Infrastructure-as-Code using HCL manifests to define cloud resources.
Idempotent, queries cloud APIs, detects what is missing or has changed and then applies the necessary changes to reconcile.
- Install Terraform
- Terraform Code
- Running Terraform
- Terraform State
- tfenv
- Terragrunt
- tgswtich
- Linting & Security
Quick install script is found in the DevOps-Bash-tools repo:
Optionally specify a version argument, otherwise defaults to finding out and installing the latest version.
See the HariSekhon/Terraform repo for some Terraform code and templates
for common files and settings to get you started, such as
Download the providers and create or connect to the terraform.tfstate
terraform init
Format you code:
terraform fmt
Validate your code:
terraform validate
See the plan of additions/deletions/modifications that Terraform would do:
terraform plan
Apply the changes:
terraform apply
Stored in a terraform.tfstate
either locally or more usually in a cloud bucket to be shared among users or from a
CI/CD system.
This is just a JSON file so you can read its contents to find out what version of Terraform it is using. is a convenience script to determine this straight from a GCS bucket.
Install tfenv to manage multiple versions of Terraform.
When combined with direnv this will auto-switch to the saved version of Terraform
recorded in .envrc
to avoid updating the tfstate file and forcing all colleagues to upgrade their terraform
versions or breaking CI/CD.
tfswitch is another option by the same author as tgswitch below.
asdf is another option - one tool for all runtime versions.
Important for modularity and performance of Terraform code bases.
See Terragrunt for more details.
Install tgswitch to manage multiple versions of Terragrunt.
When combined with direnv this will auto-switch to the saved version of Terragrunt
recorded in .envrc
This is more recently updated than tgenv.
asdf is another option - one tool for all runtime versions.