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LyriMate is a simple yet powerful Flutter application that lets you search for songs via the Spotify Web API and display their lyrics (including Arabic) from It features dynamic dark/light mode toggling, colorful gradients generated from album art, and intuitive navigation between the search results and detailed lyrics views.


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Flutter Song Search & Lyrics App

This repository contains a Flutter application that lets you search for songs via the Spotify Web API and display their lyrics using the API. Additionally, the app supports Dark/Light Mode toggling directly from the AppBar.

Demo & Screenshots

Dark Mode Home Light Mode Lyrics Spotify Search Demo Light Mode Home

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Table of Contents

  1. Features
  2. Tech Stack
  3. Project Structure
  4. Prerequisites
  5. Setup Instructions
  6. Running the App
  7. Usage Guide
  8. Troubleshooting
  9. Contributing
  10. License


  • Search for songs by keyword (song title, artist name).
  • View track details (title, artist name, album art) returned from Spotify.
  • Fetch and display lyrics from
  • Dark/Light Mode toggle button in the AppBar for quick theme switching.
  • Auto-detect RTL support (e.g., Arabic lyrics) for correct alignment.
  • Colorful UI thanks to the palette_generator for creating gradients from album art.

Tech Stack

  • Flutter (Dart) - UI/UX and app logic.
  • Spotify Web API - Searching for tracks.
  • - Fetching lyrics.
  • palette_generator - Extracting color palettes from images.
  • http - Making network requests.
  • flutter_dotenv - Handling environment variables (Spotify credentials).

Project Structure

 ┣ models/
 ┃  ┗ track.dart            # Data model for a track (title, artist, imageUrl)
 ┣ screens/
 ┃  ┣ home_screen.dart      # Main screen for searching + theme toggle
 ┃  ┗ detail_screen.dart    # Screen for displaying the selected track + lyrics
 ┣ services/
 ┃  ┣ spotify_service.dart  # Handles calls to Spotify (search)
 ┃  ┗ lyrics_service.dart   # Handles calls to (lyrics fetching)
 ┣ widgets/
 ┃  ┣ search_bar.dart       # Custom search bar widget
 ┃  ┗ track_tile.dart       # Widget for rendering a track in a list
 ┗ main.dart                # Entry point of the Flutter app


  1. Flutter SDK (v3.x or newer recommended).
  2. Android Studio or Visual Studio Code (optional, but recommended).
  3. Spotify Developer Account to obtain Client ID and Client Secret (for Spotify Web API).
  4. (Optional) .env File using flutter_dotenv for securely managing environment variables.

Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone
    cd LyriMate

    If your repository name is different, adjust cd LyriMate accordingly.

  2. Create/Update the .env File (Optional)
    In the project root, create a new .env file:


    Ensure .env is in your .gitignore to avoid committing secrets.

  3. Install Packages

    flutter pub get
  4. Configure SpotifyService

    • Open lib/services/spotify_service.dart and ensure your environment variables match or directly insert your client ID/secret.

Running the App

  1. Connect a Device/Emulator
    Ensure you have at least one device available:

    flutter devices
  2. Run the App

    flutter run

    Or specify a particular device:

    flutter run -d <deviceId>

    Once the build completes, you’ll see the Home Screen on your device/emulator.

Usage Guide

Searching Tracks

  1. In the Home Screen, type a song title or artist name in the search bar.
  2. Tap the search icon or press Enter.
  3. A list of track results from Spotify appears.

Viewing Lyrics

  1. Tap on any track to open the Detail Screen.
  2. The app requests lyrics from
  3. If found, they are displayed line-by-line in a scrollable area.
    • RTL (e.g., Arabic) lyrics are automatically aligned Right-to-Left.
  4. If unavailable, you’ll see an error message (“Lyrics not found”).

Dark/Light Mode Toggling

  • In the AppBar on the Home Screen, click the moon icon (for dark mode) or sun icon (for light mode).
  • The theme applies to the entire app instantly.
  • This selection currently resets when the app is restarted (for persistence, you’d need local storage like SharedPreferences).


  • No Results from Spotify
    • Check your .env file credentials.
    • Ensure you’ve restarted after updating environment variables.
  • Lyrics Not Found
    • may not have every track. Try a different query.
  • Dark Mode Not Toggling
    • Ensure you have the latest home_screen.dart with the icon button in the AppBar.
    • Verify your _toggleTheme method calls MyApp.of(context)?.toggleTheme(...).
  • Build or SDK Errors
    • Run flutter pub get again.
    • Confirm your Flutter SDK is installed and up to date.


  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Create a feature branch for your changes.
  3. Commit your changes.
  4. Push to your fork.
  5. Submit a Pull Request with a clear description of changes.


This project is available under the MIT License. You are free to modify and redistribute the code.


LyriMate is a simple yet powerful Flutter application that lets you search for songs via the Spotify Web API and display their lyrics (including Arabic) from It features dynamic dark/light mode toggling, colorful gradients generated from album art, and intuitive navigation between the search results and detailed lyrics views.








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