The implementation of our paper Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering via Tensor Low-Rank Representation
This repository contains:
- Datasets and Selected Annotations in our paper, includeing ORL, YaleB, COIL20, Isolet, MNIST, Alphabet, BF0502 and Notting-Hill.
- A Function to implement the proposed method.
- A Comparision Demo of the mentioned methods (you may need to refer to possible official implementations, or implement them yourself) in our manuscript, including LRR, DPLRR, SSLRR, L-RPCA, CP-SSC, SC-LRR and CLRR.
- Some raw experimental Results.
- A Visualization Demo of the result files.
Before running the code, you need to download the following toolboxes:
- LibADMM library from:
- Graph Signal Processing Toolbox (GSPBox) from:
- Clustering Measure from:
If you find the code useful, please feel free to cite our paper:
@article{lu2022semi, title={Semi-Supervised Subspace Clustering via Tensor Low-Rank Representation}, author={Lu, Guanxing and Jia, Yuheng and Hou, Junhui}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.10481}, year={2022} }
Any questions, please contact me through guanxing AT seu DOT edu DOT cn