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  • Using PWM and timer change the brightness of the led by button.

  • Adjust pwm duty cyle from pot values and change brightness of the led.

  • Reading 3 different sensor by Multichannel ADC using polling technique on stm32f0. Also, applied moving average for noised data.

  • Reading GY-521 (MPU6050) using I2C communication protocol with stm32.

  • Receiving one string value from hercule and comparing if it is same as the defined string value in the stm32 code. Using UART communication protocol.

  • The values printed on lcd screen from hercules console using UART_DMA Idle line techniqe on stm32f0.

  • Basic calculator using uart communication protocol and lcd screen.

  • Using RTC making clock and also applied alarm.


about embedded software learned in internship



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