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January 6 Sub-section

Deleted tweets from numerous politicians who participated in, or directly supported the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. They are in positions of public trust or are actively campaigning for elected office.

You can find profiles for all people below here Insurrection Index

3 Deleted tweets for AGEricSchmitt

6 Deleted tweets for AmandaChaseVA

15 Deleted tweets for AngelaPaxtonTX

66 Deleted tweets for AugustPfluger

12 Deleted tweets for Babin4Congress

7 Deleted tweets for barrassoforwyo

23 Deleted tweets for Bethvanduyne

77 Deleted tweets for BurgessOwens

0 Deleted tweets for CarolMillerWV

0 Deleted tweets for ChaseForSenate

3 Deleted tweets for Chuck4Congress

7 Deleted tweets for CindyHydeSmith

8 eleted tweets for Cline4Virginia

4 Deleted tweets for couygriffinc4t

11 Deleted tweets for CynthiaMLummis

7 Deleted tweets for DainesForMT

4 Deleted tweets for dancox2018

7 Deleted tweets for DavidKustoff

73 Deleted tweets for DerrickEvans9

26 Deleted tweets for DesJarlaisTN04

7 Deleted tweets for DHarshbargerTN1

49 Deleted tweets for dougmastriano

0 Deleted tweets for DrBurgessTX

6 Deleted tweets for DrMarkGreen4TN

1 Deleted tweets for FallonForTexas

2 Deleted tweets for FitzgeraldForWI

23 Deleted tweets for generalbrnovich

11 Deleted tweets for goodforcongress

1 Deleted tweets for HawleyMO

1367 Deleted tweets for HillForMissouri

8 Deleted tweets for jameslankford

104 Deleted tweets for JessicaFor57th

4 Deleted tweets for JodeyArrington

1 Deleted tweets for JohnKennedyLA

7 Deleted tweets for JohnRoseForTN

31 Deleted tweets for jrmajewski

14 Deleted tweets for JudgeCarter

6 Deleted tweets for judgejohncarter

41 Deleted tweets for KenPaxtonTX

0 Deleted tweets for KevinCramer

22 Deleted tweets for LanceGooden

3 Deleted tweets for LaRock4Delegate

2 Deleted tweets for LouieGohmertTX1

139 Deleted tweets for MarshaBlackburn

2851 Deleted tweets for matthewmaddock

0 Deleted tweets for melvinadams

26 Deleted tweets for meshawnmaria

39 Deleted tweets for michaelcburgess

1 Deleted tweets for MichaelJCloud

0 Deleted tweets for Mike_Azinger

4 Deleted tweets for MooneyforWV

0 Deleted tweets for MorganGriffith

37 Deleted tweets for PeteSessions

3 Deleted tweets for RalphNorman

18 Deleted tweets for RandPaul

3 Deleted tweets for RealAnnieBlack

7 Deleted tweets for RealMarkFinchem

7 Deleted tweets for realmarkfinchem

6 Deleted tweets for ReElectWittman

47 Deleted tweets for RepArrington

3 eleted tweets for RepBobGood

9 Deleted tweets for RepBenCline

13 Deleted tweets for RepBrianBabin

7 Deleted tweets for RepBurgessOwens

15 Deleted tweets for RepCarolMiller

0 Deleted tweets for RepJohnCarter

7 Deleted tweets for RepChrisStewart

30 Deleted tweets for RepChuck

5 Deleted tweets for RepCloudTX

13 Deleted tweets for RepDavidKustoff

6 Deleted tweets for ReElectWittman

2 Deleted tweets for RepFitzgerald

57 Deleted tweets for RepGosar

6 Deleted tweets for RepHarshbarger

20 Deleted tweets for RepJacobs

37 Deleted tweets for RepJoeWilson

19 Deleted tweets for RepJohnRose

8 Deleted tweets for RepLouieGohmert

50 Deleted tweets for RepMarkGreen

2 Deleted tweets for RepMGriffith

24 Deleted tweets for RepMoBrooks

13 Deleted tweets for RepPatFallon

55 Deleted tweets for RepPfluger

28 Deleted tweets for RepRalphNorman

11 Deleted tweets for RepRonnyJackson

7 Deleted tweets for RepRonWright

15 Deleted tweets for RepRWilliams

4 Deleted tweets for RepSandyAdams

3 Deleted tweets for RepTiffany

11 Deleted tweets for RepTimBurchett

10 Deleted tweets for RepTimmons

5 Deleted tweets for RepTomRice

15 Deleted tweets for RepTroyNehls

43 Deleted tweets for RepBethVanDuyne

22 Deleted tweets for RobWittman

46 Deleted tweets for RogerMarshallMD

2 Deleted tweets for RogerWicker

5 Deleted tweets for RogerWilliamsTX

0 Deleted tweets for RonJohnsonWI

3 Deleted tweets for RonnyJacksonTX

14 Deleted tweets for RoyBlunt

