Java :
maven :
1. Extension Pack for Java
2. Spring Boot Extension Pack [which includes Spring Boot dashboard , Spring Boot initializer,Spring Boot tools]
1 mvn spring-boot: run
2. a. mvn clean install
b. java -jar target/hello-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar (for eg: let snapshot be hello-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)
b. go to the Springboot dashboard and click on Run icon. Hit the required page.
To run all the test cases
mvn test
To run a particular test class
mvn -Dtest=HelloTest test
1. taken the compatible maven version , extracting it and doing the maven build in the pipeline.
2. Dockerised the application and build and pushed the image to ACR
3. Managed identity generated and passed it to authenticate newly created container app. Specified port and other configurations added.