moral and economic calculus, what’s that number?
- 9 April 2020: Why let evidence interfere with ideology?
- 9 April 2020: Potential volunteers?
- 8 April 2020: Finally, the original aphorism is, "Vote your hopes, not your fears". Seems pollyanna.
- 8 April 2020: Hence, if you vote for the candidate you hope will win because their views most closely align with yours (Williamson), you will likely not get the candidate best suited to defeat the individual who has views different from yours (Trump).
- 8 April 2020: 2. The hate on my tweet is interesting. Seems pretty straightforward & apodictic. If you vote for someone whose views align with yours (e.g., Williamson), you risk letting someone into office whose views are less palatable to you (Trump).
- 8 April 2020: 1. Given the system we have, for the least worst candidate who has the best chance of defeating someone whose views don’t align with yours.
- 8 April 2020: If you vote your hopes you get your fears.
- 7 April 2020: I have not seen that. Thanks. I’ve been predicting this for a few years now, though it’s rather obvious.
- 7 April 2020: To be blunt, I do not see that succeeding.
- 7 April 2020: Once third and fourth tier universities collapse—due to unsustainable budgets exacerbated by the virus—I wonder what careers out of employment professors will pursue. Toil in makebelieveland long enough, and you’ll be in for a rude awakening.
- 7 April 2020: And filled with rage
- 7 April 2020: No, because it could be accidentally true, and thus not knowledge
- 7 April 2020: Report coming. Stay tuned...
- 7 April 2020: Very cool
- 7 April 2020: @RealYeyoZa
- 7 April 2020: If you have a strong opinion about hydroxychloroquine without requisite expertise, at least try to have an iota of integrity. Once there’s conclusive evidence of its effectiveness, if you were incorrect come out and say so.
- 7 April 2020: Super cool custom D&D miniatures
- 7 April 2020: Do something constructive in quarantine! Be part of an upcoming documentary where you can engage important political, moral, & social issues by having conversations. Sign up:
- 7 April 2020: Additional identities (just in case those weren't enough)
- 7 April 2020: What is "Two Spirit"?
- 7 April 2020: These screen captures are from an org in Portland administering emergency relief grants for Portland small businesses. The preponderance of questions are about identity & not the business.
- 7 April 2020: @ConceptualJames collectively, we couldn’t even self-isolate for 15 minutes.
- 6 April 2020: @HPluckrose @ConceptualJames
- 6 April 2020: @ConceptualJames
- 6 April 2020: It’s actually true
- 6 April 2020:
- 5 April 2020: How come no psychics predicted this?
- 5 April 2020: Shameless
- 5 April 2020: That is disturbing
- 5 April 2020: If there were only one podcast university administrators should listen to in its entirety, it would be this one.
- 5 April 2020: How the Woke Virus Infects Academia and Our Covid-19 Response. BOOM!
- 4 April 2020: Happy to know my interview with @GarethCliff made #2 best episode! I’m going to download the other episodes now.
- 4 April 2020: And how do you know that point was my point?
- 4 April 2020: What’s the point?
- 4 April 2020: I should have quote tweeted this. It would have contextualized my original tweet
- 4 April 2020: “Only”
- 4 April 2020: Not a single “yes” so far.
- 4 April 2020: That’s exactly what my daughter said when I asked her. I followed up with, “what would be a compromise position where they could be allowed to attend?”
- 4 April 2020: For those opposed to places of worship remaining open during the pandemic, would you compromise by allowing them to do so provided attendees sign a legally binding form stating hospitals can refuse treatment if they have the virus?
- 4 April 2020: And administrators at public universities
- 4 April 2020: @ZubyMusic did the towel exercise for back/pull. Worked surprisingly well. Did 4 sets of 15. Will definitely incorporate into my regular routine. Thank you!
- 3 April 2020: He needs to put a comma between “women” and “drugs” on his bio.
- 3 April 2020: A fantastic application of Street Epistemology to the Social Justice religion. Another terrific video and breakdown by @magnabosco
- 3 April 2020: I’ve done 1-2 podcasts a day since I tweeted this. I’ve had a lot of interesting conversations with interesting people about interesting topics. Thank you!
- 3 April 2020: If you’re a father, this is a good time to appreciate the opportunity to experience problems that come with fatherhood.
- 2 April 2020: Going live in 30 seconds. Live Q&A too!
- 2 April 2020: I wonder how parishioners would feel if an atheist Governor adopted these policy exemptions.
- 2 April 2020: Maybe he has a pathological hatred of his constituents
- 1 April 2020: If you're looking for an app while you're stuck at home, look no more! @Atheos
- 1 April 2020: Not exactly. We wanted to come out with a series of videos connecting the divisive nonsense taught in the academy to the real world. What happens in the academy doesn't stay in the academy, and we were busted before we could explain that.
- 1 April 2020: “The importance of critical thinking,” my podcast with @aliveness_ape is now live! #SBG
- 1 April 2020: I miss the old days. @aliveness_ape
- 1 April 2020: And what do you rate if you participate?
- 31 March 2020: Wow. These are terrific
- 31 March 2020: Notice that a ban on trans athletes only goes one way—male to female and not female to male. This indicates fairness is the motivator and not bigotry. (Misleading title)
- 31 March 2020: What’s one of your favorite films that few people have heard of? I’ll watch it tonight.
- 31 March 2020: By far the better tweet
- 31 March 2020: If I were a deity, my first act would be to change the yolk to white ratio.
- 31 March 2020: As intended
- 31 March 2020: Think bigger.
- 31 March 2020: If I were a deity, my first act would be to change the yoke to white ratio.
- 31 March 2020: I don't remember. I'm sorry
- 31 March 2020: thank you!
- 31 March 2020: LOL
- 30 March 2020: In this time of crisis, have diversity, equity, and inclusion hiring practices increased the public’s trust in our institutions, decreased it, or neither?
- 30 March 2020: This is my good friend Faisal. He’s amazing.
- 29 March 2020: @ConceptualJames
- 28 March 2020: Good night
- 28 March 2020: Okay, that was a solid 40 minutes. I need to help Lola with her breathing now. Thanks, everyone.
- 28 March 2020: Beside How to Have Impossible Conversations? I get that question often, and it just depends on what you’re into. Giving blanket recommendations is not productive.
- 28 March 2020: History is history and what’s happening now is happening now. Focus on the latter. We are not responsible for the sins of our fathers.
- 28 March 2020: On an individual or a social basis? The situation is made considerably easier when the party in the wrong admits “mistakes,” e.g. Germany. Denying makes it worse, e.g., Turkey.
- 28 March 2020: Good question. When you find a good technique please let me know. She’s nipping at our hands to teeth (can I shorten teething to teeth?)
- 28 March 2020: I read a lot of unpublished manuscripts people send me. However, because we have a new puppy, I’ve been reading Caesar Milan’s book
- 28 March 2020: Problematize any aspect of this by looking at it though race, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, etc. Start with the conclusion and work backward. @TitaniaMcGrath has some great stuff on this
- 28 March 2020: 3. Pie
- 28 March 2020: 2. Yup. @ConceptualJames and I have written and spoken about this at length
- 28 March 2020: 1) odd question. They could be the same thing. Why efficacy as opposed to anything else?
- 28 March 2020: I’ve read parts of it. Rambling and unhinged.
- 28 March 2020: Many meanings to that word.
- 28 March 2020: Requires follow up questions. Definitions. And in what way similar? (What’s the basis for the question?)
- 28 March 2020: When I DM? Don’t know. We’ve been talking about it. Depends on how long the confinement is. Longer confinement = more chance of running the next installment
- 28 March 2020: Lola. ❤️
- 28 March 2020: 1. Ask yourself what your goal is and work backward 2. Ask what a solution would look like & how would you know you’ve found Be careful of the word “rationalis[z]e”. It doesn’t have the meaning you’re intending
- 28 March 2020: @LKrauss1 recently told me he knows things I don’t know re cosmology, and questioned my defeasibility criterion for the supernatural (re the intentional alignment of stars)
- 28 March 2020: As a child, tough to say. Depends on what age. As an adult, to be profound it has to be true (thanks @aliveness_ape ), probably some of Bostrom’s ideas. Although recent conversations with @LKrauss1 have me thinking as well
- 28 March 2020: Depends by how you define “familiar”. I’m not familiar enough to know the details, just the ideas.
- 28 March 2020: Mostly from @Evolutionistrue ’s arguments. They’re airtight. I’d start there. I think Dennett and Kagan have to tackle Coyne’s arguments head on, and I’ve yet to see his arguments rebutted
- 28 March 2020: Is he the football guy? I know nothing about sports
- 28 March 2020: Mostly associate FN with one quotations (kill me/ stronger). Some associate him with Hitler. Overall it’s pure ignorance.
- 28 March 2020: No idea. I’m a big believer in American ingenuity, but not a fan of the current administration. Too many variables at play to know, esp psychological variables of a fragile populace (accustomed to being told their traumatized)
- 28 March 2020: I don’t know. This is a kind of (negative) singularity which people cannot see beyond
- 28 March 2020: Haha! Kasparov
- 28 March 2020: Seems like a lifetime ago. I don’t know. I just teach and attempt to spend as little time there as possible. However, we did put on a reverse Q&A on March 6 (I think). Video online. Highly recommended
- 28 March 2020: Ah. K
- 28 March 2020: Good question. 1. Just because we have identified ideological lunatics (SJW) in no way entails an alliance. Trump is a threat to the republic. 2. No.
- 28 March 2020: I think he went to my university. Not a fan. That said, he was doing what he thought was right—it just wasn’t right. ( I tried to make a pun out of that.)
- 28 March 2020: Depends what you mean. There must be consciousness to make meaning, but consciousness doesn’t imply meaning.
- 28 March 2020: Not well. He shivers when he sees her and hides out in obscure areas of the house
- 28 March 2020: Nope. What’s that?
- 28 March 2020: The former, depending on weapons
- 28 March 2020: Either you or someone else already asked me that.
- 28 March 2020: Adopted her from the Humane Society.
- 28 March 2020: Lola. She’s having some health issues. It’s complicated, but she has fantastic care and she’s getting a ton of love.
- 28 March 2020: I see what you did there.
- 28 March 2020: AMA. I’m laying on the couch, chilling with my new sweetie. Have a few minutes for a quick AMA. What ya got? (No virus questions please.)
- 27 March 2020: Happy to see so many emails. This should be fun!
- 27 March 2020: I have an auto responder on, but I’ll check my email over the next week
- 27 March 2020: If you’re new to the podcast scene but have put out a few episodes, & you’d like to have me on, shoot me an email: pgb at pdx . edu. Requirements: you’ve read my latest book, are willing to engage contentious topics, & no virus talk. Previous/current harassers need not email.
- 27 March 2020: Not even being sucker punched by reality can snap some people out of their delusions.
- 26 March 2020: “How to have conversations with even the most difficult people,” my podcast with Andy Kaufman is now live
- 26 March 2020: My talk in London, “The Way Forward,” has just been released.
- 26 March 2020: We don’t have a doorframe that will support my 180lbs (for a chin-up bar). Thoughts?
- 26 March 2020: Impossible Conversations during lockdown, part 1
- 26 March 2020: Would love to see a pic!
- 26 March 2020: I know. I need to sleep. Was worried about Lola.
- 26 March 2020: If you’re interested in why people think the way they do and how they understand everyday, naturalistic explanations, give this a close read. Really interesting findings that can help make us more aware of the way we understand.
- 26 March 2020: Beautiful
- 26 March 2020: I could order one from amazon. It’s delayed, but at least I’ll have it. I’ll check now
- 26 March 2020: That’s push. I need pull
- 26 March 2020: I really wish I had a pull-up bar. It’s a critical piece of equipment that I’m lacking.
- 26 March 2020: Precious Save a life. Adopt a dog.
- 26 March 2020: Lola’s been through a lot. We’re doing a little midnight cuddling
- 26 March 2020: That's what I'm right about to do!
- 26 March 2020: Here’s Lola, back from the ICU and sleeping peacefully.
- 26 March 2020: Fin
- 26 March 2020:
- 26 March 2020:
- 26 March 2020: Hams
- 26 March 2020: Shrugs
- 26 March 2020:
- 26 March 2020: Starting
- 26 March 2020: Final warmup
- 26 March 2020: Warmups
- 26 March 2020: Inspired by @ZubyMusic , here’s my home pull workout routine. (1 of many)
- 26 March 2020: Just a few hours in, and 13% of respondents think death is an appropriate punishment for @SenatorBurr
- 25 March 2020: Okay cool. That was almost an hour. Thanks everyone. I hope that helped take your mind off of things.
- 25 March 2020: No. I found his writings unclear. That said, he has some fantastic (seductive) underlying ideas
- 25 March 2020: I don’t know. I’m not that familiar. I had to distance from SE myself due to my exposure of “Social Justice” madness
- 25 March 2020: If there were, how would we know?
- 25 March 2020: Virtually impossible. Seriously. Just figure out what your profs ideological leanings are flatter them. And as the vast majority of profs have nearly identical leanings that should be an effortless indulgence.
- 25 March 2020: Let me think. About a month ago, I’ve had a complete about face on the gun issue. I now own guns and will begin actively training once the gun range opens.
- 25 March 2020: To a certain. Extent. @ConceptualJames has some great ideas on this
- 25 March 2020: Hard to say. Too many variables at play. See my piece on the Great Realignment and culture war 2.0. This is certainly a moment where we can put away childish things and meet each other in conversation...
- 25 March 2020: Iced coffee with baileys and other booze. 1
- 25 March 2020: Old fashioned
- 25 March 2020: And we’ve largely lost that. Duty. Honor. Respect. Self-sacrifice.
- 25 March 2020: I’ve always been and forever will be grateful for the US taking them in and saving their lives. My grandfather was part of the war effort and my dad was a captain in the army.
- 25 March 2020: My grandparents fled the genocide. Their families were massacred. My grandmother was hidden by a Turkish family who saved her life. They came to the US with nothing. My grandfather worked for eggs, then a chicken, & eventually owned his own home...
- 25 March 2020: Forever War
- 25 March 2020: If I answered I’d be violating the rules of the question
- 25 March 2020: Not at all. Certainly not in the realm of metaphysics, for example. Most philosophers do not have scientific training (which is why they produce speculative works to which they extend confidence levels beyond the warrant of evidence)
- 25 March 2020: I don’t play any more, so I’m not the best person to ask. I do love the open world single player games like Fallout
- 25 March 2020: @JeremyM72014840 What’s the question?
- 25 March 2020: It’s been a long time, but Macbeth
- 25 March 2020: Yes. But I’m no expert. My friend plays one and he loves it. It’s more about fun (for us) than dps, combat, etc
- 25 March 2020: Last night I was just reading just excellent
- 25 March 2020: Long answer. I’ll let @HPluckrose respond, she enjoys writing long responses
- 25 March 2020: After a long pause, the person sat down and said, “I’ve never thought of that.” [another long pause] “That’s right. It’s not true. Wow. Wow.” We were discussing God
- 25 March 2020: Almost definitely not. Sorry, Bostrom
- 25 March 2020: Not a cop out—I like the diversity of his guests. I don’t like the MMA podcasts as much, unless it’s with my friend @John_Kavanagh
- 25 March 2020: They were going to bring me up on additional charges and in July (or thereabouts) denied my unpaid leave of absence as a result. I am still waiting...
- 25 March 2020: Take out the word “human” and my answer is they’re rationally derivable
- 25 March 2020: 1. Less a skill and more a disposition / worldview. That internal states can be relied upon to accurately represent reality 2. Overestimating confidence in a belief
- 25 March 2020:
- 25 March 2020: Probably
- 25 March 2020: My current character is mentally unstable and incontinent. Tough for a paladin but interesting to play.
- 25 March 2020: Babylon 5
- 25 March 2020: Depends what genre you like. I only really know about sci fi.
- 25 March 2020: No. URL?
- 25 March 2020: Longbow. Less to go wrong, in general
- 25 March 2020: That’s way beyond my capacity. Funny idea though. It would never happen. Would be more like “brings rigor to scholarship”
- 25 March 2020:
- 25 March 2020: Get your degree. Play the game. Depending on your subject area, many (most?) profs look at the classroom as an ideology mill. Give them what they want.
- 25 March 2020: Some are true, some not. The risk is judging an individual on the basis of a stereotype.
- 25 March 2020: When you’re a hammer...
- 25 March 2020: Great question. There’s a lot of speculation about that. I’d ask @glukianoff Recently, it’s due to a culling. Overall, I don’t buy the idea that conservatives do go into academia because they can make more $
- 25 March 2020: That would be a fantastic story, provided you got the character arc right. I’m thinking in the tone of Vonnegut with a pinch of Hemingway
- 25 March 2020: Great question. It’s still too early to say, but I lean toward yes, provided they endure the tests of time
- 25 March 2020: No. I only watch that with my wife and she moved out because she’s a healthcare worker
- 25 March 2020: Had a great chat with @nickpopemod about this. I’d say no. But, with respect to @LKrauss1 , my hunch is that our models are fundamentally incorrect and that we’re alone.
- 25 March 2020: I’m not well known
- 25 March 2020: Not well. Teddy is terrified of the puppy. I think he’s depressed. Instead of sleeping with me he’s been sleeping on top of me
- 25 March 2020: Thematically, something that helps on an individual level. Adoptions, broadly
- 25 March 2020: Baileys. Kahula. Iced coffee
- 25 March 2020: None that I can think of, depending on how it’s defined. @michaelshermer talks about this quite eloquently. NB precautionary principle is vital
- 25 March 2020: I’m BJJ: stay on top In combat: what I cannot do (others too, like take on 5 people wielding bats) In life: how corrective mechanisms work and what happens when we don’t have them @aliveness_ape
- 25 March 2020: No. Absolutely not. We’re seeing the effects of telling people they’re in a constant state of trauma. Best case scenario, this is an opportunity for these folks to re-tether their beliefs to reality. Worst case, they use it as evidence for a delusion
- 25 March 2020: Coffee, Baileys, kalhula
- 25 March 2020: No. Everything I had is cancelled. Had a world tour planned, now I’m drinking cocktails in my backyard with my dogs.
- 25 March 2020: Always, always rescues. Always.
- 25 March 2020: I don’t watch anime. Could never get into it
- 25 March 2020: AMA. I’m chilling with an afternoon cocktail. No virus talk, please.
- 25 March 2020: @SenatorBurr
- 25 March 2020: If Sen. Richard Burr is found guilty of securities fraud connected to stock sales he made after private coronavirus briefings, his penalty should be
- 25 March 2020: @aliveness_ape @HenryAkinsBJJ Welcome, Henry!
- 25 March 2020: This needs to get to the attention of a decision maker/entrepreneur, and it needs to do so NOW.
- 25 March 2020: Fess up @andrewdoyle_com , this is your alternative account.
- 25 March 2020: Really??
- 25 March 2020: Just read this
- 25 March 2020: That would fall under “other”
- 25 March 2020:
- 25 March 2020: What do you think the penalty should be for the man who licked toiletries in a supermarket while asking, “who’s scared of coronavirus?”
- 25 March 2020: Okay, that was fun. I hope it was a good diversion for everyone. I’m going to pet my dogs now and then read. Good night...
- 25 March 2020: I was in college
- 25 March 2020: No
- 25 March 2020: Saburos
- 25 March 2020: Ask him
- 25 March 2020: Yes. At its core it can help us figure out how to be. It has a built in corrective mechanism for sincere users
- 25 March 2020: 1. Too many students and no TA any more (grader who’s duties are limited but no TA) 2. The capitulation of the administration to student complaints (about what should be non issues)
- 25 March 2020: No.
- 25 March 2020: Not if the rules drive me to cruelty
- 25 March 2020: Haven’t seen it yet
- 25 March 2020: Interesting. That seems like a disconnect to me
- 25 March 2020: Kubrick
- 25 March 2020: I was thinking about writing a science fiction and philosophy class. Yes, I’d consider that.
- 25 March 2020: Whatever people want to play. Currently, 1 bard, 2 rogues, 2 paladins, 1 cleric. Yes
- 25 March 2020: Maybe. Maybe
- 25 March 2020: E Conversations). Then follow with scales, defeasibility questions, and then the elenchus
- 25 March 2020: Great question. See @magnabosco ’s recent videos on this for an applied view. I think the key is to secure definitions, figure out the role relativism plays and if it’s sincerely held or just verbal behavior, explore the limits of the belief (see chp 6 of How to Have Impossibl
- 25 March 2020: @dentintheworld I am absolutely the wrong person to ask that question. Try @DavidBCollum
- 25 March 2020: Got it from Trader Joe’s. Good, but not remarkable
- 25 March 2020: Stand up
- 25 March 2020: Stand up.
- 25 March 2020: Leighton Smith was (I think his name). Got along great. He gave me the best bottle of wine I ever had.
- 25 March 2020: No. I drink everything, really. Cocktails are a must! No favorite Pinot. Although the best bottle I ever had was given to me after a radio show I did in New Zealand.
- 25 March 2020: Great question for a podcast
- 25 March 2020: It’s very, very hard to answer and I did not do this justice.
- 25 March 2020: Great question. Until now my thoughts have been inchoate. Very hard for me to articulate... D&D 5e is far too populated with different races, skills, magic, etc. if you can be it, it can happen to you. I rarely see instances of what’s normative happen to players.
- 25 March 2020: No virus talk. See original tweet
- 25 March 2020: No virus talk. See original tweet
- 25 March 2020: Maybe. Shoot me an email and give me some details. All depends on the larger context
- 25 March 2020: Really interesting. 3D printing has tremendous potential. I’m more interested in the possibility of creating homes in space and on planets than re firearms. Lots to say about this, why focus of firearms?
- 25 March 2020: I am a hard core science fiction geek. I have no idea why. I’ve recently done a podcast or two on that
- 25 March 2020: It would depend on the context. If I had to kill others to live, then fight them. If I could drink a readily available supply of synthetic blood, then maybe be one
- 25 March 2020: Socrates
- 25 March 2020: You only need one: enthusiasm
- 25 March 2020: If it did that, it would be interesting to see how that would be twisted into me being a Nazi
- 25 March 2020: No, and you can extend that to 53 years
- 25 March 2020: They’re each fun in different ways. Jim runs with anything. Helen is super easy to embarrass, and I have to admit that’s super fun
- 25 March 2020: No virus talk please
- 25 March 2020: Sushi.
- 25 March 2020: 1. Yes. I never played it though. 2. I don’t like Star Wars. I leave all discussion of that to @RubinReport
- 25 March 2020: Depends on what you’re into. I happen to be a fan of How to Have Impossible Conversations, but again, it depends on what you’re after
- 25 March 2020: I think they’ll adapt. It’ll take some tome, but they will do it. As I’ve repeatedly said for years, 2nd and 3rd tier schools will become insolvent within a year or two and either close or radically change
- 25 March 2020: Great question. I’d really, really have to think about that. ... that if they calibrate the confidence of a belief to the strength of the evidence they will lead better lives.
- 25 March 2020: Great question. I don’t know. My hunch is that life and death situations push people to move past ideology. When the stakes are high you can’t fuck around. Nobody cares how many trans people are on a vaccination team when millions of lives are in immediate danger.
- 25 March 2020: Didn’t follow it.
- 25 March 2020: Yup. Spot on. There’s an old ethical scenario about nuclear bunkers where students are asked to vote on who gets thrown out of the bunker given limited food & water.
- 25 March 2020: “Gouging” is a thick word. The evaluation is contained within in. “It is bad” is contained within “gouging”. Best to describe the practice and ask if that’s “wrong” (then unpack “wrong”)
- 25 March 2020: If you count manuscripts as books, then
- 25 March 2020: I mean the people with whom you practice. BJJ social circle.
- 25 March 2020: I think he’s hilarious. Da Ali G show was pure brilliance
- 25 March 2020: The latter
- 25 March 2020: No
- 25 March 2020: Yeah. That was also my first thought
- 25 March 2020: Good question. Too much to fit into a tweet. I’ll defer to @HPluckrose as she writes tweet novels
- 25 March 2020: @ConceptualJames already did this
- 25 March 2020: That’s question begging. That said, it would likely be a religion/tradition I don’t currently know about because all of those I do know about are epistemologically bankrupt.
- 25 March 2020: I don’t know. I am fairly confident we could not have hoaxed a reputable climate science journal like we did a highly reputable feminist philosophy journal (e.g., Hypatia)
- 25 March 2020: 1. Worse but more people are aware it’s a problem 2. I am currently hopeful You’re welcome!
- 25 March 2020: It’s meaningless to me. (This isn’t a true/for argument. I don’t know how it’s defined.)
- 25 March 2020: I was just reading ee cummings today. I don’t have a favorite poem or a poet. It’s usually the last poet I read. (I don’t read much poetry anymore. I keep hoping the current situation will allow me to do more things I enjoy, but reality keeps pulling me back.)
- 25 March 2020: No. I don’t know why one would either think it is or that one would need that as a fulcrum that’s enables reflection
- 25 March 2020: 100% yes
- 25 March 2020: Depends on the mood, but usually tomato. I prefer to make it myself.
- 25 March 2020: 1. Sci fi TV & movies 2. BJJ 3. D&D
- 25 March 2020: It’s weird to me that nobody in your circle talks about it
- 25 March 2020: You’re absolutely correct. I’ve spoken to @aliveness_ape about this in depth, and he writes about it on his blog.
- 25 March 2020: Thanks
- 25 March 2020: I don’t know the first thing about birds. Bret’s forgotten more about birds than I’ll ever know, so it was a treat to just listen and not think too much.
- 25 March 2020: Good question. That’s what @ConceptualJames is working on now with New Discourses. It’s more surgical than that, but I’ll let him speak to it.
