This extension can help create and manage APICenter Resources
Install this extension using the below CLI command
az extension add --name apic-extension
APICenter documentation:
List Service Examples
az apic service show --resource-group api-center-test
az apic service show -g api-center-test
Show service Examples
az apic service show --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap
az apic service show -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap
Delete Service Examples
az apic service delete --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap
az apic service delete --resource-group arpi-test-rg1 -s apictestcli3
Show Workspace Example
Az apic workspace show -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name devdiv
Create API Examples
az apic api create -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name echo-api --title "Echo API" --kind "rest"
az apic api create --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap --api-name echo-api2 --description "CLI Test" --kind rest --title "Echo API"
Update API Examples
az apic api update -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name echo-api --summary "Basic REST API service" -w default
az apic api update --resource-group api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name echo-api --summary "Basic REST API service" --workspace-name default
LIST Api Example
az apic api list --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap
az apic api list -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap
SHOW Api Examples
az apic api show -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name echo-api
az apic api show --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap -w default --api echo-api
Delete API Examples
az apic api delete -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name echo-api
az apic api delete --resource-group contoso-resources --service-name contosoeuap --name echo-api
CREATE Api Version Examples
az apic api version create -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --name 2023-01-01 --title "2023-01-01"
az apic api version create --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --name 2023-01-01 --title "2023-01-01"
UPDATE Api Version Examples
Az apic api version update -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --name 2023-01-01 --title "2023-01-01" -w default
az apic api version update --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --name 2023-01-01 --title "2023-01-01" --workspace-name default
LIST Api Version Examples
az apic api version list -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api
az apic api version list --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap --api-name echo-api
SHOW Api Version Example
az apic api version show -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --name 2023-01-01
az apic api version show --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --name 2023-01-01
DELETE Api Version Example
az apic api version delete -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --name 2023-01-01
az apic api version delete --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --name 2023-01-01
CREATE API Definition Example
az apic api definition create -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --version 2023-01-01 --name "openapi" --title "OpenAPI"
UPDATE API Definition Example
az apic api definition update -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --version 2023-01-01 --name "openapi" --title "OpenAPI" -w default
SHOW API Definition Example
az apic api definition show -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --version 2023-01-01 --name "openapi"
LIST API Definition Example
az apic api definition list -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --version 2023-01-01
DELETE API Definition Example
az apic api definition delete -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --version 2023-01-01 --name "openapi"
IMPORT Specification Examples Import Specification inline option
az apic api definition import-specification -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --version-name 2023-01-01 --definition-name openapi--format "inline" --value '{"openapi":"3.0.1","info":{"title":"","description":"API Management facade for a very handy and free online HTTP tool.","version":"1.0"}}' --specification '{"name":"openapi","version":"3.0.0"}'
Import Specification Inline option where spec is provided by sending a file
az apic api definition import-specification -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api --version-name 2023-01-01 --definition-name openapi --format inline --specification '{"name":"openapi","version":"3.0.0"}' --file-name C:\Users\arpishah\examples\cli-examples\spec-examples\cat-facts-api.json
Import Specification Link option where spec is provided via a link
az apic api definition import-specification -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap - --api-name echo-api --version-name 2023-01-01 --definition-name openapi --format "link" --value --specification '{"name":"openapi","version":"3.0.0"}'
Export Specification Examples Export Spec to a file
az apic api definition export-specification -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api-10 --version-name 2023-11-08 --definition-name arpitest4 --file-name C:\Users\arpishah\examples\cli-examples\exported-results\exported-spec-inline.json
CREATE Api Deployment
az apic api deployment create -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name production --title "Production deployment" --description "Public cloud production deployment." --api echo-api --server C:/Users/arpishah/examples/cli-examples/payload-examples/deplcreate.json --environment-id "/workspaces/default/environments/production" --definition-id "/workspaces/default/apis/echo-api/versions/2023-01-01/definitions/openapi"
where examples/deplcreate.json contains
{"runtime-uri": [""]}
UPDATE Api Deployment
az apic api deployment update -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name production --title "Production deployment 10" --api echo-api –w default
LIST Api Deployment
az apic api deployment list -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-name echo-api
SHOW Api Deployment
az apic api deployment show -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name production --api-name echo-api
DELETE Api Deployment
Az apic api deployment delete -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name production --api-name echo-api
CREATE Environment
az apic environment create -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name public-3 --title "Public cloud" --kind "development" --server "C:\Users\arpishah\examples\cli-examples\payload-examples\envcreate1.json"
Where envcreate1.json contains
"type": "Azure API Management",
"managementPortalUri": [
UPDATE Environment
az apic environment update -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name public --title "Public cloud" -w default
LIST Environment
az apic environment list -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap
SHOW Environment
az apic environment show -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name public
DELETE Environment
az apic environment delete -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --name public
CREATE Metadata Schema
az apic metadata-schema create --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap --name "test1" --file-name "C:\Users\arpishah\examples\cli-examples\payload-examples\schemacreate.json"
Where schemacreate.json contains metadata schema
"type": "string",
"title": "First name",
"pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$"
UPDATE Metadata Schema
az apic metadata-schema update --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap --name "test1" --file-name "C:\Users\arpishah\examples\cli-examples\payload-examples\schemaupdate.json"
Where schemaupdate.json contains metadata schema
"type": "string",
"title": "Last name",
"pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$"
LIST Metadata Schema
az apic metadata-schema list -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap
SHOW Metadata Schema
az apic metadata-schema show --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap --name "test1"
DELETE Metadata Schema
az apic metadata-schema delete --resource-group api-center-test --service-name contosoeuap --name "test1"
EXPORT Metadata Schema EXPORT Metadata Schema assigned to an API
az apic metadata-schema export-metadata-schema -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --assigned-to api --file-name C:\Users\arpishah\examples\cli-examples\exported-results\exported-schema-3.json
EXPORT Metadata Schema assigned to a Deployment
az apic metadata-schema export-metadata-schema -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --assigned-to deployment --file-name C:\Users\arpishah\examples\cli-examples\exported-results\exported-schema-5.json
EXPORT Metadata Schema assigned to an Environment
az apic metadata-schema export-metadata-schema -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --assigned-to environment --file-name C:\Users\arpishah\examples\cli-examples\exported-results\exported-schema-6.json
Register API or Quick Add
az apic api register -g api-center-test -s contosoeuap --api-location "C:/Users/arpishah/examples/cli-examples/spec-examples/openai.json" --environment-name public