This is a port of the ucore project to the ARM architecture.
'ucore' is a teaching operating system used by Tsinghua University. Project homepage: [http://ucore.googlecode.com].
Currently this port runs on the S3C2410X microprocessor, which is developed using an ARM920T core.
#source code organization
- 'arch' contains architecture dependent driver and boot code.
- 'lib' contains architecture independent library code.
- 'kern' contains architecture independent kernel code.
- 'tool' contains various tools such as GDB scripts and emulator configurations.
#current status
- Simple bootloader works, which can load elf kernel from memory.
- Output to UART works. cprintf works.
- Interrupt(IRQ) works.
- Implement memory management system.
- Implement syscall.
- Input from UART.
- Rewrite Makefile, make it DRY and more like original ucore Makefile.
- Most code is taken from the ucore project, of course.
- Boot and interrupt code is inspired by david leels davidontech@gmail.com.
- div64 code for arm is taken from the Linux kernel.