- 25 March 2020: I’ve been a bit preoccupied as of late and have not followed that story.
- 25 March 2020: How we treat our elderly population speaks legions to what type of people we are, what values we hold, and what we’re becoming. That said, we need to have an honest conversation about triage and age.
- 25 March 2020: It’s wrong by definition, no?
- 25 March 2020: My daughter named her “Lola” Here’s she is, asleep on the couch.
- 25 March 2020: Nope
- 25 March 2020: Healthy and happy
- 25 March 2020: I don’t know. If it is I’ve never been there. No plans to go anytime soon!
- 25 March 2020: I don’t buy the premise of the question. Trumpism never was. @nfergus has some good framing on this
- 25 March 2020: No
- 25 March 2020: For the foreseeable future. Best guess
- 25 March 2020: AMA. Well into the Pinot noir and chilling after a surprisingly arduous day. AMA except about the virus.
- 24 March 2020: 3/24/2020 Portland
- 24 March 2020: I couldn’t even fathom the response if we tried that in the US.
- 24 March 2020: @AndrewYang
- 24 March 2020: Imagine a world without police. I am curious if those who advocated this position still do so today.
- 24 March 2020: Thank you
- 23 March 2020: Some great news here! Really uplifting! Thank you
- 23 March 2020: Be safe. Be safe. Be safe.
- 23 March 2020: If you have some good news, please post it here. Thanks
- 23 March 2020: Exploring COVID-19 (Coronavirus) via the Evolutionary Lens: How Pathogens Affect Cultural Values and Religious Edicts by @GadSaad
- 23 March 2020: What if your identity doesn’t matter at all? Post-coronavirus, will a “My non-binary status is about life and death” seem more clearly like the joke it is?
- 23 March 2020:
- 23 March 2020: You can delete “in real time”.
- 22 March 2020: Thank you @JeffBezos !! Jeff Bezos is asking laid-off restaurant and bar workers to work for Amazon amid the coronavirus crisis
- 22 March 2020: He’s not joking.
- 22 March 2020: Dear @JeffBezos this is your moment to be a national hero: Provide all of your employees with health care Train and employ people who’ve lost their jobs (with an aim of ensuring the supply chain remains unbroken) Offer free @amazonprimenow to seniors Thank you
- 22 March 2020: Happened to me.
- 22 March 2020:
- 22 March 2020:
- 22 March 2020:
- 22 March 2020:
- 22 March 2020: Excellent. Thank you so much
- 22 March 2020: Can c-pap machines acts as partial respirators?
- 21 March 2020: This is an extremely interesting ethical issue. How do we morally triage this when weighed against people who need to be in overflowing ICUs for virus related reasons? We should have been engaged in difficult conversations all along, not waiting until we’re in crisis.
- 21 March 2020: This is a unique opportunity for everyone to finally agree that what people believe matters.
- 21 March 2020: You’ve inspired me to post my pull workout and seek improvement suggestions!
- 21 March 2020: Mensch
- 21 March 2020: Another devastating loss. “That was such a stupid strategy. I can’t even get over how stupid that was.”
- 21 March 2020: Game #1, devastating loss I used to destroy my son at this when he was a child. He said, “If only my childhood self could have seen this.” My setup for Game #2
- 21 March 2020: Yet another benefit of quarantine. How’s my setup?
- 21 March 2020: Truly, unbelievable.
- 21 March 2020:
- 20 March 2020: This is absolutely brilliant and I can not recommend it highly enough. A fantastic example of how Street Epistemology can be used to explore the rudiments of Social Justice/Woke ideology.
- 20 March 2020: This is a really good question. @AndrewLSeidel , what can they really do about it?
- 20 March 2020: If true, a grotesque betrayal of public trust. #MaximumPenalty
- 20 March 2020: This made me happy. So good, I decided to unpin this tweet.
- 20 March 2020: And if you’re thinking about telling us that society is racist, sexist, homo & transphobic, & we must crush the patriarchy, we don’t need to hear from you. (4)
- 20 March 2020: It could be done on an iPhone, Zoom, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc. Don’t worry about the platform or the quality of the video. Send the videos to the dept secretary who can then put them on your dept homepage. Tweet them & I & others will happily RT. (3)
- 20 March 2020: In clear language, speak plainly & bluntly. Talk about specific lessons from your particular discipline that viewers may find immediately useful. Focus on your specialization. What does the literature show that would help people right now? (2)
- 20 March 2020: If you’re an academic, this is a unique opportunity to help people & demonstrate your usefulness to society. If you’re a department chair, here’s what I recommend. Have each member of your department record a 5 minute video. (1)
- 20 March 2020: This is truly incredible and exactly what I need right now. Just watch his hands move. #PeterBuka
- 20 March 2020: In my home, instead of saying a prayer we each go around the table and say what we’re grateful for. Recently, friends have been calling during dinner to say what they’re thankful for. It’s just lovely hearing so many people be grateful for so many things.
- 19 March 2020: Listen to what students really think in this reverse Q & A that was free, open to the public, and unscripted
- 19 March 2020: Tier 1 & 2 universities have nothing to worry about—below that and your institution is in serious trouble. If you’re an administrator and want to have this conversation with me, post in this thread & I will contact you. You can make this a win/win. What’s the alternative? (7)
- 19 March 2020: There is a survival recipe available for university decision makers who are willing to act. If you don’t rebrand & adapt, how likely is it your institution will continue to run deficits in the next year? Or even go under? (6)
- 19 March 2020: Students yearn for intellectual diversity—from all over the political & ideological spectrum. They’re sick of dogma & bullshit masquerading as scholarship. They want to speak openly & to honestly voice their opinions. (5)
- 19 March 2020: Students want to be genuinely engaged and have their beliefs challenged. (4)
- 19 March 2020: They yearn for intellectual diversity—from all over the political & ideological spectrum. They’re sick of dogma & bullshit masquerading as scholarship. They want to speak openly & to honestly voice their opinions. (3)
- 19 March 2020: The Social Justice market isn’t just overcrowded, it’s being wholesale rejected. Students are sick of ideology mills & fed up with being held hostage to a small number of their hyper vocal peers & activist professors. (2)
- 19 March 2020: If you’re the president of a university, provost, or in the administration & worried about budgets & enrollment, I’d urge you to rebrand & adopt this slogan: “[insert name], the place to go to have difficult conversations” Early adopters will reap the greatest yields. (1)
- 19 March 2020: RT @JohnRWoodJr: There are some awkward conversations over handshakes and ordering Chinese food that people are having due to COVID 19. It'…
- 19 March 2020: “The Truth About Critical Methods” An incredibly insightful talk by @ConceptualJames It will certainly help take your mind off of our current predicament.
- 19 March 2020: How to have conversations when you’re in lockdown. My conversation with Dr. Chris Martenson:
- 18 March 2020: Okay, that was fun. And once again quite civil. Thanks, and I sincerely hope that helped to take everyone’s mind off of the current situation.
- 18 March 2020: Great! Thanks. How is a philosopher’s guide any different from anyone else’s?
- 18 March 2020: Yes.
- 18 March 2020: I don’t have one
- 18 March 2020: Great question. “How could my belief be wrong?”
- 18 March 2020: We based it on the best available evidence from across multiple domains of thought. While this is considerable, if the evidence changes we’d change the recommendations. We’re not a priori wedded to it—it must comport with the best data
- 18 March 2020: Yup. Many moons ago. I think he tapped into something primal and ever-present in the human condition. Not sure I’d want to revisit his work in our current situation
- 18 March 2020: D&D, but I’m open
- 18 March 2020: What? What could possibly lead you to conclude that?
- 18 March 2020: I enjoy it, but only as a way to free my head from clutter. I enjoy cubism and modern sculpture.
- 18 March 2020: Love him/her
- 18 March 2020: Yeah. I mostly read manuscripts people send me. Cynical Theories was the best one I’ve read in the last decade. @ConceptualJames @HPluckrose
- 18 March 2020: Not just that paper. I do not know. They were—until very recently—going to bring me up on more charges. (I’ll be on an unpaid leave of absence in a week so I doubt I’ll know for at least a few more months.)
- 18 March 2020: What do you mean? People who deconverted? Maybe @ReidN or @magnabosco could better understand your question
- 18 March 2020: Great question. When the culture changes the rules will follow. This may all be moot soon, as I see a major collapse of the university system
- 18 March 2020: Nope. I don’t do that any more.
- 18 March 2020: Aside from “inversionistas,” yes. I frequently think I’m not understanding something because of an epistemological shortcoming. That’s not artificial humility, that’s the truth
- 18 March 2020: The not family or friends is throwing me. ... the leaders of rogue regimes. I’d have to think about the top three, but NK, Iran, and... Venezuela
- 18 March 2020: (Yes, but don’t give my opinion too much weight.)
- 18 March 2020: Excellent question. I’m not really qualified to respond, but my friend the former physicist Victor Stenger was certain multiverse was accurate. My mentor was as well.
- 18 March 2020: Quackery. @michaelshermer had great stuff on this
- 18 March 2020: I’d settle for just having it. (Either way is fine.)
- 18 March 2020: Which piece of advice? And yes, even though I know what the literature says, I’m far from perfect in applying it. I make mistakes all the time
- 18 March 2020: If I am understanding correctly, this this accurate. I’d highly recommend Cynical Theories by @ConceptualJames and @HPluckrose Most important book I’ve read in the last decade and directly answers your question
- 18 March 2020: Make it two
- 18 March 2020: My daughter might have something to say about that
- 18 March 2020: Excellent. I just had my first online game night. Worked surprisingly well
- 18 March 2020: Ha! Enough to make it timelessly funny.
- 18 March 2020: Absolutely, yes. But not at the top universities. I’d be quite surprised, as I’ve said for some time now, If 3rd and 4th tier universities make it another year.
- 18 March 2020: That’s okay. I want to give folks an opportunity to think about other things in these AMAs
- 18 March 2020: Yes, I’m my extensive anecdotal experience they are. Perhaps not valuing education, disfellowshipping, a unique brainwashing, lowest common denominator moral “pandering,” etc. These are just speculations. I’m really not sure.
- 18 March 2020: Thanks.
- 18 March 2020: Yup
- 18 March 2020: Thanks. We’ll get thought this, we just need to look out for each other
- 18 March 2020: Love love love. Formative influence on me. Major role in my childhood. I’d read them over and over and over
- 18 March 2020: Ah, no
- 18 March 2020: I wouldn’t use the word “stagnant”.
- 18 March 2020: No. I can’t sing. Really. I really can’t.
- 18 March 2020: Great question. This one I need to think about. ... G. K. Chesterton. RC Sproul has an interesting approach. Recently, I’ve been really enjoying @PaulVanderKlay
- 18 March 2020: False. I met a guy who was in two wars. He was an atheist and he told me he was an atheist in a foxhole. I take@him at his word
- 18 March 2020: Nope
- 18 March 2020: @helorides4freee @bronzebarbarian Any class with fee options, like a fighter or rogue. I used to love rogues but they’re just too limited.
- 18 March 2020: Illusionist. LE. Magic rare in the world. Open ended. Norm breaking. (Timeless struggles?)
- 18 March 2020: No. How would we know if it were? We’d have to use the scientific method to do so.
- 18 March 2020: Sci fi: General authors, too many to list. Many of the people I follow on twitter.
- 18 March 2020:
- 18 March 2020: I don’t usually like this type of music, but I watched a viral video of Peter Buka and was blown away.
- 18 March 2020: Red
- 18 March 2020: To stay alive.
- 18 March 2020: Depends on quantum computing. Aside from that, AR and context dependent queries.
- 18 March 2020: Almost definitely not. I don’t think Nick Bostrom’s hypothesis/conjecture is correct.
- 18 March 2020: Pinot noir Drinking whatever we picked up from Trader Joe’s
- 18 March 2020: Pretty good, all things considered. There’s a going on, obviously. I’d like to coordinate food distribution for my neighborhood but I’m immunocompromised
- 18 March 2020: Socrates. Nietzsche. Wittgenstein. Habermas.
- 18 March 2020: Thanks. I’ll tell her that
- 18 March 2020: That was a guess. I really have no idea how long it will be. Liberalism and Enlightenment values free us
- 18 March 2020: Omg I’ve never been more offended. Trek. (Picard but Kirk is close.)
- 18 March 2020: Yeah, but that would be a major time investment. The principles are the same (identical, even), you’d just have to work out the details. Key is the asynchronous element. (E.g., there’d be no “room” for pauses and reflection.)
- 18 March 2020: (If I were forced to make a second guess I’d say “great filter”)
- 18 March 2020: It’s highly controversial, to say the least. @LKrauss1 and others I respect disagree. I think we’re alone and that our models are incorrect.
- 18 March 2020: No virus talk
- 18 March 2020: Red wine. Tough day today. Long day tomorrow
- 18 March 2020: Lola. My daughter had final say. I liked “Lemons”. It was instantly vetoed
- 18 March 2020: I’d be stunned if it’s assumptions were accurate.
- 18 March 2020: Good question. I’ve thought about it a lot and I really don’t know. I’m not optimistic in the short term but I am over a long time horizon. Best guess, 20 years
- 18 March 2020: I’m sure not I understand the question. How do you define “yourself”?
- 18 March 2020: Zero thoughts.
- 18 March 2020: Is he a football player?
- 18 March 2020: AMA. Ask me anything, except about the virus. I’m a bottle of wine in, so this should be fun.
- 17 March 2020: There’s never been a better time to adopt two dogs!
- 17 March 2020: Great! Make it their homeschool project!
- 17 March 2020: There’s never been a better time to adopt a dog.
- 17 March 2020: I’m thinking about recording all of my lectures for Critical Thinking, Atheism, Philosophy of Education, Science and Pseudoscience, and Knowledge/Values/&Rationality and putting them online for free. Would there be any interest in this?
- 17 March 2020: Stimulate your mind with @michaelshermer ’s outstanding lecture series: Lecture 1: Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories
- 17 March 2020: RT @nfergus: Holed up in my log cabin in Montana, too busy reading pandemic papers to shave, but what the hell -- Ask Me Anything this afte…
- 16 March 2020: I stand by my tweet.
- 16 March 2020: In this video, students speak about their experiences with Social Justice at Portland State University. This event was free, open to the public, and unscripted.
- 16 March 2020: Ouroboros
- 16 March 2020: @joerogan
- 16 March 2020: I’d = if
- 16 March 2020: It’ll be interesting to see if this tweet ages well.
- 16 March 2020: I’d you’re a cultural, epistemological, and/or moral relativist, I’m curious as to your stance on the issue of opening places of worship during a pandemic, esp as it relates to cross-cultural judgment.
- 16 March 2020: UBI
- 16 March 2020: This was a surprise
- 16 March 2020: Any suggestions, @jackdcoulson , would be most appreciated. I’m stuck in my house with no equipment. Thanks
- 16 March 2020: I’m having difficulty figuring out how to do muscles that pull (back, bis, traps, hamstrings). Push is easy (squats, pushups, dips, etc.) but I have no bar for pulls.
- 16 March 2020: Quarantine. We’re playing remotely
- 16 March 2020: Please thank your spouse on behalf of humanity
- 16 March 2020: Wow. Where do you teach?
- 16 March 2020:
- 16 March 2020: Yup
- 16 March 2020: Thanks everyone. That was fun. I tried to get to as many questions as I could, in order. I’m going to try and do this everyday I’m in lockdown. I appreciate the civility.
- 16 March 2020: That’s explicitly discussed in chapters 6 & 7 of our book.
- 16 March 2020: Excellent. Just advanced to the fourth season. We also played remotely for the first time last Saturday. It went well.
- 16 March 2020: Some top tier Grievance Studies scholars, Ezra Klein, Sean Carroll (for his attacks on our project), Cenk, Jared Kushner, the President of PSU or the Provost, to name but a few. I’d be shocked if any of them would speak with me.
- 16 March 2020: Of what?
- 16 March 2020: Excellent question. Absolutely not.
- 16 March 2020: Both are top tier thinkers. It depends on what you’re interested in and your preexisting knowledge. If you’re into Socrates, Nicholas Smith is outstanding.
- 16 March 2020: My body of work is mostly about epistemology. I’ve repeatedly argued that faith is a bad epistemology and atheism needs to be conceptualized not in terms of god/gods belief but epistemology
- 16 March 2020: No. Nobody will do what needs to be done (slash administrative salaries; close offices of equity, diversity, and inclusion; revamp tenure; reseat the academy in meritocracy; decrease funding for bs departments, etc.)
- 16 March 2020: To be blunt, you’re better off staring at a wall
- 16 March 2020: I do expect a collapse of 3rd and 4th tier universities within the year.
- 16 March 2020: I remember your question and I’m not sure I’m satisfied with my response. Things are in such flux now I’m not sure what will emerge. So, as unsatisfying as it may be, it’s tough to say at this point.
- 16 March 2020: I’d stopped attempting to do so. I just go with how they define it but make them adhere to it so as to avoid semantic dodges. (I wrote about this in my first book. I’ve developed it since.)
- 16 March 2020: 10 at any one time. More interesting, what are they...
- 16 March 2020: I’m happy to post more!
- 16 March 2020: If there’s a convergence of people considered experts. Are you an expert who’s opinion converges with other experts? If so, then yes
- 16 March 2020: Yes. @HPluckrose
- 16 March 2020: I’m a big fan of a LE campaign, but it’s certainly not for all players. Great DM challenge though
- 16 March 2020: No idea. I’d never make it through the AMA if I had to count them
- 16 March 2020: Lol, no. I did recently finish @loftusjohnw ‘s manuscript on miracles and it was exceptional. It will be THE book on the subject for decades to come.
- 16 March 2020: Tool. Are there other bands?
- 16 March 2020: No virus topics please
- 16 March 2020: We don’t do that at SBG
- 16 March 2020: Great question. Before he died, Victor Stenger told me it’s a type of irrationality on the left. No question that’s true. The question is why. Why that one particular issue? @ConceptualJames has a great response to your question
- 16 March 2020: I’m not sure they are. It’s tempting to say they offer easy answers, but the real reason is likely because they’ve assumed power through force and dispense with their ideological enemies.
- 16 March 2020: I’m sticking to non virus related questions
- 16 March 2020: And chat about life...
- 16 March 2020: Great. Thank you. Be sure to apply it! I don’t play cards, or haven’t since I was a child. I use to play gin and poker with my grandparents. My grandmother was really sick and my grandfather and I use to take care of her. We played a lot of cards
- 16 March 2020: Turkey. The fled the genocide. My grandmother was sheltered in a Turkish family’s home by a Turkish family
- 16 March 2020: We’ve made our youth fragile. Now look at what we’ve wrought
- 16 March 2020: Excellent question. You already have your answer to that question. I’ve often pleaded with my colleagues to stop the mollycoddling madness because, if for no other reason, a real crisis will come along and then what? They won’t be positioned to handle it.
- 16 March 2020: VU
- 16 March 2020: IMO, no. It’s more of a convergence of expert opinion, or to borrow from Wittgenstein, the answer resides in family resemblances
- 16 March 2020: Yes. There’s lots of good content on this too, from sci fi to interesting ideas. I spent a weekend with Tim Leary and he laid out a fascinating idea of the intelligence behind DNA.
- 16 March 2020: I don’t sing when I’m alone. I listen to podcasts or music or books
- 16 March 2020: For me, this means more Enlightenment values, basic freedoms as indispensable to a good life, standing on our own two feet, rationally deriving our values, free but not completely free markets, cognitive liberty, truth before feelings, live and let live, etc
- 16 March 2020: This is a surprisingly difficult question, as these terms are increasingly murky/muddled and the semantic range of “liberal” has been stretched and means different things in different parts of the world, eg, the Liberal party in Australia or liberal in the UK
- 16 March 2020: I’ve not listened to that, so I’m not sure what the focus has been. Check out @HPluckrose ’s work on that. She’s excellent
- 16 March 2020: That’s correct. Thanks for the question. @Evolutionistrue has some great content on this. @SamHarrisOrg too
- 16 March 2020: I like to follow the DMs lead. I think that makes for a more interesting adventure. Speaking of which, we just played via Skype for the first time! It went remarkably well
- 16 March 2020: Depends what you mean. Things are not looking good through. I think many of have realized that our system really is fragile and we need to be vigilant. Attacks from the far right and left have been undermining our democracy.
- 16 March 2020: Immunocompromised
- 16 March 2020: The most conspicuous one is the war on drugs. And no, it does not
- 16 March 2020: Gnome illusionist.
- 16 March 2020: Not a clue. I’m not qualified to answer that question.
- 16 March 2020: Tough one. Babylon 5 or Farscape or Battlestar Galactica in the sci fi genre.
- 16 March 2020: That’s a very complicated question. Shelly Kagan has also taken aim at that, as a compatabilist. Dennett too. One can understand the concepts without their being true. I’m not sure this answers your question.
- 16 March 2020: No. But I’m 53 and that was a long time ago
- 16 March 2020: No. In fact, quite the opposite. Everyone will look to their preexisting biases and confirm them. I was thinking today, how many educators would re-evaluate the idea that the purpose of education is to promote Social Justice and remediate oppression? A: Not one
- 16 March 2020: I don’t put myself in the y’all category. As one point of contact, I’ve been repeatedly told I’m not a “real academic” and that I’m not “a real philosopher”.
- 16 March 2020: No. I have, embarrassingly, been playing a bit more phone games however
- 16 March 2020: Never thought too much about it either way. I remember that being a thing, though. People were pretty passionate about it.
- 16 March 2020: It’s not at all clear to me that he has cognitive issues. I’ve watched a few videos when people claimed as much, but I didn’t see it. NB I’m not a specialist
- 16 March 2020: None. I am saving newspaper though. Many will like the fact that it’s the NYT
- 16 March 2020: I am, yes. And it’s terrific. Can’t answer about how others spend their time though.
- 16 March 2020: AMA Day 4 quarantine. Nothing about the virus. Ask Me Anything.
- 15 March 2020: Awww
- 15 March 2020: Nothing definite yet. We’re in the final stages of decision making. It’s ultimately my daughter’s call.
- 15 March 2020: Napping.
- 15 March 2020: I’ll be there in September, assuming things calm down a bit!
- 15 March 2020: I’m scheduled to visit in September!
- 15 March 2020: Nice!
- 15 March 2020: Here’s a nice review of How to Have Impossible Conversations... in what language? Jak vést rozhovor a nesouhlasit s druhou stranou
- 15 March 2020:
- 15 March 2020: With the conspicuous innumeracy of late, I’d highly recommend this book
- 15 March 2020: we are really not handling this very well
- 15 March 2020:
- 15 March 2020: That will make four for us!
- 14 March 2020: We’re going back Monday to adopt her friend!!
- 14 March 2020: If she cooked her tea in the microwave she wouldn’t need to dunk it
- 14 March 2020: Yup. We’re going back Monday
- 14 March 2020: I had a dog named Max
- 14 March 2020: I know. She’s adorable ❤️❤️❤️
- 14 March 2020: Or, “How you get through a quarantine”
- 14 March 2020: Meet the new edition to the family! (They only allowed us to adopt one.) Name suggestions??
- 14 March 2020: Really?? This does not even rise to the level of being the last thing we need right now.
- 14 March 2020:
- 14 March 2020: We may be getting TWO more dogs! Bonnie and June.
- 14 March 2020: And unfortunately for me I’m not much of a runner either.
- 14 March 2020: Okay, that was fun and surprisingly civil. I’m stuck in the house so if you want to take your mind off of the current crisis I’m happy to do it again tomorrow.
- 14 March 2020: I’m not a fighter
- 14 March 2020: Yes. You’ve answered your own question. And it makes for a life worth living.
- 14 March 2020: I don’t know. Ask @andrewdoyle_com
- 14 March 2020: Likely, yes. But a low priority. Wealth inequality and environmental issues should be priorities.
- 14 March 2020: And no. No doubts until recently (maybe 2016?)
- 14 March 2020: I don’t think I do have the brain for it. I just work really hard and write about/study those things that both interest me and that I think serve a public good.
- 14 March 2020: Absolutely. My preferred pizza: pineapple, anchovie, onion
- 14 March 2020: With or without weapons? Probably the former, though it would depend on the size of the arena and the win conditions (I.e., how many do I have to kill before victory is declared?)
- 14 March 2020: Plato’s Republic
- 14 March 2020: I’m the wrong person to ask. I’d suggest asking an historian.
- 14 March 2020: If there are moral facts then presumably (wd?) it would excel at figuring those out. If not, then how would we know if it informed us there were? It’s not like solving chess problems where we can see the solution
- 14 March 2020: Is the idea that we can use AI to solve moral problems or how we can code the parameters? Or something else. Kurzweil has some good stuff on this. Next: Key is, are there moral facts...
- 14 March 2020: There is some good stuff on that I just don’t know that domain of thought well. A few thoughts, however...
- 14 March 2020: Japanese
- 14 March 2020: On what?
- 14 March 2020: That’s a judgment call. He bores me as well, but I’m not sure one can say he’s the most boring. Although a friend I really respect loves his work, so that that for what it’s worth.
- 14 March 2020: There’s no homogeneity on what those views entail. If I had to pick what could be a central theme based on an interpretation of scripture, it would be... cognitive liberty.
- 14 March 2020: Omg. What a horrible question. Truly. Horrible.
- 14 March 2020: What’s the question here?
- 14 March 2020: Not yet.
- 14 March 2020: The academy is the engine of knowledge production.
- 14 March 2020: A genuine desire to know what’s true, to help others find the truth, a low threshold for bullshit, and the knowledge that we need people to trust our public institutions.
- 14 March 2020: I understood about five words of this tweet
- 14 March 2020: What do you mean, extreme poverty?
