QUAST stands for Quality Assessment Tool for Genome Assemblies.
QUAST evaluates a quality of genome assemblies by computing various metrics and providing nice reports.
You can find all project news and the latest versions of source code and manual at
QUAST paper was published in Bioinfomatics journal on 15 April 2013.
Please help us to make QUAST better by sending your comments, bug reports, and suggestions to quast.support@bioinf.spbau.ru.
- List of contigs: Fasta files with assembled contigs or scaffolds (can be compressed).
- Reference: Fasta file with reference genome (can be compressed).
- Genes: Annotated genes file. GFF, NCBI and plain text formats are supported.
- Operons: Annotated operons file. GFF, NCBI and plain text formats are supported.
- Min contig threshold: Lower threshold for contig length.
- Gene finding: Uses Gene Finding module.
- Genome is an eukaryote: Genome is an eukaryote.
- Estimated reference length: Estimated reference length (for computing NGx metrics without a reference genome) .
- Provided assemblies are scaffolds: Provided assemblies are scaffolds.
- Report: An assessment summary in an interactive HTML file. Detailed metric descriptions can be found in manual.