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130 lines (106 loc) · 3.68 KB

IAR Embedded Workbench extension

This extension provides IAR Embedded Workbench project integration to automatize build and Intellisense support. As IAR works on Windows environment only, the extension is not been tested on different systems.

This is NOT an official IAR Systems extension.


The original project can be found here:

Getting Started:

1) Create iar.json file inside .vscode folder:

Example iar.json configuration, customize it according to your setup:

    "version": 1,
    "path": "C:\\Program Files\\IAR Systems\\Embedded Workbench 9.0\\",
    "project": "C:\\Projects\\TEST\\TEST.ewp",
    "config": "Debug"

2) Enable the extension on your workspace settings, settings.json file inside .vscode folder:


3) Run ctrl+shift+b to start build.

The extension automatically replaces your c_cpp_properties.json Microsoft C++ Tools configuration to matches the IAR Project ones.

It supports browsing to external files, includepath, common defines and user included one.

4) Run ctrl+shift+b to pick action.

There are 3 different actions to choose between.

IAR: Build

IAR: Clean

IAR: Rebuild

Add the following in iar.json inside the .vscode folder to enable action picker:

    "iarPicker.enabled": true


Example launch.json configuration for debug with J-Link:

    "version": "0.2.1",
    "configurations": [
        "name": "Debug J-Link",
        "type": "cppdbg",
        "request": "launch",
        "program": "C:/Projects/TEST.out",
        "stopAtEntry": true,
        "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
        "externalConsole": false,
        "MIMode": "gdb",
        "miDebuggerPath": "arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe",
        "debugServerPath": "JLinkGDBServerCL.exe",
        "debugServerArgs": "-if swd -singlerun -strict -endian little -speed auto -port 3333 -device STM32FXXXXX -vd -strict -halt",
        "serverStarted": "Connected\\ to\\ target",
        "serverLaunchTimeout": 5000,
        "filterStderr": false,
        "filterStdout": true,
        "setupCommands": [
          {"text": "target remote localhost:3333"},
          {"text": "monitor flash breakpoints = 1"},
          {"text": "monitor flash download = 1"},
          {"text": "monitor reset"},
          {"text": "load C:/Projects/TEST.out"},
          {"text": "monitor reset"}

Example launch.json configuration for debug with st-util:

1. Install vs code extension Cortex-Debug

2. Install ARM GCC Toolchain

3. Install Texae's st-util GDB server

4. add launch.json to .vscode in project folder

svdFile can be found in IAR directory or downloaded from ST's website

The executable is found in the project directory

    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "cortex-debug",
            "request": "launch",
            "servertype": "stutil",
            "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
            "executable": "C:/Projects/TEST.out",
            "svdFile": "C:/ST/STM32H743.svd",
            "name": "Debug (ST-Util)",
            "device": "STM32H743ZL2",
            "runToMain": true,
            "v1": false,
            "serverpath": "C:/stlink/bin/st-util.exe",
            "serverArgs": [