I have created a template to create a security policy in Cloud Armor using the deployment manager. But when i tried to update my existing template and run these command getting these error -
gcloud deployment-manager deployments update sre-cloud-armor-deployment --config=cloud_armor_policy.yaml
The fingerprint of the deployment is b'RJFQy4rbDhAbI_hdXS7fig=='
Waiting for update [operation-1695133398408-605b7000f1b5f-79eaa395-587b134f]...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.deployment-manager.deployments.update) Error in Operation [operation-1695133398408-605b7000f1b5f-79eaa395-587b134f]: errors:
location: /deployments/sre-cloud-armor-deployment/resources/community-dev-cloud-armor-policy
message: "{"ResourceType":"gcp-types/compute-v1:securityPolicies","ResourceErrorCode"
,"message":"Invalid value for field 'resource.priority': '10'. Cannot have
\ rules with the same priorities.","reason":"invalid"}],"message":"Invalid
\ value for field 'resource.priority': '10'. Cannot have rules with the same priorities."
,"statusMessage":"Bad Request","requestPath":"\"\
,"httpMethod":"POST"}}"Does the deployment manager not provide a feature to update existing template resources? If not please provide any alternate solution we can automate here