Here are some suggested ways that the ParallelClusterMaker toolkit can be used to build ParallelCluster stacks for a wide variety of use cases.
The most inportant default options for ParallelClusterMaker are as follows:
base_os = alinux (Amazon Linux)
cluster_lifetime = 30:0:0 (days:hours:minutes)
scheduler = sge
enable_hpc_performance_tests = false
master_instance_type = c5.xlarge
master_root_volume_size = 250 (GB)
compute_instance_type = c5.xlarge
ompute_root_volume_size = 250 (GB)
ebs_shared_volume_size = 250 (GB)
ebs_shared_volume_type = gp2
enable_efs = false
enable_external_nfs = false
enable_fsx = false
The cluster autoscaler will start out with 2 execute instances, flexing up to 10 total, with a 15 minute cooldown.
, the default size of a Lustre file system is 3600 GB.
- Create a cluster named "falcon" in us-east-1b that uses shared EBS for storage and Grid Engine as the scheduler. All other values are ParallelClusterMaker defaults:
$ ./ -A us-east-1b -E -O rmarable -N bbking --scheduler=sge
- Create a cluster named "tombrady12goat" in us-west-2b with a 14.4 TB FSxL file system using Grid Engine as the scheduler, r5.xlarge instances for compute, and a t3.xlarge instance for the master:
$ ./ -A us-west-2b -E -O rmarable -N tombradygoat --enable_fsx=true --fsx_size=14400 --master_instance_type=t3.lxarge --compute_instance_type=r5.xlarge
- Create a test cluster named "tchalla" in us-west-2c that hydrates and dehydrates a 36.2 TB Lustre file system to and from s3_hpc_data_bucket/cluster_input_directory and cluster_output_directory with a chunk size of 5 GB. The HPC performance tests are also included with Grid Engine as the scheduler using MPI. Hyperthreading is disabled and the cluster will offer stats that are visible with Ganglia.
$ ./ -A us-west-2c -O rmarable -E --enable_fsx=true --fsx_size=3600 --enable_fsx_hydration=true --s3_import_bucket=s3-hpc-data-bucket --s3_import_path=cluster-input --s3-export_bucket=s3-hpc-data-bucket --s3_export_path=cluster-output --fsx_chunk_size=5000 --enable_hpc_performance_tests --enable_sge_pe=mpi
- Create a dev cluster named "lukecage" with a maximum of 1,024 compute cores built from m5.4xlarge instances in eu-west-1b that uses a 36 TB Lustre file system for scratch, EFS for additional shared storage, Grid Engine as the scheduler, and Amazon Linux 2 as the base operating system with Ganglia enabled for cluster monitoring:
$ ./ -A eu-west-1b -E -O rmarable -N lukecage --base_os=alinux2 --enable_ganglia=true --master_instance_type=m5.4xlarge --compute_instance_type=m5.4xlarge --enable_fsx=true --fsx_size=36000 --enable_efs=true --prod_level=prod --max_queue_size=64
- Create a test cluster named "godzilla" with 72 initial cores that can flex up to a maximum of 9,216 compute cores built from c5.9xlarge instances in Tokyo that uses a 90 TB Lustre file system for scratch, EFS for additional shared storage, Grid Engine as the scheduler, and Amazon Linux 2 as the base operating system, with Ganglia for cluster monitoring. This cluster should wind instances down if they have been idle for two hours:
$ ./ -A ap-northeast-1b -E -O rmarable -N godzilla --base_os=alinux2 --enable_ganglia=true --master_instance_type=c5.2xlarge --compute_instance_type=c5.9xlarge --enable_fsx=true --fsx_size=90000 --enable_efs=true --prod_level=prod --max_queue_size=256 --scaledown_idletime=120 --initial_queue_size=4
* Create a production cluster named "mightymouse" based in Dublin with a
maximum of 96,000 compute cores built from m5.xlarge (master) and r5.metal
(compute) instances that uses a 720 TB Lustre file system for scratch, EFS
for additional shared storage, Grid Engine as the scheduler, and Amazon
Linux 2 as the base operating system, with Ganglia for cluster monitoring:
$ ./ -A eu-west-1b -E -O rmarable -N mightymouse --base_os=alinux2 --enable_ganglia=true --master_instance_type=m5. --compute_instance_type=r5.metal --enable_fsx=true --fsx_size=720000 --enable_efs=true --prod_level=prod --max_queue_size=1�256
## AWS Batch Examples
* Create an AWS Batch environment called "winterfell" in eu-north-1b that
will deploy initially with 250 vcpus but can flex up to 1000 vcpus, keeping
a minimum of 25 vcpus active at all times. This cluster uses EFS, belongs
to the Imaging team and will self-terminate after 3 days. This is an example
of an HPC environment that might over the weekend to train an ML algorithm
against a very large repository of images.
$ ./ -A eu-north-1b -E -O rmarable -N winterfell --scheduler=awsbatch --min_vcpus=25 --max_vcpus=1000 --desired_vcpus=250 --owner_department=imaging --cluster_lifetime=3:0:0 --enable_efs=true
* Create an AWS Batch environment named "terrordome" in us-east-2a that uses
shared EBS and can scale up to 64 cores:
$ ./ -A us-east-2a -E -O rmarable -N creed --scheduler=awsbatch --desired_vcpus=64
## Slurm Examples
* Create a cluster named "morpheus" in us-east-1a with an encrypted EFS file
system and support for TLS encryption using Slurm as the scheduler:
$ ./ -A us-east-1a -E -O rmarable -N morpheus --enable_efs=true --efs_encryption=true --scheduler=slurm
* Create a Slurm cluster named "koolkeith" in eu-central-1a that will deploy
initially with four (4) c5d.2xlarge compute instances but can flex up to a
maximum of 125 instances, keeping at least the initial 4 instances alive and
available for accepting jobs at all times. If no job is received by a node
for 30 minutes, it will spin down. This cluster uses Slurm as the scheduler,
belongs to the compbio department, and is assigned to project "polaroid."
$ ./ -A eu-central-1a -E -O rmarable -N koolkeith --scheduler=slurm --initial_queue_size=4 --max_queue_size=125 --maintain-initial-size=true --scaledown_idletime=30 --owner_department=compbio --project_id=polaroid --compute_instance_type=c5d.2xlarge
# Autoscaling Examples
* Create a Grid Engine cluster named "yoda" in us-west-2b that will maintain
a fixed size of three (3) r4.2xlarge compute instances using shared EBS.
$ ./ -A us-east-1a -E -O rmarable -N yoda --scheduler=sge --initial_queue_size=3 --max_queue_size=3 --compute_instance_type=r4.2xlarge
* Create a Torque cluster named "badbrains" in ap-northeast-2b that will never
fall below five (5) r5.xlarge compute instances using EFS, flexing up to a
maximum size of 50 instances, using a t3.xlarge for the master instance using
Torque as the scheduler.
$ ./ -A ap-northeast-2b -E -O rmarable -N badbrains --scheduler=torque --initial_queue_size=5 maintain_initial_size=true --max_queue_size=50 --compute_instance_type=r5.xlarge --master_instance_type=t3.xlarge --enable_efs=true