- 14 March 2020: Any open world single player rpg
- 14 March 2020: Rarely.
- 14 March 2020: Not a clue. Tag them and ask. There must be a readily available answer, no?
- 14 March 2020: Excellent question. Star Trek TNG, but the O is surprisingly good. Fantastic second season with rich characters and tight storylines
- 14 March 2020: Nope.
- 14 March 2020: I just sang a friend happy birthday
- 14 March 2020: That’s different from intentionally breeding dogs.
- 14 March 2020: If I posted the description of my current character people would go berserk. Many people looking for problems will find the character offensive
- 14 March 2020: I don’t smoke. Tried it when it was first legal. It’s just not my thing. Makes me paranoid and want to eat carbs. Big fan of legalizing all drugs
- 14 March 2020: Good question. I’d assume it’s me. Though there was a great episode on an old TV show—can’t remember the name—where they were two different people and they “terminated” one
- 14 March 2020: Seems to comport with his other views. In fairness, though, we have a far greater understanding of why it’s false now than we did. Much of this is thanks to Sagan
- 14 March 2020: Good character. I enjoyed that as a kid.
- 14 March 2020: It’s my thing. I’m super fussy about my scallops. I’ve not had good scallops for some time now so I’ve stopped ordering. Octopus is great. I’ll add that next time.
- 14 March 2020: Not sure this answers the question, but I’ve been mulling around the idea of reverse sanctions. Dictators (NKorea), rogue regimes, and hostile foreign powers have radically discounted prices on US goods, esp media (film, TV, music, etc.)
- 14 March 2020: Also, I don’t buy into the idea that there can’t be an infinite regress (ontologically)
- 14 March 2020: That’s not a legitimate “why” question. Just because a question word is added before other words doesn’t make it legit. We’re fooled by language
- 14 March 2020: Yes
- 14 March 2020: @JoshPhillipsPhD Excellent question. It’s indispensable. I’m also a fan of the Great Books classes/universities. That said, yes, expand the canon to include Asian, African, Native American thought—but it plays by the same rules and is subject to critique.
- 14 March 2020: I have no idea what that is
- 14 March 2020: No
- 14 March 2020: Yes. Tonight, actually, we’re going to take our D&D campaign online for the first time. 3rd level characters in Baldur’s Gate
- 14 March 2020: Dogs. Duh
- 14 March 2020: I know nothing about cars. Even less about sports that have a ball
- 14 March 2020: What do you mean by “boy crisis”? (I’ll try and swing back around to this question.)
- 14 March 2020: Plato’s Republic.
- 14 March 2020: No. Partially because to live later on the timeline is better. (That’s also why I don’t understand those who romanticize the past. Nobody experiencing serious dental pain romanticizes bygone ages.)
- 14 March 2020: I see what you did there.
- 14 March 2020: (And everyone will blame someone else, when the real culprit is conspicuous to non ideologues.)
- 14 March 2020: Yes. The current educational system is unsustainable on many levels. I’m just not sure what will replace it and when. I suspect we’ll see third tier universities collapse within a year. We’re already experiencing what that looks like now.
- 14 March 2020: I’ve played two recently. A NE gnome illusionist who truly was NE and my current LN human Paladin who’s suffering from mental illness.
- 14 March 2020: Grok, no. That indicates a much deeper understanding than just getting the idea
- 14 March 2020: I’d not bet on that because I don’t think that’s what grades measure. I.e., a grade in a class is not a measure of future life success, however broadly that’s defined.
- 14 March 2020: It’s the most important book I’ve read in the last decade. Easily.
- 14 March 2020: That is an excellent question. Fortunately there’s a detailed answer! @HPluckrose @ConceptualJames
- 14 March 2020: Always, always get your dogs from the pound. I’m adamantly opposed to breeding dogs. In fact, my daughter is at the pound now looking for our third dog
- 14 March 2020: I’ve read this repeatedly and have no idea what to make of it. Latter Lef Zeppelin pops to mind, though I don’t know why as I don’t understand the tweet
- 14 March 2020: Truly, nothing. I’m an open book to my friends.
- 14 March 2020: Nah. It’s not even been a minute
- 14 March 2020: Sure, if he sends me an invite.
- 14 March 2020: AMA (self-quarantine day #2). Ask Me Anything that’s unrelated to our current crisis. Happy to help get your mind off of viruses and onto...?
- 14 March 2020: @LKrauss1
- 14 March 2020: If that helped take people’s minds off of our current crisis, happy to do it again.
- 14 March 2020: Thanks everyone. That was fun and remarkably civil.
- 14 March 2020: Breaks my heart
- 14 March 2020: Nah. It’ll likely collapse soon. A collapse of its own making.
- 14 March 2020: Warlock. I d been playing a lot of 5e. Still a novice though
- 14 March 2020: Pessimistic. I don’t think the university system will survive. Only the top tier schools will make it. Too bad those who caused its collapse will not understand that that they were the architects of its demise.
- 14 March 2020: Single player rpgs^
- 14 March 2020: Pretty much. But really any of the open world rpgs
- 14 March 2020: Haven’t seen it. I’ll check it out. Thanks
- 14 March 2020: Thank you. I genuinely appreciate that. Too bad I’ll not be teaching at PSU for a bit.
- 14 March 2020: I have people who literally wake up everyday and harass me. Consequently, I never meet with people I don’t know. Then again, I’ve never been in home confinement for months.
- 14 March 2020: Yup
- 14 March 2020: If he’s the nominee. I supported Yang
- 14 March 2020: Ha! I asked my friend if there were a loophole and one of my dogs was nominated for POTUS, who he’d vote for. It took him a few minutes of giving the question more thought than it deserved. Then he said, “Trump”.
- 14 March 2020: Ask @tedwheeler
- 14 March 2020: No. In my youth I travelled the globe.
- 14 March 2020: Fair physically. Can no longer go to the gym. Need to start exercising at home. Fair mentally. Fair emotionally. Won’t have health care soon.
- 14 March 2020: My whole adult life. Just got back into D&D though
- 14 March 2020: The Forever War
- 14 March 2020: You’ll also find unlikely alliances in our current cultural situation.
- 14 March 2020: In general, the modern day academy is not a place that handles ideological challenges well.
- 14 March 2020: Accordingly. So he needs to choose wisely. Ask him what his goal is and work backward. If it’s to get a degree then he needs to be smart about asking questions. E.g., “what should I say if someone bring up this point...?”
- 14 March 2020: @twojamesroberts Great question. Ask him what his goal is. Is it to get his degree? Many (most?) professors look at the university as an ideology mill. He needs to choose his professors wisely. Many come into the classroom believing they know the answers to moral questions & test students...
- 14 March 2020: Biden.
- 14 March 2020: In their entirety, none.
- 14 March 2020: I used to play a sci go role playing game in college. (I forget the name, sorry.) I currently play modules that the DM runs us through. I wrote one campaign that’s posted on twitch, I think, that’s my idea of an ideal setting.
- 14 March 2020: Not that I’m aware of. They have a built in antagonism, so I’m not sure what that reconciliation would look like.
- 14 March 2020: Depends on the mood. Old fashioned. The Observatory in portland makes the best mixed drinks, IMO.
- 14 March 2020: I’m not sure. Ask @MrAndyNgo I did walk into an antifa bar a bit ago while I was pubcrawling with friends. Once I realized what was going on I left immediately. I think I tweeted pics
- 14 March 2020: Life has no objective, “out there” meaning. It’s what you make of it. Some paths will make life more meaningful—helping others—while other paths will lead to emptiness and despair.
- 14 March 2020: Any ideology can be combated. I think my INR5 talk gave a blueprint for how to combat an ideology (in that talk jihadism.)
- 14 March 2020: I have no opinion about studying these phenomena. It’s unclear that results would change anyone’s mind, however.
- 14 March 2020: Plato: Theaetetus. Meno. Republic.
- 14 March 2020: Phone. $5. A few cards, like a transportation pass and one credit card. Keys. Headphones. That’s about it.
- 14 March 2020: Hard to say. I don’t speak it so that really drops the number rather significantly.
- 14 March 2020: Great question. Educators can provide students with try skill set, but far more important is helping them value certain attitudinal dispositions, like being trustful of reason and being willing to revise their beliefs.
- 14 March 2020: Btw, my office is in the police building and during the protests against the police I heard people shouting absolutely horrible things at them.
- 14 March 2020: It’s common, as far as I know, for campuses to have campus police. The big issue—until recently—was whether or not campus police should have guns.
- 14 March 2020: I see what you did there
- 14 March 2020: The best way to assess this is with scales, immediately followed by a series of targeted defeasibility questions. The higher the self-report on the scale, the more oriented toward morality the follow up questions should be.
- 14 March 2020: Great question. One problem in talking with people whose thinking is damaged is that they want to damage your thinking. So no response can be a “message”. Rather, asking targeted Socratic-type questions to ask them if they agree with themselves.
- 14 March 2020: Not qualified to speak to that. I’ll vote for Biden.
- 14 March 2020: Had to say as students will not speak openly about it. Also, my pool is self-selected as those who want to be challenged tend to enroll in my classes. (As do some who don’t—by enrollment choice.)
- 14 March 2020: Stenger wrote God and the Multiverse. It had a profound impact on my thinking about this.
- 14 March 2020: Though one. Favorite living politician who’s taught me so, so much is my friend @FionaPattenMLC
- 14 March 2020: It’s stabilized. It’s infected all sectors of society, media, the arts, tech, etc. The intellectual climate in portland is pure woke. We’ve managed to cull intellectual diversity. Tragic
- 14 March 2020: I’ve never liked multiclass characters, if that’s what you mean. I’m a purist
- 14 March 2020: Fallout.
- 14 March 2020: Very, very little
- 14 March 2020: Absolutely not. No. They face a different set of challenges, but consequences are largely incurred because they’ve strayed from liberalism and enlightenment values. @HPluckrose has done great work in this area
- 14 March 2020: I have no idea what to make of this
- 14 March 2020: Yup. I am.
- 14 March 2020: What do you mean? What do I carry on mh person every day?
- 14 March 2020: By Christianity you mean the supernatural claims? Insufficient evidence, extraordinary claims that borrow from earlier myths, all the reasons fall apart under minor scrutiny
- 14 March 2020: Yup
- 14 March 2020: Depends on the problem. But re a God or gods, it’s a total cop out
- 14 March 2020: They were going to file additional charges against me, and denied me a leave of absence as a result. That was back in July-ish. I’ve heard nothing since.
- 14 March 2020: Depends on how the variables are tweaked. The more we know about the people who’ll be killed, the easier the decision could be. If it’s pushing the fat man scenario, at some point I’d push him if the consequences were high enough
- 14 March 2020: That’s more of a question for an historian. I have an opinion about that, but it’s just an unlettered opinion and not worth taking too seriously
- 14 March 2020: What specific claims of Christianity? The supernatural ones? Close to zero. The moral claims? A few are on target re being rationally derivable, e.g., the way to treat others with kindness
- 14 March 2020: Oh, and as a general rule avoid metaphysics.
- 14 March 2020: Yes. There’s a lot of nonsense in academic philosophy. I’d suggest two things: 1) go back to Plato and read that, 2) find a clear into of the history of intellectual thought. Simon Blackburn’s is quite good.
- 14 March 2020: Good question. I just finished Counterpart and it was one of the most thought provoking shows I’ve watched in a long time.
- 14 March 2020: Within the academy, no. It depends on why one decided to earn it. It’s a complicated question and motivations are key to answering
- 14 March 2020: Yes. If done right. Teaching them why they should value certain attitudinal dispositions would be the approach I’d suggest
- 14 March 2020: Doubtful. My last book and my app, Atheos, was more or less that
- 14 March 2020: Inducing aporia
- 14 March 2020: No idea. I’m just a character in the film.
- 14 March 2020: I love it. I love the pace. The acting is excellent. And he is the paragon of decency and humanity. Love the show. Love him.
- 14 March 2020: I’ve been asking myself that a lot recently. If you asked me years ago I would have said yes. But I have personal safety issues and I’m tired of the cold weather
- 14 March 2020: Great question. Let me think. ... I don’t think there was a single event. More series of minor events that culminated in life changes. E.g., I was an avid stand up martial artist. Most of what I was doing was BS. Has to see my coach lose in the UFC
- 14 March 2020: Wait, ask me then. Home confinement may get the best of me
- 14 March 2020: That’s a great question. The key is to help people value science and the scientific method. If we do that, much will fall into place
- 14 March 2020: In a normal world, yes.
- 14 March 2020: I would. My current character is a LN Paladin. I’ll be playing remotely for the first time ever this weekend
- 14 March 2020: AMA, except nothing about the virus. Ask away.
- 14 March 2020: It would interesting if we had to suspend the law and allow children do these tasks due to their resilience
- 14 March 2020: @joerogan
- 13 March 2020: I’m going to be stuck in the house for what’s likely a good block of time, so I’ve decided to adopt another dog. (Bringing the grand total to 3.) I’m really happy about this decision. Lemons into lemonade. #coronavirus #Covid_19
- 12 March 2020: This is yet another argument for Universal Basic Income. We need to be proactive and not reactive. @AndrewYang
- 12 March 2020: People do not trust the government and they do not trust what’s coming out of our universities. There are still trustworthy sources of information upon which one can rely. @joerogan
- 12 March 2020: When this crisis ends, we should use the lessons learned to talk about why we should value science, reason, & evidence. What people believe matters.
- 12 March 2020: @JeffBezos
- 12 March 2020: For the next three months, it would be a really helpful if Jeff Bezos gave everyone a free Amazon Prime account and made all TV shows & movies free.
- 12 March 2020: I really, really, really hope this is fake news.
- 12 March 2020: I’ve not figured out the logistics yet. We’re talking it over now. It would be a LE campaign.
- 12 March 2020: @hockeynuts I was just thinking about that. I may run an online campaign.
- 12 March 2020: As of this moment, all of my upcoming events have been cancelled for the next three months.
- 12 March 2020: Hilarious. Just what we need now, I think.
- 12 March 2020: If you’re fatigued by all this talk about viruses and you need a little levity, read this section from our hoax paper about penises
- 12 March 2020: Interesting how speaking plainly and bluntly about facts & evidence gets one labeled an extremist.
- 11 March 2020: Deleted my last tweet. Autocorrect screwed up the spelling/grammar and it was bugging me too much.
- 11 March 2020: Make @AndrewYang your VP.
- 11 March 2020: My March 19th fireside chat with @PaulVanderKlay & @BenjaminABoyce has been cancelled. I am sorry. We’re going to reschedule once the current situation is under control.
- 11 March 2020: Gender Studies activists are on top of this. I except mass protests and an outpouring of condemnation letters any day now.
- 11 March 2020: Glad they have their priorities in order.
- 10 March 2020: I teach for @Portland_State and I’m sorry this happened. Is there anything I can do to help you?
- 10 March 2020: Wanted it on video
- 10 March 2020: Also true
- 10 March 2020: I try and really understand their method and to understand if it can be relied upon.
- 10 March 2020: This will not change the mind of anyone who believes this.
- 10 March 2020: Source/citation please
- 10 March 2020: This is wonderful.
- 10 March 2020: This is an absolutely brilliant talk by @andrewdoyle_com Satire in the Digital Age
- 10 March 2020: I guess it depends how you died in an elevator. If you plunged to your death, yes, but if you fended off a horde of speciescidal aliens with your friend’s prosthetic leg, no.
- 10 March 2020: Death by virus seems gratuitously meaningless
- 10 March 2020: What happened to 51-59?
- 10 March 2020: I’m really enjoying War of the Worlds (2020) on @EPIXHD Thoughtful script, well acted, relentlessly draws me in...
- 10 March 2020: Thank you. I have two. He’s the more assertive one.
- 9 March 2020: Teddy is loving life...
- 9 March 2020: Currently listening to the press conference about the coronavirus. Why is Pence delivering this talk and why is he heading the President’s task force? Shouldn’t a scientist—with domain specific expertise—who’s also a good communicator, head this task force?
- 9 March 2020:
- 9 March 2020: I eagerly await your final verdict!
- 8 March 2020: Chris Martenson has a PhD in pathology and offers really crisp, extraordinarily clear explanations of complex topics. His series on #covid19 is outstanding.
- 8 March 2020: They should have read How to Have Impossible Conversations
- 7 March 2020:
- 7 March 2020: @MariettaCollege shame on you
- 6 March 2020: A lovely review of How to Have Impossible Conversations
- 6 March 2020:
- 6 March 2020: Public transport is nearly empty. #Portland
- 6 March 2020: Tonight should be a fun & educational night! I’m looking forward to listening to student experiences about Social Justice! Free & open to the public.
- 6 March 2020: Often, individuals laud diversity when they think the endeavor is not important. That’s why people are clamoring for diversity in academic departments like philosophy, but it’s unthinkable in professional sports teams—and vaccine research.
- 6 March 2020: Would you refuse the vaccine or deny it to your loved ones if the research team was exclusively white, cis, hetero, male, older, and wealthy?
- 6 March 2020: Would you be willing to delay the development of a vaccine by a year (you’re unsure of the number of deaths) to have more diversity on the research team?
- 6 March 2020: If a Manhattan Project was underway to develop a vaccine that decreases the number of deaths from a global pandemic, how important is it the researchers are diverse in sexual orientation, disability status, and racial self-identification?
- 6 March 2020: Yup. #
- 6 March 2020: I wish I could claim credit for this innovation.
- 6 March 2020:
- 6 March 2020:
- 6 March 2020: But that assumes you ought not to spread the virus. Correct!
- 6 March 2020: Ought from is: during a viral outbreak one ought to refrain from licking a door others lick.
- 5 March 2020: What about if you talk about your failures as a way to help others avoid your mistakes?
- 5 March 2020: Given the left’s complete preoccupation with diversity, equity, & inclusion, it’s interesting how the final democratic candidates are Biden & Sanders—two white, cis, hetero, older, wealthier males.
- 5 March 2020: Imagine if one were a decent MMA fighter and started tearing through the opposition.
- 4 March 2020: The WHO is woke. It’s been infected by another type of contagion—Social Justice. Imagine not talking about the things we must talk about (transmitting, infecting, spreading) out of concern for... what? Is there any EVIDENCE that speaking in this way decreases infection rates?
- 4 March 2020: My fear is that measures will only be implemented when it’s too late. The question is why. Why aren’t our institutions taking more aggressive measures to protect public health?
- 4 March 2020: @NAChristakis @clairlemon Interesting how knowing this does not motivate school districts to action.
- 4 March 2020: Finally, we have a point of disagreement.
- 4 March 2020: IRB overreach strikes again
- 3 March 2020: Wow
- 3 March 2020:
- 3 March 2020:
- 3 March 2020: There are limits to self-identification. If someone identifies as coronavirus free, this does not make them free of the coronavirus.
- 3 March 2020: @PPSConnect @PortlandSuper @Super_GGuerrero
- 3 March 2020: . @PORTLANDPUBLIC My daughter & her friends are PPS students. I asked what they learned in school about protecting themselves from the virus & they told me they've not heard anything. Why aren't you teaching them about hand washing, shaking hands, etc.
- 3 March 2020: Q: Why aren't the usual suspects coming forward to argue that science is just another way of knowing? Where are the cultural and epistemological relativists now? A: They do not believe it. It's bullshit and they know it.
- 2 March 2020: My confidence in society would be restored if this became the new greeting, coupled with “Live long and prosper,” and then immediately and unironically followed by, “Peace and long life”
- 2 March 2020: @tedwheeler
- 2 March 2020: Plato’s Republic.
- 2 March 2020: For almost a decade now, we’ve willfully created a culture of intellectual & emotional enfeeblement. People can’t even handle certain words that trigger & traumatize them. What do you think their reaction will be to an actual problem?
- 1 March 2020: These are key questions in Street Epistemology @magnabosco @ReidN
- 1 March 2020: Free and open to the public.
- 1 March 2020: Open to the public!
- 1 March 2020: Join me this Friday, March 6, at Portland State University. In a reverse Q & A, students will share their experiences of Social Justice.
- 1 March 2020: @harrymack I've really been enjoying your work. Super creative. Super talented. You have a gift.
- 1 March 2020: "Residents at Portland group home call 911 when goat holds them hostage" "The goat... wandered into a group home. There, he started head-butting the residents. They had to barricade themselves in a room and called police for help."
- 29 February 2020: “This move was not very good”
- 29 February 2020: Thanks. I’ve been using that as one of my resources.
- 29 February 2020: I’m trying to minimally development while attacking with my king. It’s thus far not worked out too well for me.
- 29 February 2020: I’m only practicing this one opening. My goal is to exhaust every variation and ultimately win...
- 29 February 2020: I’ve been practicing the Bong Cloud. Interesting opening...
- 29 February 2020: It may not be repaired. The academy could collapse first.
- 29 February 2020: This is a fascinating glimpse into the mental state and worldview of a woman who’s accused someone of sexual assault. Also, after asking board certified physicians, I was told there’s no hospital that would ask patients to snort fentanyl.
- 29 February 2020:
- 29 February 2020: What was his mistake? Coming to a workplace near you...
- 29 February 2020:
- 29 February 2020: Just went to an antifa bar. They make great tater tots. #Portland
- 28 February 2020: How ‘White Fragility’ Theory Turns Classrooms Into Race-Charged Power Struggles @jondavidchurch
- 28 February 2020: Outstanding
- 28 February 2020: Will your talk be posted online?
- 28 February 2020: Four more years...
- 27 February 2020: . @Portland_State
- 27 February 2020: When you’re taught to look for racism, sexism, & bigotry everywhere, you become miserable. Your life is consumed by grievances. Those in this mindset seek company in misery by inflicting their despair on others, & easily find a community of people that rewards them for doing so.
- 27 February 2020: Thanks. I appreciate that.
- 27 February 2020: Depends on what you’re looking for. Need more specific interests to answer your question.
- 27 February 2020: Imagine the worldview of someone who actually believes this. Now imagine what their ancillary beliefs would have to be to support that worldview. Further, imagine you had this worldview. How would everyday events look to you? What would be the interpretive glue that binds them?
- 27 February 2020: Thank you!
- 27 February 2020: 8 Books to Help You Become a Better Thinker How to Have Impossible Conversations is #6!
- 27 February 2020: Equity’s telos
- 27 February 2020: I’m certainly open to the idea. Btw, since we’re non sequitur-ing, Altered Carbon season 2 begins today, I think
- 27 February 2020: I wonder what will happen when students report their Social Justice professors for racism.
- 27 February 2020: Portland
- 27 February 2020: They published the dog park paper.
- 27 February 2020: Thank you so much
- 27 February 2020: Don’t like one of your professors? Get a poor grade? Outraged at their opinions? Not a problem! Just report them for racism! @jordanbpeterson @PeterSinger
- 27 February 2020: @aliveness_ape
- 26 February 2020: In 2016, @ConceptualJames & I wrote about the connection between privilege and original sin. Those and other parallels between Social Justice & religion have since been fleshed out.
- 26 February 2020: Thank you
- 26 February 2020: I’m delighted to be a part of this new organization. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same...”
- 26 February 2020: Thank you
- 26 February 2020: If there were a subtitle, it would be: How the game is played
- 26 February 2020: “The illiberalism of Social Justice” My latest piece...
- 26 February 2020: Mind blowing: “A Plain-Language Encyclopedia of Social Justice Terminology” Ever wonder what Social Justice language actually means? Translate it here:
- 25 February 2020: I am the victim in all of this
- 25 February 2020: He might think we actually don’t know what to do with the waste, thus it’s not a lie. He’d just be laboring under false premises. You’d need to know that he knows and intentionally said something different, and I don’t understand how one could know it’s not just ignorance.
- 25 February 2020: @nickgillespie why jump to “lie” when he may actually believe that we don’t know. Why ascribe malintent?
- 25 February 2020: 👍🏼
- 25 February 2020: If you’re not following @MsMelChen , you should! She’s a funny, sincere, authentic person who has brilliant insights across a wide range of issues.
- 25 February 2020: Thanks!
- 25 February 2020: See Chapter 6
- 25 February 2020: Today’s eSkeptic features an excerpt from How to Have Impossible Conversations!
- 25 February 2020: Interesting. Not a single person from this admittedly self-selected pool of responders.
- 25 February 2020: Tomorrow, if @MikeBloomberg gave away 99.9% of his money (including assets) to various nonpartisan charities, would that convince anyone who was not planning on voting for him in the primaries to vote for him in the primaries?
- 25 February 2020: I can’t believe Teddy finds this comfortable.
- 25 February 2020: This book receives my highest recommendation. It’s beautifully written, incredibly genuine, and uniquely important. Thank you, Yasmine.
- 25 February 2020: If you think Critical Race Theory is a good idea, and you’re mystified why anyone would think it’s not, then this is for you.
- 24 February 2020: I would be delighted!
- 24 February 2020: Portland, Oregon??
- 24 February 2020: You left out “literally”
- 24 February 2020: Most recent podcast for How to Have Impossible Conversations, on Conversation Reimagined. "who've just written what may be the best how-to book..."
- 24 February 2020: People often judge the content of an idea by its prose. Some really bad ideas have become legitimized due to either really bad or really good prose.
- 23 February 2020: Read Andrew Fabbro’s Winning with the Bongcloud
- 23 February 2020: After jiu jitsu today, I’m going to a local coffee shop to practice the Bong Cloud. If anyone’s interested, I’ll post the results here. And, I’ve been practicing!
- 23 February 2020: More Bong Cloud.
- 23 February 2020: The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: I was skeptical, but it turns out there is something to be said for a daily fast, preferably one lasting at least 16 hours. For the record, I've been doing this for two years and I love it.
- 23 February 2020: Grievance Studies broadly, and Gender Theory in particular, is completely made up. Worse still, it ignores conflicting evidence and rests atop a “scholastic” architecture designed to buttress it from criticism.
- 22 February 2020: Wonderful!!
- 22 February 2020: This is hilarious. A great commentary by someone who plays the bongcloud:
- 22 February 2020: Only Magnus Carlsen, the greatest living chess player, could invent such a preposterous opening and actually beat Andrew Tang, one of the greatest living chess players. Improved Bong Cloud
- 22 February 2020: How to Change Anyone’s Mind: People instinctively resist being forced to do things differently. Instead of pushing, try removing the barriers that stand in their way.
- 22 February 2020: Here’s the teaser for, “When in Doubt”. A film about difficult conversations and the importance of doubt. I’d appreciate it if you’d share this on social media. Thanks.
- 22 February 2020: What do you think the result would be if one voiced skepticism of “Stereotype Threat” in a faculty meeting.
- 22 February 2020: I wanted to go to the Trump rally, but fortunately masked protesters blocked the way and screamed “Nazi pig” at me. Boy was I lucky. I immediately realized the error of my ways and repudiated my support for Trump.
- 21 February 2020:
- 21 February 2020: @VPrasadMDMPH
- 21 February 2020: The more ideological the conclusions, the more people would become enraged at her for uncovering the bogus data.
- 21 February 2020: At this point, I’m convinced there’s nothing that can be done to motivate people to clean up the peer review process. It simply does not matter how bad disciplines get or how many bogus papers are published.
- 21 February 2020: Civilization Tech Tree Gender Theory: Unhappiness increased in all cities. University research reduced by 50%. Unlocks: Grievance Studies
- 21 February 2020: Okay. That made me laugh
- 21 February 2020: It definitely gets better.
- 21 February 2020: I speak about that here
- 21 February 2020: Happy to say so after the first season is concluded. Someone just told me there are two episodes left
- 21 February 2020: True. Definitely got better as it progressed. Loved the big reveal. (Spoilers)
- 21 February 2020: Really? I didn’t know that. Thanks.
- 21 February 2020: I just finished HBO’s Avenue 5. If you’ve seen it, what are your thoughts on it?
- 21 February 2020: Interesting. I just signed up for that today.
- 21 February 2020: It’s among the most overused of words.
- 21 February 2020: I’m trying this platform for Q&As and video messages.
- 20 February 2020: The problem is that a certain individual named here has contributed to and actively nurtured that culture.
- 20 February 2020: Just seen on PSU’s campus.
- 20 February 2020: My podcast with Alienating the Audience, “If we met aliens could we even communicate?” We talk about all things science fiction. Super fun!
- 20 February 2020: It really is interesting how knowledge of past moral panics is not a prophylactic for being caught up in a moral panic.
- 20 February 2020: Diversity, equity, inclusion, and “Social Justice” are ideologies. They are not timeless, eternal truths we’ve suddenly figured out. People in every age think they’ve latched onto moral truth, our age is no different.
- 20 February 2020: Great night for him
- 20 February 2020: “What unites us is so much greater than what divides us,” AK Not from what I’ve seen tonight.
- 20 February 2020: Read that today!
- 20 February 2020: The more I watch the demdebate, the more I want to learn how the Romulans captured a Borg cube.
- 20 February 2020: English should be the national language. Do you want to confine people to shitty economic lives, @PeteButtigieg ?
- 20 February 2020: Breaks my heart that @AndrewYang isn’t on stage. The most visionary non-ideological candidate we’ve had in decades.
- 20 February 2020: Demdebate has been a shitshow—even after 6 cocktails. I’m going to have to watch Picard to wash it all away.
- 20 February 2020: Win Nevada. Don’t think the left wing of the party can do that.
- 20 February 2020: They clearly view Bloomberg as a threat. Prediction: Trump will give him a demeaning name that sticks
- 20 February 2020: Bernie and Warren are good at keeping their hands up.
- 20 February 2020: Warren on a legit use of the word “equity”!
- 20 February 2020: Does it bug anyone else that when Pete says “Latino” he does it with an accent?
- 20 February 2020: This is a shitshow. #demdebate
- 20 February 2020: Everyone is wearing way too much makeup—moderators too. #demdebate
- 19 February 2020: Thanks
- 19 February 2020: And the answer is... 60k gross, 45k after buyouts.
- 19 February 2020: Join me for “the Social Justice agenda”. March 6 at 6pm, Portland State University. I want to hear about your experiences of Social Justice in education. Students, you’re the experts. You talk, I listen.¬if_id=1582150619538513
- 19 February 2020: You were clearly wronged. How many others are in your situation but are too afraid to speak out?
- 19 February 2020: Take a guess at my gross annual salary. I teach 3 classes a term, 9 a year (and buy myself out of 3 of those a year). Serious guesses only, please. I’ll post my actual gross salary after the replies.
- 19 February 2020: great idea*^
- 19 February 2020: This is a great to look at the spread of ideas in closed systems. More work like this needs to be done.
- 19 February 2020: Teddy is looking for love in the wrong place.
- 19 February 2020: No clue. But why create a culture that punishes that?
- 19 February 2020: Let’s make sure we punish people for views they once held but no longer hold.
- 18 February 2020: Irony
- 18 February 2020: Bye bye due process. It’s being overwritten by Social Justice.
- 18 February 2020: I’ve been really enjoying Counterpart on @PrimeVideo Well paced, well acted, well written. I’m eager to see how the story unfolds.
- 16 February 2020: Imagine intentionally mischaracterizing someone’s position and then thinking you’re a better person because you’ve gone berserk as a result. #Dawkins
- 16 February 2020: @justsaysinmice in mice
- 16 February 2020: Theory problematizes everything. When it’s finished, we are all joyless—especially children.
- 16 February 2020: Excellent piece. I’d like to see a thoughtful Trump supporter’s response to this.
- 16 February 2020:
- 16 February 2020: It’s Saturday night! Ready for a hardcore party!!
- 16 February 2020: @ZubyMusic
- 15 February 2020: Rationally derivable, a la Rawls
- 15 February 2020: Equity cannot be fair, by definition. If we are seeking fairness, equality is what gets us there.
- 15 February 2020: Thanks
- 15 February 2020: BBC: Peter, we need to test the mic. Say something. Me: How’s this? Is this enough? BBC: No. Tell us what you had for breakfast. Me: I don’t eat breakfast. I intermittent fast. BBC: That’s the most American response I’ve ever heard.
- 15 February 2020: All because someone killed his dog. I totally get that.
- 15 February 2020: “Special relationship”
- 15 February 2020: Throughly, even
- 15 February 2020: This will be a tactical nuclear strike in the culture war.
- 14 February 2020: I thouroughly enjoyed my interview with @gogreen18 “Disagreeing Better”... “Regardless of how you might orient toward Peter’s other work, it’s an excellent book...”
- 14 February 2020: Genuinely impressed by student questions. First rate Q & A. Thank you!
- 14 February 2020: I’m looking forward to speaking with students and faculty at Grant High School tomorrow morning: “What You Believe Matters” #Portland
- 14 February 2020: #dismantletheknittingcult
- 13 February 2020: The Purity Spiral. Social Justice comes to the knitting community. Mandatory listening:
- 13 February 2020: There are academics, paid for life, doing crap research, to the detriment of civil society. We are paying people to dismantle the society that allowed them to be where they are. This needs to end.
- 12 February 2020: Do it!
- 12 February 2020: Capitalism! Entrepreneurship!
- 12 February 2020: There’s a way to bring a hammer to bad ideas without making people feel threatened. #ImpossibleConversations #StreetEpistemology
- 12 February 2020: I helped coin the term 'identity politics'. I'm endorsing Bernie Sanders From, of course,
- 12 February 2020: Poor photoshop.
- 12 February 2020: Photoshop
- 12 February 2020: Time for my annual sushi dinner.
- 12 February 2020: Thank you
- 12 February 2020:
- 12 February 2020: Sincere thanks to @nickpopemod for a fantastic guest lecture in my Science & Pseudoscience class today. Terrific Q&A that made students think!
- 12 February 2020: Portland is an epicenter of both wokeness and its antibodies.
- 10 February 2020: Postmodernism and woke culture with @ConceptualJames This is fantastic:
- 10 February 2020: @AndrewLSeidel maybe a bit out of your lane, but are people legally allowed to destroy their own car on a public street?
- 10 February 2020: Re the responses to my tweet, I’m not an attorney, but I don’t think people are legally allowed to destroy a car with sledgehammers on a public street.
- 10 February 2020: Q: How many people changed their minds as a result of watching this video? A: Zero Stunts like this don’t change minds, they just make viewers think the perpetrators have serious mental health issues.
- 10 February 2020: Do they’re pounding away with sledgehammers—while people film them—and the police don’t come? Where are the police??
- 10 February 2020:
- 9 February 2020: Disabuse Podcast - Episode 26: How to Have Impossible Conversations, with Peter Boghossian
- 9 February 2020: IMPEACH @tedwheeler
- 9 February 2020: Nailed it. It really is fascinating. One’s brain on the moral current of the age.
- 9 February 2020: @tedwheeler
- 9 February 2020: If @JoeBiden can do this to @PeteButtigieg , just imagine what @realDonaldTrump could do
- 9 February 2020: Big party tonight!!
- 9 February 2020: Sooner or later they’ll do this to the wrong person and someone will get shot. It’s inevitable.
- 8 February 2020: Thanks for driving down and coming out! It was an absolute pleasure hanging out and talking with you.
- 8 February 2020: The difference between this field and Grievance Studied is that they “soul searched”.
- 8 February 2020: Thank you. It’s just practice. No Jedi mind tricks. You got this.
- 8 February 2020: Thanks to everyone who came to our Utah events! Special thanks to @RatioChristi for organizing this four college tour and to the audience for their challenging questions. Your difficult questions make me a better thinker.
- 8 February 2020: Thanks
- 8 February 2020: March 6, at Portland State University, please join me for The Social Justice Agenda: Student Experiences It’s a reverse Q & A where students talk and I listen. Please come and share your experiences.
- 8 February 2020: @LKrauss1
- 7 February 2020: It just happened at the University of Utah.
- 7 February 2020: Is publicly snapping instead of clapping a way to virtue signal? Is it a way to signal political orientation?
- 7 February 2020: I think question is in our book
- 7 February 2020: Happy birthday!!
- 6 February 2020: “How to talk to insufferable ideologues” My latest podcast with The Political Orphanage
- 6 February 2020: I am so, so sorry.
- 6 February 2020: Alternatively, they could just not attend.
- 6 February 2020: Ask @ConceptualJames and @PluckroseHelen
- 6 February 2020: Ya just can’t make this up...
- 6 February 2020: I have no idea.
- 6 February 2020: Nobody. I did it for zero money.
- 6 February 2020: Portland State University funds me. Your tax dollars at work!
- 5 February 2020: My friend @faisalalmutar is doing incredibly important work
- 5 February 2020: Great time for a calibrated “how” question, “how do you know that view is exempt?” or without you, “how could one figure out that view was exempt?”
- 5 February 2020: This is a glimpse of why @PeteButtigieg can’t win.
- 5 February 2020: Yup. It’s just verbal behavior. Nobody actually lives like that.
- 5 February 2020: Maybe I’ll be super lucky and in the Q & A someone will ask me questions about Star Trek and how Vulcan logic maps onto western imperialism, Platonism, and fat acceptance.
- 5 February 2020: And to go down this rabbit hole a bit... there was an episode of Star Trek Voyager in which a book was titled, “Vulcan Reflections on Platonic Thought”.
- 5 February 2020: Reminds me of “logic extremists,” the sect of radical Vulcans in Star Trek lore 🖖🏼
- 5 February 2020: This letter of “concern” about my upcoming events in Utah is interesting. Much of what they claim is true, e.g., I am against cultural relativism. Then there’s “we do not feel safe” & “promotes logical fascism”.
- 5 February 2020: Confessions of an Equity-Industry Propagandist @andrewdoyle_com @DouglasKMurray @RubinReport
- 5 February 2020: I demand back pay!
- 4 February 2020: @RubinReport is one of the greatest living interviewers.
- 4 February 2020: Amazing. Sometimes I marvel that our country even functions.
- 4 February 2020: @ConceptualJames & I have termed this “the substitution hypothesis”. We discussed this on @RubinReport . There are conflicting views, like @clayroutledge . But it’s more complicated that one would think.
- 4 February 2020: Podcasters: I’d like to listen to an interview with someone who’s managed a previous caucus. What, exactly, is involved? What experience does one need? How are managers selected? Etc. Thanks.
- 4 February 2020: There’s an entire university architecture built upon advancing these notions. #GrievanceStudies #CriticalTheory
- 4 February 2020: True
- 4 February 2020: The right is exuberant. They see so clearly what the left cannot: it is highly unlikely that the far left of the democratic party (Sanders & Warren) can win the general election, yet this is exactly who emerged in Iowa. What a sad day, and we have nobody to blame but ourselves.
- 4 February 2020: He’s right. This is a catastrophe. Now we’ll likely have to deal with this maniacal nincompoop for four more years.
- 4 February 2020: Chapter 10 of @HPluckrose & @ConceptualJames 's forthcoming book, Cynical Theories, is the most lucid, liberatory, and lovely piece of writing I've read in the last decade. "An Alternative to the Ideology of Social Justice: Liberalism without Identity Politics"
- 4 February 2020: Works just as well if “thinker” is replaced with “scientist”.
- 4 February 2020: Breaking: Health Officials Quarantine Portland To Prevent Spread Of Communism
- 4 February 2020: Just now in my call with @ConceptualJames Me: “Social Justice perfectly insulates itself from criticism” Jim: “Once we defeat Social Justice there’s no greater stupid that can come along.”
- 3 February 2020: This is your brain on “Social Justice”. This ideology corrupts and destroys everything it comes in contact with. Now it’s infected biological sciences.
- 3 February 2020: Very impressive, esp given the tough competition.
- 3 February 2020: Nope. One level at a time
- 3 February 2020: This is a great example of the moral mind overriding the rational mind. As just one point of contact, Russia closed its Far East border w China, banned tour groups, & ceased issuing e-visas to Chinese citizens.
- 3 February 2020: Minnie Mouse is performing gender.
- 2 February 2020: I'll be speaking in Utah February 6 & 7. Question. Challenge. Push back. That's what an education should be about. Utah State University @USUAggies Weber State University @WeberStateU Univerity of Utah @UUtah Utah Valley University @UVU
- 2 February 2020: I would be happy to work with the administration at Portland State University and develop strategies to help change conditions that led us to be on this list.
- 2 February 2020: It’s not a coincidence that so many BJJ people support @AndrewYang . Both respect reality. @BillHotter
- 2 February 2020: @HHillsBeer that’s bullshit. Just own it.
- 2 February 2020: Some flavor of evil, which makes it quite interesting.
- 2 February 2020: Saw that. Deranged. Was thinking about writing a piece about it, but why contaminate my fun time
- 2 February 2020: Lvl 1. None yet
- 2 February 2020: Just began. LN Paladin w a team of mostly rogues.
- 2 February 2020: Have you asked gender studies professors?
- 2 February 2020: What compassion
- 1 February 2020: Yup. Love him and love that quotation! That's on the second slide!
- 1 February 2020: I’ll be a keynote speaker for The Storrs Lectureship. Talk title, “The Easiest Person to Fool is Yourself”. Also speaking, the esteemed @VPrasadMDMPH & Dr. Eric Simpson April 10, Oregon Health Science University, #Portland . Free & open to the public.
- 1 February 2020: @aliveness_ape I’m touched by all of the congratulations. It means a lot to me. Thanks
- 1 February 2020: Are there such a thing as moral facts? My conversation with @ReidN @CordialCurious
- 1 February 2020: In @philosophersmag we offer an explanation
- 1 February 2020: Academic philosophy hasn’t just lost its way, it’s actively promoting an hysterical moral agenda which runs counter to truth seeking.
- 1 February 2020: Thank you!
- 1 February 2020:
- 1 February 2020: And if one finds oneself in that situation, how do fantasy-based martial arts help?
- 1 February 2020: There are plenty of places in the world activists can go where there are no police and public transport is nonexistent. Such protests always take place in the context of safety provided by a strong police presence.
- 1 February 2020: At some level, many practitioners know this, and they make up for the slack between what they pretend they can do and what they can actually do by ritual (bowing, titles) and by being a dick.
- 1 February 2020: The self-confidence one achieves from fantasy-based martial arts is illusory & short lived. The moment a practitioner realizes he can’t do what he thinks he can—win fights—he’ll be worse off than if he never engaged in the practice.
- 1 February 2020: Activists seeking to decolonize society can begin by decolonizing their own lives: toilet paper, most modern dental technology, eyeglasses, wheelchairs, prescription drugs, the internet, cellphones, and computers. Start with these and everyone will know you’re not full of shit.
- 31 January 2020: And what exactly do these young women think will happen to them if we abolish the police?
- 31 January 2020: @aliveness_ape
- 31 January 2020: All of a sudden—within the last 10 years—we’ve uncovered timeless & eternal (moral) truths about Social Justice!? This is ideology pure and simple. And that people do not see it for what it is shows the susceptibility of our moral minds to fashions of the age.
- 31 January 2020: I'll pass
- 31 January 2020: In this insightful interview, John Anderson talks to @DouglasKMurray about his new book, The Madness of Crowds, and a wide range of issues. #truthbombs
- 31 January 2020:
- 31 January 2020: The Grifter
- 31 January 2020: @GadSaad @RubinReport @CHSommers
- 30 January 2020: Look into @AndrewYang And check out his podcasts with @EricRWeinstein @RubinReport @joerogan
- 30 January 2020: This may help to clarify my comment
- 30 January 2020: @roddreher abides by the rules of engagement. I thus have more in common with him, in spite of his metaphysics.
- 30 January 2020: This is a crystal clear thread that helps readers understand Social Justice (uppercase S and J). Much of the confusion around SJ arises because people are hoodwinked by terms like diversity, equity, and inclusion. Activists use non-standard definitions and redefine these words.
- 30 January 2020: We=when
- 30 January 2020: Seen them all. Outstanding show
- 30 January 2020: YouTube’s suggestion algorithm needs to be fixed immediately
- 30 January 2020: We people tell us this, we need to believe them.
- 29 January 2020: @GadSaad
- 28 January 2020: San Antonio
- 28 January 2020: Portland
- 28 January 2020:
- 28 January 2020: True diversity: they all come preloaded with the same beliefs.
- 28 January 2020: Ubiquitous
- 28 January 2020: Yeah, they’ve been off the rails for years. It’s woke central.
- 28 January 2020: No
- 27 January 2020: A precursor to institutionalizing “Research Justice” @EricRWeinstein @DavidBCollum
- 27 January 2020: Man Led To Christ After Christian In Comments Section Declares Him Total Moron
- 27 January 2020: Please, please no
- 27 January 2020: Discouraged. There’s a sickness on the left now, and one of the many manifestations is a refusal to even consider course correction. A good chunk of the left views not entertaining ideological challenges as a moral virtue.
- 27 January 2020: Nearly all of us who work in this space have your exact experience.
- 27 January 2020: @ZubyMusic Yup. The only left leaner who’ll invite you is @dpakman — and you two would have an excellent conversation.
- 27 January 2020: @michaelshermer
- 27 January 2020: Thanks
- 27 January 2020: Absolutely
- 27 January 2020: Yeah, probably not
- 27 January 2020: Do you have that as a MSWord doc?
- 27 January 2020: Having pretty much exhausted the genre, I’m having to go to more and more obscure shows.
- 27 January 2020: I’m thinking of live tweeting commentary on science fiction shows as I watch them, but I have no idea if this will be of interest to anyone. Would anyone be interested?
- 27 January 2020: The average citation rate for a paper in the humanities isn't even 2. The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct, our first Sokal-style hoax paper, is already up to 17.
- 27 January 2020: This is a great articulation
- 27 January 2020: As one point of contact:
- 27 January 2020: If you think that’s insane, just let this idea detonate: Research Justice. Do not cite scholarship based on merit, but upon the immutable characteristics of its authors.
- 27 January 2020: No idea should be sacred, yet many academicians have created an entire moral infrastructure explicitly designed to protect ideas from criticism. But the worst is yet to come—wait until “research justice” goes mainstream.
- 26 January 2020: Yup. See @BenjaminABoyce ’s outstanding work on this, esp when it invades government
- 26 January 2020: @CosmicCrisp all apples in the Portland area have been sold out. Any idea when we’ll get more? Thanks
- 26 January 2020: Thanks
- 26 January 2020: Thank you
- 26 January 2020: No commentary needed.
- 26 January 2020: It took us an entire year, but tonight we just finished...
- 26 January 2020: Odd. I had no awareness of that
- 26 January 2020: Why?
- 26 January 2020: Why?
- 26 January 2020: “I predict @realDonaldTrump will go on @joerogan and capture an audience which could otherwise belong to the democrats”. @aliveness_ape
- 26 January 2020: . @BernieSanders should immediately repudiate his followers’ slander of @joerogan If he doesn’t, he’s a fool. This purity test insanity is how @realDonaldTrump get re-elected.
- 25 January 2020: Apparently, this is a review of our book, How to Have Impossible Conversations, in Finnish. Without understanding a single word, I’m going to quote tweet it.
- 25 January 2020: The system is imploding, and those shepherding its direction are too beholden to ideology to see it collapsing. Ironically, administrator and faculty success at culling diverse voices contributed to their failure to understand the current predicament.
- 25 January 2020: This slander is inexcusable. @CNN is an absolute disgrace. I’ve deleted their app from my phone and I am boycotting them on every platform. I encourage others to do the same. #BoycottCNN
- 25 January 2020: Outstanding analysis. Thank you
- 24 January 2020: This is one manifestation of equity
- 24 January 2020: For everyone who wants to kick my ass, here’s your opportunity!! I’ll be attending...
- 24 January 2020: Not a problem. Just rescind the endorsement.
- 24 January 2020: 🖖🏼
- 24 January 2020: So many of @BernieSanders ’ supporters are upset by @joerogan endorsement, perhaps Rogan should listen to them and rescind it.
- 24 January 2020:
- 24 January 2020: Once a year I treat myself to a sushi feast. Tonight was that night. Now, it’s time for ST: Picard!
- 23 January 2020: NO
- 23 January 2020: Tonight!! Star Trek: Picard
- 23 January 2020: This is a nice change of pace.
- 23 January 2020: Yet another reason to support @AndrewYang
- 23 January 2020: I enjoy seeing random snippets of how people live
- 23 January 2020: This is what you see when you ride the Orange Line in Portland, Oregon at 10:45 pm on a weekday.
- 23 January 2020: I fight this by befriending—and remaining friends with—those who’ve been cancelled.
- 23 January 2020: It’s “Woke Week” at PSU’s School of Business! (Only a week?)
- 23 January 2020: I just saw this at the Mary Grabar talk at PSU.
- 22 January 2020: Even asking this question often opens up a wedge in someone’s thinking.
- 22 January 2020: Yes, that’s certainly an approach. A response to nothing could be, “then the belief isn’t based on evidence, yes?”
- 22 January 2020: This sentence structure isn’t the same
- 22 January 2020: Here’s a tip to have a productive conversation across a political divide: Instead of asking someone why they believe what they claim to believe, ask them what it would take for them disbelieve. This will save time and help you understand why they actually believe what they do.
- 22 January 2020: Great comments. Thank you!
- 21 January 2020: Give credit where credit is due, and you’re less likely to be an ideologue.
- 21 January 2020: I have a bad knee, but I’d love that. I’m expecting it to heal soon. No spider guard, which is how I injured it.
- 20 January 2020: This guard pass game completely revolutionized my guard pass.
- 20 January 2020: If you don’t give a “flying fuck” about what Helen thinks, then why are you tweeting about what Helen thinks? When one truly doesn’t care about what someone thinks, not paying attention to them (or their not even getting on one’s radar) would be the response.
- 19 January 2020: @GadSaad
- 19 January 2020: BOOM!
- 19 January 2020: First: Yang Last: Bernie
- 19 January 2020: McGregor in under 4 minutes by KO
- 19 January 2020: Geek’s Guide to the Galaxy, episode #396, I talk about sci fi tv & movies
- 18 January 2020: “This Philosopher Dreams of Writing Sci-Fi” I love talking about my hobby @WIRED
- 18 January 2020: Philosophers are less susceptible to ideological currents
- 18 January 2020: Please join me in welcoming Mary Grabar, January 22, 2020, 6:00-8:00 pm in the Browsing Lounge, Smith Memorial Union, Portland State University. @Portland_State
- 18 January 2020: don't know
- 17 January 2020: The addition of the cow was brilliant
- 17 January 2020: Every day is Opposite Day at @UBC
- 17 January 2020: @jonkay @MrAndyNgo #BrandingFail
- 17 January 2020: @bariweiss
- 17 January 2020: @michaelshermer
- 17 January 2020: Hey Utah! Come join me Feb 6 & 7!
- 17 January 2020: I had no idea this existed. It’s a fantastic tool for research. Track word use and see what works contain those words.
- 17 January 2020: This tweet cries out for explanation.
- 17 January 2020: Thank you.
- 15 January 2020: Reminds me of the time I rolled with JF after he got off of an international flight, had a few drinks, and literally fell asleep during our roll—then tapped me.
- 15 January 2020: First drink is on me!
- 15 January 2020: See you tomorrow, 1/16/2020, Atlanta!
- 15 January 2020: If people can choose to reject life-saving treatments, why shouldn’t they be allowed to elect a surgery that intentionally leaves them disabled?
