This module includes all prerequisites for running the Serverless Spark lab-
1. Declare variables
2. Create a Bucket
3. Create a Spark Persistent History Server
Note the project number and project ID.
We will need this for the rest fo the lab
Grant the following permissions
- Viewer
- Dataproc Editor
- Storage Admin
Open Cloud shell or navigate to
Run the below command to set the project in the cloud shell terminal:
gcloud config set project $PROJECT ID
We will use these throughout the lab.
Run the below in cloud shells coped to the project you selected-
REGION=#Region to be used
BUCKET_PHS=#Bucket name for Persistent History Server
PHS_NAME=#PHS cluster name
SUBNET=#Your VPC subnet name
A bucket is created which will be attached to history server for storing of application logs.
gsutil mb -p $PROJECT_ID -c STANDARD -l $REGION -b on gs://$BUCKET_PHS
A single node dataproc cluster will be created with component gateways enabled.
gcloud dataproc clusters create $PHS_NAME \
--project=${PROJECT_ID} \
--region=${REGION} \
--single-node \
--subnet=$SUBNET \
--image-version=2.0 \
--enable-component-gateway \