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PersonalAnalytics for Researchers

This project was created by and for researchers who want to ask study participants to run PersonalAnalytics on their device to non-intrusively collect computer interaction data in a privacy-protected way. As often times, having access to only automatically collected data is often not sufficient, PersonalAnalytics also offers an experience sampling component, which allows researchers to ask users to reflect and self-report on one or several questions (e.g. Have I been productive? Am I stressed right now?) at customizable times and using Likert-scales. As all collected data is only stored locally on participants' computers, there is an export component, guiding the participant through sharing and potentially obfuscating the captured data, before sharing it with the researchers through their data transfer service of choice. Most settings are configurable in the study-config, everything else can be customized in code.

Customizing PersonalAnalytics

To customize PersonalAnalytics for your research study, please consider the following steps:

  1. Fork the project to work in your own repository.
  2. Update the study configuration-file (study.config.ts) with your custom study-related settings (see details below). Hereby, you can add your custom study name, study title, privacy policy, export upload url as well as contact data. In addition, you can customize which computer interaction tracker isrunning, and if you want to prompt the user to self-report on one or several questions in the experience sampling component.
  3. (optional) If you require further customizations, you can create them in the code (see Contributions Guide).
  4. Use Github Actions (see build.yml) to build and deploy PersonalAnalytics and allow your participants to use it. Using the method, PersonalAnalytics can automatically update your participants' installations with new releases

General Configuration of PersonalAnalytics (edit in study.config.ts)

Parameter Description Change Required Default Value
name The name of the study. It is shown in various places of PersonalAnalytics, such as the the about page, the experience sampling and when exporting the study data.
shortDescription A short description of the study. It is shown during the onboarding process, in the about page, and when exporting the study data. It should describe the study goal and summarize the collected data and how the data is analyzed.
infoUrl A link to a website (starting with https://) to provide additional details about the study. It is shown during the onboarding process, in the about page and when exporting the study data.
privacyPolicyUrl A link to a website (starting with https://) that describes the privacy policy of the study. It is shown during the onboarding process, in the about page and when exporting the study data.
uploadUrl A link to a website (starting with https://) that offers file-uploads for the participants to share their study data (e.g. SharePoint, Dropbox, Dropfiles website). It is shown when exporting the study data.
contactName The name of the Principal Investigator (PI) that participants can contact. It is shown during the onboarding process, in the about page, when exporting the study data, in case of errors and in the application's menu when requesting help or reporting an issue.
contactEmail An email address that participants can use to contact the researchers. It is shown during the onboarding process, in the about page, when exporting the study data, in case of errors and in the application's menu when requesting help or reporting an issue.
subjectIdLength The length of the subject ID that is automatically generated for each participant when PersonalAnalytics is installed (e.g. 8JE7DA). 6
dataExportEnabled Whether the participant should be able to export their data. If enabled, participants can export their study data through the context menu. true

Tracker Configuration (edit trackers in study.config.ts)


Parameter Description Change Required Default Value
enabled Whether the WindowsActivityTracker is enabled. If enabled, the WindowsActivityTracker will collect data about the participant's application usage, including app names, window titles, visited URLs etc. true
intervalInMs The interval in milliseconds at which the WindowsActivityTracker should collect data. We recommend to keep the default. 1000
trackUrls Whether the WindowsActivityTracker should track the URLs of the websites that the participant visits. This feature only works on macOS. When enabled, participants need to enable the accessibility permission through the system settings, and will automatically be prompted to do so when running the application for the first time. false
trackWindowTitles Whether the WindowsActivityTracker should track the titles of the windows that the participant uses. On macOS and when enabled, participants need to enable the screen recording permission through the system settings, and will automatically be prompted to do so when running the application for the first time. true


Parameter Description Change Required Default Value
enabled Whether the UserInputTracker is enabled. If enabled, the UserInputTracker will collect data about the participant's keyboard and mouse input (number of keystrokes, number of clicks, pixels moved and pixels scrolled in the defined interval). true
intervalInMs The interval in milliseconds at which the UserInputTracker collects and stores the aggregated data. 10000


Parameter Description Change Required Default Value
enabled Whether the ExperienceSamplingTracker is enabled. If enabled, the ExperienceSamplingTracker will prompt the participant to self-report on one or several questions at customizable times (see configuration below). true
intervalInMs The interval in milliseconds at which the ExperienceSamplingTracker should prompt the participant to self-report. 1000*60*60*3 (3 hours)
samplingRandomization Wether the ExperienceSamplingTracker should include a randomization for the time at which the participant is prompted to self-report. A value between 0 and 1. If enabled (value bigger than 0), the ExperienceSamplingTracker will randomly calculate a value that is between intervalInMs plus/minus intervalInMs * samplingRanomization. 0.1
scale The number of items of the Likert-scale. Per the definition, it should be an odd number, ideally between 3-9. It applies to all questions. 7
questions An array of questions that the participant should self-reflect on. Each question has a text and a scale property. The text property is the question that the participant should answer. The scale property describe the labels of the scale that the participant should use to answer the question.
responseOptions An array of arrays with labels for the Likert-scale question. This can be either two labels that will be displayed on the left and right (e.g., ['strongly disagree', 'strongly agree']) or three labels (e.g., ['strongly disagree', 'neutral', 'strongly agree']). The same order as defined for the questions applies.

Contributions Guide

Anyone is welcome to contribute to PersonalAnalytics by extending it with new trackers or improving existing ones.

This quick guide helps you to set-up your development environment:

Research that used PersonalAnalytics

PersonalAnalytics-legacy was used in the following peer-reviewed research projects (and other non-peer reviewed projects too, such as master and bachelor theses):

  • CHI'20 Supporting Software Developers’ Focused Work on Window-Based Desktops. Jan Pilzer, Raphael Rosenast. André Meyer. Elaine Huang. Thomas Fritz.
  • TSE'20 Detecting Developers’ Task Switches and Types. André Meyer, Chris Satterfield, Manuela Züger, Katja Kevic, Gail Murphy, Thomas Zimmermann, and Thomas Fritz.
  • CSCW’18 Design Recommendations for Self-Monitoring in the Workplace: Studies in Software Development. André Meyer, Gail Murphy, Thomas Zimmermann, Thomas Fritz. (hint: in this paper, the tool described as WorkAnalytics refers to the PersonalAnalytics in this repository)
  • CHI’18 Sensing Interruptibility in the Office: A Field Study on the Use of Biometric and Computer Interaction Sensors. Manuela Züger, Sebastian Müller, André Meyer, Thomas Fritz.
  • TSE’17 The Work Life of Developers: Activities, Switches and Perceived Productivity. André Meyer, Gail Murphy, Thomas Zimmermann, Laura Barton, Thomas Fritz.
  • CHI’17 Reducing Interruptions at Work: A Large-Scale Field Study of FlowLight. Manuela Züger, Christopher Corley, André Meyer, Boyang Li, Thomas Fritz, David Shepherd, Vinay Augustine, Patrick Francis, Nicholas Kraft and Will Snipes.