- 15 January 2020: @nickpopemod
- 15 January 2020: I am innocent
- 14 January 2020: Don’t know
- 14 January 2020: I’d just bring in your interests. I tried to do that with my Lawful Evil campaign. I posted details on twitter and we live streamed it
- 14 January 2020: It would be easy for universities to give the appearance that they don’t view the academy as an indoctrination mill. But administrators and faculty are so beholden to ideology it doesn’t even occur to them.
- 13 January 2020: Yup
- 13 January 2020: The Iranian Olympian, Kimia Alizadeh, recently defected from the Islamic Republic of Iran. If anyone knows of any Gender Studies professors who’ve publicly supported her, please post their letters of support here.
- 13 January 2020: It’s a shame that so few philosophy departments took the time to publicly acknowledge the passing of Roger Scruton.
- 13 January 2020: May 1-3 I’ll be speaking at Peak Prosperity’s seminar in Sebastopol, California. I was a guest on Dr Taggart’s podcast last year: Super smart, super engaging guy. I’m really looking forward to this!
- 13 January 2020: Finally, some bright news on an otherwise bleak landscape. The Player’s Handbook is a top 100 best selling book on !
- 13 January 2020: In the Portland area, on March 19, I’ll be having a fireside chat with @PaulVanderKlay & @BenjaminABoyce ! There will be plenty of time for audience Q&A. Should really be a fun and engaging evening! Details forthcoming!
- 12 January 2020: Lovely
- 12 January 2020:
- 12 January 2020: Saturday, my favorite night of the week
- 10 January 2020: The Great Realignment
- 10 January 2020: You should really, really read this thread. Carefully.
- 9 January 2020: Not a day drinker!
- 9 January 2020: Yes. It’s a student, faculty, and administration event. Feb 14.
- 9 January 2020: Not sure yet. Have a few conflicts I’m trying to work out.
- 9 January 2020: I accept
- 9 January 2020: 👍🏼
- 9 January 2020: 😊👍🏼
- 9 January 2020: Upcoming Jan & Feb events: I’ll be in Atlanta Jan 16; Salt Lake Feb 6 & 7; Grant High, Portland (closed) Feb 14; Houston (tentative) Feb 29. More details soon. Who’s buying me a drink after the event? Second one is on me
- 9 January 2020: Jan 27, 7:30
- 8 January 2020: Are you buying?
- 8 January 2020: 5 minutes!
- 8 January 2020: If “the Oxford English Dictionary is the definitive record of the English language,” and the ultimate adjudicator of the meanings of words, they should not charge for access. To do so is elitist and a class barrier. @OED
- 8 January 2020: @MikeNayna
- 8 January 2020: Saburos
- 8 January 2020: Saburos
- 8 January 2020: Yup
- 8 January 2020: Lies
- 8 January 2020: Once a year I treat myself to a celebratory dinner.
- 8 January 2020: Whenever I leave for the day, Teddy takes my slipper and lays on the couch.
- 7 January 2020: Culture war 2.0 @peternlimberg
- 7 January 2020: And bump it up a notch from there and ask, “How could that claim be incorrect?” #defeasibility #disconfirmation #EpistemologicalHygiene
- 6 January 2020: Speaking with @faisalalmutar is like speaking with someone in dog years—every one minute you speak with him it’s like speaking seven minutes to almost anyone else.
- 6 January 2020: The three people who RTed this tweet have beards.
- 6 January 2020: I can always tell that a book is written by a man when a female character admires a male character’s beard.
- 6 January 2020: It would be a pleasure to sign it!
- 6 January 2020: Yup
- 6 January 2020: I’m a fan!
- 6 January 2020: Fantastic!!
- 6 January 2020: nope
- 6 January 2020: Please let me know how the conversations change as a result!
- 5 January 2020: Doubtful. We have security.
- 5 January 2020: I look forward to it
- 5 January 2020: Yup
- 5 January 2020: Thank you
- 5 January 2020: January 16th I’ll be speaking in Atlanta with @ConceptualJames
- 5 January 2020: I’m back from a nice break. Watched a lot of TV and relaxed. (Best show: tie between Messiah & The Expanse.) Just started working on my next book about Social Justice. Fun times ahead...
- 24 December 2019: Michael Knowles The Rubin Report Glenn Beck Chad Benson Show Armstrong & Getty, 650 KSTE Chicago's Morning Answer, WIND AM 560 BBC Radio 4 Jordan B Peterson podcast Martial Arts Journey with Rokas
- 24 December 2019: Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), with Nico Perrino Glenn Beck (in studio) Intellectual Explorers Podcast NPR’s Watching America, with Dr. Alan Campbell Junge Freiheit, Berlin, Germany John Stossel Ben Shapiro The Bulwark The Wall Street Journal
- 24 December 2019: The Babylon Bee Science Salon, with Dr. Michael Shermer That’s BS, with Jordan Myers The Dad Presents Walkins Welcome, with Bridge Phetasy Yerevan State University, with Ani Poghosyan Quillette, with Jonathan Kay Sovereign, with Michael O’Fallon WPRO, with Matt Allen
- 24 December 2019: More media: FM News 101 KXL, with Jim Ferretti Chicago's Morning Answer Cylinder Radio MSNBC TV, with Craig Melvin Reason, with Nick Gillespie Rebel Wisdom Peak Prosperity, with Dr. Chris Martenson Zuby
- 24 December 2019: Media cont'd: Free2disagree, with Amanda MacDonald Minds Newsmax, Liquid Lunch, with John Tobacco and Frank Morano NZZ Zurich, Germany (in German) San Francisco Review of Books Gareth Cliff Show TRIGGERnometry KATU-ABC’s “AM Northwest” Tucker Carlson
- 24 December 2019: Media: BBC Radio 4 (forthcoming) Armstrong & Getty, 650 KSTE Spiked Jefferson Exchange NEOHUMAN, with Agah Bahari Jerm Warfare AM 760-KFMB, with Miles Himmel Armenian Enough Stoic Solutions, with Justin Vacula
- 24 December 2019: “A Thought Experiment: Joe Biden and Segregation,” National Review, June 2019
- 24 December 2019: “The best way to evaluate your beliefs? Engage with people who disagree with you,” Sunday LA Times, July 21, 2019
- 24 December 2019: “You Can Disagree Better,” New York Times, September 18, 2019
- 24 December 2019: “Conversing in an Age of Accusation,” City-Journal, September 20, 2019
- 24 December 2019: “Social-Justice Warriors Won’t Listen, but You Should,” Wall Street Journal, October 11, 2019
- 24 December 2019: “Welcome to Culture War 2.0: The Great Realignment,” The American Mind, November 8, 2019
- 24 December 2019: “Let People Be Wrong,” City-Journal, November 22, 2019
- 24 December 2019: “Idea Laundering,” Wall Street Journal, November 25, 2019
- 24 December 2019: “How to converse with know-it-alls: exposing the Unread Library effect” The Spectator, November 26, 2019
- 24 December 2019: “Deluded Departments,” The Philosophers’ Magazine (print and online), Issue 87, 4th Quarter 2019
- 24 December 2019: Articles: “How to Navigate Contentious Conversations,” Skeptic, Volume 24, Number 4
- 24 December 2019: Book: How to Have Impossible Conversations, Da Capo Press (Hachette Book Group), September 17, 2019. Translations: Mandarin, Polish, German, Romanian
- 24 December 2019: I’m taking time off from social media. My sincere thanks to all who’ve supported my work. I’ve posted links to some of my 2019 content, below. Thank you!
- 24 December 2019: “Concept stretching” is rampant in postmodernism. Here’s the problem: If an idea can only be present and never absent then it’s a universal and not a concept (e.g., power). This is how postmodernists are able use terms as a rhetorical strategy. Giovanni Sartori #esoterictweet
- 23 December 2019: For more context on this, see
- 23 December 2019: @MsMelChen
- 23 December 2019: @primalpoly
- 23 December 2019: The declaration of ideological war was sounded from the center of London at the Sovereign Nations and New Discourses co-sponsored conference, Speaking Truth to Social Justice, held at the National Liberal Club’s Gladstone Library.
- 23 December 2019: Thank you!
- 22 December 2019:
- 22 December 2019:
- 22 December 2019: Translation: “People must hold certain beliefs that I think they should hold based on their immutable characteristics or they’ve betrayed my principles, which they ought to hold”
- 22 December 2019: That h-index is off the charts
- 21 December 2019: I would appreciate a response, please @PSUPresident
- 21 December 2019: I’ve made repeated attempts to meet with you and your staff has told me you’re too busy.
- 21 December 2019: To my knowledge, no additional charges have yet been filed against me. I want to discuss these forthcoming charges with you, and my future at PSU.
- 21 December 2019: In July of 2019 I applied for an unpaid leave of absence for the academic year 2019-2020. I was informed that it was denied because I’m going to be brought up on additional charges related to my Grievance Studies work.
- 21 December 2019: @bariweiss
- 21 December 2019: That guy was a major asshole.
- 21 December 2019: Yeah. Tuesday
- 21 December 2019: It’s been a productive vacation thus far: The Expanse, Watchmen, The Witcher.
- 21 December 2019: The university’s new loyalty oath: required diversity and inclusion statements amount to a political litmus test for hiring
- 20 December 2019: I am still waiting for your response, please.
- 20 December 2019: No. The elite tier may. Everything else is doomed
- 20 December 2019: I can totally see that. Didn’t think of it that way before. Good parallel
- 20 December 2019: For more here, see John Rawls’ ToJ
- 20 December 2019: I misread that. Sorry. My guilt pleasure is reading Star Trek fan fiction.
- 20 December 2019: The vast majority of religious folks want to engage me. The vast majority of SJ folks want to punish me.
- 20 December 2019: Meditation. But not even then. I keep making to do lists in my head when I’m trying to meditate.
- 20 December 2019: SJs. Hands down.
- 20 December 2019: Best guess: if the economy tanks
- 20 December 2019: Diabetes!
- 20 December 2019: That would be great. Thank you! Send them to PSU philosophy department. I should be there next term, in spite of their efforts
- 20 December 2019: Avoid: stridency Embrace: morality absent God or gods
- 20 December 2019: The Forever War
- 20 December 2019: That was fun. Thanks. Softball questions!
- 20 December 2019: Also, I love your twitter feed.
- 20 December 2019: Carl was a wonderful human
- 20 December 2019: And sure. 10 and a half
- 20 December 2019: People keep telling me that
- 20 December 2019: Thank you!
- 20 December 2019: Depends. But for sure they should empower themselves so that if they’re approached they’ll know what to do
- 20 December 2019: Nope. It’s Friday. I let myself go on Friday’s
- 20 December 2019: ???
- 20 December 2019: Thanks
- 20 December 2019: Sure thing
- 20 December 2019: Nope
- 20 December 2019: No. It’s far more complicated than that. In some ways it’s worse, it others better. R Rorty has a good take on it
- 20 December 2019: No clue.
- 20 December 2019:
- 20 December 2019: It’s not cruelty free, so no
- 20 December 2019: Impressed. Early or later Wittgenstein?
- 20 December 2019: Vital: first is to define these terms honestly. Second, public schools of the first rate for everyone. Focus on equality of opportunity, not outcome
- 20 December 2019: Don’t have it here
- 20 December 2019: In what genre? Philosophy? Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals was quite influential
- 20 December 2019: Good. We were just hanging out while I read
- 20 December 2019: Bloody Mary
- 20 December 2019:
- 20 December 2019: Hire you for what? I’m not hiring anyone
- 20 December 2019: Tough one... let me think. That in spite of my best efforts, I too am trapped by my beliefs. Consequently, it’s crucial to fall back not on epistemology but fundamental moral values like kindness and compassion
- 20 December 2019: Warren. But it would be the worst vote of my life. That’s only in a “there’s a gun to your head scenario”
- 20 December 2019: Buzzkill.
- 20 December 2019: Eggs and extra crispy hash browns
- 20 December 2019:
- 20 December 2019: Eggs, extra crispy hash browns
- 20 December 2019: I was going to ask about that. What do you think? It’s a ton of work to prep those, but super fun. The team like it, so maybe @aliveness_ape
- 20 December 2019: Waiting for breakfast. AMA
- 20 December 2019:
- 20 December 2019: Amazing. From a tiny island in the middle of nowhere to the world’s most advanced continent!
- 20 December 2019: “Nazis”
- 19 December 2019: It’s somewhere here
- 19 December 2019: Yeah. Delicious. I eat two a day.
- 19 December 2019: These are the best apples I’ve ever had. Truly, the perfect apple. (And no, I’m not getting paid to tweet this.)
- 19 December 2019: @PSUPresident I have been trying to arrange a brief meeting with you. Your staff continues to tell me you’re too busy to meet with me for five minutes. Can you please spare five minutes to meet with me? Thank you
- 19 December 2019: I did an event at PSU with @CHSommers @BretWeinstein and @HeatherEHeying when a tenured professor in the audience started screaming that nobody believes there’s no such a thing as biological sex. Yet here we are.
- 19 December 2019: @DavidBCollum
- 19 December 2019: @kittypurrzog @JillianKayM @bariweiss
- 19 December 2019: Indeed
- 19 December 2019: How do terrible ideas get taken seriously on college campuses? In this interview I speak to my friends @AandGShow about how corrupt scholarship has taken hold of the academy.
- 18 December 2019: You're late to the party. Someone's actually done this:
- 18 December 2019: kitchen sink
- 18 December 2019: Priceless: LGBTQ business alliance supports Spokane drag queen after conference performance Video of the lunchtime performance surfaced online and sparked backlash among homeless advocates.
- 18 December 2019: thanks, appreciate that
- 17 December 2019: Here’s the app my team and I developed that helps users have better conversations about faith related topics.
- 17 December 2019: Thanks. Do you have a URL for that?
- 17 December 2019: A conference on homelessness by a state agency is teaching decolonization. Trans stripper included, free of charge.
- 17 December 2019: Yup. It’s on twitch
- 17 December 2019: Thanks
- 17 December 2019: There's nothing to DM. If you return my $160 you'll have a satisfied customer.
- 16 December 2019: You can refund my $160 and I'd be happy.
- 16 December 2019: What a total scam. @DIRECTV just charged me $160 to cancel my service.
- 16 December 2019: “Children crowding gender clinics may be ‘just tip of iceberg’” Really interesting read. (Behind a paywall.)
- 16 December 2019: And now, to continue my vacation, I will be watching season 4 of The Expanse.
- 16 December 2019: Hanging out in Oregon
- 15 December 2019: Merry Christmas and happy holidays from Savannah and Teddy.
- 15 December 2019: Vod?
- 15 December 2019: Yup.
- 15 December 2019: Yup
- 15 December 2019: @hockeynuts Wanted to try my hand at it, and wanted to try and create a world. Also, it’s very difficult to create a LE world and I wanted that challenge
- 15 December 2019:
- 15 December 2019:
- 15 December 2019:
- 14 December 2019: Critical hit & fumble tables
- 14 December 2019: What: Lawful Evil D&D campaign, the Unbroken Where: When: tonight, Dec 14, 7:30pm PST I’ll be updating content here as the campaign progresses
- 14 December 2019: I’ll make a new tweet with the gaming info and twitch channel. Going live at 7:30 pm PST.
- 14 December 2019: I’ll make a new tweet with the gaming info and twitch channel. Going live at 7:30 pm PST.
- 14 December 2019:
- 14 December 2019: I’ll post the info tomorrow. Twitch
- 14 December 2019: We’ll be using these Critical Hit and Fumble tables
- 14 December 2019: Wow. Over 500 likes. I’m taken aback by how popular this was. So, great news! We’re good to go tomorrow!!
- 13 December 2019: Thanks
- 13 December 2019: It’s our first time streaming it. Not sure yet.
- 13 December 2019:
- 13 December 2019: We’ll be starting a lvl 3 Lawful Evil D&D campaign tomorrow, 12/14/19, at 8pm PST. We’re live-streaming it on twitch. I’ve attached world info. I’ll update in real time as the campaign progresses!
- 13 December 2019: I really hope our web guy can figure this out.
- 13 December 2019: Got it. I need all of these details
- 13 December 2019: True. I’ll send this to him. Thanks.
- 13 December 2019: Thank you. How do I post maps and such?
- 13 December 2019: PST Pacific Standard Time. We’ll be doing it in Portlnad, Oregon
- 13 December 2019: 391 likes. Seems like a popular idea. We’ll begin this Saturday the 14th at 8:00pm PST. We’ll try twitch. I’ll tweet the storyline beforehand. First time streaming a campaign and using twitch. Any suggestions??
- 13 December 2019: Here’s our interview for @spikedonline How to overcome the identity divide: Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay on the importance of understanding our ideological opponents. @ConceptualJames
- 13 December 2019: That was fun. Thanks for a surprisingly civil AMA. I’m going to work on my D&D campaign now.
- 13 December 2019: I’ve never written fiction before, so I don’t know. I’d start by asking someone who’s succeeded and see what they recommend
- 13 December 2019: Yeah. Question your own tribe. Give your work to someone who’ll disagree and ask for honest feedback
- 13 December 2019: I’m not sure I understand the question, so I have to say I don’t k know
- 13 December 2019: There are others, but that high on my list
- 13 December 2019: The fact that the universe had no beginning. It always existed.
- 13 December 2019: All is never lost. Never underestimate the power of reason. Ideologies come and go. Some have more staying power than others. It’s just myopia that we think this is worse.
- 13 December 2019: Kill, no. Undermine public trust, absolutely
- 13 December 2019: Yes. A fuel gauge to show what percentage of a technique is oriented toward truth and what is belief intervention
- 13 December 2019: Tough one. I’ve done so, so many. Pieces of individual interviews, perhaps. But if I were to pick one, Gareth Cliff is a master interviewer.
- 13 December 2019: How to think through problems people feel are impossible to solve. What tools we can use to live better lives and help ourselves and our communities.
- 13 December 2019: No. Absolutely, positively, no.
- 13 December 2019: Their approach to remediating injustice.
- 13 December 2019: I don’t know enough to comment. It’s out of my expertise. My thought, for what it’s worth, is that it’s broken. As an example, the number of bankruptcies due to medical procedures among people who have insurance is staggering.
- 13 December 2019: Almost definitely nothing. Same as before you were born.
- 13 December 2019: Yes. Admiration
- 13 December 2019: I can sincerely say I have no desire to sue anyone or anything. I just want (wanted?) the university to clean itself up. I’m not sure that’s possible at this point.
- 13 December 2019: We’re living in rural locations now and there are mote goods and services. On a related note, I’ve been thinking a lot about whether or not public transportation should be free.
- 13 December 2019: Tough to say. Everyone I respect makes a unique contribution to human well being. I’m not dodging the question, I just don’t know
- 13 December 2019: Read, no
- 13 December 2019: Sure. But it takes too long to do now
- 13 December 2019: Plato’s Republic. Timeless genius
- 13 December 2019: Excellent, but sad my dad wasn’t alive to see it.
- 13 December 2019: Those terms have broad semantic ranges. Depends on how they’re defined
- 13 December 2019: Don’t mean to be pedantic, but it really depends on what you mean. (But high)
- 13 December 2019: I think so, but I’m not sure. It’s in the zeitgeist. Anything you’d create would be tainted by those values
- 13 December 2019: In your bureau next to your bed
- 13 December 2019: Because infrastructure is a public good.
- 13 December 2019: To play? Maybe some kind of anti-paladin
- 13 December 2019: Tough question. Inoculum
- 13 December 2019: Great question. That’s one of the things I’m currently writing about. Stay tuned!
- 13 December 2019: I’m not sure I have one.
- 13 December 2019: I’m currently eating my once a year sushi dinner. Shhhh. Don’t tell Nayna
- 13 December 2019: I asked for an unpaid leave of absence. They denied it because, I was told, they’re bringing me up on more charges.
- 13 December 2019: Less the epistemology and more what Jim and Helen call the pomo cluster and the invasive values that accompany them
- 13 December 2019: I assume you meant it in a musical context
- 13 December 2019: Tool
- 13 December 2019: That’s a really, really difficult question. If I had to pick two: Farscape or B5. I love sci fi
- 13 December 2019: Absolutely, yes. It’s just a matter of when. And more so the parasitic values that have latched onto it.
- 13 December 2019: No idea what that is.
- 13 December 2019: Turn chaotic good.
- 13 December 2019: Cloud what? I guess that means no
- 13 December 2019: Alright, taking a break from writing. AMA.
- 13 December 2019: @FQXi when ideology runs wild
- 12 December 2019: You’d be welcome, anytime.
- 12 December 2019: Around 7:30pm PST, if we stream it
- 12 December 2019: Check out our piece in this month’s Skeptic about How to Have Impossible Conversations @ConceptualJames
- 12 December 2019: This will not be kid friendly
- 12 December 2019: If you think that’s evil, wait until you see this world
- 12 December 2019: Not sure yet. Folks are suggesting twitch
- 12 December 2019: @scuba_jim We’re good. Party of 5
- 12 December 2019: K. Thanks. We’ll definitely look into it.
- 12 December 2019: Yup
- 12 December 2019: Consider it yours.
- 12 December 2019: Not sure of the platform yet. We’re still thinking about it. What do you suggest?
- 12 December 2019: No. I just wrote it the other night. It’s likely a one off. Not sure yet though.
- 12 December 2019: I’ll tweet out their handles if we decide to do this
- 12 December 2019: If we do this, I’ll tweet maps, tomes, diaries, what the characters find as they advance, etc.
- 12 December 2019: I’ve written a Dungeons & Dragons Lawful Evil campaign and we’re thinking of live-streaming it this Saturday night. Would anyone be interested in watching?
- 12 December 2019: Fair enough.
- 12 December 2019: Big fat lies: The Fat Activism movement is risking lives by suppressing obesity research By the amazing @HPluckrose
- 12 December 2019: The issue is not that he received approval after he killed an endangered sheep. The issue is that he killed an endangered sheep.
- 12 December 2019: They just tossed it in the list just like it was another item. Can you imagine being pulled over and the cop conducting a forced baptism on you?!
- 12 December 2019: “Mongolian officials retroactively granted Trump Jr. permit after he killed endangered sheep” What kind of person would go to a foreign country and kill an endangered sheep? This is completely deranged.
- 12 December 2019: “Hamilton County sheriff's deputy indicted on 44 criminal charges” I love how forced baptism is included in this list.
- 12 December 2019:
- 11 December 2019: I just wrote a brief piece about this last night. I’ll find a venue for it and post the link when it’s published.
- 11 December 2019: Great piece. I’m really looking forward to reading the rest...
- 11 December 2019: Part of the problem is that they’ve changed the meanings of words to make it seem like these agenda driven terms are reasonable.
- 11 December 2019: 2016: “It will never happen in the sciences” 2019: Microaggressions, implicit bias, inclusive spaces, equity and equitable outcomes, diversity, implicit bias, etc., are the norm in scientific societies.
- 10 December 2019: 🖖🏼
- 10 December 2019: Just imagine that the hill you’re willing to die on is in defense of the white empiricism paper. Great example of how morally motivated urges overwrite the rational mind.
- 10 December 2019: Title IX is worse than broken. It’s frequently weaponized against faculty members who question the academy’s dominant moral orthodoxy. It’s one of the tools the intersectional crowd use to silence dissident voices. #ImportantRead
- 10 December 2019: @aliveness_ape
- 10 December 2019:
- 10 December 2019: This is an absolutely brilliant talk by @andrewdoyle_com . #HighestRecommendation
- 9 December 2019: I was on The Jefferson Exchange’s podcast this morning, “Attempting Conversations With People Who Make You Mad".
- 9 December 2019: @nickpopemod I emailed you about speaking to my Science & Pseudoscience class next term. We'd love to Skype you in and speak with the class. Thanks.
- 9 December 2019:
- 9 December 2019: Grievance Studies scholarship
- 9 December 2019: Or any fruit or vegetable of your preference.
- 9 December 2019: Next time I’m in London, I’ll happily come to your home and tape a banana on your wall free of charge.
- 9 December 2019: Other than daily acts of kindness nothing stands out. However, someone did tape a banana to a wall.
- 9 December 2019: Yeah, I think that’s correct. It’s interesting how so many people just buy into it.
- 9 December 2019: Borrowing from Victor Stenger’s work, there are some solid ontological arguments to be made against the idea that there cannot be an infinite regress.
- 9 December 2019: Peter Klein has done some great work on infinitism in epistemology:
- 9 December 2019: Thinking the “infinite regress problem” is a problem, may be a type of academic superstition. Ontologically, I see no reason why there can’t be turtles all the way down. #infinitism
- 9 December 2019: @MsMelChen
- 9 December 2019: @John_Kavanagh @aliveness_ape
- 9 December 2019: Equity
- 9 December 2019: Horseshoe
- 8 December 2019:
- 8 December 2019: You’ll need a stiff drink first.
- 8 December 2019: @LKrauss1 @ConceptualJames @RealPeerReview
- 8 December 2019: 2 continued) "...we can dispense with any suggestion that the low number of Black women in science indicates any lack of validity on their part as observers”
- 8 December 2019: 1) “Given that Black women must, according to Einstein’s principle of covariance, have an equal claim to objectivity regardless of their simultaneously experiencing intersecting axes of oppression...
- 8 December 2019: “string theory provides an example of how white supremacist racial prestige asymmetry produces an antiempiricist epistemic practice among physicists, white empiricism”
- 8 December 2019: “String theory has failed to succeed in expected ways because the community—which is almost entirely male and disproportionately white relative to other areas of physics—is too homogeneous”
- 8 December 2019: These are quotations from a paper in the peer-reviewed journal Signs (University of Chicago Press) “Making Black Women Scientists under White Empiricism: The Racialization of Epistemology in Physics” Author: Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (she/her/they)
- 8 December 2019: This routinely happens with content related to our Grievance Studies probe. It is neither a mistake nor a fluke. The woke are shot callers @google .
