Please refer to the LICENSE and documents included with this Open Source software for the specific terms and conditions that govern its use.
ParallelClusterMaker is Open Source software that simplifies the automation of creating, deleting, and administering AWS ParallelCluster stacks.
The recommended way to use ParallelClusterMaker is to stand up a dedicated EC2 jumphost using the code in ParallelClusterMaker/JumphostMaker, and from this dedicated jumphost, run the code in ParallelClusterMaker/ClusterMaker to construct, administer, and destroy ParallelCluster stacks.
Guidance is also provided for launching new ParallelCluster stacks using the code in ParallelClusterMaker/ClusterMaker directly from OSX. Please be forewarned that this method requires installing Homebrew and may cause other unforeseen problems with your local environment.
In theory, this toolkit can also be used on Windows machines, but this method has not been tested and will not be supported.
The recommended way to leverage this code is to create a dedicated EC2 jumphost to launch ParallelCluster stacks.
- Create a 'src' subdirectory in your local home directory and clone the ParallelCluster Git repo to the aforementioned local environment:
$ cd ~
$ mkdir src
$ cd src
$ git clone
- Install Terraform on your local machine using the guidance provided here:
- Create and activate a virtual Python3 environment on your local machine with a suggested name of "pcluster-jumphost" to support the EC2 jumphost installation with either pyenv (recommended) or virtualenv.
For more information on these virtulizers, please visit:
pyenv: home virtualenv:
$ pyenv activate pclusterdev
- Use pip to install the required Python libraries for building the jumphost:
$ cd ~/src/ParallelClusterMaker/JumphostMaker
$ pip install requirements.pcluster_jumphost.txt.
Build the jumphost using the "JumphostMaker/" script, substituting appropriate values for your specific use case:
$ ./ -A us-east-2c -N jumphost20190420 -O rmarable -E
The jumphost installation will take approximately five (5) minutes to finish. When it becomes available, login and 'cd' to the ClusterMaker source code directory:
$ ./access_jumphost -N jumphost20190420
$ cd ParallelClusterMaker/ClusterMaker
- You are now ready to build ParallelCluster stacks. Please consult for more detailed information on leveraging the other scripts in this toolkit.
Please be forewarned that this method is not recommended! A detail-oriented and knowledgable source will be necessary if this occurs. It requires work, and may seriously damage your local OSX environment.
"Play at your own risk!" -- Planet Patrol
- Clone the ParallelClusterMaker toolkit into your local ~/src directory:
$ mkdir ~/src
$ cd ~/src
$ git clone
- Install Homebrew (OSX users only):
$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- Use Homebrew to install some other critical applications (OSX users only):
$ brew install ansible autoconf automake gcc jq libtool make readline
- Install Docker using the guidance provided here:
- Install Python3 using the guidance provided here:
- Configure the AWS CLI according to the guidelines provided in the AWS public documentation:
- Install and activate a virtual Python environment using virtualenv or pyenv. Please visit "" for more details on Python virtual envirionments, something everyone should be using.
pyenv is cleaner and preferred, but it doesn't support using prompt that will support displaying the current Python version like virtualenv does without some additional steps. Please follow the installation guidelines provided here:
Please be very careful or you may inadvertedly damage your local Python environment:
$ brew install pyenv
$ brew install pyenv-virtualenv
$ pyenv version 3.7.2
$ pyenv virtualenv parallelclustermaker
$ pyenv activate parallelclustermaker
virtualenv should not be installed in the ParallelClusterMaker source folder to help keep the source tree clean and organized:
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv --version
$ mkdir -p ~/src/parallelclustermaker
$ virtualenv -p /usr/local/bin/python3.7 ~/src/parallelclustermaker
$ export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/local/bin/python3.7
$ source ~/src/parallelclustermaker/bin/activate
- Install the required Python libraries into the Python virtual environment using the included requirements.txt files:
$ cd ParallelClusterMaker/JumphostMaker
$ pip install -r requirements.pcluster-jumphost.txt
$ cd ../ClusterMaker
$ pip install -r requirements.ParallelClusterMaker.txt
$ cd ~
- Install Node.js:
$ curl -o- | bash
$ export NVM_DIR="~/.nvm"
$ [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/"
$ nvm install 10.15.3
- Install the Serverless Toolkit following the guidelines provided here:
$ npm install -g serverless
- In the AWS Management Console, apply a formal name to the VPC(s) within any region you wish to deploy cluster stacks by navigating to:
Console / VPC / Your VPCs
Edit the Name field as desired. For example, use "nova" for us-east-1, "cleveland" for us-east-2, "dublin" for eu-west-1, and so forth.
- You are now ready to build ParallelCluster stacks. Please consult for more detailed information on leveraging the scripts in this toolkit.
To view all available options for
$ cd ParallelClusterMaker/ClusterMaker
$ ./ --help
- This example builds a small Grid Engine cluster running Amazon Linux 2 using c5.xlarge instances running Amazon Linux 2. This command can be run from a jumphost or a properly configured OSX environment, substituting where needed to match your use case:
$ cd ~/src/ParallelClusterMaker/ClusterMaker
$ ./make-pcluster -N test01 -O rmarable -E -A us-east-1a --master_instance_type=c5.xlarge --compute_instance_type=c5.xlarge --max_queue_size=4 --base_os=alinux2
- The build process will take about 30 minutes to complete. Once the cluster becomes available, login to the head node via SSH:
$ ./ --cluster_name="rmarable-test01" -A us-east-1a
Compute away using the normal commands associated with your choice of scheduler.
To manually delete the cluster from your local environment:
$ ./ -N test01 -O rmarable -A us-east-1a
- When you are done working with the cluster, disable the virtual Python environment:
$ pyenv deactivate
If you are using virtualenv:
$ deactivate
Please consult and for additional information on how to use the script and its companion tools.
Please report any bugs, issues, or potential improvements to Rodney Marable ( through the normal Github issue reporting channel for this project:
Pull requests providing additional functionality or bug fixes are always welcome: