This repo contains a mini application that pulls together:
- u-blox integration of the mbed 5 (
) - CoAP stack which works with SoftRadio (running on host) via UART
finally builds something runnable (approximate immage size 55k) which send data to the golang Broker/Router server
To fetch and build the code in this repository you need first to install the mbed CLI tools and their prerequisites.
(1) Clone this repo (git clone
(2) Enter to the repo directory (cd mbed-os-ublox-coap
(3) add
necessary libraries:
mbed add
mbed add
mbed add
don't clone directly the libraries use mbed add
(4) Set the target (mbed target SARA_NBIOT_EVK
(5) Set the toolchain (mbed toolchain GCC_ARM
(6) mbed update
This will fetch the latest code from
(7) Once this is done, build the code with:
mbed compile
You will find the output files (bin,elf,..) in the sub-directory .build\SARA_NBIOT_EVK\GCC_ARM\