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Fast GCS File Transfer


This software is offered on an "AS IS", EXPERIMENTAL basis, and only guaranteed to demonstrate concepts -- NOT to act as production data transfer software. Any and all usage of it is at your sole discretion. Any costs or damages resulting from its use are the sole responsibility of the user. You are advised to read and understand all source code in this software before using it for any reason.


This project uses vcpkg to install its dependencies. Clone vcpkg in your $HOME:

git clone -C $HOME

Install the typical development tools, on Ubuntu you would use:

apt update && apt install -y build-essential cmake git ninja-build pkg-config g++ curl tar zip unzip

In this directory compile the dependencies and the code, this can take as long as an hour, depending on the performance of your workstation:

cd cpp-samples/gcs-parallel-download
cmake -S. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
cmake --build .build

The program will be in .build/download.

Downloading objects

The program receives the bucket name, object name, and destination file as parameter in the command-line, for example:

.build/download my-bucket gcs-does-not-have-folders/my-large-object.bin destination.bin

Will download an object named gcs-does-not-have-folders/my-large-file.bin in bucket my-bucket to the destination file destination.bin.

The program uses approximately 2 threads per core (or vCPU) to download an object. To change the number of threads use the --thread-count option. For small objects, the program may use fewer threads, you can tune this behavior by setting the --minimum-slice-size to a smaller number.


usage: download [options] bucket object destination

Download a single GCS object using multiple slices:
--help                               produce help message
--bucket arg                         set the GCS bucket to download from
--object arg                         set the GCS object to download
--destination arg                    set the destination file to download
--thread-count arg (=192)            number of parallel streams for the
--minimum-slice-size arg (=67108864) minimum slice size