taserver release v2.6.0
Features added:
- added script to facilitate upgrading to later releases (upgrade.py)
- implemented a new verification mechanism that uses email
- implemented map voting
- authbot now keeps connecting to hirez servers even when it says credentials are invalid
- make game server process use 0% CPU while noone is playing there
- various documentation updates
Bugs fixed:
- fixed a login server crash caused by sending a private message while someone is logging in
- always give OOTB loadouts to players playing on OOTB servers
- fix non-working motion sensor in OOTB
- fixed a game server crash caused by joining during a map switch
- download_gotylike.py now downloads from Griffon26's fork. This fork has fixes to be
more close to the original GOTY.
Compatibility notes:
- this release is not backwards compatible; both login server and
game servers must be upgraded to v2.6.0 simultaneously.
After the upgrade a new controller must be downloaded by running
the download_compatible_controller.py script.