- 8 December 2019: These classes are offered at Portland Stste University Every Body Matters – Embracing Size Diversity #fatstudies
- 7 December 2019: Thank you
- 7 December 2019: Cold floor
- 7 December 2019: He blends in
- 7 December 2019: My constant companion...
- 7 December 2019: We should have thought of this.
- 7 December 2019: @LOUontheSUBWAY
- 6 December 2019: Thank you. Application is the key!
- 6 December 2019: Correct
- 6 December 2019: I am the victim in all of this.
- 6 December 2019: That’s taken out of context
- 6 December 2019: That’s because I only do that once a year.
- 6 December 2019: That’s taken out of context.
- 6 December 2019: Lies!
- 6 December 2019: Indeed. Gad and I have downed the sushi together in Vegas
- 6 December 2019: Yup
- 6 December 2019: Ditto
- 6 December 2019: No. Saburos
- 6 December 2019: Yup
- 6 December 2019: No. I usually bring the rice to my dogs, who love it. Esp Savannah who enjoys the eel sauce.
- 6 December 2019: My yearly dinner
- 6 December 2019: This is a fantastic idea—year round.
- 6 December 2019: Thank you!
- 5 December 2019: Should there be an age cut off for this? 16? 12? 8? 4?
- 5 December 2019: Clockwork!!
- 5 December 2019: Against ‘Idea Laundering’
- 5 December 2019: Grotesque
- 5 December 2019: That was one of my first thoughts
- 5 December 2019: Our university system is entering the perfect storm for collapse: soaring tuition, prevalent digital (some zero cost) substitutes, growing view by corporate America that a 4 year degree is unnecessary, & politicization that’s well on its way to alienating a majority of Americans.
- 5 December 2019: Thank you!!
- 5 December 2019: Portland?
- 5 December 2019: Disgraceful
- 5 December 2019:
- 5 December 2019: Those four people in the poster look familiar! Translation: Science instead of superstition. Man-made (human-caused) climate change is real!
- 5 December 2019: “Certainty is an enemy of truth; examination and reexamination are allies of truth.” A few highlights of my recent conversation with @mynameisjerm
- 5 December 2019: “Deluded Departments” Academic philosophy departments have lost their way... @philosophersmag @ConceptualJames
- 5 December 2019: Quick lessons from books: How to Have Impossible Conversations The video creator takes one principle from our book and explains it. Nice little video.
- 5 December 2019: My just released podcast with @Agologist
- 5 December 2019: My just released podcast with @mynameisjerm
- 4 December 2019: Please let us know how the application goes!
- 4 December 2019: Thank you!
- 4 December 2019: A few follow-up pieces on Idea Laundering: The National Security Implications of Idea Laundering Idea Laundering Idea Laundering Portends The Future Thought Police
- 30 November 2019: The Elenchus
- 29 November 2019: I thoroughly enjoyed this honest, thoughtful discussion between @JohnAndersonAO and @RubinReport
- 27 November 2019: Fantastic piece. Genuinely listen is one of the best pieces of advice one can give.
- 27 November 2019: Is @MrAndyNgo ’s claim evidence-based? I’d be interested in learning about evidence to the contrary.
- 26 November 2019: Interesting & disturbing on many levels. He’s making a verifiable claim about the world. Re his suspension, the issue is not its factual accuracy, but that such claims shouldn’t be made at all.
- 26 November 2019: Thank you so much
- 25 November 2019: An empirical claim by @MrAndyNgo
- 25 November 2019: Thanks!
- 25 November 2019: “Political Discussions 101” A nice explanation of how to apply some of the techniques in How to Have Impossible Conversations.
- 25 November 2019: thank you
- 25 November 2019: Thank you
- 25 November 2019: Thank you!
- 25 November 2019: “6 book gift ideas for your favorite readers” The Oregonian Delighted our book was one of the six!
- 25 November 2019: True. Pinot noir did me in...
- 25 November 2019: Thank you
- 24 November 2019: Here’s my OpEd for the Wall Street Journal “Idea Laundering” in Academia: How nonsensical jargon like "intersectionality" and "cisgender" is imbued with an air of false authority @WSJ
- 22 November 2019: The brilliant & hilarious @andrewdoyle_com has launched a new YouTube channel! Here’s his first video, a conversation with author @DouglasKMurray
- 22 November 2019: Let People Be Wrong: political opinions don’t have to trump personal relations My latest with @ConceptualJames @CityJournal
- 21 November 2019: Thank you, Dr. Mike, for a great video review of How to Have Impossible Conversations. Delighted you were able to apply the techniques in a medical context.
- 20 November 2019: Documentarians are making a film about ideology and how to navigate difficult conversations. The producers are looking for documentary subjects. If you live in the PNW and want to be considered, please fill out this form
- 20 November 2019: Just out: @conceptualjames and I do a deep dive re How to Have Impossible Conversations on @amacdonamagi's podcast, @F2Disagree
- 20 November 2019: To all the people slamming Bill Gates, grow up. Secretive energy startup backed by Bill Gates achieves solar breakthrough
- 20 November 2019: I’m not a lawyer. I don’t know. Here’s PSU’s policy
- 19 November 2019: As seen on the wall at Portland State University. “This is a space soley [sic] for people of color. All genders welcome.”
- 19 November 2019: You’re a terrific writer.
- 19 November 2019: No need. It’s deserved. It’s my sincere hope that scholars who believe that miracles happened or happen attempt to directly rebut your claims.
- 19 November 2019: I think so too. It’s a different way to conceptualize conversations.
- 19 November 2019: Yet another positive mention of our book, this time in today’s National Review.
- 18 November 2019: @JamesTraub1 I really enjoyed your podcast with Shermer.
- 18 November 2019:
- 18 November 2019: @senatemajldr You’re mentioned here, and you’d do well to consider how history will likely view you. @michaelshermer
- 18 November 2019: @loftusjohnw
- 18 November 2019: Bullshit
- 16 November 2019: Thank you
- 16 November 2019: To be true to his principles he should quit.
- 15 November 2019: They’ve moved from criticizing positions you don’t hold, to criticizing meals you’re not eating.
- 14 November 2019: @TitaniaMcGrath Here’s the paper, written by the world’s most accomplished Gender Studies scholars: It’s worth noting that with no prior experience, Dr Lindsay accomplished more in 10 months than most Grievance Studies scholars do in a lifetime.
- 14 November 2019: I thoroughly enjoyed this podcast. We did a deep dive on my Armenian heritage and spanned the gamut of issues.
- 13 November 2019: Thank you!
- 12 November 2019: Yet another reason why violence should not be a go-to reaction.
- 12 November 2019: I wonder what the reaction of Grievance Studies scholars will be to this announcement. Protests? Articles? OpEds?
- 12 November 2019: It’s a culling
- 12 November 2019: Two wonderful people
- 11 November 2019: Join us in Colorado Springs this Saturday, November 16 @ConceptualJames
- 11 November 2019: Great to join John Tabacco & Frank Morano @Newsmax to talk about the “purple people” and How to Have Impossible Conversations.
- 11 November 2019: Ah. Interesting. Thanks. Well, I’m not trolling and nobody has answered my questions. Really no point in asking anymore. I think I’ll publish an article about it.
- 11 November 2019: Consequently, this renders them virtually or completely incapable of articulating a response due to a failure to (morally) triage, among other roadblocks put up by this ideology. (2)
- 11 November 2019: My speculation is that the same people who are concerned about global climate change have had their cognitions parasitized by Social Justice. (1)
- 11 November 2019: It is interesting. I’ve asked so many people who work in this area some version of these questions and I’ve yet to receive #any# response. Given the gravity of the threat, one would think those who specialize in this would have stock responses. @timvangelder
- 11 November 2019: Excellent and accurate!
- 10 November 2019: Any ideas to help me @ClimatePsych ? Thanks
- 10 November 2019: Thanks
- 10 November 2019: Yes. Those are broadly my content areas. I’m explicitly referring to the perception that some students are too fragile for certain facts and need to be insulated from them. Perhaps I should have made that more clear in my initial tweet.
- 10 November 2019: What do you mean? That I’m telling my students the topic is too triggering? Is that what you mean?
- 10 November 2019: And what would you say to them if they told you the topic is too triggering for many students? (2) Thanks
- 10 November 2019: @paulgilding What argument would you make to academicians who acknowledge climate change but are singularly focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion? (1)
- 10 November 2019: If someone you know is in the hospital, even if you don’t know them well, take time to visit. It will mean the world to them. Having been in and out of the hospital due to Crohn’s disease, visits from friends & family kept me going.
- 10 November 2019: If only there were a book about how to make impossible conversations possible.
- 9 November 2019: If the Presidency doesn’t work out, these dispositions, coupled with an unparalleled ability to make stuff up, qualifies him for an academic position in Gender Studies.
- 9 November 2019:
- 9 November 2019: Thanks
- 9 November 2019: Thanks. I’m still working through it, but these are my current thoughts.
- 9 November 2019: I thought about that. Great idea.
- 9 November 2019:
- 9 November 2019: Thank you
- 8 November 2019: K. Cool. Thanks
- 8 November 2019: Did you read the article?
- 8 November 2019: @WhySharksMatter should hope that a post-cancel culture doesn’t develop that cancels all those who tried to cancel others.
- 8 November 2019: It’s not about being in the clear. It’s about modes of engagement and getting the argument right. Twitter is obviously not the medium for more substantive engagement—but a response piece is.
- 8 November 2019: Thank you!
- 8 November 2019: Thanks
- 8 November 2019: Thank you
- 8 November 2019: Thank you
- 8 November 2019: Thank you
- 8 November 2019: I invite you to write a response to my article and submit it to TAM. If you do, and if they accept it, I’ll gladly respond to your response piece.
- 8 November 2019: What?
- 8 November 2019: Did you read what I wrote? “Christian organizations have a long history of censorship, and this has continued to some extent even in recent decades.”
- 8 November 2019: “Welcome to Culture War 2.0: The Great Realignment” My piece for The American Mind @theammind
- 8 November 2019: “How the Insufferably Woke Help Trump” If only there were a group of people who’ve been shouting this from the rooftops for years.
- 8 November 2019: Thanks
- 8 November 2019:
- 8 November 2019: And yes, I post conversations that are less than perfect. That’s how we all learn.
- 7 November 2019: Agreed. I should have asked his definition of “border” upfront. Good example of what’s obvious to you (or in this case me) may not be obvious to others.
- 7 November 2019: Agreed. It wasn’t until nearly the end that I understood what he meant. I should have started with a definition—I thought it was obvious but I was wrong. This is why front-loading the discussion with definitions is so important.
- 7 November 2019: “Should the U. S. have open borders?” My annotated conversation with a stranger. How to Have Impossible Conversations
- 7 November 2019: Sorry about that. It was past midnight and I was really tired. Do you want me to delete it?
- 7 November 2019: Unintentional, but yes, it works.
- 7 November 2019: I jsaw a version of this in Portland last night and it was fantastic. Engaging, thoughtful, and honest. If you’re in DC I highly recommend it!
- 6 November 2019: Blocked
- 6 November 2019: Unbelievable. Nobody?? San Francisco is the headquarters of Starfleet Command. Duh!
- 6 November 2019: Doh! I don't know where I got Berlin. 1:00am. I'm tired.
- 6 November 2019: My interview with the Berlin paper NZZ.
- 6 November 2019: Here's my conversation for The San Francisco Review of Books re How to Have Impossible Conversations. Q: Why am I wearing a Star Trek shirt? A:
- 6 November 2019: @DJGrothe
- 6 November 2019: An incredibly raw, honest, and thoughtful conversation with @kittypurrzog @BretWeinstein @HeatherEHeying @LOUontheSUBWAY #Portland #funnyhatetour
- 6 November 2019:
- 5 November 2019: Exactly. And it becomes more complicated when intersectionality is added to the mix.
- 5 November 2019: I said I’d vote for literally anyone before voting for @tedwheeler . That was before I learned about @sarahforpdx (she/her). Representing the most extreme fringe of progressive and intersectional ideology, this is what fuels Trumpism.
- 5 November 2019: What do they teach students in college? Listen for yourself: Part I Part II In a sane world this person would be remanded to a facility where he could receive professional help. In 2019, he teaches our youth.
- 5 November 2019: In the moral realm it’s more obvious—providing reasons and using evidence to justify atrocities. This worldview accepts that there are moral facts, unlike those who deny it.
- 5 November 2019: Habermas writes about this fairly extensively.
- 5 November 2019: No
- 5 November 2019: Hey alumni, if want to help restore trust in our academic institutions then do not donate money to your alma mater until they adopt the Chicago Statement.
- 5 November 2019: “I have no free time because silence is complicity.” Patricia Lopez, Ph.D., Pronouns: she/her/hers A lead researcher at our bogus institution.
- 4 November 2019: The Evangelical Dark Web @EricRWeinstein
- 4 November 2019: A few people have since told me that been a “lifesaver”.
- 4 November 2019: If only there were a new book about how to help people talk to each other across deep divides...
- 4 November 2019: An excellent talk by @VoddieBaucham about the need for an intersectional lens to view scripture.
- 4 November 2019: A really interesting thread. “Diversity” means intellectual homogeneity. Pay particular attention to #7, about which @ConceptualJames and I have been warning people.
- 4 November 2019: And “hegemonic”
- 4 November 2019: Boom!
- 3 November 2019: Thank you
- 3 November 2019: Very cool
- 3 November 2019: Fantastic! Please let us know how their application goes...
- 2 November 2019: Tomorrow night, Nov 3, I’ll be at Powell’s on Burnside at 7:30 to read from How to Have Impossible Conversations. Extended Q&A to follow! @Powells #Portland
- 2 November 2019: I use this as well and love it. Thanks, @robbwolf !
- 2 November 2019: Hi cancelled person. Can’t wait to see you this Tuesday! We can talk about things cancelled people talk about!
- 2 November 2019: Armenian genocide and the theater of US politics By @MsMelChen
- 1 November 2019: Thank you
- 1 November 2019: Thanks
- 1 November 2019: Once again, I am the victim in all of this.
- 1 November 2019: can you please email or tweet specifics?
- 1 November 2019: thanks. I appreciate it
- 1 November 2019: Sincere thanks to those who support my work. Over the next months I'll have articles in: The American Mind Skeptic The Philosophers’ Magazine City-Journal and podcasts/interviews: San Francisco Review of Books Jigsaw Productions w/ Max Diamond Armenian Enough TRIGGERnometry
- 1 November 2019: Gareth Cliff @GarethCliff is a master interviewer. Here’s our just released podcast
- 1 November 2019: People who give difficult interviews they don’t have to give should be lauded regardless of political affiliation.
- 1 November 2019: Say=sat
- 1 November 2019: I honestly couldn’t care less. JK say down for a really difficult interview that he didn’t have to give. I respect that independent of his policy positions and support for the President.
- 1 November 2019: Hats off to Jared Kushner for sitting down for a really tough interview with @axios @hbo
- 1 November 2019: Why the word “equity” and not “equality”?
- 31 October 2019: Original article
- 31 October 2019: Once woke ideology is expunged from the university, another dogma will take its place. And when it does, those currently working against intellectual diversity will be clamoring for it.
- 31 October 2019: It’s a philosophy class.
- 31 October 2019: Pretty much
- 31 October 2019:
- 31 October 2019: Agreed, yet this is exactly what they don’t see—and the fact that they don’t see it is fascinating.
- 31 October 2019: It’s not about teaching a controversy, it’s about understanding arguments and epistemologies.
- 31 October 2019: This is a big problem and many of us have been fighting it for years. There are, however, exceptions to this like @dpakman
- 31 October 2019: Derangement on display. Read these savage attacks on Obama. There is something particularly nasty and virulent about Social Justice ideology.
- 31 October 2019: Yang nails it. If you accuse a Major in the National Guard—or anyone else for that matter—of being a Russian asset you better have evidence.
- 31 October 2019: See you then!
- 31 October 2019: Listen to @Evolutionistrue ’s podcasts on this where he meticulously dissects creationist arguments. It’s required listening in my Science & Pseudoscience class.
- 31 October 2019: That’s up to the individual prof. But in general yes, esp given that around 50% of the population doesn’t accept the facts of evolution. This is how arguments are formed and knowledge is advanced.
- 31 October 2019: Thank you, Rob.
- 31 October 2019: The Atheism class is in the philosophy dept. Not sure about other departments
- 31 October 2019: I invited Corey Miller, President of the evangelical-apologetics Christian org Ratio Christi, to speak to my atheism class. This is his post about it. The university must not become an ideology mill where profs attempt indoctrination. #ThoughtDiversity
- 31 October 2019: I’ll be speaking at Powell’s on Burnside this Sunday, Nov 3, 7:30pm @Powells
- 31 October 2019: thank you
- 30 October 2019: Point taken
- 30 October 2019: Of all that Trump has done and continues to do, it strikes me as odd that this is an issue upon which one chooses to spend one’s time.
- 30 October 2019: I’ll redo it. Now it’s bugging me
- 30 October 2019: Delete the last “upon”^^
- 30 October 2019: I could have left it out and I probably should take more care with my tweets. I’ve become numb to hateful replies, so I’m sloppy
- 30 October 2019: See @RadioFreeTom for description and analysis
- 30 October 2019: Here’s my KATU interview about our book, How to Have Impossible Conversations. I got the “cesspool that follows you” line from @ConceptualJames
- 30 October 2019: Nazi
- 30 October 2019: @NateRockQuarry great to meet you today. I look forward to rolling!
- 30 October 2019: This is why there are no diversity requirements for professional sports teams, which are based wholly on merit. Any such requirements would make it less likely the team will win.
- 30 October 2019: This is the inevitable consequence of an ideology penetrating a system—the system stops working and breaks down when a non-relevant variable is prioritized. It has to break down because the primary objective becomes compromised.
- 29 October 2019: Great analysis, as usual.
- 29 October 2019: Excellent piece.
- 29 October 2019: I’ve been asked that repeatedly. I have no idea.
- 29 October 2019: It’s paradise.
- 29 October 2019: No sake. Have to finish a piece I’m working on...
- 29 October 2019: Dinner
- 28 October 2019: @jonathanvswan I’m really enjoying your interviews on @axios . Thoughtful questions, excellent understanding of the issues, solid geopolitical insights.
- 27 October 2019: The Great Realignment
- 26 October 2019: It’s a peer-reviewed paper. It’s was also written by two of the world’s preeminent Gender Studies scholars.
- 26 October 2019: @TitaniaMcGrath
- 26 October 2019: As is the penis
- 25 October 2019: No!
- 25 October 2019: I woke up and found Teddy on the couch like this. You can see the shorter hair on his left hind leg from where they shaved it for surgery. He’s almost fully recovered now!
- 25 October 2019: Thanks
- 25 October 2019: Thank you
- 25 October 2019: Btw, I think @HPluckrose would be a fantastic guest for you. She’s working diligently to bring sanity to the left.
- 25 October 2019: Yes. And thank you for that. You are one of the exceptions—and I sincerely appreciate it.
- 25 October 2019: Welcome!!
- 25 October 2019: Thanks, Gad. The left won’t have me. And you know who the real tools of the right are? The lunatics cranking out “scholarship” that every sane person knows is complete bullshit.
- 25 October 2019: Thanks @TuckerCarlson for having me on to discuss the fact that Social Justice adherents aren’t just after your free speech rights—they’re after your cognitive liberty, too. #TuckerCarlsonTonight
- 24 October 2019: The unholy alliance between atheists and evangelicals: Is social justice a civilizational and eternal threat? by @MsMelChen
- 24 October 2019: Yes
- 24 October 2019: What^^
- 24 October 2019: “Experiments in Nurturing Classroom Curiosity” Includes a nod to one of my favorite techniques for opening minds: disconfirmation questions.
- 24 October 2019: Look up your university’s free speech and academic freedom rating. Don’t like why you find? Work to make changes.
- 23 October 2019: I’ve just added @meghan_daum ’s forthcoming book to the top of my reading list.
- 23 October 2019: “Human scum”
- 23 October 2019: 200 seconds vs 10000 years
- 22 October 2019: Ponder this for a moment...
- 21 October 2019: "anyone"
- 21 October 2019: If someone argues against due process, and then is accused of a crime, that person should not be denied due process. Denying an illiberal member of society his or her legal rights is not the solution to re-instilling liberalism—it’s part of the problem.
- 21 October 2019: And... ?
- 21 October 2019: This picture makes me so, so happy.
- 20 October 2019: This made my month.
- 20 October 2019: Thank you!
- 20 October 2019: Shedding Light on the Intellectual Dark Web: A Preliminary Empirical Study
- 18 October 2019: Wow
- 18 October 2019: My interview today with Chicago's Morning Answer AM 560 WIND @morninganswer @amyjacobson @danproft
- 18 October 2019: I have mastered your language, along with other island traditions, like foraging, hunting, & sewing thatched roofs. Just ask @HPluckrose People routinely mistook me for a native. (I also have a tall black hat and can effortlessly pass as one of your island’s tribal elders.)
- 18 October 2019: Let us know how it goes!
- 18 October 2019: Unless I’m missing something, which I could be, I don’t see it here: Can you please provide a link to substantiate your claim?
- 18 October 2019: My absolute pleasure.
- 18 October 2019: I'm still waiting for a link to this, please. Could you link the Australian GS departments you are referencing? Thank you
- 17 October 2019: Deprogrammed, with @HPluckrose Highly recommended.
- 17 October 2019: Happy to do so. Could you please provide examples of Gender Studies programs in Australia that require their majors to take courses in biology? I really would like to know for my own edification.
- 17 October 2019: I’m doing a research paper on this now. Would you please link the GS course descriptions and requirements at the Australian universities to which you’re referring so I can include them in my study? Thank you
- 17 October 2019: Interesting how so many people assiduously avoided answering the question, or resorted to personal attacks, or offered non sequiturs. I sincerely think people’s thinking on this issue is damaged.
- 17 October 2019: If Gender Studies is a more specialized version of biology, why don’t GS majors have to take biology prerequisites?
- 17 October 2019: Interesting if true. An egregious example of what @MsMelChen calls “performative wokeness”
- 17 October 2019:
- 17 October 2019: I’ll look for your response now. Thanks
- 17 October 2019: Non sequitur and invalid inference.
- 17 October 2019: Blocked. But thank you.
- 17 October 2019: Great question. None that I know of. I’ve repeatedly argued that to do philosophy right one should study math and science:
- 17 October 2019: Who?
- 17 October 2019: Still nada. I’ll look again later tonight. Seems like a straightforward question.
- 17 October 2019: That’s fair. I’ll go relook through the replies.
- 17 October 2019: This doesn’t answer the question
- 17 October 2019: Brilliant
- 17 October 2019: You don’t have pronouns in your bio. What’s the answer?
- 17 October 2019: I see nobody with pronouns in their bio has responded.
- 17 October 2019: @aliveness_ape
- 16 October 2019: Questions for those who put your pronouns in your bio: how many Gender Studies departments require their students to take classes in biology? Do you think this is important? Why not?
- 16 October 2019: Anyone who’s not harassed me in the past or anyone who’s not currently harassing me.
- 16 October 2019: @GadSaad
- 16 October 2019: Thank you!
- 16 October 2019: Thank you!
- 16 October 2019: So BO just slipped in Spanish, “and what’s more”. Gimme a break
- 16 October 2019: Thanks, Greg
- 16 October 2019: The rich are not like you and me. EW. Isn’t she in the top 1%?
- 16 October 2019: “By golly” EW
- 16 October 2019: 30 trillion dollars over 10 year. JB is honest. Thank you.
- 16 October 2019: Biden is toast.
- 15 October 2019: Or grifter or moron
- 15 October 2019: Thanks everyone. I need to walk to my gate before I pass out.
- 15 October 2019: True historically, yes.
- 15 October 2019: I never get drunk. Just buzzed. And I drink lots of water
- 15 October 2019: Depends, in part, on who’s president. But yes, it’s not looking too good
- 15 October 2019: Our conference was about that. Videos will be released soon. They should thoroughly answer your question
- 15 October 2019: Yup
- 15 October 2019: That was surprisingly civil. Thanks everyone.
- 15 October 2019: At the debate: speak plainly and clearly about facts and evidence. Like many others, I don’t like the debate format. I just tweeted a great piece my friend @peternlimberg showed me about anti-debates
- 15 October 2019: Sleep apnea
- 15 October 2019: Yes. Good guy
- 15 October 2019: In a roll off armbar, some people grab their hand to prevent being armbarred. To counter that, just kick off the arm. The roll-off armbar is discourse and thus cognitive liberty. Social Justice is the other arm. If you’re not focusing on the other arm, it’s a mistake
- 15 October 2019: No. Broad issues. Also, values issues. Complicated idea. Let’s see if I can do it expeditiously... next tweet
- 15 October 2019: No. I have a rather unorthodox position on this. I’m pretty sure we’re alone
- 15 October 2019: Duh.
- 15 October 2019: Big breakfast. No lunch. Dinner. I’m going to start intermittent fasting once I get back to the us
- 15 October 2019: Something that didn’t factor into our calculus. And something that we’ve not developed a moral infrastructure to deal with.
- 15 October 2019: Off and on. The mayor of pdx is a terrible, terrible disappointment.
- 15 October 2019: No time soon
- 15 October 2019: I have no idea
- 15 October 2019: Standpoint epistemology is killing us
- 15 October 2019: I termed it The Great Realignment. Keys are rules of engagement, dialogue, correspondence theory of truth, belief revision, and a few other core values.
- 15 October 2019: Yes. Triaged, not as much as ecological issues
- 15 October 2019: Purple
- 15 October 2019: Didn’t sleep last night.