74 Deleted tweets for SenatorLankford

54 Deleted tweets for senatorwicker

4 Deleted tweets for sendavidperdue

17 Deleted tweets for SenHydeSmith

9 Deleted tweets for SenJohnBarrasso

32 Deleted tweets for SenJohnKennedy

107 Deleted tweets for SenKevinCramer

25 Deleted tweets for senlummis

0 Deleted tweets for Senpaxton

68 Deleted tweets for SenRickScott

9 Deleted tweets for SenRonJohnson

145 Deleted tweets for SenTedCruz

14 Deleted tweets for SheriffTNehls

1 Deleted tweets for SenTomTiffany

29 Deleted tweets for SenTuberville

1 Deleted tweets for SessionsTX17

1 Deleted tweets for StewartForUtah

24 Deleted tweets for SteveDaines

0 Deleted tweets for suegenzianni

0 Deleted tweets for suesoloway

4 Deleted tweets for TeamJoeWilson

41 Deleted tweets for tedcruz

2 Deleted tweets for TerriLynnWeaver

27 Deleted tweets for TimBurchett

0 Deleted tweets for TNDesJarlais

5 Deleted tweets for TomRiceSC7

17 Deleted tweets for TomTiffanyWI

0 Deleted tweets for TroyNehls

9 Deleted tweets for TTuberville

9 Deleted tweets for TXRandy14

27 Deleted tweets for VoteMarsha

5 Deleted tweets for VoteTimmons

0 Deleted tweets for WeberForTexas

January 6 Sub-section 2

0 Deleted tweets for ad26mathis

3 Deleted tweets for AndyBiggs4AZ

66 Deleted tweets for AugustPfluger

1 Deleted tweets for Bob_Gibbs

8 Deleted tweets for BrianMastFL

0 Deleted tweets for Bruce_Westerman

8 Deleted tweets for BuddForCongress

4 Deleted tweets for Buddy_Carter

42 Deleted tweets for ByronDonalds

14 Deleted tweets for CarlForAlabama

31 Deleted tweets for CarlosGimenezFL

18 Deleted tweets for CawthornForNC

3 Deleted tweets for Chuck4Congress

16 Deleted tweets for CliffBentz

0 Deleted tweets for ColeForCongress

0 Deleted tweets for CongAderholt

0 Deleted tweets for CongBillPosey

13 Deleted tweets for CongPalazzo

22 Deleted tweets for CongressmanGT

499 Deleted tweets for CongressmanJVD

4 Deleted tweets for Crawford4Cong

12 Deleted tweets for DarrellIssa

7 Deleted tweets for DavidKustoff

4 Deleted tweets for DavidRouzer

11 Deleted tweets for DebbieLesko

26 Deleted tweets for DesJarlaisTN04

1 Deleted tweets for DevinNunes

14 Deleted tweets for devonjmathis

7 Deleted tweets for DHarshbargerTN1

3 Deleted tweets for douglamalfa

0 Deleted tweets for DougLambornCD5

6 Deleted tweets for DrMarkGreen4TN

4 Deleted tweets for DrNealDunnFL2

91 Deleted tweets for DrPaulGosar

2 Deleted tweets for Duncan4Congress

0 Deleted tweets for DunnCampaign

17 Deleted tweets for ElectMikeGarcia

93 Deleted tweets for EliseStefanik

1 Deleted tweets for FallonForTexas

7 Deleted tweets for FischbachMN7

1 Deleted tweets for flemingbarrya

1 Deleted tweets for FoxxForCongress

4 Deleted tweets for FrankDLucas

2 Deleted tweets for GarretGraves

0 Deleted tweets for GMMD4Greenville

22 Deleted tweets for GOPLeader

0 Deleted tweets for GregMurphyMD

5 Deleted tweets for GregSteube

13 Deleted tweets for GReschenthaler

6 Deleted tweets for GT_TeamGT

3 Deleted tweets for GuestCongress

12 Deleted tweets for J_GallagherAD3

1 Deleted tweets for JackBergman_MI1

26 Deleted tweets for jakecorman

32 Deleted tweets for JDanBishop

7 Deleted tweets for Jim_Jordan

0 Deleted tweets for JimHagedornMN

0 Deleted tweets for JohnJoyceForPA

7 Deleted tweets for JohnRoseForTN

3 Deleted tweets for JohnsonLeads

0 Deleted tweets for JRutherfordFL

34 Deleted tweets for Kat_Cammack

0 Deleted tweets for KellyForMS01

8 Deleted tweets for KenCalvert

5 Deleted tweets for kevinomccarthy

0 Deleted tweets for KRHern

14 Deleted tweets for kristinakaramo

152 Deleted tweets for LaurenBoebert

16 Deleted tweets for LeeZeldin

5 Deleted tweets for LisaForCongress

0 Deleted tweets for LloydSmuckerPA

2 Deleted tweets for LouieGohmertTX1

22 Deleted tweets for MarioDB

3 Deleted tweets for MarioDBCamp

8 Deleted tweets for MarkwayneMullin

7 Deleted tweets for MattForMontana

21 Deleted tweets for MattGaetz

0 Deleted tweets for MattRosendale

29 Deleted tweets for MayorGimenez

