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Comprehensive resource on OOP principles (Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction), advanced concepts (Interfaces, Abstract Classes, Nested Classes, Lambda Expressions, Generics), and design patterns (Singleton, Factory, Adapter, Strategy). Includes detailed docs, Java/C++ code examples, diagrams, and exercises. Contributions welcome!


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The Object Oriented Programming

Welcome to the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Repository! This repository is dedicated to providing resources, examples, and exercises to help you learn and master object-oriented programming concepts.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting Started
  3. Roadmap
  4. Contributing
  5. Author's Note
  6. Contact


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Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that revolves around objects and classes. It emphasizes concepts such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction. This repository aims to provide a comprehensive guide to OOP concepts using various programming languages and real-world examples.

Getting Started

To get started with this repository, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone  
  1. Choose a programming language and navigate to the corresponding directory (e.g., java-examples, python-examples).

  2. Explore the examples, exercises, and resources provided in each directory.

  3. Refer to the README files in each directory for specific instructions and guidelines.

Roadmap :

1. Basics of Object-Oriented Programming   Dive in!

  1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)  >>>

    • Principles Of Object-Oriented Programming  >>
      • Abstraction
      • Encapsulation
      • Inheritance
      • Polymorphism
  2. Class Vs Object  >>>

  3. How to Write Classes  >>>

    • Important : tostring() Method  >>
      • Overridden
      • Default
  4. Data Hiding  >>>

  5. Types of Properties  >>>

    • Read & Write Properties : (get & set)
    • Read-only Properties : (get)
    • Read-only Properties : (get)
  6. Constructors  >>>

  7. Types of Constructors  >>>

    • Default Constructor
      • Implicit
      • Explicit
    • Parameterized Constructor
    • Constructor Overloading  >>
  8. Array of Objects  >>>

2. Inheritance : The Code Legacy Continues...   Dive in!

  1. Generalization vs Specialization  >>>

    • Generalization >>
    • Specialization >>
  2. What is Inheritance ?  >>>

  3. Types of Inheritance  >>>

    1. Single Inheritance >>
    2. Multilevel Inheritance >>
    3. Hierarchical Inheritance >>
    4. Multiple Inheritance >>
    5. Hybrid Inheritance >>
  4. Constructors in Inheritance  >>>

    • Order of Constructors >>
    • Calling Parameterized Constructors : super() >>
  5. this v/s super Keyword  >>>

    • this Keyword >>
    • super Keyword >>
    • Detailed Comparison with Examples >>
  6. Method Overriding  >>>

  7. Dynamic Method Dispatch  >>>

3. Polymorphism : Shape-shifting Code Wizards... 🧙🔮   Dive in!

  1. What Polymorphism ?  >>>

  2. Types of Polymorphism  >>>

  3. Compile-time Polymorphism  >>>

    • Method Overloading >>
  4. Run-time Polymorphism  >>>

    • Method Overriding >>
    • Dynamic Method Dispatch >>
  5. Comparing Compile-time polymorphism and Runtime polymorphism  >>>

4. Abstraction : Mastering the Art of Hiding Complexity ... 🛡️✨   Dive in!

  1. What Abstraction ?  >>>

  2. Abstract Classes  >>>

    • What is an Abstract Class ? >>
    • Abstract Method >>
    • How to Inherit Abstract Class ? >>
    • What is the use of abstract class ? >>
  3. Interfaces  >>>

    • What is an Interface ? >>
    • Important about Interfaces >>
  4. Interface vs Abstract class  >>>

  5. Interface & Multiple Inheritance  >>>

    • Why Multiple inheritance is tricky ? >>

      • Diamond Problem
    • How Java Avoids Multiple Inheritance directly ? >>

    • Comparison Table >>

5. Encapsulation : The Secret Keeper of Code... 🤐🔐   Dive in!

  • Key Concepts of Encapsulation >>
  1. Access Modifiers  >>>

  2. Getter and Setter Methods  >>>

  3. Data Hiding  >>>

    • Encapsulation of Fields >>
    • Access through Methods >>
    • Immutable Objects >>
  4. Encapsulation in Classes  >>>

    • Properties (Fields) : >>

      • Instance Variables >
      • Constants >
      • Static Variables >
    • Methods : >>

      • Instance Methods >
      • Static Methods >
      • Constructors >
    • Constructors : >>

      • Default Constructor >
      • Parameterized Constructor >
      • Overloading Constructors >
      • Copy Constructor >
      • Constructor Chaining >
      • Private Constructors >
      • Static Initialization Blocks >
      • Copy Assignment Operator (c++) >
    • Nested Classes : >>

      • Nested Inner Class >
      • Local Inner Class >
      • Anonymous Inner Class >
      • Static Inner Class >

6. Additional Concepts :  Dive in!

  1. Static And Final  >>>

    • Static Keyword >>

      • Static Variables >
      • Static Methods >
      • Static Blocks >
      • Static Nested Class >
    • Final Keyword >>

      • Final Variables >
      • Final Methods >
      • Final Classes >
    • Comparison of Static and Final Keywords >>

  2. Packages  >>>



I welcome contributions from the community! If you have suggestions, improvements, or additional examples, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Your feedback and collaboration are highly appreciated :

  1. Fork the repository and create a new branch for your contributions.
  2. Add your changes (code examples, documentation, etc.) to the appropriate directories.
  3. Write clear and concise commit messages.
  4. Submit a pull request to merge your changes into the main branch.

For more information on contributing, refer to the file in this repository.


Author's Note

Thank you for visiting this Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) repository. My name is Harshal Patil, and I have created this repository to share my journey and insights into OOP concepts, design patterns, and practical implementations.

Why This Repository?

As a passionate software developer, I believe in the power of sharing knowledge and collaborating with the community. This repository is intended to be a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in understanding and applying OOP principles in their projects. Whether you are a beginner looking to grasp the basics or an experienced developer seeking advanced techniques, I hope you find valuable information here.

What You'll Find

In this repository, you'll discover a variety of topics related to OOP, including:

  • Fundamental OOP concepts (classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction)
  • Design patterns and their implementations
  • Practical examples and use cases
  • Code snippets and exercises to practice OOP principles
  • Additional concepts such as static and final keywords, packages, and more
  • A comprehensive glossary of OOP terms and definitions
  • A detailed table of contents to help you navigate the repository easily



If you have any questions, suggestions, or just want to connect, you can reach out to me via:

Thank you for your interest in this OOP repository. Happy coding!

Best regards,
Harshal Patil


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Comprehensive resource on OOP principles (Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Abstraction), advanced concepts (Interfaces, Abstract Classes, Nested Classes, Lambda Expressions, Generics), and design patterns (Singleton, Factory, Adapter, Strategy). Includes detailed docs, Java/C++ code examples, diagrams, and exercises. Contributions welcome!








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