The samples in this directory show how to read messages from and write messages to Pub/Sub Lite from an Apache Spark cluster created with Cloud Dataproc using the Pub/Sub Lite Spark Connector.
Get the connector's uber jar from this public Cloud Storage location. Alternatively, visit this Maven link to download the connector's uber jar. The uber jar has a "with-dependencies" suffix. You will need to include it on the driver and executor classpaths when submitting a Spark job, typically in the --jars
Install the Cloud SDK.
Note: This is not required in Cloud Shell because Cloud Shell has the Cloud SDK pre-installed.
Create a new Google Cloud project via the New Project page or via the
command line tool.export PROJECT_ID=your-google-cloud-project-id gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID
Or use an existing Google Cloud project.
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
Setup the Cloud SDK to your GCP project.
gcloud init
Enable the APIs: Pub/Sub Lite, Dataproc, Cloud Storage.
Create a Pub/Sub Lite topic and subscription in a supported location.
export TOPIC_ID=your-topic-id export SUBSCRIPTION_ID=your-subscription-id export PUBSUBLITE_LOCATION=your-location gcloud pubsub lite-topics create $TOPIC_ID \ --location=$PUBSUBLITE_LOCATION \ --partitions=2 \ --per-partition-bytes=30GiB gcloud pubsub lite-subscriptions create $SUBSCRIPTION_ID \ --location=$PUBSUBLITE_LOCATION \ --topic=$TOPIC_ID
Create a Cloud Storage bucket.
export BUCKET_ID=your-gcs-bucket-id gsutil mb gs://$BUCKET_ID
Clone the
repository.git clone
Navigate to the sample code directory.
cd python-docs-samples/pubsublite/spark-connector
Create a virtual environment and activate it.
python -m venv env source env/bin/activate
Once you are finished with the tutorial, you can deactivate the virtualenv and go back to your global Python environment by running
. -
Install the required packages.
python -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt
Go to Cloud Console for Dataproc.
Go to Clusters, then Create Cluster.
Note: When setting up the cluster, you must choose Dataproc Image Version 1.5 under Versioning because the connector currently only supports Spark 2.4.8. Additionally, in Manage security (optional), you must enable the cloud-platform scope for your cluster by checking "Allow API access to all Google Cloud services in the same project" under Project access.
Here is an equivalent example using a
command, with an additional optional argument to enable component gateway:export CLUSTER_ID=your-cluster-id export DATAPROC_REGION=your-dataproc-region gcloud dataproc clusters create $CLUSTER_ID \ --region $DATAPROC_REGION \ --image-version 1.5-debian10 \ --scopes '' \ --enable-component-gateway creates a streaming source of consecutive numbers with timestamps for 60 seconds and writes them to a Pub/Sub topic.
To submit a write job:
export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects list --filter="projectId:$PROJECT_ID" --format="value(PROJECT_NUMBER)")
gcloud dataproc jobs submit pyspark \
--cluster=$CLUSTER_ID \
--jars=gs://spark-lib/pubsublite/pubsublite-spark-sql-streaming-LATEST-with-dependencies.jar \
--driver-log-levels=root=INFO \
--properties=spark.master=yarn \
-- --project_number=$PROJECT_NUMBER --location=$PUBSUBLITE_LOCATION --topic_id=$TOPIC_ID
Visit the job URL in the command output or the jobs panel in Cloud Console for Dataproc to monitor the job progress.
You should see INFO logging like the following in the output:
INFO Committed 1 messages for epochId .. reads messages formatted as dataframe rows from a Pub/Sub subscription and prints them out to the console.
To submit a read job:
gcloud dataproc jobs submit pyspark \
--cluster=$CLUSTER_ID \
--jars=gs://spark-lib/pubsublite/pubsublite-spark-sql-streaming-LATEST-with-dependencies.jar \
--driver-log-levels=root=INFO \
--properties=spark.master=yarn \
-- --project_number=$PROJECT_NUMBER --location=$PUBSUBLITE_LOCATION --subscription_id=$SUBSCRIPTION_ID
Here is an example output:
| subscription|partition|offset|key|data| publish_timestamp| event_timestamp|attributes|
|projects/50200928...| 0| 89523| 0| .|2021-09-03 23:01:...|2021-09-03 22:56:...| []|
|projects/50200928...| 0| 89524| 1| .|2021-09-03 23:01:...|2021-09-03 22:56:...| []|
|projects/50200928...| 0| 89525| 2| .|2021-09-03 23:01:...|2021-09-03 22:56:...| []|