7 Deleted tweets for McSwainPA

2 Deleted tweets for mdeperno

10 Deleted tweets for Meuser4Congress

0 Deleted tweets for MichelleFischb

1 Deleted tweets for MikeJohnson

2 Deleted tweets for MikeKellyForPA

2 Deleted tweets for MikeKellyPA

0 Deleted tweets for MikeRogersCamp

60 Deleted tweets for NMalliotakis

2 Deleted tweets for Palmer4Alabama

3 Deleted tweets for RalphNorman

2 Deleted tweets for RandyVoepel

10 Deleted tweets for Rep_Clyde

4 Deleted tweets for RepAdrianSmith

49 Deleted tweets for RepAndyBiggsAZ

8 Deleted tweets for RepAndyHarrisMD

4953 Deleted tweets for RepBarryMoore

4 Deleted tweets for RepBentz

15 Deleted tweets for RepBice

18 Deleted tweets for RepBillJohnson

0 Deleted tweets for RepBobGibbs

41 Deleted tweets for RepBoebert

16 Deleted tweets for RepBrianMast

22 Deleted tweets for RepBuddyCarter

25 Deleted tweets for RepCarlos

21 Deleted tweets for RepCawthorn

30 Deleted tweets for RepChuck

49 Deleted tweets for RepDanBishop

13 Deleted tweets for repdarrellissa

13 Deleted tweets for RepDavidKustoff

3 Deleted tweets for RepDavidRouzer

0 Deleted tweets for RepDebbieLesko

0 Deleted tweets for RepDevinNunes

11 Deleted tweets for RepDLamborn

31 Deleted tweets for RepDLesko

41 Deleted tweets for RepDonaldsPress

11 Deleted tweets for RepFischbach

15 Deleted tweets for RepFranklin

10 Deleted tweets for RepFrankLucas

59 Deleted tweets for RepFredKeller

15 Deleted tweets for RepGarretGraves

57 Deleted tweets for RepGosar

24 Deleted tweets for RepGregMurphy

21 Deleted tweets for RepGregSteube

82 Deleted tweets for RepHagedorn

6 Deleted tweets for RepHarshbarger

6 Deleted tweets for RepHerrell

2 Deleted tweets for RepJackBergman

27 Deleted tweets for RepJeffDuncan

1 Deleted tweets for RepJerryCarl

37 Deleted tweets for RepJoeWilson

18 Deleted tweets for RepJohnJoyce

19 Deleted tweets for RepJohnRose

39 Deleted tweets for RepKatCammack

0 Deleted tweets for RepKevinHern

8 Deleted tweets for RepLaMalfa

45 Deleted tweets for RepLeeZeldin

26 Deleted tweets for RepLisaMcClain

8 Deleted tweets for RepLouieGohmert

21 Deleted tweets for RepMalliotakis

50 Deleted tweets for RepMarkGreen

25 Deleted tweets for RepMattGaetz

2 Deleted tweets for RepMcClintock

43 Deleted tweets for RepMeuser

25 Deleted tweets for RepMichaelGuest

34 Deleted tweets for RepMikeGarcia

49 Deleted tweets for RepMikeJohnson

2 Deleted tweets for RepMikeRogersAL

12 Deleted tweets for RepMullin

13 Deleted tweets for RepPatFallon

55 Deleted tweets for RepPfluger

28 Deleted tweets for RepRalphNorman

8 Deleted tweets for RepRichHudson

33 Deleted tweets for RepRickCrawford

25 Deleted tweets for RepRosendale

6 Deleted tweets for RepRutherfordFL

40 Deleted tweets for RepSmucker

39 Deleted tweets for RepStefanik

17 Deleted tweets for RepTedBudd

11 Deleted tweets for RepTimBurchett

10 Deleted tweets for RepTimmons

5 Deleted tweets for RepTomRice

14 Deleted tweets for RepTrentKelly

4 Deleted tweets for RepWalberg

1 Deleted tweets for RepWebster

21 Deleted tweets for RepWesterman

3 Deleted tweets for Reschenthaler

1 Deleted tweets for RichHudson

11 Deleted tweets for Robert_Aderholt

1 Deleted tweets for ScottFranklinFL

5 Deleted tweets for senatormelendez

17 Deleted tweets for shannongrove

43 Deleted tweets for ShannonGroveCA

4917 Deleted tweets for StephanieBice

2 Deleted tweets for StevenPalazzo

1 Deleted tweets for TeamCalvert

4 Deleted tweets for TeamJoeWilson

3 Deleted tweets for TedBuddNC

27 Deleted tweets for TimBurchett

1 Deleted tweets for TimWalberg

0 Deleted tweets for TNDesJarlais

2 Deleted tweets for TomColeOK04

8 Deleted tweets for tommcclintock

5 Deleted tweets for TomRiceSC7

3 Deleted tweets for USRepGaryPalmer

10 Deleted tweets for VirginiaFoxx

0 Deleted tweets for VoteFredKeller

5 Deleted tweets for VoteTimmons

0 Deleted tweets for WebsterCongress

10 Deleted tweets for WestermanAR

3 Deleted tweets for Yvette4Congress

January 6 Sub-section extras

2421 Deleted tweets for caseygraytx11