- 15 October 2019: I don’t think so, but I could certainly be wrong. I think resources are better spent on AI, batteries, eco tech. I’d need to see the translation from Mars into something actionable, esp given the scale and scope of our current problems.
- 15 October 2019: Uni, yellow tail, salmon belly
- 15 October 2019: I took the question as having to do with scale as well.
- 15 October 2019: No.
- 15 October 2019: Old fashions. But I’m onto wine now
- 15 October 2019: Anything by @JonHaidt or @sapinker or @michaelshermer or @danieldennett
- 15 October 2019: ?
- 15 October 2019: Depends what my options are. But if I could do something meaningful, I’d focus on homelessness. My current thinking is that the solution needs to be national, but local ways to effectively address are obviously key
- 15 October 2019: Sushi
- 15 October 2019: Probably not
- 15 October 2019: I don’t have one. The Forever War is probably my favorite fiction book. (I love sci fi.)
- 15 October 2019: ?
- 15 October 2019: Impossible Conversations (book). Yes, I am.
- 15 October 2019: Plato’s Repubic and Plato’s Apology. Most recently, hard to say. Can’t just give one.
- 15 October 2019: Depends on what you mean by social research. Currently, Gender Studies.
- 15 October 2019: Depends on who’s president. I’m also excited about my current projects.
- 15 October 2019: Breakfast. No doubt about it.
- 15 October 2019: Technological solutions to ecological problems.
- 15 October 2019: I answered it more generally. I didn’t see in the next debate part of your question. Sorry. Im super tired
- 15 October 2019: Great question. Restore trust to the office. Offer innovative nonpartisan solutions to problems. Trickle up economy. Show that evidence-based policies should trump ideology. Develop innovative energy solutions.
- 15 October 2019: @PillarOfWamuu That’s what I’m currently drinking
- 15 October 2019: Nope
- 15 October 2019: Not sure what kind of answer you’re looking for. Pedestrian response: an intense feeling you have about someone. Greeks are good on this re different types of love.
- 15 October 2019: Wine
- 15 October 2019: I’m sleep deprived and a few cocktails in. AMA.
- 15 October 2019: I am so sorry.
- 15 October 2019: "performative wokeness". Excellent.
- 15 October 2019: Outstanding work
- 15 October 2019: Want to know the main problems with “white fragility”? This piece is accessible and spot on.
- 14 October 2019: Veni, vidi, vici
- 14 October 2019: Thank you!
- 14 October 2019: Talking about exposing nonsense, with Alan Sokal.
- 14 October 2019: This is worth a very close read
- 14 October 2019: Human intelligence: have we reached the limit of knowledge? By @mboudry
- 13 October 2019: He’s carpet bombing Social Justice.
- 13 October 2019: @ConceptualJames is dropping nukes on Social Justice @PamelaParesky @GSpellchecker
- 13 October 2019: I love the fact that he’s quoting from their literature.
- 13 October 2019: @PamelaParesky @GSpellchecker
- 13 October 2019:
- 12 October 2019: Here’s our just released OpEd for the Wall Street Journal: Social-Justice Warriors Won’t Listen, but You Should @ConceptualJames @WSJ
- 11 October 2019: Thank you! Read and apply!
- 11 October 2019: Today, @HPluckrose took us to see where she and her family live.
- 10 October 2019: Someone just asked me if Portland was a country. Apparently I know far more about island culture than the natives know about mine.
- 10 October 2019: @HPluckrose
- 10 October 2019: I never have to worry about that.
- 10 October 2019: That is kind of you, but people have assured me my accent is flawless.
- 10 October 2019:
- 10 October 2019: Your people are likable, if “basic”. I’ve been complimenting them on how well they speak English and they return my compliment with a blank stare. This leads me to believe that their English proficiency is only superficial. Either that, or they are cognitively limited.
- 10 October 2019: @HPluckrose I’ve come ashore! I must be the first American your people ever seen. I’ve been performing the rituals exactly like those in @MikeNayna ’s video and yet the natives are still staring at me.
- 9 October 2019: Enough with the negative comments. I have zero tolerance for the denigration of @HPluckrose ’s tribal, island rituals.
- 9 October 2019: @HPluckrose My new suitcase doubles as a microwave oven. I’m ready for your island! Ahoy!
- 9 October 2019: @HPluckrose the customs of your people are even more strange than I could have supposed.
- 9 October 2019: A new How to Have Impossible Conversations book review. Starts around 42:49. “It’s fantastic!... I’m blown away!… It is a delightful guide to communications. I’m probably going to read it multiple times" Thank you, @weirdthingscom
- 9 October 2019: Thank you!
- 9 October 2019: Thank you, Tom!!
- 3 October 2019: Thanks. I really appreciate our conversation.
- 3 October 2019: Don’t worry. I’ll be there soon.
- 2 October 2019: Here’s my just released podcast with Cylinder Radio, geared toward high school teachers:
- 2 October 2019: Thank you!
- 2 October 2019: Here's another stellar review of How to Have Impossible Conversations!! Eine Anleitung zur zivilisierten Gesprächsführung
- 2 October 2019: RT @MikeNayna: @HPluckrose @DeploreHombre @ConceptualJames @peterboghossian Precious memories @HPluckrose , @ConceptualJames , @peterboghos…
- 2 October 2019: This is brilliant
- 2 October 2019: How to Write an Academic Petition A satirical guide for academics looking to denounce one of their colleagues in an open letter or online petition @NoahCarl90
- 2 October 2019: Equity
- 2 October 2019: #Sanity
- 2 October 2019: I should have made it clear: I have no intention of attempting to teach your people English. I’m sure they get along just fine in their native language.
- 1 October 2019: I imagine that many of Helen’s people will never have seen an American before, and that I’ll draw large crowds. From the moment I come ashore, I will strive to help the natives understand that I am just a man, no more, no less.
- 1 October 2019: Ahoy! I have come to your island in peace, matey! Now take me to the elders of your village and I shall bestow wondrous trinkets upon them! 🇺🇸
- 1 October 2019: This might not go over so well today.
- 1 October 2019: @AndrewYang
- 1 October 2019: I just watched Aniara, a Swedish sci fi film, on Hulu. I found to be incredibly thought provoking. I’m curious as to viewers’ thoughts.
- 1 October 2019: Do you have a URL for that please?
- 1 October 2019: Thanks for bringing that to my attention
- 1 October 2019: This is a wonderful and important thread that differentiates conversation from abuse.
- 1 October 2019: This is a brilliant thread, Helen. I wish I could RT it.
- 30 September 2019: @HPluckrose @Jamesedward1975 @GSpellchecker @ConceptualJames True. That’s possible.
- 30 September 2019: From this tweet, and from your previous response of me not having a conversation with Pakman, I can reliably infer that you are not particularly familiar with my work. This conversation would best be served if we all had the relevant facts.
- 30 September 2019: Thank you for providing disconfirmation criteria. I've had 2 or 3 interviews with David Pakman: I'd be delighted to "sit down" with Seder. He's not invited me.
- 30 September 2019: Setting aside that I am politically similar to conservative Christians, which is demonstrably false, would you change your mind if I’d have a conversation with, for example, Pakman? What about two or three convos? Would that change your mind?
- 30 September 2019: They: “You only speak with people who agree with you” ... speaks to conservative Christians and an ideologically diverse groups They: “YOU SHOULN’T SPEAK TO THEM!!”
- 30 September 2019: Nor would I.
- 30 September 2019: Your tweet should be my wallpaper.
- 30 September 2019: I've argued that we should turn that course into a MOOC.
- 30 September 2019: No need to thank me. It's exactly what we should be doing our universities.
- 30 September 2019: Yup, I actually do believe in diversity of thought and I act accordingly.
- 29 September 2019: Here's @TheFIREorg 's list of disinvitation attempts
- 28 September 2019: @peternlimberg
- 28 September 2019: The Great Realignment
- 28 September 2019: I’m perennially blown away, every time I see @coldxman ’s content, that he’s an undergrad.
- 28 September 2019: Mirrors what’s happening in the academy, but when you tell people your experience in academia they don’t believe you.
- 28 September 2019: Please do let us know how the application goes.
- 27 September 2019: We’re moving from “Florida man” to “In Portland...”
- 27 September 2019: Someone’s been reading HtHIC
- 27 September 2019: Thank you so much for that.
- 27 September 2019: This is excellent. Thank you. I have my own, personal Prime Directive and was afraid of introducing new technologies to her people, but I’m quite confident they’ve had this on the island for a long, long time, at least 80 years.
- 27 September 2019: I got the last links to my tweets from you. Thanks
- 27 September 2019: Wait for it... People will search through old photos of individuals with bowl cuts, post these online, and then smear the wearers as racist.
- 27 September 2019: @HPluckrose has invited me to her hut on the island. I’m thinking of bringing firewood as a gift, but I don’t want to be culturally insensitive. Does anyone have any ideas for a culturally appropriate gift?
- 27 September 2019: Thank you! Please do keep us in the loop and let us know how the application goes.
- 27 September 2019: I knew it!
- 27 September 2019: Wait for it... People will search through old photos of individuals who made this symbol to signify “okay,” post them online, and then smear them as racist.
- 26 September 2019: That really made me laugh.
- 26 September 2019:
- 26 September 2019: Interesting how everyone in academia continues to insist that this is untrue. Seems like a perfect time for defeasibility questions.
- 26 September 2019: Excellent. I’d urge mastering the techniques in Chapters 2 & 3. Try them out on other people first.
- 26 September 2019: Gay, Jewish neo-Nazis, it’s all the rage!
- 25 September 2019: Hear^
- 25 September 2019: Exactly
- 25 September 2019: Thank you @DavidBCollum !
- 25 September 2019: Just released podcast on How To Have Impossible Conversations: 'Hacks' for constructive, respectful discussion on any controversial topic. I throughly enjoyed my conversation with @chrismartenson . Thank you, Chris.
- 25 September 2019: You’re welcome!
- 25 September 2019: Thank you! Applying the techniques is easy and crucial to success.
- 25 September 2019: Thank you!
- 25 September 2019: Can anyone please explain to me what happened here?
- 25 September 2019: Thank you, Nick. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to chat.
- 25 September 2019: I’m still trying to figure out what happened.
- 25 September 2019: Great piece. Thank you for your honesty.
- 25 September 2019: It was the tone and perceived (actual?) hostility that caused me to exclaim, “wow”
- 25 September 2019: Did anyone just here the @TulsiGabbard interview on @hereandnow ? Wow. Thoughts??
- 25 September 2019: This is a really thoughtful piece. Many of us who are concerned about the turn academic philosophy has taken may want to consider sincerely thinking about the arguments herein.
- 25 September 2019: Excellent.
- 25 September 2019:
- 25 September 2019: Thank you. I’m surprised how much traction that brief interview gained.
- 25 September 2019: I would really like to read @davidekirkland ’s reply to this thread.
- 25 September 2019: I want to create a culture that rewards people for saying, “I don’t know,” when they’re asked a question and they don’t know the answer.
- 25 September 2019: “Why people shut down debate” #thatsBS
- 25 September 2019: I also donated to his campaign. Our best hope. #YangGang Join Andrew Yang and his campaign of ideas.
- 25 September 2019: Glad your exploring first causes
- 25 September 2019: Conceptual penises:
- 25 September 2019: I’ll be quoting this article in a piece I’m writing. Excellent work.
- 25 September 2019: We can start by doing better by not calling for the execution of our political opponents.
- 25 September 2019: I am #YangGang
- 25 September 2019: Way beyond my technological ability. Friends did it for me.
- 25 September 2019:
- 25 September 2019: That’s one thing. Saying he’s subject to the death penalty is quite another.
- 25 September 2019: Now that indoor plumbing is nearly ubiquitous in most urban areas on @HPluckrose ’s island, in early October I’ve decided to introduce microwave oven technology. This will help with her people’s tea rituals.
- 24 September 2019: Next video in the Impossible Conversations series is now live!
- 24 September 2019: I don’t understand how people who argue this sort of thing doesn’t happen reconcile it with the fact that it does happen.
- 24 September 2019: 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
- 24 September 2019:
- 24 September 2019:
- 24 September 2019: Thank you!
- 24 September 2019: I found Glenn to be an honest interlocutor—both on and off camera. I have nothing but respect for him.
- 24 September 2019: Thank you! Please let us know how the application goes...
- 24 September 2019: So many people sounded the alarm about this for years, and were smeared and slandered as a result. But it’s time to put that behind us and move forward. We have the tools to have these conversations—now we need the willingness.
- 24 September 2019: Got it. Thank you.
- 24 September 2019: We’re really interested to listen to your feedback.
- 24 September 2019: Thank you!
- 24 September 2019: That escalated quickly.
- 24 September 2019: Interesting. Thanks everyone.
- 24 September 2019: Thank you. We’re looking forward to your feedback at trying the techniques!
- 23 September 2019: Thank you! Please let us know how the application of the techniques go for you!
- 23 September 2019: Thank you, Craig. And sincere thanks to your staff, who were fantastic. Thank you, Margaret!
- 23 September 2019: RT @craigmelvin: Wondering how to have a civil conversation in today’s climate? For starters @peterboghossian says social media is not the…
- 23 September 2019: Oh, and I’ve been meaning to ask, how did you learn to speak English so well? Do they teach it in school?
- 23 September 2019: I’ll fit righ in. I’m already practicing my Island, “Ahoy, matey!”
- 23 September 2019: Thank you! Read & apply!
- 23 September 2019: @MrAtheistPants I am incredibly impressed by your honesty and openness to reevaluate your beliefs and publicly admit when you’ve been mistaken. This is a model for all to emulate.
- 23 September 2019: Thanks. I appreciate that.
- 23 September 2019: Thank you
- 23 September 2019: Here’s my @msnbc interview about our new book, How to Have Impossible Conversations.
- 23 September 2019: Thank you so much @craigmelvin for our @MSNBC interview this morning. I really enjoyed our brief chat.
- 23 September 2019:
- 23 September 2019: I don’t think it was about focusing on life on Earth. I think it was about his inner life.
- 23 September 2019: I saw none of that here.
- 23 September 2019: A best selling book in which of the following categories would benefit humanity the most. (“Depends” isn’t an option.)
- 23 September 2019: This is a beautiful film. Visually arresting, perfectly paced, and compellingly acted. I left the theater at peace. Highest recommendation.
- 23 September 2019: I heard that Pamela Paresky is the Dalai Lama’s favorite writer at Psychology Today.
- 22 September 2019: We’re delighted to receive this glowing amazon review from a top 1000 reviewer!
- 22 September 2019: “Higher-order truths about chmess” One of the most important articles, in philosophy, ever written. By @danieldennett
- 22 September 2019: Far too much. It’s a productivity killer.
- 22 September 2019: I’m not sure. It just came out.
- 22 September 2019: Great! Please let us know how the application goes
- 21 September 2019: This is how to win narratives
- 21 September 2019: Glad this post has people thinking. I’m publishing a piece about this in a forthcoming issue of The Philosophers’ Magazine. I’m looking forward to spirited rebuttals.
- 21 September 2019: Thank you!
- 21 September 2019: Could you please keep us in the loop and share your students’ experiences?
- 21 September 2019: Why don’t you invite Holly Lawford-Smith to have this conversation with you on @LetterWiki ?
- 21 September 2019: “Should we believe all women who say they were raped?” My conversation with a stranger, annotated with specific techniques from How to Have Impossible Conversations.
- 21 September 2019: @HPluckrose
- 21 September 2019: Thanks. I appreciate that. I’m also putting out videos of actual conversations with stranger about really divisive issues. Here’s the first one in the series:
- 21 September 2019: There are currently only three reviews of How to Have Impossible Conversations: Publishers Weekly, Hollymathnerd, and Iona Italia’s. All really positive!
- 21 September 2019: Thank you
- 21 September 2019: Thank you! Read, apply, and please let us know how your conversations have changed.
- 21 September 2019: Thank you,
- 21 September 2019: Sure.
- 21 September 2019: Thank you, Rob!
- 21 September 2019: Not looking good
- 21 September 2019: No. Can you please send me the time stamp?
- 21 September 2019: Thank you, Heather!
- 21 September 2019: “acts of violence”
- 21 September 2019: Academic philosophy departments are, for the most part, filled with dangerous anti-Enlightenment ideologues who shut down discourse, fear conversation, and bully those who don’t subscribe to the dominant moral orthodoxy. “non-consensual co-platforming”
- 21 September 2019: Thank you
- 21 September 2019: @peternlimberg The Great Realignment
- 21 September 2019: Thank you! I’m delighted How to Have Impossible Conversations has received such favorable commentary from Christian friends. This is also a great example of reality tunnels that seem far apart, but are actually quite close together. #truth #RulesOfEngagement
- 20 September 2019: In London, on October 13, 2019 at the Gladstone Library, I will be declaring war on Social Justice.
- 20 September 2019: Conversing in an Age of Accusation @ConceptualJames and my piece for @CityJournal
- 20 September 2019: Told ya.
- 20 September 2019: Here’s our intense podcast with @TheBabylonBee @ConceptualJames Podcast #15: How Social Justice Is Like Gremlins With Peter Boghossian And James Lindsay
- 20 September 2019: This is astonishing He’s helping your argument.
- 20 September 2019: Here’s the cross platform link to my podcast with @ZubyMusic
- 20 September 2019: Astonishing
- 20 September 2019: @GadSaad @RubinReport
- 20 September 2019: Here's my Real Talk with Zuby podcast. We talk about How to Have Impossible Conversations, Intersectionality, politics, and a host of other issues. Really good guy --> @ZubyMusic
- 19 September 2019: Five minutes later and I’m still laughing.
- 19 September 2019: Wonderful! Read, apply, and please let us know how about your future conversations!
- 19 September 2019: Thank you, Niall!
- 19 September 2019: Thank you! Read. Apply. Report back!!
- 19 September 2019: Thank you! Please let us know what you think and how its application helps your difficult conversations!
- 19 September 2019: Thanks, please check in and let us know about its application!
- 19 September 2019: Wonderful! Let us know how it works when applied!
- 19 September 2019: Sound like a fantastic initiative. Are you doing it in Portland?
- 19 September 2019: Thank you
- 19 September 2019: True. I had 200 words per video. Each of those sections is nearly 2k words. It’s very, very difficult to condense what’s already been condensed.
- 19 September 2019: It can be used with anything. If someone is pro gun control, ask, “what evidence could I provide that would change your mind?” Then let them supply the conditions. Same if they’re anti gun control.
- 19 September 2019: Check out this incredibly insightful TED talk by @johannhari101 This could be why you're depressed and anxious
- 19 September 2019: Off to the dog park!
- 19 September 2019: Thank you! Read and apply!
- 19 September 2019: I’d prefer not to.
- 19 September 2019: Thank you
- 19 September 2019: Image the world we would create if enough people thought like this (or pretended to) so that it was the norm. You don’t have to imagine—it’s the world we’re living in, and we’re creating a dystopia.
- 19 September 2019: Thank you
- 19 September 2019: That really would be a great conversation.
- 19 September 2019: That would be a great—and much needed—conversation to have.
- 19 September 2019: I’ll settle for, “I’m sorry. I made a mistake.”
- 19 September 2019: Hate cancel culture? Then don’t join in on the @JustinTrudeau dogpile.
- 19 September 2019: Thank you. Nearly all of the 36 techniques in our book are easy to apply. They should should empower people to speak across the deepest of divides.
- 19 September 2019: We have much work ahead of us...
- 18 September 2019: Thank you! Read and then apply!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you!
- 18 September 2019: Isn’t this the typical greeting among your people on the island?
- 18 September 2019: Thank you!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you!
- 18 September 2019: “island” @HPluckrose
- 18 September 2019: Thank you, Melissa!
- 18 September 2019: Thanks, Matt!
- 18 September 2019: Great! The techniques have a synergistic effect, so mix and match!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you, Andy!
- 18 September 2019: I’m amazed 10 people liked this comment
- 18 September 2019: Read and then apply!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you
- 18 September 2019: Thank you! Please let us know how it goes when you apply the contents.
- 18 September 2019: Thank you, Dave.
- 18 September 2019: It’s next on my list. Can’t wait!
- 18 September 2019: @DJGrothe @ConceptualJames Thank you, DJ!
- 18 September 2019: @VeritasFirmitas @ConceptualJames Wow! Thank you, Vincent!!
- 18 September 2019: Thanks, John!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you, Vincent!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you, Jeff!
- 18 September 2019: Conspiracy related issues frequently come up in conversation. This comprehensive course provides not only under-appreciated details about particular conspiracies, but also ways of thinking more deeply about conspiratorial beliefs. @michaelshermer
- 18 September 2019: Thanks to everyone for all of your comments and support. It is so, so appreciated.
- 18 September 2019: Thank you!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you, Paul!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you, Tim!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you, Dave!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you, Michael!
- 18 September 2019: My pleasure. Anytime.
- 18 September 2019: Thank you!
- 18 September 2019: I can now cross this off my bucket list.
- 18 September 2019: Here’s our How to Have Impossible Conversations video OpEd for the New York Times.
- 18 September 2019: Thanks!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you!
- 18 September 2019: Absolutely wonderful.
- 18 September 2019: Thank you! Now we need to encourage its use!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you. Please tell us how it goes when you apply it!
- 18 September 2019: Great people all around.
- 18 September 2019: thank you!
- 18 September 2019: Thank you! Please let us know how it goes. (And when you graduate, please consider adopting a dog as opposed to going to a breeder.) Adopted dog and constant companion, below
- 18 September 2019: Great!
- 18 September 2019: Which is worse, feigning outrage over “MATH” campaign signs or actually being outraged by them? #YangGang
- 18 September 2019: Here’s^
- 18 September 2019: If some civil engineers were making stuff up and passing it off as knowledge, everyone would be outraged—esp other civil engineers. Why aren’t gender theorists outraged by their colleagues who make stuff up? Answer: because they’re making stuff up too.
- 18 September 2019: Gender theorists are making stuff up and passing it off as knowledge. They’ve managed to hoodwink a generation of people with total nonsense. He’s the story of an insider who became a whistleblower.
- 17 September 2019: Spot on.
- 17 September 2019: Great! Looking forward to your feedback once you take it for a test run!
- 17 September 2019: Wonderful. Please report your experience of using the techniques back to us!
- 17 September 2019: Thank you! Now read and apply!
- 17 September 2019: Really interesting^^
- 17 September 2019: Really^
- 17 September 2019: This is a real interesting and highly recommended video. Well worth watching in its entirety, but esp closely listening to 27:47- Remember who’s saying this. This is Mr Atheism himself, @MrAtheistPants
- 17 September 2019: Yet another wonderfully insightful piece by @kittypurrzog Cancel Culture: What Exactly Is This Thing?
- 17 September 2019: Thank you!
- 17 September 2019: More to come!
- 17 September 2019: Friday!
- 17 September 2019: @JasonAmico Thank you!
- 17 September 2019: where's the book?
- 17 September 2019: Thank you so much! I’m incredibly appreciative of your support. Thank you!!
- 17 September 2019: Thank you. Holly!!
- 17 September 2019: Review of “How To Have Impossible Conversations” by Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay @hollymathnerd
- 17 September 2019: Thank you!!
- 17 September 2019: 👍🏼
- 17 September 2019: Thank you!
- 17 September 2019: Here’s Savannah, prepping herself with the necessary tools! Teddy, behind her, patiently waits.
- 17 September 2019: Here’s Teddy with How to Have Impossible Conversations. (He’s taking these lessons with him when he’s forced to go to the dog park and witness the horrors within.) Tag me and tweet pics of our book with your dog!
- 17 September 2019: Thank you, Russell!
- 17 September 2019: Here’s the link to my #sciencesalon podcast
- 17 September 2019: Thank you, Dave!
- 17 September 2019: Here’s the first in a series of instructional videos for How to Have Impossible Conversations. “The cost of speaking up”
- 17 September 2019: Here’s my #sciencesalon interview with @michaelshermer . Thank you, Michael!
- 17 September 2019: When I wake up tomorrow, our book will be out, and with it, I’ll be closer to achieving my ambition of empowering people to speak across divides.
- 17 September 2019: In print.
- 17 September 2019: Thank you!
- 17 September 2019: If you’re in Portland’s downtown, come and watch @phil_zuckerman talk about his new book! About to begin now!
- 17 September 2019: My pal @phil_zuckerman packs a full house at @Powells
- 16 September 2019: And wait until you go from being mischaracterized to people claiming you believe things opposite to what you actually believe and then excoriating you for positions you don’t hold.
- 16 September 2019: Welcome to the club.
- 16 September 2019: thank you!
- 16 September 2019: Here's my podcast with @ThatsBSPodcast , at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. It was an honest and raw conversation that covered a range of issues relating to life, death, and our new book, How to Have Impossible Conversations. Thank you, Jordan!
- 15 September 2019: Some good news! Teddy’s thriving post-surgery, and good book news too!
- 15 September 2019: I really enjoyed our conversation. Thank you!
- 15 September 2019: We cover that question in the book, under, “calibrated questions”.
- 15 September 2019: Thanks
- 15 September 2019: Thank you
- 15 September 2019: Thank you!
- 15 September 2019: No way
- 14 September 2019: Thanks!
- 14 September 2019: Yup. It’s available on amazon for preorder
- 14 September 2019: Thanks
- 14 September 2019: @HachetteUS @HachetteBooks I’ve tagged the publisher. Thanks for the feedback.
- 14 September 2019: Thank you.
- 14 September 2019: Thank you!
- 14 September 2019: @ConceptualJames has a forthcoming book with @HPluckrose from @PitchstoneBooks
- 14 September 2019: You mean whistleblowing on Grievance Studies?
- 14 September 2019: It is! And it’s available on amazon. It took me three days to record it, but I had a great director and mixer. I think it came out quite well.
- 14 September 2019: Thank you
- 14 September 2019: Thanks
- 14 September 2019: Yes! I spent days (literally) signing the plates with my signature. So they should be good to go!
- 14 September 2019: Thanks
- 14 September 2019: Thanks, I appreciate it.
- 14 September 2019: Thank you!
- 14 September 2019: Our book will be available in a few days. It’s my life’s work, and I sincerely believe it will empower people to talk to anyone about anything.
- 14 September 2019: The fact that @MrAtheistPants is blacklisted and people are refusing to even hear his side of the story is part of the problem. I commend @ArminNavabi for this interview.
- 14 September 2019: I sincerely do not know how many more examples of this madness we’ll need before people understand the gravity of the problem. This is infecting every sector of our lives and it needs to stop. Now.
- 13 September 2019: Every time I mention instances like these, people not in academia look at me like I’m making it up. They think, “That couldn’t possibly be happening in our university system”. Time to wake up—it is, and it’s commonplace.
- 13 September 2019: True
- 13 September 2019: Thank you! Read and apply!
- 13 September 2019: Wow, really??
- 13 September 2019: Link to the papers found here:
- 13 September 2019: We wrote a paper about this.
- 13 September 2019: How about asking the candidates difficult questions next time. #DemDebate4 @DNC
- 13 September 2019: “A great debate tonight,” post debate analysis comment. Are you kidding me?
- 13 September 2019: You missed nothing. Poor questions. Boring.
- 13 September 2019: Disappointing debate.
- 13 September 2019: No
- 13 September 2019: Protestors!! The most exciting thing that happened thus far!!
- 13 September 2019: Ridiculous final question.
- 13 September 2019: . @TheDemocrats who can I speak to about writing the next set of questions for the following debate. Seriously.
- 13 September 2019: The Ad Astra commercial was much more engaging than this debate.
- 13 September 2019: Charter schools are public schools.
- 13 September 2019: Oh no. Castro is offering another personal story. Zzzzzz
- 13 September 2019: “Record player”. Ouch
- 13 September 2019: Thank you. I’ll read this later.
- 13 September 2019: I’d love to see the citations for Harris’ claim about African American teachers. Does anyone know where she got that?
- 13 September 2019: Warren: “cancel student loan debt” And let bogus disciplines continue to run roughshod, untethered to reality.
- 13 September 2019: “The data clearly shows” Yang The only candidate who’s used this phrase.
- 13 September 2019: Harris: we can change our behaviors in a way that changes our planet. No. We cannot. Not quickly enough.
- 13 September 2019: Too much talk about mitigation, not nearly enough about adaptation. #climate #demdebate
- 13 September 2019: Corey is a vegan??
- 13 September 2019: Seems desperate
- 13 September 2019: I bet there will be some post-election analysis that will criticize the Spanish speaking moderator for being “white passing”. #demdebate
- 13 September 2019: After four cocktails I’m thinking of tweeting my responses to these questions in real time.
- 13 September 2019: Disappointing lack of specifics. Probably due to poor questions. I volunteer to submit questions for the next debate.
- 13 September 2019: First time Hong Kong was mentioned.
- 13 September 2019: If you have to avoid the question, “what would you do about X?”, then ask, “Name one thing Trump has done that’s good. Don’t avoid the question, obfuscate, or say ‘nothing’. Just one thing.”
- 13 September 2019: The commercials should be more interesting than what I just watched.
- 13 September 2019: Anyone else find it weird that the moderator is asking the initial part of the question in Spanish?
- 13 September 2019: “We have to compete for talent,” Yang on US immigration. He also used the word “integral,” which is absent from Trump’s vocabulary.
- 13 September 2019: Bernie is a seriously intense man.
- 13 September 2019: We need a new forum, this is silly, boring, and uninformative. #demdebate
- 13 September 2019: Excellent follow up question. Again, Corey obfuscates.
- 13 September 2019: Nope. He couldn’t name a single republican who’d support this.
- 13 September 2019: Let’s see if he answers the question directly and names one republican. I bet not. #Corey
- 13 September 2019: These anecdotes need to stop.
- 13 September 2019: “Nobody should be in jail for a nonviolent crime” Biden Wow. Quite a statement.
- 13 September 2019: Harris: “End solitary confinement”. And put what in its place?
- 13 September 2019: Harris is on the defensive. Mistake
- 13 September 2019: Lots of talk about spending a lot of money on combating racism. #demdebate
- 13 September 2019: Beto. Wow. Will sign a reparations bill. Wow.
- 13 September 2019: Oh no, here we go. #racism #demdebate
- 13 September 2019: 39 minutes in, total waste of time. #demdebate
- 13 September 2019: Yup. That was a low blow.
- 13 September 2019: Please, no more personal stories of tragedy. Let’s have evidence-based policies not policies based on feelings.
- 13 September 2019: This is really not the forum to discuss health care. It’s far too complicated and there needs to be much more time for detailed responses.
- 13 September 2019: Harris, “this discussion is giving the American people a headache”. Nah, it’s just boring.
- 13 September 2019: “Who represents the extremes up here?” It’s a direct question to Amy K that she should answer. She does not. She’s obfuscating. When you’re asked a direct question on stage, answer it.
- 13 September 2019: Nothing interesting thus far. I need another cocktail.
- 13 September 2019: Bernie would be a great general. Biden, not so much.
- 13 September 2019: Unimpressive first question by Stefanopoulos. The only question we need is, “What are you going to do about [insert issue]?” What they think is irrelevant. Only what they’ll do.
- 13 September 2019: Wow. Yang is going to give 10 families $1000 a month. Hard act to follow, Pete.
- 13 September 2019: First four dems, nobody has said anything even remotely concrete.
- 13 September 2019: 👍🏼
- 13 September 2019: Here we go!
- 12 September 2019: Thank you!
- 12 September 2019: Same question, but how about “moral beliefs” as opposed to “physical appearance”
- 12 September 2019: Read and apply!!
- 11 September 2019: Thank you!
- 11 September 2019: Thank you!
- 11 September 2019: Thank you. We appreciate that. There’s a lot of work ahead of us if we’re going to change the way we speak with each other.
- 11 September 2019: Thank you
- 11 September 2019: Yup. It’s already recorded and available!
- 11 September 2019: I’ll DM you...
- 11 September 2019: Here’s a brief interview I gave to Yerevan State University in Armenia. They asked me about my religious background, god, truth, and what it means to be Armenian.
- 11 September 2019: I cannot over stress how important this idea and platform are—and @ClydeRathbone is the person to spearhead it.
- 10 September 2019: Thank you. Really appreciate that.
- 10 September 2019: It’s done!
- 10 September 2019: Yup! I’ll be there Nov 3!
- 10 September 2019: Today’s the last day to get a signed bookplate for your pre-ordered copy of How to Have Impossible Conversations. I spent hours and hours signing them. Wouldn’t have it any other way...
- 10 September 2019: The stigma surrounding having one’s picture taken with an ex-convict must be eliminated because it places an additional burden on those people who are trying to successfully reintegrate into the community.
- 10 September 2019: Not valid @SonnyBunch
- 10 September 2019: It’s about time. The research literature has proven that, “dog parks are Petri dishes for canine rape culture”. Finally, someone is paying attention and acting on this national catastrophe.
- 10 September 2019: @Thom_Hartmann I’m enjoying your podcast. Didn’t know you lived here in Portland!
- 9 September 2019: First! Called it!
- 9 September 2019: It’s just clever camera camera work. I was whispering his lines to him.
- 9 September 2019: Just wait until your book comes out.
- 7 September 2019: Yup
- 7 September 2019: We directly draw upon @JonHaidt ’s work in Chapter 7
- 6 September 2019: If I were in charge of a rival foreign power and my goal was to design a low cost moral intervention that crippled American ingenuity, it would be Research Justice.
- 6 September 2019: There’s a hunger to have conversations about morally difficult topics. Once you learn a few skills, get ready for this...
- 6 September 2019: The most common question people wanted to discuss concerned open/closed borders. Next most popular, trans issues. #ImpossibleConversationsLA
- 6 September 2019: Thanks. We captured some great convos
- 6 September 2019: I just finished two days of filming Impossible Conversations in LA. I couldn’t have done this without @ReidN who was fantastic. Thank you Reid!
- 6 September 2019: Thank you, Claire!
- 6 September 2019: Good news! Someone just wrote a book about this!
- 5 September 2019: I take that back. My mistake. He didn’t graduate from PSU, he went there for two years and then transferred.
- 5 September 2019: I just had a wonderful conversation with a PSU graduate about Social Justice his educational experiences. Video soon!
- 5 September 2019: I’m going to have a conversation with my new neighbors!
- 5 September 2019: Setting up for today’s Impossible Conversations. Thank you @ReidN for making this possible!
- 5 September 2019: Radical Subjectivity.
- 5 September 2019: On saying, “I don’t know”.
- 5 September 2019: Wizard
- 5 September 2019: Here are the topics for day two. Come and join us today (9/5/19) at Runyon Canyon Park, from 10-3.
- 5 September 2019: First day of filming #ImpossibleConversations was great. Here’s some of the feedback.
- 5 September 2019: Wonderful!
- 4 September 2019: I’ll be at Jefferson Bl & Hoover St in LA today until 2:30pm. Across from USC Village. Stop by for a conversation!
- 4 September 2019: Join me in welcoming Phil Zuckerman for the launch of his outstanding new book: What It Means To Be Moral Sept 16, 7:30pm @Powells
- 3 September 2019: Hey @HPluckrose , guess who’s an inveterate hunter
- 3 September 2019:
- 2 September 2019: @nathanfielder I just discovered “Nathan For You”. Absolutely brilliant. I’ve been laughing to tears as I binged watched it. Thank you.
- 2 September 2019: A Feminist Capitalist Professor Under Fire The students who demand her firing, Camille Paglia argues, take prosperity for granted, are socially undeveloped, and know little about Western history. Who’s Moses?
- 1 September 2019: Thank you. I sincerely appreciate that.
- 1 September 2019: Critical methods = doxastic irresponsibility Defeasibility = doxastic responsibility
- 29 August 2019: If you preorder How to Have Impossible Conversations, or if you’ve preordered already, you can go to & submit proof of purchase before Sept 12 to receive a signed bookplate. 50 U.S./DC, 18+, Ends 11:59PM ET on 9/12/19, thank you!
- 26 August 2019: I’m delighted to be a visiting fellow at Reason Foundation:
- 26 August 2019: Unbelievable.
- 26 August 2019: To all Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion trainers: instead of inviting crackpots who peddle debunked science to lead your seminars, why not invite someone with proven experience?
- 23 August 2019: I’ll look into it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
- 23 August 2019: I’m intrigued. Tell me more!
- 23 August 2019: I’m doing an Impossible Conversations series where I have civil discussions with strangers about controversial, divisive issues. I’m curious to hear your thoughts about adding this question to the series: Should the US trade Puerto Rico for Greenland?
- 18 August 2019: If you advocate punching people who are fascists, you open yourself up to being punched because those who advocate punching other people for what they believe can be considered fascists.
- 18 August 2019: Notice the move here, from ridiculing an idea to ridiculing people for holding an idea. This attitude further entrenches people in tribalism and incivility, and contributes to a culture of divisiveness, defensiveness, and nastiness.
- 15 August 2019: @ChooChooLife @ConceptualJames That’s in Chapter 6!
- 15 August 2019: Here’s my first interview about our forthcoming book, How to Have Impossible Conversations. Thank you @jonkay & @Quillette And no, I have no idea what kind of bird that is... #PortlandBird
- 13 August 2019: And yes, I should have been more specific.
- 13 August 2019: Appreciate that. Thank you.
- 13 August 2019:
- 13 August 2019: That’s where I draw the line.
- 13 August 2019:
- 13 August 2019: Some afternoon thoughts about antifa and white nationalists rallying in #Portland this weekend.
- 4 August 2019: This pernicious, divisive ideology has parasitized our engines of knowledge production. It’s anti science (esp biology) & anti reason, and even those who don’t fully buy in seem to defer to its assumptions. The question is, how do we reclaim our universities? Stay tuned...
- 29 July 2019: @aL0ftyPlace @RichardDawkins @nfergus @glennbeck @DrDebraSoh @HPluckrose @michaelshermer @RubinReport @BretWeinstein @pmarca @RadioFreeTom I narrated it!
- 25 July 2019: Yup. It’s available from the publisher and from amazon.
- 25 July 2019: Yup!
- 25 July 2019: Writing this book has made me less of an asshole. I’ve screwed up a lot, and learned hard lessons along the way.
- 25 July 2019: I’m delighted to announce our new book, with advanced praise from @RichardDawkins @nfergus @glennbeck #Sapolsky @DrDebraSoh @HPluckrose @michaelshermer @RubinReport @BretWeinstein @pmarca @RadioFreeTom
- 23 July 2019: And I am also incredibly grateful to many, many others who wrote respectful letters of support to Portland State University. Thank you. (3)
- 23 July 2019: I am sincerely grateful to @RichardDawkins @sapinker @JonHaidt @jordanbpeterson @jflier @michaelshermer #Sapolsky #Sokal @CHSommers @danieldennett @nfergus @DavidBCollum and many other academics for their letters of support. (2)
- 23 July 2019: Attached is the outcome of Portland State University’s disciplinary investigation into my Grievance Studies probe. (1)
- 22 July 2019: If you buy into an intersectional paradigm, how do you adjudicate the rights of someone who self-identifies a woman to have their testicles waxed vs an oppressed dark skinned Islamic woman’s right to not be required to wax testicles?
- 16 July 2019: Don’t worry. She will shower him with even more love!!
- 16 July 2019: Listen to this and be enlightened. #2020
- 9 July 2019: Bingo
- 9 July 2019: Yup
- 9 July 2019: It’s a willful, explicit omission—to make the desired ideological inferences one would have to exclude this category.
- 5 July 2019: Teddy tore his ACL and is having surgery today. He knows something is up. He usually runs into the kitchen after we wake up, but today he stayed in bed.
- 3 July 2019: Ponder this. Imagine how damaged someone’s thinking would have to be to believe what’s written here. This is how violence is rationalized.
- 18 June 2019: Here’s a transcript of @HPluckrose ’s fantastic speech for @theramseycentre 3/18/19 #Australia
- 10 June 2019: A Visual Demonstration of How Fast the NYT Got Woke
- 5 May 2019: @ProfessorCrunk @GCrainte Thank you. What would be a good forum for you to have this conversation? A live “fireside chat,” an email exchange, @LetterWiki, or some other venue?
- 2 May 2019: Great thread on #Portland and #antifa . One of the ways our current mayor, @tedwheeler , has failed the city is by pandering to extremists and street thugs.
- 27 April 2019: @bryan112210 Great question. Discourse. Dialogue. Socratic conversation. My next book is about just that.
- 23 April 2019: @jameelajamil This was actually a serious question.
- 23 April 2019: Critical race theory is tearing us apart. It is a reverse moral roadmap, poisoning our relationships and making a virtue of despoiling our trust. It’s also a dominant moral worldview in our universities. It’s what they’re teaching our kids.
- 20 April 2019: RT @MrAndyNgo: Brooklyn diversity trainer available for hire.
- 11 April 2019: Think about the worldview one would need to justify using black feminist criminology to analyze dog humping incidents & further justify inferences about how we should treat human males based upon that analysis. These folks are professors who teach your kids.
- 9 April 2019: @A_Sane_Skeptic Yes. And this is a reason for more science, accountability, rigor, transparency, and self-criticism, not less. (I’m not implying you’re arguing for less.)
- 7 April 2019: A long but crucial read. It details elements at play in our (new) culture war. It is comprehensive in scope, meticulous in its analysis, and incredibly insightful.
- 5 April 2019: Diabetes is a medical narrative and a social construct. @GadSaad
- 4 April 2019:
- 3 April 2019: Andy Ngo has a new podcast. It’s provocative, engaging, and explores socially taboo issues. I highly recommended it. @MrAndyNgo
- 2 April 2019: Ngo’s account is accurate and very well documented. This is a mischaracterization of events.
- 31 March 2019: A Facebook ad for Evergreen. You just can’t make this up. #OpenMinds lol @BretWeinstein @HeatherEHeying
- 30 March 2019: Sorry. Link
- 30 March 2019: Is there really a hate crime pandemic against gay people in #Portland , Oregon? What does the evidence suggest? “Inside the suspicious rise of gay hate crimes in Portland” By @MrAndyNgo
- 30 March 2019: Alan Sokal weighs in, “Thoughts of the Grievance Studies affair”. Excellent, thoughtful podcast that gets the details right.
- 21 March 2019: I am an academic, I publish in Quillette, and I will not cower to your mob.
- 20 March 2019: @UnderTowSober It’s delicious. Really
- 17 March 2019: Portland State University today, “rumors”: If you believe or hear from a third party (rumor) of a reportable consensual relationship, do not meet with any party, but contact the Office of Equity and Compliance (OEC).
- 26 February 2019: Fat Studies may be the most egregious example of biology denialism.
- 25 February 2019: I’d like to hear from Gender Studies scholars. What is your response to this question.
- 8 February 2019: The governing body of Portland has been taken over by people who are completely delusional. How likely is it that the beliefs & attitudes articulated in this thread accurately represent reality?
- 8 February 2019: Excellent response from Bezos. Don’t be bullied. Don’t capitulate. #MuchRespect
- 29 January 2019: @RubinReport always a pleasure to sit down with you and have a honest, in-depth conversation about issues that matter. @ConceptualJames and I thoroughly enjoyed our interview. Thank you.
- 13 January 2019: I have tremendous respect for @JonHaidt 's work. Having his support means a lot to me.
- 10 January 2019: I am very grateful for this letter of support from @danieldennett
- 10 January 2019: I am deeply concerned that we are failing students. Here's a powerful student letter. "I could no longer stomach the overall climate that seemingly pervaded every single class..."
- 29 December 2018: There’s a Grievance Studies paper about this Going in Through the Back Door: Challenging Straight Male Homohysteria, Transhysteria, and Transphobia Through Receptive Penetrative Sex Toy Use #HardlyNovel
- 23 December 2018: Do you have a comment on this @tedwheeler
- 18 November 2018: A really interesting thread. #Portland #Antifa #thugs #HyperMorality
- 31 October 2018: Our Grievance Studies conversation with @joerogan and @ConceptualJames
- 25 October 2018: Indeed. And what makes it more difficult is students knowing reprisals await.
- 25 October 2018: Academia self-selects for intellectual cowardice. It rewards those who remain silent or play along. Do that long enough and you become the one who denounces divergent voices.
- 23 October 2018: RT @ConceptualJames: People know we're not on the right, so they try to make a case that we're "tools of the right" to invalidate (they bel…
- 14 October 2018: Best to avoid downtown #Portland tonight.
- 12 October 2018: RT @MikeNayna: 1) I used to think @RubinReport might be overstating this kind of thing as a promotional tactic but after recently releasing…
- 9 October 2018: RT @ConceptualJames: The Chronicle of Higher Education thinks fat bodybuilding is "totally plausible." Oh man.
- 5 October 2018: James Lindsay ( @ConceptualJames ) had a cool moment this morning. #theydontspeakforme
- 5 October 2018: Hoaxers Slip Breastaurants and Dog-Park Sex Into Journals By the thoughtful @jennyschuessler
- 3 October 2018: Sorry I’ve not been able to get back to folks, this is why.
- 30 September 2018: If you’re in #NYC Oct 25, do not miss the opportunity to learn about one of the most important books of this decade.
- 30 September 2018: I’m looking forward to a calm, relaxing week.
- 10 September 2018:
- 10 September 2018: FULL VIDEO (16 minutes) here:
- 21 February 2018: RT @jonkay: Fascinating thread from @MrAndyNgo on intersectionality as ersatz religion/inquisition for social-justice dogma enforcers. Broa…
- 31 October 2017: RT @davidcsmalley: Atheists 2 years ago: We need free speech even if it’s unpopular! Atheists today: He said something unpopular, trash hi…
- 29 October 2017: RT @GodDoesnt: To call this doctrine inhuman would be to do it an undeserved kindness. (See entire thread it's embedded in.)…
- 27 October 2017: “intercessory offense”
- 27 October 2017: We need a word for: being offended on behalf of someone who’s not offended.
- 26 October 2017: They’ve been doing this to me for years.
- 22 October 2017: That’s why I asked you if @McKellogs ’ use was legit.
- 22 October 2017: (You didn’t answer my previous question.) The words we use matter. How we articulate ourselves matters.
- 22 October 2017: @McKellogs believes people who disagree with her are Nazis. Do you agree with her? Are they Nazis? (Yes or No, please.)
- 22 October 2017: These are not Nazis.
- 20 October 2017: I propose a moratorium on the term “Nazi” unless explicitly & specifically referring to a National Socialist German Workers’ Party member.
- 14 October 2017: Trump couldn’t even understand this sentence.
- 21 September 2017: Congratulations. Now scholars will be far less likely to work on morally complicated issues.
- 21 September 2017: . @PeterSinger has written articles hurtful to families of those with cognitive disabilities. Should pressure be put on him to retract too?
- 21 September 2017: Who else can we pressure to withdraw their peer-reviewed articles? @Evolutionistrue has written articles hurtful to creationists.
- 21 September 2017: RT @MrAndyNgo: BREAKING: Bruce Gilley asks journal to withdraw colonialism article; regrets "pain and anger" it caused…
- 21 September 2017: No Christian has ever demanded that journals retract my articles, my doctorate get revoked, & that I lose my employment. This is a plague.
- 14 September 2017: Three thoughtful, sincere, and wonderful people. Don’t miss this. #Toronto
- 1 August 2017: How to destroy intellectual lives: make holding un- & under-evidenced beliefs a virtue & prohibit asking questions that may be upsetting.
- 27 July 2017: I’d like to buy a vowel, please.
- 26 July 2017: See the work of @CHSommers Start here
- 25 July 2017: The rules for reddit’s LateStageCapitalism #intrinsicallyinclusive
- 9 July 2017: This was not meant as a scientific conclusion. It was a personal observation & a question. It was not meant to hurt people’s feelings.
- 7 July 2017: Why is it that nearly every male who’s a 3rd wave intersectional feminist is physically feeble & has terrible body habitus?
- 6 June 2017: There have been 90 episodes of Finding Bigfoot.
- 10 May 2017: I’m questioning my belief that Pence would be worse than Trump.
- 28 April 2017: See my previous RTs
- 28 April 2017: Really? What about the other events at PSU where Islamists spoke? Were they taken by surprise by ALL of those too?
- 28 April 2017: Interesting how nobody was protesting or interrupting this event.
- 28 April 2017: See my previous tweets
- 28 April 2017: The same people who want to punch "Nazis" are completely silent when it comes to certain people advocating mass murder.
- 14 April 2017: I'd gladly subsidize his golf lifestyle for 4 years, if he agreed to spend most of his time on the course
- 14 April 2017: Why wouldn't those who disagree with his policies want him to go on long, frequent vacations? Diminished opportunity to discharge his agenda
- 23 February 2017: Not taking ideas personally is made easier by the meta-belief that holding certain beliefs does not make you a better person.
- 21 February 2017: If you chose to make a career out of provoking people, you should at least do so in service to humanity.
- 26 January 2017: They want to shut down: Right wing speakers".None of us voted for Trump. I've never voted for a republican presidential candidate in my life
- 23 January 2017: When you grant license for some people to be punched in the face, the threshold will necessarily decrease as the behavior normalizes.
- 20 January 2017: @PhillipSpace absolutely.
- 20 January 2017: Protesters: If you really want to make a positive impression tomorrow, dress well, avoid vandalism, & respect the police.
- 8 July 2016: I want to show my moral community I'm a good person & on their team so I'll interpret tweets uncharitably & accuse tweeters of racism.
- 8 July 2016: Prediction: The number of black on black homicides will substantially increase over the next 6 months.
- 26 April 2016: @senseirumble it's because I'm informed that I made that statement.
- 25 April 2016: @JeffreyGuterman they'd never have an opportunity to teach in those departments. They've been overrun by ideologues.
- 25 April 2016: @databloxx I'm not familiar with his work on this. Someone just posted a video, which I'll check out
- 25 April 2016: @JeffreyGuterman critique is met with smears of misogyny, racism, and bigotry. The time for critique has passed.
- 25 April 2016: Gender Studies is primarily composed of radical ideologues who view indoctrination as their primary duty. These departments must be defunded
- 21 November 2015: One cannot be both a cultural relativist & an egalitarian. You can't simultaneously claim all cultures are relative & equal. #RegressiveLeft
- 30 October 2014: @DJGrothe @danarel the. One isn't actually proud of being gay, right? (Bernard Williams writes about shame not being a legitimate emotion.)
- 30 October 2014: @DJGrothe @Humanisticus again, it seems the word is being coopted here as well. How could one be proud of one's ancestors or of one's color?
- 30 October 2014: @DJGrothe @danarel maybe the word "gay" & the word "homosexual" are not being used as synonyms? I took them to be synonyms
- 30 October 2014: @Humanisticus please provide another example when the word "pride" is used that way
- 30 October 2014: @atlanticplace what do you mean by "gay". I took it to mean homosexual.
- 30 October 2014: @danarel again, that is not pride in one's sexual orientation, but the trappings that surround it. My original tweet remains.
- 30 October 2014: @atlanticplace then one is proud of the work it takes to maintain that identity in the face of adversity--one is not proud of being gay
- 30 October 2014: @Humanisticus help me understand
- 30 October 2014: @atlanticplace help me understand
- 30 October 2014: I've never understood how someone could be proud of being gay. How can one be proud of something one didn't work for?